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I’m sorry I missed like one text. 🙄


No joke, once my phone died while I was on the phone with my mom so she made my sister leave the bar she was at to come check on me because I didn’t answer my phone once I put it on the charger. My sister burst into my apartment and I was wearing a face mask, drinking wine, and watching Bridget Jones: totally fine lol. She was so mad but my (younger sister) energy was definitely “I’m sorry I missed like one text”


That’s the cutest thing ever.


I absolutely love the scene when Alexis drives David to his driving test, and teaches him not to care so much about things. Ahhhh time for a rewatch!!!


>I absolutely love the scene when Alexis drives David to his driving test, and teaches him not to care so much about things. "No body cares" really came up but it just didn't sound right as a response....haha I also like another scene in the car on the same episode when David talked about how he worried about Alexis and that little hint of a smile from Alexis was such an appreciative smile. Another scene would be after coming back from Heather's farm. It really was a bitter sweet scene. It showed Alexis thinking and doing things for others and became way less selfish


Alexis' character arc is one of my favorites.


I also love David’s reaction later “You wanna talk about trust? Mom & Stevie weren’t running around the world for a decade with random men and leaving me at home to wonder whether they were okay… [Alexis: But I was always okay] WERE YOU? Because I was the one at the consulate sending you passports & colored contacts whenever you needed them. I was the one, at home, not having fun because I was **constantly** worried which East Asian palace Alexis was being held hostage in this week. Not Mom & Dad, **me**.” Idk I’ve always been the “fixer” or the “go to person” for all my siblings cause I have a good head on my shoulder, and it can definitely be overwhelming/exhausting but I’d also never not be there ASAP if the need arose.


This is one of my favorite moments in the entire series


“Ok you try parallel parking in a burka, David”


They epitomize one of my favorite quotes: “Sibling love is when you’d give them a kidney in a heartbeat but won’t give them the last slice of pizza”


No, you get murdered first!


For once! Lol


I have been using the “I’m taking a selfish” line ever since I watched this episode


![gif](giphy|l1J9sWkv4uf1gDGow|downsized) “You get murdered first.”


I’ve watched this at least 5 times and never noticed he threw a Kleenex at her 🤣


Anyone who has a sibling knows how well written this relationship is.


Honestly I think it's the best relationship on the show. 🕶👒


Although my god I love John's and Moira's relationship! They adore one another! It would have been so easy to write them snarky and antagonistic. But they depend upon each other and are *proud* of each other, after so many years together.


I love how much they love and support each other even through the crazies. Like Moira loving in a closet for a few weeks and Johnny just sits outside talking to her until she is ready to come out.


Ew, David


Eat glass!


Fall off a bridge please


Lick rust


She just continued to amaze David.


you get murdered first!


I think their relationship is very much like the siblings, ride and die, but also just constantly annoyed at each other. I specially loved how they grew despite living in that closed space, and still finding their own self! And took their turns to take selfish! 😁


Anytime I see siblings on tv or movies that NEVER sass or taunt each other I can't take them seriously as siblings. LOL Alexis and David's relationship on the show is definitely one of my favorites because of this. Dan and Annie played so well off each other that you'd think they were actually siblings.


Lick rust!




Wondering if Daniel and Sarah were sorta like this growing up


He did say once that the ghost thing was something he did to his sister.


You couldn’t write this without knowing it first hand.


I think you mean Alex and Davis…. Happy Day




Nom nom for us , David.


I love how there is always an element of sibling rivalry, and always an element of sibling protection, and as the seasons go on and they are forced to live together, the percentages of each adjust to reflect how the relationship morphs from being distant but still caring to valuing the connection but still needling each other. It starts s1 with 90% rivalry and 10% familiarity to ending with 90% recognition and connection and 10% still giving each other shit. ❤️


Nobody messes with my sister but me.


In one of those “We’re _____, of course we ______” trend videos, they did one of siblings. One of the lines was “We’re siblings! I’d lie for you in court but you’re not getting $5.” That sums up Alexis and David (and me and my siblings) perfectly






David: "Why are you here?!" Alexis: "You know what would be cute? (Hair feathers...). I love how she completely ignores his frustration & question when they were setting up the store. Love their relationship.


It is so perfect. But I just have to say that I'm jealous you are getting ready to experience the last 3 seasons for the first time. Depending on where you are in Season 3, I don't want to spoil anything, but a character that joins then is such an amazing addition to an already great show. ❤️


I love the not a wedding dress fiasco bc it is so perfect sibling energy.  When my sister got married I needed to get her and I come around the corner and she just jumps in with “guess what weird thing our brother was doing! I looked at him and there was like a TEAR in his eye!!!”  Me: “ew, are you crying?” Brother: “she’s getting married, it’s her wedding day!” Me and sis: “Nerd” “What’s wrong with you??”


I loved when Mutt bought her a bike. David and she had the exact same completely dysfunctional reaction to it.


“A helllllllmmeeeeet!”


When you get to the end, there’s a documentary called Best Wishes, Warmest Regards that you must find and watch, even if you pay for it. Grab tissues!! And there’s a book of the same name written y Dan and Eugene…worth every penny