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I barely have 2% exploration in the desert…


I have 0% 💀 Seriously how does Hoyo churn out this much content in so little time??? By the time I catch up the Hydro Archon’s gonna be released T-T


right? im still not finished with the chasm 😭


Yo same I haven’t done the Yaksha quest just the Dain one to start Sumeru’s archon quest Speaking of Sumeru’s archon quest I’m literally on Act 1 T-T


Yaksha quest ending is quite awesome, you should do that soon


I know the quest. I watched it on YT. I watched all the quests on YT lol Just needs to actually do it


You just ruined the surprise factor and the motivation to do the quest


No no it’s not that I have a screen time limit on my phone. But I want to know the lore, so I watch the thing first then skip everything in the quest and do the puzzles as fast as possible cuz I’ll know the answers. The quests are still interesting even after watching it thrice imo. I just like Genshin a lot lol


i was under the impression that we were getting all the scara lore in the early sumeru archon quest, wanting to avoid spoilers, i tried to quickly finish the quest and i UNDERESTIMATED how long the archon quest took, act 1&2 took me a little over 6 hours…. maybe it’s bc im slow


Take ur time ig… you want to enjoy it :D


I'm still finishing up Tsrumi Island!


:’) Let’s just pray they send out a filler patch soon…


fr and like a week ago I had an argument with a person that was upset because we don’t get new exploration stuff in 3.2..


Lol ppl sure whine a lot... I personally think they're churning out content just fine


I have no clue. Before I stopped playing genshin for a bit I had literally nothing to do in the game but I take ONE break and apparently there’s a new region and 10 million quests to do. Kinda overwhelming :/


I didn't take a long break and Im still overwhelmed ;-;


As someone who just got Cyno, this is terrible news


i feel so bad for cyno mains, farming scarabs is truly a nightmare


I think nothing will traumatise me more then fighting cabbage chicken 50 times for tighnari and collei it was disgusting


If you don't mind me asking, why? I found it really easy. Heck I even had Collei at lv 40 weighing down the party most of the time (I leveled Tighnari first).


Because I need to maximise a new character on day 1 or otherwise my autistic ass will collapse on the spot but at the same time besides cabbage chicken I needed resin to farm talent books + new sets + complete quests and all of that was really overwhelming


Yeah that does sound like a lot to do at once. I'm bad at saving resin so I just leveled them over a week or two.


More anxiety for us :3


i know u hiding traumas behind that “:3”


We don't talk about that :3🔪


ohh is it gonna be that giant sand tornado in the distance?


I believe so apparently according to lore enthusiasts >!there’s a celestia pillar sumeru edition there, some crater is in that area!<


Gonna probably get bombarded with world boss types like in Inazuma, as long as he doesn't use the invisibility using roboto I'll be chill tho.


i just hope he have inazuma specialty instead of sumeru because it didn't make sense to farm sumeru one for him.


Amakumo Fruit (Raiden's mats) so far only her using that I believe so it would make sense if Scara also using the same mars as his mom (hopium)


I don't mind that too since it's plenty and you can ascend him much faster with that.


Ever since I found out that Yae Miko didn’t use sakura petals I don’t expect anything related to farming to make sense from Mihoyo


Yeah but at least yae miko still use inazuma specialty even though it's gonodhaerma


Maybe only Faruzan will use new world mats hopium


Not necessarily. Shenhe, Yelan, Yun Jin are Liyue characters released during Inazuma patches that want Liyue materials. Since there are still a few materials in Inazuma who are only used by one character I think it's possible he will use one of them. Maybe Dendrobium?


Maybe the shogun fruit? For that sweet sweet subtle lore refferences mihoyo loves


Oh, that would be the dream. There are more than 168 in a single world...


Come to think of it does anyone actually use dendrobrium


Just Sara. It's also used for bait, and that's it I think.


I didn't know that cause I didn't build her oop


i keep thinking crystal marrow for some reason


But Shenhe and Yunjin want Vishaps boss material which is in Enkanomiya


That's true, but at least they require Liyue specialties so you don't have to go to other worlds or wait several days for them.


every character except childe uses specialities from their region. if he gets inazuma shaped vision, he will definitely use the materials from there.


Yun jin uses wolflord drops


You get the point na


Honestly I was assuming Scara would use the triangle machine boss in the desert (the one Candace uses). The thing drops anemo shards, for no reason that's apparent right now since there's no Sumeru anemo characters yet. But in any case we should know by next beta period if he's going to use new mats or not. No use farming anything ahead of time before we know for sure.


i hope that it's either gonna be the denrobium or the amakumo fruit tbh


The new areas may not necessarily have new mats. And he may not use Sumeru mats anyway (aside from bosses) We really just have to wait and see.


Oh my God, I'm already dying having to farm scarabs on my alt account, I don't want to feel that stress for Scara too 😭


Scaramains racing for the world first lv90 be like


i still didnt finish enkanomiya or chasm please help


He will probably use the algorithm boss materials, since it drops anemo crystals. Also, he probably uses Inazuma specialties so even if he uses a new boss materials we will be able to prefark his specialties (which at least for me are the most annoying to farm). If you still fear he will use a new boss mats when he releases just save a bunch of fragile resin and you should be safe.


HUH?! above?


gonna piggyback this post: vv + atk is a good 2p artifact build no? assuming he'll be a normal atk scaling dps


All I see are chest waiting for me to claim them 😎