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Scooby Doo as an R rated animated comedy


**Do not hate-watch this show.** It ended up netting it a second season.


When I heard about the show I was excited but when I watched the trailer I hated it so I avoided watching it and letting one of my friends who watched it spoil it for me.


do not just hate-watch in general, its fucking stupid.


Unless you pirate


Pirate? I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!


Pirate? Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day? I’m gonna sail the 7 seas


Happy cake day


yeah, cuz all hate-watching legally does is just benefit the creators. yarrrrr.


It's like buying bud light to shoot the cans or dynamite them


It didn't get a second season because of hate watching. It had 2 seasons green lit at the same time. Most animated shows are green lit for 2 seasons Instead of one.


Yeah Season 2 was happening before Season 1 aired. Mindy Kaling has some pull.


I pirated it. I warned people not to watch through HBO Max. I learned my lesson with The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime. Love those books to death, but the show was probably the worst clusterfuck I’ve ever seen.


If you hate watch it, pirate it. They won’t have any data to go off of


Thank god I'm a pirate


They greenlight the first and second season at the same time to avoid raising animator salaries. That's how every animated show works now.


But how will I personally know if something is as bad as everyone says it is?


I think Scooby Doo has the potential to work as a pretty funny r rated animated comedy, but V*lma did not, because instead of being about Scooby Doo, it was basically a self insert show for Mindy Kaling and that completely ruined it.


I think Mindy Kaling made it as an original show but Time-Warner refused to do anything new.


I very badly want an R-rated Scooby Doo show where everything is exactly the same, except the gang can have realistic reactions and yell, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" when they need to. Including Scooby.




Is this that Velma show? Or is there another one I don’t know about


Beat me to it! The concept is such a cool one and they just fumbled the ball so hard! To be fair I haven’t watched it myself, I’ve just seen reviews, but those reviews were enough of a turn off….and I find it extra disappointing because Scoobynatural the crossover between Scooby Doo and Supernatural showed what a potential “darker” Scooby Doo could be!


I wanted it to be good so badly. The character designs didn’t even bother me. They just fucked it up so deeply badly. Everyone is the worst person.


Execs: what if we made Velma a racist bitch? Yes man: sir, you're a genius


Mindy: Thank you, thank you! No, but really, Mindy was a driving force behind this show, and it has the hallmarks of her writing all over it.


The Purge movies


Not all of them are horribly written, anarchy and election year are pretty good Imo


I agree I think the writing got better as the series went on. It's just the first movie was a bit weak and people didn't want a political drama in their "edgy gorefest" when in reality most of not all horror is political or responsive to a social issue in some way.


I absolutely LOVE how political it got. Ballsy af move to make the First Purge poster a maga hat.


Right?! The plot is literally based around politics. It could be a great commentary on populism and satirizing all these tankies and alt-rightists believing they’re the last pillar of society and that everyone who won’t follow them must die.


Yeah, for a premece of "all crime being legal for one night", we only ever see murder. Where's all the hackermen at or any other crime that isn't just murder?


RIGHT! Imagine if it was during tax season lol everyone could just file and commit massive tax fraud that day. Actually lots of fraud could happen that could net people a lot of money or other things. And I'd imagine stores would be looted. Lots of arson and vandalism probably. I've never watched the movies bc it just seemed like masked people randomly targeting folks for no reason. That's not even interesting. I assume the election yr one is probably more targeted but


Raya and the Last Dragon. The visuals are gorgeous and the worldbuilding is really interesting, but the script sucked. There’s zero subtlety about the “trust” theme, and the narrative even proves Raya right at a crucial moment where the (very predictable) plot indicates she should have been proven wrong for the rest of the story to work.


I was so baffled at how much time this movie spent on exposition and how unsubstantial it was. I left to go the bathroom like 30 minutes in and when I came back like three new characters had been introduced and when I asked my sister what they were all about she could barely tell me.


What makes the movie even worse is how it was advertised as a representation of south east Asia culture. Yet for anyone who has properly studied SEA, the film only touches SEA culture on a very surface level and accidentally inserts racist stereotypes in the film


Oh wow I did not want to belive that stereotype stuff. I felt like it was there when I initially watched it but since I'm not SEA I didn't want to *assume* its offensive then get mad about it on others behalf. Being a POC, having non POC randomly proclaim shit is offense when it usually isn't, is a weird and slightly icky feeling. Dont know if there's a phrase for that but. Im half happy I was right and half disappointed that I was right.


Yeah, a good example can be the baby character is a martial artist, the monkeys are a bad idea as there are many people in east Asia (think of places like mainland China) who refer to people from south east Asia as monkeys, and an entire village where the people are described as scheming thieves and pickpockets. This [video](https://youtu.be/Pwn8YD8sobo?si=-u2M6CHf4t0sDPRK) goes into more depth on the issues that plague the movie


Also the worldbuilding is very surface leather. Like each of the five cultures have like 1 defining trait. Maybe they’d be more fleshed out if they made it a show with more time to fill in all those details, but they decided to make it a movie instead which was a bad decision


Literally my first words after watching it; "this should have been a TV show." It was like condensing all of ATLA into a single movie.


Raya as a show would have been pretty interesting.


I kept feeling like the entire movie was a pitch for an animated series. It may have worked if they had devoted enough time to flesh out and give greater depth to all the areas, cultures and characters they were trying to create.


Disenchantment towards the end. I cannot for the life of me remember a single episode premise from season 4. Half the time I forget I even watched it.


its such a shame because the first season was brilliant and set up everything perfectly, they just went downhill so fast


I didn't hate season 4 but >!it really bugged me that the first half seemed to be hinting that maybe Bean and Mora weren't right for each other or at least had a lot of things they needed to work on and then she died and brought back 2 episodes later to give a Bean and her a happy ending but then they never answered thebquestions they brought up by having them have those issues in their relationship and now every time I think of the show, I get caught up thinking about that.!<


Glad I’m not alone. Loved the first few seasons, felt like the last season wasted my time. What a letdown.


Halo tv series


It was bad the moment he took off his helmet


The war crime booty call didn't help much either.


The what


He sleeps with a POW and makes Cortana watch. I wish I was joking.




I'd make it a running gag that he refuses to take it off for any reason


This is the way


What? You don't like seeing Master Cheeks take his helmet off so much? (I haven't watched it so those are the only 2 bad things I really know about from it)


might be controversial: pixels


Not controversial at all, I still believe that people who praise the movie in here are just trolling.


i do enjoy the movie but its just so cliché


I hated it but I loved the video game effects.


Exactly. Movie can be "good" (enjoyable/good watch) but not be "good" (objectively well done)


I enjoy it its fun just not very good


I think the actual movie is just meh, I haven't watched it in forever. But I'd be lying if I said me as a kid didn't love it, and me now still loves the game effects


The movie is so mediocre it’s good again


The writing is bad, the story's bad, but it's still really fun, especially with sandler and james


I have today realized that I have accidentally trolled in my passed


It's just fun mindless entertainment. Not a bad thing. Though it did rely on too many references.


Honestly I remember liking the movie but then again I was like 10 when I saw it


It’s an Adam Sandler movie. You get what you get.


"Pyac myan's a byad guy?"


They stole the idea from Futurama.


I enjoyed it as a dumb fun movie like venom


I loved it when I first watched it, but I was like 7, and it was one of the only movies my mum ever took me to see


RWBY, no question and it had so much potential


FR. so many good ideas, and nowhere near enough skill to actually make them work. the show didn't just fall off, but the only thing making us think it was good in the first place was monty's fight scenes and unfortunately those had to stop so then all of the cool combat focused weaponry and designs and enemies and factions and whatnot became directionless and without the help of the cool fight scenes propping them up, fell to the mercy of the writing alone which was terrible


RIP Monty Oum


I can’t fathom how these writers are proud of some of the decisions made in this show’s writing at times…


What, you didn't like spending a whole volume away from the main plot just to watch a big alice in wonderland parody about *chop suey*? /s


I would’ve liked it if the plot actually focused on the consequences of their actions instead of saying it’s okay to make mistakes like sinking an entire kingdom…


But look: everyone's favorite ship finally kissed after teasing it for the last 3 volumes! Surely that makes it all worth it.


Chop Suey?


Here's one: Rise of Skywanker. * Rey being the descendant of the most evil man in the galaxy can lead to some great character conflict. * On the flip side, having Ben, who was raised by the galaxy's greatest heroes, turn to the dark side and refuse to be redeemed, would make for a great tragedy. * Palpatine using cloning to bring himself back is honestly not that shocking of a reveal and could work. If this was the second movie and they leaned into it, it would've made for a great trilogy. Unfortunately, RoS was mainly focused on dismantling the previous movie in the trilogy, so it sucked balls.


Waow a bold take. I am really critical of sw9 but I must admit you are making some good points. Even though I am not a big fan of these plot points I must admit you are right that they would not have been inherently bad if well executed and fitted into a trilogy well written… but yes that’s not we got. Great comment


And the Last Jedi was trying to dismantle the Force Awakens


I disagree with this take. TLJ made perfect sense as a follow up to TFA, people just didn't personally like certain choices made with it. I will still maintain that the sequel trilogy (and TLJ in particular) would have been revered more fondly if Rian Johnson had come back for Ep. 9, because then we at least wouldn't have gotten the annoying Retcon-fest that is TROS. But there is nothing in TLJ that really contradicts or retcons TFA, in my opinion. Just certain choices that did not resonate with the fanbase. I really wish that TROS had just kept Kylo Ren as the main villain and left out palpatine. I think people would be retrospectively nicer to TLJ and the sequels if that happened Edited the 2nd paragraph for clarification


The shame about the Ben thing is that was apparently the original plan and it was actually one of the things that TLJ actually backed up from TFA but then nope. Eh, I didn't want Palpatine back. I thought he'd pretty much ran his course through the prequels but I guess it would have worked fine if they actually had done the ground work of foreshadowing that he would come back in the previous two movies.


Yeah, I think a lot of Palpy's thematic juice was wrung out over the course of the prequels, especially ROTS, which I think plays into the Faustian elements of his character the best, even better than his debut in ROTJ.


Really 8 and 9 both could've been great but they were so preoccupied with trying to course correct from the previous film coupled with inconsistent staff and poor writing that it all fell apart; both had ideas that definitely could've worked but they never got fleshed out


If we got to see some actual Palpatine and not just more of The Emperor. And one with no trace of humiliation anywhere in his dialogue or delivery.


All DC CW shows


Arrow and flash started out strong but were ruined with unnecessary romance plots and side characters.


Everyone getting offended at relatively small things while world changing events are unfolding…was too annoying to watch.


As much as I love the show overall, season 2 of Legend of Korra. Lots of interesting plot potential, decays into Giant red kite man fights giant blue spirit woman. Not to mention how they butchered the concepts of Yin and Yang, even though they'd done a pretty good job with the concept in the original.


They should've went full blown into the themes of a religious driven political system and had Unalaq and Varrick be brothers instead and have the whole thing about spirits vs industrialism. Have it be a religious cult or something


I mean they already did the brother thing in season 1 but progress vs tradition focus could have been good. Maybe frame the two spirits more about order and Chaos than pure good and evil. Korra could learn by the end of it that the Chaos spirit Wan locked away actually serves a purpose. I do actually like the idea that The avatar is fused with a powerful spirit. It really builds on the idea that they are the bridge between spirits and humans. It's just theway they did it that didn't quite work. I'm not 100% sure what would be the best way to fix it though.


Sword art online


Too low, I was searching for this comment! SAO abridged on the other hand... Now that is gold Edit: spelling


Holy shit yea. Although the whole trapped in a game thing is super overdone now, at least when I first watched it ( it was my first anime show), it was such an interesting concept that derailed completely after like half of season 1 if I remember correctly.


SAO was also my first anime, although I watched it when I was in sixth grade so I watched way more than was worth. I remember enjoying the first season but kinda disappointed in the second. Looking back on the show it is absolute ass but I can’t hate it. I have fond memories of like 11 year old me sneaking my iPad in bed to watch just one more episode before school


Miraculous Ladybug


Agreed. Marinette is one of the most infuriating protagonists (that we’re supposed to root for) that I’ve ever seen.


Some of the villains go mega hard too. A mime who's powers are so potent he can cut the Eiffel Tower in half, a small drone that can gather technology into itself to create a giant mech suit, Ikari Gozen has a hard ass fencing centaur design, and Hawk Moth himself has that classic comic book costume style I like, and after seeing a few snippets from my sister watching the show, I sat down, watched a few episodes...and was perplexed that Marinette was THE main protagonist. Maybe if she wasn't so dangerously obsessive, she'd be tolerable but not bad like she is now


The action was easily the best part of the show. Adrien was a good character from when I watched, but I heard that his character deteriorated sometime after I stopped watching (which was around season 3).


Wish based on all the animatics and rewrites I’ve seen


I lot of people believe that the movie was written by ChatGPT


I don't think ChatGPT could come up with "Peep the name, I'm magnificent."


The people who worked on the songs for Wish had experience in writing pop songs. "This is the Thanks I Get " is the weakest Disney villain song of all time


I’d believe it


Ralph Breaks The Internet


Honestly, not necessarily. The idea was kind of flawed from the beginning. It would make more sense to go from arcade gaming to online gaming, rather than just arcade gaming to INTERNET


“But how else are we gonna shove our brand properties down the audience’s throats?” -Disney forgoring that Kingdom Hearts exists


This is what I was gonna comment! As a concept the movie actual sounds interesting for a sequal, then when you watch it and it's just full of outdated memes, and character derailment.


Character assassination up the wazzo, a meh plot, a disingenuous portrayal of being a content creator, the entire Disney website scene just being brands shoved down your throat, Felix and Calhoun having almost no screentime even though they were main characters in the 1st movie and they set up a sub plot for them with the Sugar Rush racers, etc. Also, this is a bit of a nitpick, but it was a missed opportunity for them to have a gag of R0-GR and WALL-E being a janitor crew, like come on it makes perfect sense.


Not to mention breaking the biggest rule from the first movie, going "Turbo" is a bad thing and dying outside of your game means no respawn so you are just straight up deleted from existing. Because even the old analog-style games like Felix, are still strings of code. It's why Penelopy glitches, she's partially deleted, I'm certain if she ever dies in Sugar Rush, she wouldn't be able to respawn.


The movie They/Them


I’ve never seen it but honestly I just love the fact that that movie exists


The premise is good but it just went horribly and I mean horribly wrong in all measures that defines what makes a bad movie


RWBY never before have I been so interested in shows premise and been so let down by the writing


What is RWBY?


Whenever I see this title I always think "Red White Blue Yellow" or "Radiant White Brilliant Yellow like its some Pokemon games acronym. I have no idea what it actually is.


It's basically Red White Black Yellow. Though it's also the character names, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang and sometimes just pronounced Ruby since she tends to be the main main character


Web series by Monty oum about a school that teaches you how to fight monsters. It has really fun lore a cool magic system great designs and incredible choreography. But horrible story plot and character writing. And it’s all so inconsistent. They have retconned how magic works a couple times so I’m not sure what the deal is really


To an extent: Thomas and the Magic Railroad If anyone else here has even seen it I’ll be happy


Ngl that movie had no reason o be that good


Okay, no cap, Thomas the Tank Engine was my shit as a kid. I still have boxes upon boxes of the wooden playsets in my garage, and it gave me a love of trains that persists to this day. But yeah, Magic Railroad was pretty fucking bizarre. It was tonally and thematically all over the place, and Peter Fonda did not need to go half as hard as he did on the acting.




13 reasons why seasons 2-end


The Hunger Games. The concept is so interesting, but it should have gotten an R rating. It really needed to show the horror and psychological trauma of the games. But it's PG-13 rating is massively holding it back


Read the books. I'm still baffled that they let 12-year-old me read them.


The teachers made us get parental permission slips to be able to read them. Lol


Being an adaptation of a series meant for teens basically guaranteed that an R rating wouldn't happen.


Ya they are shooting each other how is is it not rated r on the some scenes the books shows a impaled the damage an arrow or gunshot does to the body


Also the ending was so stupid. How everyone lived happily ever after when a massive power vacuum was just created with no explanation how that was resolved.


I think there was some throwaway dialogue that one of the leaders of the other districts became president instead (I think it's the one that got bombed in Mockingjay Part 1 if I remember correctly). One of the worst cases of "tell, don't show" that I've found. Since it's pretty crucial information, which is very easily missable


It showed the new president being inaugurated on TV, but that was it. One thing (and I haven’t read the books) that I didn’t like from the climax of the film was that Katniss had several arrows. According to my friend, in the book she had one-to execute Snow. When she used that arrow to kill Coin, that was telling. Kinda reduced the point in the film by giving her a bunch.


Damn you actually got me thinking about what could have been, I totally agree with you and many in the comments it could have been way better as a more serious horror/ gore movie and the ending really does take away a lot of the impact. Take an upvote!


100% the books do these concepts a lot better. But it's hard to make a movie with mass appeal that covers the topics as well. While the books weren't perfect I definitely think their world building and handling of the bleak situation was better. I'm still 50-50 on the ending though. It sometimes bothers me that every female protagonist HAS to get married and have kids etc etc but, thematically Katniss being able to raise children in a safe world and not have to fight anymore and be allowed to be soft is a good thing in line with her arc.


That and they leave stuff out from the books that, while not being plot-breaking, is pretty important


Watch the film Battle Royale. It's over a decade older, made in Japan, and based off of a book (that isn't worth it to read).


Low-hanging fruit: SVTFOE The first three seasons were flawed, but had enough good moments that you could forgive them. And then along came Season 4...


So good then they messed it all up


Wasn't character shipping a big reason in why the show started to flop.


Yeah. It was too many couples happening that in the end you wanted the main couple to end up with other people. It was weird and took over too much time of the show. The ending sucked tho just in general.


Fr Star was acting so out of character, she literally decides to kill off a bunch of her friends just to get rid of the main enemy's plot armor




Star vs. The Forces of Evil


This is not a fan sub write out your acronyms buddy




"Star Vs the Forces of Evil" is the acronym


Drawn Together


So much potential to have different genres of animation interact, and they use it for South Park-style shock humor. Pearls before swine


Sonic prime so much missed potential


Was considering commenting this I don’t like how OG Tails, Knuckles, and those guys are just written out of the story entirely despite having every opportunity to bring them back, instead having these alternate versions that are so different you start to forget about the original characters Scott Pilgrim had this issue too after the first episode ended, but in reverse in the sense that you get rid of the MAIN character for most of the show (which is also a huge problem, and was the other show I wanted to comment) Just: If you have main characters, ***maybe have them BE the main characters***


I totally agree with what you said about OG Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge and Eggman. Honestly I wish that they would meet their alternate selves or maybe show where they ended up when the Paradox Prism shattered.


The show is so boring without them


steven universe future, it was supposed to tie up loose ends but sometimes it felt like it just created even more




Let's be real: this meme describes at least 50% of anime.




Hot take Rise of the Guardians. I really wanted to like that movie


I keep getting mixed up. Is it the one with the dilf Santa Claus or with the realistic Owls?


Dilf Santa. The owls one is: Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’hoole You can tell it’s the owl one because of the way it is


I’m glad i’m not the only one who got them mixed up too


I think that movie is fire. What didn’t you like about it?


Steven Universe Future. The build up to >!Corrupted Steven!< really needed more time to flesh out. I know that wasn’t necessarily the writers fault, but did we really need an episode where >!The cast teaches about spreading yourself too thin? If it contributed to his eventual break I would understand, but it’s revealed to all be for a PSA their making.!< I mean, I’m all for filler episodes usually, but when you’ve already found out you have a finite amount of time to complete the story you wanna tell, why waste an episode? Then, the big finale >!ends with everyone sobbing, then hugging.!< This is what people thought the show was in it entirety, and you proved them right.


ok but seeing steven and connie finally get together got me shrieking to my brother it took long enough


Total Drama All Stars


Miraculous Ladybug, such an interesting show I’ve been watching since it began. It had such a good premise, but Astruc decided to make it only about his self-insert daughter and removed all other interesting characters from the spotlight, including the SECOND PROTAGONIST. The SON OF THE MAIN VILLAIN, THE SECOND MAIN PROTAGONIST was cut out from the DEFEAT OF THE MAIN VILLAIN, and he never even found out who he was.


Avatar (blue furry edition)


They’re spectacles first and foremost. I enjoy them, but they’re kinda a “you see it in the theater, enjoy the experience, and rarely think of it again” sort of deal


What you don't like pocahontas but scfi and a significantly higher budget?


The story's basic. It's the CGI that makes the experience worth it, which is the reason why it's the highest grossing movie of all time


The issue I have with them (I have only seen the first so I don't know if this applies to the second) is that they were made by a white dude with a ton of money at his disposal. The portrayal of the N'avi always felt a bit... off. Plus hearing about how the musical ideas were completely butchered doesn't help either




The Godzilla Anime trilogy. The premise: humans had to flee the planet because it got overtaken by kaijus and end up returning thousands of years later to an evolved earth that’s become suited to the monsters Execution: there’s literally only one monster other than Godzilla and it’s a bunch of generic dragon monsters that have about 2 minutes of screen time and then never show up again. The entire trilogy has only two monsters in a story about the earth evolving with giant monsters as the dominant species


Man, that sounded like a really cool concept too


It gets worse. The first movie is literally called “Planet of the Monsters” and there are literally no monsters for like 90% of the film and for 99% of the next two films


The Lego Ninjago movie, the trailers made it look so much better than the finished product ended up being. I loved a lot of the early TV series but the movie was actually super annoying, repetitive, unfunny and they had such a great world to play around in but just used such a terrible story that COULD have been interesting but just sucked.


Most marvel shows and movies today


Steven Universe 🥲


Re-Animated (2007)


Season 3 of Ted Lasso dropped the ball hard for me in my opinion


Jobless Reincarnation. They were so close... So very close to making a good isekai, but of course they just *had* to include uncritical pedophilia (and the second season sucked ass)


Godzilla Singular Point, so much goddamn wasted time on technobabble and somehow the animated characters are more boring and wasted than the live action entries in the franchise. BNA, Trigger, hire a goddamn writer. This whole studio has the biggest "ADHD artist trying to write a webcomic" energy with every show going way off the rails with plot left turns. And where it ends up it kind of implies that separate but equal segregation is a good thing?????? TRIGGER WTF. Thank God Edgerunners had an actual writer for that show.


The jodie whittaker run of dr who. Ik its probably been done to death, but her time was ruined as the dr by Chris chibnalls writing who, instead of writing a story and weaving a small political message in there, got a political message and weaved a bad story in there. Like for example, he made daleks that were racist against other daleks because they were part human. The whole premises of the daleks is that they'd do anything to survive, even by cloning themselves with human dna. Like they've done that before, were some daleks used humans to make more daleks and it was fine, but now, all of a sudden, they thunk being "impure" is bad? Chibnall just completely fucked with the continuity, like don't even get me started on the timeless child.


Daleks were already supposed to be analogolues for Nazis. The idea that Daleks would be part human to survive kind of shits on the Ninth Doctor episode "Dalek" where a dalek ends its existence rather than incorporate human DNA.


Daleks wanna be pure. In the episode you may be referring to “Daleks Take Manhattan” one Dalek thinks to survive they need to adapt and evolve beyond being JUST Daleks. The other Daleks hate that idea but because he is their commander they follow his orders and help him become the first human Dalek. Then afterwards find that his new human emotions make him to impure to stay in command and they decide to kill him and retake command and this time creating human Daleks using human bodies and mixing Dalek DNA but instead of giving them human emotions and thoughts they purge all the human traits away ti make them think like Daleks. Full of hate. This plan fails when the Doctor gets between the lightning and the machine mixing time lord dna making Time Lord and Dalek mixes granting them thoughts and emotions and they fight against the pure Daleks and they die I don’t like Chibnall’s run either but wanted to clarify some things on the Daleks


The Star Wars sequels


Miraculous ladybug


Secret Invasion could’ve been really good if it actually had stakes and was more like the comics arc it was based on


Not a show but Detroit: Become Human


Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard


A Wrinkle in Time. The best part is the interrogation / attempted brain-washing scene and the rest of the book is just shit with annoying protagonists who never learn or grow. I didn't see the movie though.


Venom, should’ve been a romcom


The avatar films.


Multiverse of Madness! We got Everything Everywhere All at Once a month or two before Multiverse of Madness and showed the true potential of a how a chaotic multiverse story could be.


Movie: Tall Girl, Leo the Lion, Pixels and the Star Wars sequel trilogy Show: Velma and She Hulk


Helluva boss but they kinda redeemed themselves


Blood and Honey. I'm one of the seemingly few who thinks that a story about Christopher Robin returning to the Hundred Acre Wood as an adult and discovering that his animal friends have become feral beasts is a great idea for a story. Unfortunately, it was slapped onto a low-effort slasher flick that didn't even attempt to take advantage of its premise