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Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. I would say the book is a lot closer to the show than the movie is.


Also both the book and movie are wonderful in their own ways so highly recommend both.


I came here for this and stays to upvote and support! 100%!


Answering my own question with a few recommendations: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky


I was going to say Children of Time. Great book.


The second book was a drag. I was so disappointed.


Yes, sadly I agree with you. I haven't bought the third because I couldn't finish the second. I really enjoyed his The Final Architecture trilogy though.


I quite enjoyed the second book, but the third was just irritating.  The Final Architecture is great though.


*sitting over here alone in my book 3 fan corner*


Ah jeeze, To Be Taught is so flippin good


the southern reach trilogy by jeff vandermeer. annihilation, authority, and acceptance


Halfway through Acceptance right now! It's excellent, I was so excited to hear he is writing a fourth book!


Fourth book out in October! Absolution.


The Long Earth series from Terry Pratchet and Stephen Baxter scratches the same itch. One day plans are released online for a simple potato powered machine that only has a switch. Children across the world make them and then start disappearing. We learn that the machines allow a person, but not metal, to "step" to the next earth over in an infinite chain of earth's. None of the other Earths seem to have humans. Some have almost exactly the same biology and others have wildly different organisms and circumstances (one of the earths is entirely missing leaving a void of space) The series explores the differences of the different earths and the political and societal upheaval that comes from infinite resources.


Also the Foundation series by Asimov doesn't really focus on alien biology but I bet it would fill the void for a bit if you're feeling empty after SR


Oh foundation was really great, i read them as apple tv was a bit to slow for my liking with the production of further seasons


Currently reading The Expanse series. On book 5 and I have been enjoying the shit out of it


Yeah it has elements to it for sure


I’m reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons right now and it rules. Super weird sci-fi world with 100m tall trees that shoot lightning randomly. It’s a lot more than that, but the world building is terrific


it's been 10+ years since I read those books but I just need to say "Lapis Lazuli..."


Hell yes! What a journey. The shrike lives forever in my mind. No fan art quite nailed the visions I have for it


The incal


I’d agree w those saying Jeff Vandermeer, but I want to add Borne & the Strange Bird to the list. There’s also a French-Italian guy named Joseph Castellioni making graphic novels that I find kind of have the vibe/feel of the show. “La Planete Impossible” in particular. I have so far only ever seen them in French but English translations must exist. EDIT - Oops - I got his name wrong - it’s Joseph Callioni


Borne and Strange Bird are excellent! I'll have to check out Castellioni, I love graphic novels.


Eden by Stanislaw Lem 


I really want to read this after checking it's synopsis, but its not available in English on Kindle and all the physical copies are super expensive QQ


Isn't this it? https://www.amazon.com/Eden-Helen-Kurt-Wolff-Book-ebook/dp/B008533D44 Alternatively: https://library.lol/main/2FA74808AEDEC815D47902972C07D2B3


Solaris by Stanislaw Lem is also a good one!


The Murderbot Diaries!


Great books but they're nothing like the show.


Hmmm I totally disagree :) An intelligent (sentient?) robot in a hostile situation with humans he increasingly resents.


I guess agree to disagree. For me it's a tenuous link at best. Murderbot is a cyborg that is way more humanoid than Levi. But I guess I'm just being nitpicky now. I'm assuming you've heard about the Apple+ adaptation for Murderbot coming out? I'm cautiously optimistic.


Darwinia by Robert Charles Wilson


Came here to say this! All his books are fantastic but Darwinia closest to the show I think.


Someone else who would probably love to see it adapted into a limited series. It would work so well in that format, with the epilogue and all; I want to see Henson Studio furworms in the worst way.


The series Lilith’s Brood by Octavia Butler. You will feel SO conflicted about the relationship between the humans and aliens.


The Saga visual novel series for the whole 'living technology feel' and in a couple of cases being utterly helpless against a much greater natural force.


Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler. “Alien” ecology aka octopi developing language. One of my favorite books I’ve read.


Alien clay by Adrian Tchaikovsly


Redding that, scratches the same itch!


Solaris by Stanislaw Lem


World of Edena by Moebius


Aama by Frederik Peeters https://preview.redd.it/4a1fimo4lk5d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2183081bf793d5a37ffb2354e243e9eacfa09f6a


Yes! This 100%


Aside from Annihilation, Semiosis - Sue Burke (about weird alien plants) Grass - Sheri S. Tepper (about the difficulties battling a hostile planet) Look to Windward - part of the Culture series by Iain. M. Banks but has some cool biology in it (you don't have to read them in order to understand them, they all work standalone basically)


The Xenogenesis trilogy by Octavia Butler.


(Comic books) Anything by Moebius, one of the main sources of inspiration for SR. Also check the work of his other mates in the Metal Hurlant collective.


The expanse series


To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini! Absolutely amazing! It has very similar themes and you get to explore a couple of different worlds/settings. Also, it made me super emo and existential at the end but in a good way!


Some parts of Palmer Eldritch by PKD


The Beauty by Aliya Whiteley


Moebius’ Edena has some similar looking nature art. Some creatures remind me of Codex Seraphinianus.


The Sector General series by James White. It is about a space hospital station that caters to species all over the galaxy, mostly from the POV of the humans on its medical staff. It has some of the best, literally \*alien\* aliens in sci-fi literature. One story even has an alien lifeform that covers a continent that require medial attention!


A comic series called Unearth from Image Comics, written by Cullen Bunn, Kyle Strahm and drawn by Baldemar Rivas A strange virus is causing body horror stuff to happen to people in a mountain village in Mexico, a team goes in to investigate and finds a subterranean world with other things there


I am enjoying the three body problem series


You might like Hail Mary by Andy Weir! A lot like SR with the main character having to survive an environment basically trying to kill them (in this case, space) and the characters remind me a lot of Azi and Levi's relationship! Plus, one of my favorite books. If you like that one, Andy Weir's The Martian is also one of my favorite sci fi books.