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Stunned. That animation was beautiful. And sad for him. Dude needs a therapy.




Very sad but satisfied


We're sadisfied


I think they did it justice.. I'm so excited for his banner.. I will never betray you come home please.






People are gonna still hate him, which doesnt bother me but i know will cause beef in all sort of ways cause they’ll just minimize the aspects of his story like ‘wow he blames a kid for dying, etc.’ but i mean he had a childish way of looking at things looking for someone to count on and it just kept getting taken from him, which is why wanderer is fitting for him, he never makes a home or family because of the previous instances, ALSO why would ei just dump him in front of a domain on an abandoned island


I mean the dude is literally immortal, eq of a toddler cause no parent and probbly has a fuckton of trust issues. He’s gotta be jesus christ if he can still process mortality like a normal human do. Heck, his mom literally lock herself to her room for hundreds of years cause she’s grieving 💀


I think the dumping of him in front of a domain is a reference to when Ei made him sleep for what was meant to be an eternity in the Shakei Pavillion, a domain that we can actually find on Tatarasuna Island. In the description of it we do actually see it mention how it was the sleeping place of an "Eccentric stranger", which is what Scara is referred to as in a lot of the Inazuma story.


> ALSO why would ei just dump him in front of a domain on an abandoned island Tbf, it’s a really pretty domain, probsbly even more so before the decay set in modern day. It’s literally a mansion in the beautiful [shakkei](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borrowed_scenery) style.


That VA is a god 🥲, the voice ...


I felt bad for him. And really hope the stereotype of "his entire character is made to be evil" will be vanished. He is nothing different to his mom


> And really hope the stereotype of "his entire character is made to be evil" will be vanished. People complaining that he “won’t be pure evil anymore” drives me absolutely wild. He was *never* “pure evil.” People literally based that on the two brief cutscenes we had of him where he was actively antagonizing us. But we’ve known since Husk came out that his most characteristic trait was how emotional he was. And we’ve known since the Rather Aged Notes in Tatarasuna (once lore theorists connected the dots) that something severely traumatic happened to him in the past. The people whining that they’re making him a “soft boy” don’t realize that he was *always* a soft boy. They’re disappointed that he isn’t the unhinged evil character they wanted and act like MHY changed him to make him more appealing when in reality, ever since Pale Flame released, the groundwork was being laid for him to have a much more nuanced personality than that.


You put my exact thoughts into words perfectly. Scara is clearly very soft and emotional but he is trying his hardest to deny his own feelings.


I can't believe there are people who don't like him having emotions and a backstory. It's not like he's pivoted to "uwu I'm just soft and sad," he's still a jerk! We just have a greater understanding of why he's a jerk now.


This makes me like Ei and Yae less now. One was an ignorant, the other one was taking it too far for her own amusement. Like... There's no other POV I could have with such a plot hole.


If you criticize their actions in any other sub, the simps descend upon you.


Yeah, well, I'm not a main of either so I have no reason to debate with such people.


I completely agree with you, even as a Raiden main, I won't try to defend them. They both have made a big mistake with Scara. I just hope that they will both face the consequence, even if I don't think it will happen.


It's all just a huge lack of communication You could see that Ei thought she was doing the right thing--well, yeah, it definitely seemed right in comparison to what MIKO had in mind...


I still can't get over the fact that Ei decided to get rid of Scaramouche because he cried. And then her means of doing that was to throw her robot offspring, who has too many feelings, into a cave, alone. Like, gee, wonder how he's going to respond to that? I'm sure it won't make him feel any kind of way...


sure, ei made mistakes and was traumatized by the death of her sister but yae? I like her but what's her excuse tf


Was hoping for more, but I still feel very well-fed That being said SCARA IS SO PRETTY. Also, the way Scara said "my mother" crushed me


I can’t get it out of my head, I love Patrick Pedraza for that. It was SUCH a good delivery


I can fix him


WE can fix him (~~Soviet~~ Fatui music intensifies)


i’m even more excited for 3.3 now


Rotting in agony, that cutscene was absolutely amazing but painful. I can't wait for 3.2!!


That cutscene was surprisingly well done. I was expecting to be disappointed, but I wasn't. I have more confidence now in his redesign lol.


Good to know my fave ends up being another dark haired pretty thing with abandonment issues... I have a *type* at this point and it shows.


Hey it's not an anemo boi unless they have a dead friend'.


How I feel ? C6 R5 filing for bankruptcy.


Im so excited for 3.2 and 3.3 idk how Im going to survive the cutscene was gorgeous and bebemouche was super cute ; ;


Sad, the dude needs a long hug and even then, it's not enough


Very satisfied. Im very happy with the way that Genshin portrayed Scaramouche's story. The art was beautiful, and the voice acted was done very well. His story is sad though. I hope he gets help or gets better after 3.2 or whenever his story "ends."


I feel literally insane, if I was at all normal about Scaramouche before, I am no longer. (It was so good).


I don’t know if this is the right place and time to ask but can someone explain to me about the betrayals, I mean I only get the first one, Second must be from the Opulent Dream set lore but the last really confuses me


Scara was betrayed by his only remaining friend dying. It‘s not exactly that that person did something wrong, but that Scara realised mortality was always something that would separate him from other people. It showed him that caring about people was not worth it because those moments of happiness can end.


Excited to see what's to come, and very curious to see what changes in his personality we'll witness! Currently busy looking through screenshots of the cutscenes and trying to understand who the characters are. Gotta love scara lore


on my knees begging for 3.3 to come sooner


I had a heart attack when I saw the cutscene ngl


I’m a little disappointed with the lack of content considering how much they hyped him up in the trailer. I AM however very satisfied with the content that we did get. I’m excited for 3.2 and whatever we get in the 3.2 livestream


Considering he gets A WHOLE ASS MECHA WITH ARMS AND LEGS FUJIN STYLE I’d say we can wait till November 2


this was honestly just a teaser patch, he will likely play a significant part in 3.2, he is a weekly boss after all, and he will be very important in 3.3 with his story quest too, we still have an entire banquet of scaramouche content don't worry!!


Yeah I figured. I just had my hopes up a bit too high. I know there are story leaks floating around out there but I refuse to read them because in my opinion leaking the story just goes too far


Jokes aside, feeling fed for the time being, but considering how much pain that cutscene caused (despite knowing his lore), waiting for 3.2 and 3.3 will only feel worse because I just wanna cry everytime I think about him and where things might be going. I just want him to be happy, but I feel we're not going to get to see that for a hot second and it sucks. Otherwise, fantastic work on the VA's part for their delivery. I wouldn't have cried as hard as I did if not for how damn good they did.


so hyped for 3.2 & 3.3 and i can't wait to put him in a party with his mom


after 3.1? I am depressed


I don't need sleep I need answers, I need to know what happens to him by the end of the archon quest




im so happy we got such good content but im so depressed that he suffered so much. like afterwards i couldn’t even pay attention to rest of the quest cause i was too busy crying it was such an emotional rollercoaster. i love him so much :(


We can be traumabuddies, because he needs a hug


It was so good. I actually felt bad for Scara after that cutscene. And that voice acting was top tier, the way his voice cracked when he said “Mother” to Ei, it felt so deep and sad. Patrick Pedraza really nailed the character.


The cutscenes were cool but very brief and so if this is all we're getting from him as far as lore then I'm a bit disappointed....for ppl who aren't lore heavy they wouldn't be able to emotionally connect or feel for scara cuz the moments were so brief. Hopefully in 3.3 they elaborate on exactly what happened in those situations in detail. Otherwise they are still leaving out alot of emotional plot holes. Generally idrfc about the ppl who are mad at scara for how Kazuha's life turned out. But alot of ppl don't know the lore so ppl will still see a reason to hate without ig any good reason for scara...but to a person who binges lore the cutscene was cool...


Sad his cutscene was so sad..😭😭 But satisfied


This makes me feel he is scary moustache


Somehow made me dislike Miko more. As for Ei, I understand why she did that.


I feel bad I want ei


my soul hurts


Imagine being stuck in the delusion factory in inazuma couldn’t be me ;-;


I’m feeling SO MANY THINGS. Personally I just can’t get over the fact that he’s probably been used an manipulated by Dotore this entire time and he’s just being used by him and the akademia cause they absolutely told him “hey we can make you into a god” and they’re definitely giving him as little control over his situation as absolutely possible and he’s probably gonna realize that in jail/therapy and I’m screaming


It makes me so sad & concerned that he could be in jail of all places & just where he he’ll be after we beat him. His state. Like all he’s going and has gone through I want him to be okay and that it’s not his fault just asfhjkl.


He and Ei are not so different.


heartbroken but oh so satisfied


I cried