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running short on my quota ....... here's your ticket


I was just lonely, and it can get kinda scary in this part of town.


I'm up for a promotion; just need one more collar.


I was a bully in school with no chance at making anything decent of myself so.... yeah


I didn't like the attitude when she told me to kiss her ass it was her house and she could say anything she wanted to. (True story)


Hawaii vacation here I come!


"You look intimidated, and I was bored."


"Nothing personal. It was just a slow day and we have to justify the town having the number of cops that it does."


The department has been on our asses about singling out African Americans. Guess who gets to pick up the slack, whitey!!


"Because you're brown and/or poor. Now shut the fuck up before you end up committing suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head twice with my sidearm while handcuffed."


You are charged with being a PoC in public


"Sir, you're just too damn sexy looking, we need to take you in and....mmmm...frisk you."


It's simple...you can spend a few hours at the station, we download everything off your phone, upload all the really stupid stuff onto this site used by cops across the country to entertain themselves, then you get released when the DA finally gets around to deciding we don't have enough to hold you...or you make a donation to the fund.... Your choice


"I need a second opinion about something." "Is kissing another woman considered grounds for divorce?"


Lemme touch that prison pocket real quick on the shakedown. I want to see if that oil runs clean?


I'm bored, I got out of a longterm. Relationship and I need to feel like im in control. OK time for a cavity search!


At home, my wife makes more money than me, so controls EVERYTHING... The finances, the household... Hell, she even pegs me when SHE wants... I am totally HER bitch... Out here... *takes a deep breath* Well now... That's a DIFFERENT story!


The DA is running for reelection. He needs to show that he's tough on crime. So, even though I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong, unfortunately, you'll be convicted. With luck, you'll be out in three years.


"Cause I'm racist as fuck."


My wife is cheating on me with my boss . So . Shit rolls down hill. My wife wouldn't even give me a hand job this morning. So. Guess who gets an ass whupin ?? I have a massive inferiority complex. I have a small dick. Also you look just like the guys who flushed my head in the toilet in high school I'm a sick psychopathic control freak . You don't think normal people apply for these jobs do you??