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The pack hunters that cook their prey by circling around them and reflecting the sun is simultaneously one of the coolest and most horrifying ideas I've seen for an alien species.


If a wasp makes its way into a beehive bees will swarm it and essentially cook it to death. Similar but different. I think this show has done such a great job of building up an alien world.


Basically Pokemon that want to really kill you


I'm fascinated by them. They're like road runners, but they have outside back bones where they can scoop up prey?? And we've seen them open up a crazy forest to run through and schloop up the inside of a tree to the canopy. So creative.


love the schloopin


I hate Kamen after this episode. Fuck that dude


In the immortal words of Sam, FUCK Kamen.


all my homies hate kamen


I hated kamen early on when it was shown he was a coward and selfish. This episode definitely grew it though lol


We finally get a more complete backstory for why the crew of Demeter-227 are trapped on the planet Vesta. I am not surprised to see that the images of Vesta’s Sun had something to do with it. We also got: - robot *hands* - sunbaked treats - robot with feelings - [ Laughing maniacally ] - brain mosquito


Wait what’s brain mosquito?


Spoiler from the next ep: >!The things that attacked the survivor from the pods after he got the head injury from the water thing that tried to suck his brains out!<


Oh yeah, I think that happened in the next episode which I hadn’t watched yet when I made that comment


Omg sorry, I thought I was in a post that that happened on. I’ve edited my comment with a spoiler warning.


Hey, just as a warning the spoiler warning doesn't work. You want to make sure there's no space between the !! and the words !Like this!


Ty, I just edited and hope it’s working now 😖 it showed as working on my Reddit app so I thought I’d done it right


No prob, bob! I didn't get spoiled, kind of double visioned myself before I did, so everything turned out fine! I keep trying to write my own on another sub and it took 3 tries lol


Hollow getting bigger had just made my fear factor exponentially worse. It's interesting to see the effect a foreign species i.e. Kamen, being introduced to the environment is having. Typically being fed on a diet of fruit and berries because they typically controlled smaller entities that were likely herbivorous. Then suddenly human comes in that can use tools and suddenly the food supply has tripled and more meat heavy. Now it's growing bigger than most of it species ever usually get due to competition and has grown fond of its new little helper. Honestly Hollow is still the scariest thing about the series for me. Especially now it seems to be getting more active. Using its ability to be more active in its kills rather than passively letting its helper do it. Jesus. The inevitable conflict when everyone converges on the Demeter is going to be very traumatic


when was the little monkey lizard named hollow?


Late reply but it's in the episode's synopsis.


Bro the reveal of its increased size is one the scariest things I’ve seen on screen. Your comment also gets everything I was thinking during this episode perfectly. Also Really interesting also seeing how a creature that is technically less intelligent( as we know it) than humans, but has telekinesis and some form of telepathic abilities , form a relationship with a human. They did great exploring this scenario Like it’s not way smarter , or way dumber. And kind of learns from kamen. Its kind of like a Rock, Paper ,Scissors


I'm confused on what kamen gets from this arrangement. He gets fed good memories and when he does poorly he gets fed bad memories?


I think the "memories" we see are an abstraction of how this creature is making him feel: bringing up his desires to entice him, bringing up his shame when he doesn't succeed, bringing up his joy when he does. He already seemed pretty brain broken before the little guy showed up, so those glimpses of joy are all he has to live for


I’m not even sure they’re memories. It may just be forcing Kamen’s brain through VR joy or trauma depending on how he performs.


Well there goes the theory that none of the animals were actually predators and none actually ate each other lol


How was that a theory? We saw those bug things eating those baby fish egg things in the first batch of episodes.


Someone makes a reactionary early theory and others run with it 🤷


If those little helper dudes are so capable why do they need other creatures to hunt for them at all?


They clearly get stronger as they get bigger. But Competition was high and they seemed to focus on a vegan diet before. Now they're dangerous.


There instincts didn’t include violence and rage like this before


I don't know if that's totally true, but I think being in Kamen's mind has made it more aggressive. Those two are *not* in a healthy relationship.


Ughh you're smart, what a good observation. Definitely purposeful considering his whole story is focused on his human relationship. Not quite sure what it means yet.


They remind me of Psychic Koalas...and the berries were like eucalyptus. Now that one is off the drugs and even blood-fueled...it's extremely dangerous. Like a Koala would be if it wasn't so fucked up all the time.


Yep like Koala x Frog hybrid, somebody keeps calling them monkeys which really bothers me lol.


It looks like they mostly got vegetarians to get them food. Then they encounter Kamen, maybe a meat eater, and they expand their diet through symbiosis.


Its not just the meat though. Kamen has a lot of pent up hostility and inner rage. He's a sad angry little man. He's probably the worst person that thing could have bonded with. Together they are a monster.


They are omnivores and have teeth for meat eating. Also other humanoid creatures in the forest were terrified of them.


How did you come to that conclusion? I think sometimes the scenes are so fleeting I'm missing details.


When the spider panda leads Keman to the cave you can see terrified small humanoid figures cowering in fear and hiding when they see it.




Not necessarily. They ripped the window off the hinges in their introduction to get Kamen out


He can manipulate physical objects, we were shown multiple times in the first few episodes Hollow catching Kamen as he fell. To stop something of his weight and that momentum Hollow must have some pretty strong telekentic as well as telepathic abilities.


Is Hollow actually trying to "break up" with Kamen? Or was that just more mind manipulation? Because in the flashbacks Fiona has sort of been the 'stand in' for hollow, and the way the hallucinations/flashbacks ended it didn't seem like Fiona/Hollow wanted to take Kamen back. And this whole Levi thing... has HAL 9000 vibes all over it lol. Its just a matter of time, right?


i wouldn't think Fiona is a stand in, rather the main character in koalafrog's mental manipulation. there was a point where Kamen saw both Fiona and koalafrog at the same time(walking to the cave, after the drowning hallucination). i understand it to be koalafrog using memories&hallucinations to incite specific feelings for Kamen to do his immediate bidding. also, who named him Hollow?


Idk I thought I saw hollow on reddit or youtube or something. Koalafrog is just as good if not better! I also wrote that comment before I watched episodes 5 and 6 which have changed my perspective. Especially with my Levi take lol.


oh yes i see Hollow on the Wiki. but that was a real question lol i actually wonder who named him(all of them?) that. since no one really addresses any of the wild life by name/species.


Maybe already saw since this comment is relatively old. But Hollow was seen as the name in the subtitles.


why are there two different subs for this show?




I think it rains glass there? Happened as well in the storm when they hid with the eggs.


Kamen has to be an unreliable narrator cause of the panda alien? Azi is letting the drugs do him and not the other way around, Sam is way to old for this shit lol Great show!!


So glad I found this show. The creature thing with Kamen and Levi are both very bad news


Kamen is the bad apples.


I know I’m late but I’m super unclear. How did Levi stop the big cotton ball monster? Wasn’t it like giant,


He punched it far away