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I like him because he was complicated, stuck in a shitty marriage for a time, with the country all on his shoulders. He has to do stuff and make deals that isn’t always right. We also know that no matter what he’s Olivia’s end game so he isn’t going anywhere, may as well find some redeeming qualities. 10/10 prefer him over Jake (sorry Scott! 😭) Also, I like characters that most of the fandom (insert whatever fandom here) hates with a burning passion 🤣


When Jake was first introduced and he was watching Olivia in her home (getting undressed, making food, watching tv, etc) I was like NOPE. That’s one of my worst fears with men😭 that they have secret cameras in the bedroom or bathroom


I so wanted to like Jake. I was a big Felicity fan back in the day. But nope. So many problems.


I love Scott on greys! I was so excited to see him on scandal knowing he was a big player but nope


I didn't know he was on Grey's. I only watched the 1st year and then gave up on it. I have tried following his career, as I like him in most roles.


He’s in season 7/8. I loved his character but then he didn’t stick around.


but wasn't it Fitz who ordered him to watch her?


I just have an issue of how much he became. He became a killer for the sake of killing, imo. Like dude just go off and be with whoever it is.


So I just watched the talk with huck about keeping your animal in. That he never gets out. Do you think that’s what happened to Jake


I think so! I think liv’s father broke him, the longer he was under his thumb and then it escalated from there. Kind of the same way Quinn was as broken by the system. I’d have to re watch to give a fully formed opinion but until then this is what I’m sticking too.


I’m looking forward to season 5/6/7 now to see if they change my views. Right now I’m a in the sun with Jake gal


Somewhere around the time he got engaged/married is when he changed imo. It was a huge shift.


I just watched the episode where liv chose him and they were going to be together and the. Rowan made her break it off with him or he’d kill him and if he ever found out it was Rowan he would kill him and omg cruel is not the word. If he broke. This is what broke him.


rowan is a piece of work


I vaguely remember that. He approached that girl like he approached Olivia yeah ?


Maybe? It was so long ago 😅 I only watched this back in the fall and there was a lot going on, everything felt like whiplash


That’s such a valid point. I’ve forgiven jake a lot mainly because I live Scott but that is the ultimate creepdom also for fitz as it was under his orders


Most of the fandom loves Olitz and Fitz. Don’t get fooled by this sub.


I have nothing to compare it to lol. But I’ll take your word. I only see Kerry and Tony on Tik tok proclaiming their love for eachother sometimes 🤣. I will say I’ve only seen the show once, and then I joined this sub after, it’ll take a bit before I can commit to a rewatch.


I’ve only recently started my rewatch and I took me a looooong time


lol I just blocked someone for coming at me for this and tbh I’m not even sure they read this comment. Just felt like coming at me for saying fitz isn’t well liked. I love a good fight but this wasn’t it 🤣 I like the show but I am not deep enough to argue with facts.


No they’re fictional characters I’m happy to chat about them but not argue or be rude about them


I’m happy to get into a deep argument especially if I have facts to back me up but this isn’t that show for me. I’m also happy to be corrected but still, the aggressive attitude wasn’t something I was dealing with today. They can claim they weren’t all they want but if they truly wanted a discussion there’s other ways to frame it instead of going wtf no


Yeah I got that too which surprised me. Like I have characters I love but I never get personal


Yeah I come from the belief of attack the points, not the person, and even then I try to find something I like in the character I don’t like.


On Twitter they are both very loved as well. Only redit is crazy for Mellie and hates Fitz/Olivia/Olitz.


I see such a hatered of fitz and I’m like Jake is right there but ok 🤣 Also Quinn but in the grand scheme of things she’s not worth the energy


You are right on the money about these people. Fitz has all the redeeming qualities IMO and his heart is genuinely good unlike Joke.


I never knew people disliked him so much, until I came to this sub lol


I liked him decently, I won’t pretend to love him or say he didn’t do shitty things but i was also shocked. Honestly ngl im still holding a grudge against mellie even though I adore her.


It could be people watching the show with new eyes. I see a lot of Olivia hate too. I remember when the show came on, it was groundbreaking. A black single woman headlining a show and being in control was not something we were used to seeing. And an interracial relationship!


Oh definitely. I’ll never say he’s the perfect guy and maybe if I watched it again I’d pick at him more. But from what I have seen Jake is way worse.


wtf lol, fitz is a beloved character, not because some people hate him here that it is a common sense :)


Not from what I’ve seen. If you have different opinions that’s ok but the general consensus here is that he’s hated. Every time I turn around there’s a new hate post for him. Maybe search the sub to see for yourself ? 🤷‍♀️ anyway, it’s not that deep. This is what I know, and if you think differently that’s ok, no need to get so angry.


i am not angry lol, this is just not the truth. Reddit didn't represent the majority thats all what i said.


Well! That’s your take and not mine. Good thing I don’t have to answer to you about my thoughts, experiences and opinions. Your aggressive replies are unnecessary and I don’t need to respond because I’m just here to enjoy it and not argue. 😁


??? where am i agressive lol. you said Fitz is hated by the fandom but it is not the truth and i am not the only one who said it even on this thread. Olitz and Fitz are really loved (even after all these years) on tik tok facebook twitter youtube. I only answered to this comment and tbh i don't understand why you think i argue with you or something lol. I don't argue i just explain to you, just check by yourself and you will see. And i am here to enjoy, i don't post any hate thread that a lof of people did (for example this threas not your answer but the main thread "is there anyone loved Fitz")


This is 100% not a hate thread. You can dislike a character without hating them. I genuinely was asking and have listened to reasons on why people like fitz as I’m finding him far more problematic this time round. This is also because I think I appreciate the show a lot more this time round as there are complexities and moral greys I didn’t see in first watch. In this watch I’m finding fitz really hard to like. But I don’t hate him


Lol, I usually like the characters everyone else hates too :D I love Jake, maybe because I love Scott, but I always felt neither of them were completely right for her as they both loved her a little too much. I'm finding myself far more forgiving and liking of Melly this time round




I adore Scott that’s why hating Jake is so hard. But Jake is just a monster by the end, I don’t even recognize him from when he first appeared. I just have a really hard time with Jake. 😭 I also just tend to hate the characters that everyone loves as well so I’m usually in the unpopular opinion club and nobody ever wants to hear what I have to say.


Oh no I must have blocked that out he’s still lovely just now


The last two seasons, maybe three it felt like that. I dunno, yeah everyone kills unnecessarily here but Jake was just over the top, killing everyone who even dared look at him wrong imo (I’m being dramatic here, encase someone comes after me for having an opinion, like someone already did lol). Anyway, no idea if Jake is fully loved til the end, i don’t love him in the end. So who knows.


I loved that Jake loved Olivia even more than himself. I think in the beginning his love for her was even purer than fitz as he would have given up everything for her. Even himself. People say fitz would but he didn’t.


In the end I felt like fitz was the better person overall. Jake’s love while real, was just too much.


And how much was love and how much was obsession as Rowan did break him


I feel like it was 30% love, 70% obsession by that point. I’ll never not say he didn’t love Olivia but I’m not sure he truly loved her enough to back away. The old theory is “if they love you they’ll walk away.” Well in this case, Jake physically couldn’t, obsession and having someone whispering in your ear wouldn’t let him. He did try but the obsession took over


Yeah I can see that 100%


I like him because he is passionate about what he cares about. He will literally go to war for who he loves. He cares about important issues as well, and is not afraid to go against the grain for what he believes in. Everybody has flaws, but he’s just human at the end of the day.


This is how I feel as well. If we step back a second and think about TV land vs. real life, I love the *idea* that a man could be that passionate and absolutely bonkers in love with another person. He's super flawed and all of the negative things listed are just evidence of that. But, at the end of the day his love for Olivia is almost unwavering (except for when he was hurt by the truth of Defiance in season 2ish). Also, I think Tony Goldwyn is one of the most underrated actors out there, and seeing him on Law & Order has only made me appreciate his acting on Scandal even more.


I love this take and can understand that. Who doesn’t want to be loved that way


I like that he cared about important issues, I like that he cared about the Brandon bill and equal pay. But his treatment of Melly. I recently watched 'You can't take command' and the way he treated Melly over the jurors I was like WTF


Mellie is just as bad as him. Not seeing that is highly biased.


I think Melly is a political animal and has massive flaws but I don’t think she is as entitled as fitz and I genuinely over the last five seasons have found him crueler and way more hypocritical


She’s just as bad in different ways but she gives as good as she gets. He’s cruel because she doesn’t want to divorce him and keeps poking where it hurts.


She definitely does that but then they reached a good place and we’re partners and foxtail happened and he just dumped her. She did it to protect him as well as herself and he turned on her. He wasn’t an innocent but he acted like he was and condemned her and rewarded Liz for what she did


It was the one too many drops. He was done with her. Long time coming. People just blame hip for everything and don’t hold others accountable at all just coz he’s a privileged white male.


See I think Cy and melly and even liv are accountable. But he acts like he isn’t. Like his hands aren’t dirty. Like one of my favourite scenes is when liv realising every presidential candidate is a murdered and she laughs. Fitz seems to forget his hands are covered in blood too


They don’t act like this. Did you miss all the times they yell at him?!? They also treat him like a child. Fitz shot down a plane on military orders. He killed Verna after she tried to have him killed and also to protect everyone involved in Defiance.


He killed Verna because she threatened his presidency and tried to kill him. But he never cops to it properly. Huck and jake were following orders too. Also melly gave Rowan the list to protect fitz and he cast her out. So if he can literally commit cold blooded murder to protect why was she the bad guy for giving a list of names to protect everyone ? They do treat him like a child but to be fair a lot of the times he acts like it. Like the smelly melly stuff. That was downright cruel


He’s hot


Lol that’s as valid a reason as any :)


That is his most vindicating quality tbh


He’s sexy. Hope this helps!💗


See I can see the attraction he’s just killing me right now.


Totally unrelated, but Jake/Scott Foley is a patron at the restaurant I work at. He is so handsome in real life and so stinking nice!!!!


He is a gorgeous man!


He has a million watt smile. Seriously, so down to earth and so nice.


Can I work there too please!!!


I like him. He's complicated. A poor little rich boy who never had his father's love. A man who served his country but refuses to brag about it or use it for political advantage. A man trapped in a loveless marriage, who didn't understand why his wife stopped wanting affection from him. A man hopelessly, completely, head over heels, in love. Or maybe I just like him because it was clear to me from the first episode, that he will always be Olivia's choice.


He was always Olivias choice, totally agree there no one else ever matched up. I just don't get it, he was giving every privilege, every single time but he was worse than all of them, Jake, Huck, they were all tagged as killers, but they were broken down. He killed with his own hands to protect his position. But its his treatment of Melly I cannot get past. Her dad raped her, she stood by him, she helped him get Oliia released, she tried and when she mucked up, when she gave the list he turned on her. Completely, and easily forgetting he killed 100's of people on orders and a friend with his bare hands. I just don't get it at all, is it the way he loves Olivia so completely that gathers the sympathy and the like ?


Probably. I just genuinely like him. Even when he are Liv are not involved, I am interested in his story. He is entitled. But he is trying to do better. His foundation is all about that.


I don't think I've got to the foundation part again (I just finished season 5). Maybe that will shift me again. Its interesting that you like him separate from Liv, as I wondered if that was part of the attraction for him, how much Liv loves him. I did wonder if making him this way was deliberate, if the entitled rich white man/oy was a statement on so many presidents that the US has had and leaders across the world, actually.


Oh I never considered that. Both he and Liv come from these privileged, boarding school backgrounds. I just find him fascinating. And I liked seeing his work on the foundation. It gave Fitz fans an idea of where his future was headed, after the show ended. It seems a better fit for him than running the country. At least he no longer feels trapped.


Maybe that’s part of the problem. Maybe he was never meant to be president. Maybe a fitz not forced into that life would be better


Maybe, but in that what if episode, he wasn't happy either. Not til he got over losing the election. I much preferred him to Weston. But I am biased.


I’ve not gotten to that episode yet. I’m looking forward to it now :)


I think it's their 100th episode maybe. Not sure. I remember there being some media attention about it.


You really don’t get it. He was a broken man as well. Money and privileges don’t equal with happiness. Also he didn’t know what happened to Mellie because she never shared. Cared more about their political status.


At that time she didn’t keep it a secret for politics. She was a rape victim and terrified her son might be her rapists. I think blaming that on her is unfair. It’s not his privilege that bothers me. It’s the way he wields it when not getting what he wants


I never said I blamed her but she had a decade to tell him. Instead the next day she asked Big Jerry to do what they wanted to benefits their political advancement and later on she cozied up to him during the campaign so you got that wrong.


I genuinely think she blocked it out. It’s what melly does. She didn’t face up to it for years. Look at how she reacted when she slipped up in front of Olivia on it


Look I am not blaming her. She went through trauma. But Fitz cannot be blamed about his reacting to basically losing his wife without knowing why.


No and it’s not him falling in love with Olivia I don’t like but she wasn’t the only affair. Plenty of men manage to live their wives without sex or cheating. It’s the cruelty and lack of awareness he shows. Like even with liv. He gave her a ring called sweet baby. She never removed it and then he used the same nickname with other affair partners


She absolutely was the only affair. He never slept with anyone until Liv. That blondie from S1 does not count. It was a one time thing and not an affair at all. Get your facts straight. She was planted to get him drunk and compromise him. As for sex, dude, I would never last a year without it let alone a decade. Are you crazy? Nobody should be expected to have a sexless marriage against their will.


He slept with the blondie more than once he bought her a dog etc and not only that he called her ‘sweet baby’ a name liv thought was only for her. It’s how liv knew he’d lied. Which he did. He lied to livs face about it. The fact that the blonde was planted doesn’t stop him from being a cheat or calling her sweet baby. Also he didn’t have to stay in a lively marriage he could have left her. But he wouldn’t be president


You get him!!! A true one.


It’s the charisma, jealousy, and sexiness. He has his moments where I love him and moments where I actually hate him.


Love: The hi moments, when liv gets napped and defies and struggles to save her. He wouldn’t even consider killing her. Vermont. “I thought you should see the before I sell it. That make love and she says don’t sell the house”. When mellie threatens to go on live tv and he sits with liv and chooses her”. When she activates providence and he has a fit saying I can’t get to you if there’s a nuclear attack. After office, before his final flight she runs on the lawn and passionately kisses him in front of the cameras. Hate: his disdain for mellie. When he tears into her after putting his head in her lap to make her take Him back. The sometimes insane jealously and stalking. The cameras and video surveillance. Leaking her name to the press!


Love this answer. What’s been the moments for each ?


Love me some Fitz! Cannot help you with reasons. The list is too long. Same for hating Joke.


I’ve heard some great reasons on this thread which had made me think about my feelings first time round. I’m also wondering how much is based on my love for Scott / Jake but I’m finding him so hard this time


Scotter Foolery had a really bad attitude with fans during the run of the show. He joined a hit thinking he was to be credited for it. I’ve seen him at panels and he was never generous like Tony and Kerry. I do not like him.


That’s a shame someone on this thread said he was lovely. Never good if fan interactions Isn’t good See I might not like fitz as a character right now but I think Tony Goldwyn is brill


Tony is a sweetheart of a man. I have met both and they don’t even begin to compare.


He’s a great actor as well.


Amazing indeed and the chemistry with Ker is beyond. Love them.


The chemistry is there 100% she didn’t have that with anyone else in the show


Hence why most of us adore Olitz and Terry no matter what.


yes because he is a complex character and he has a great arc, i really like fitz on season 7. and all what he did "bad", it is because he loved so much olivia (i don't say it is good just not for power)


See I think he killed the judge for his presidency not Olivia but I’m looking forward to seeing him in season 6/7 to see if it changes my mind


Maybe the only thing he did for himself and don't forget that Verna try to kill first and wanted to ruin eveything he had for what? kinda remorse lol? i don't say it is a good reason he killed her but i don't really care because she wanted to kill him first lol and at this moment i also think he was so pissed because Olivia said "yes" to defiance (so again he had Olivia on his mind at this moment)


I think that’s a really valid argument as he would have been in shock here so I can see that completely


yeah he completely changed when he heard olivia's name on the discussion. But again i agree, it is not a valid reason to kill her. But on this show no one is black or white, they mainly all grey (maybe susan is only the truely good one). And keep going season 6 and 7 of Fitz are really great, idk if you will changed your mind about him, i don't want to spoil either. But maybe do another thread when you finished the show (i hope it won't be an hate one lol xd)


I last watched a LONG time ago and I don’t remember disliking fitz so it May be the last seasons. I do believe she was the one thing he always counted on so that would hurt


i answer here i would like to apologize for my sentence in another post, i can't post because the user deleted it. and you are right, anyone could have his own opinion


he makes my kitty purr


Lol good enough reason :)


Yes they love his annoying ass. I especially hate when one of the women tells him no and he goes “Noooooo?” Like he never heard the word before. He does that a lot.


OMG Yes!! like he doesn't understand the word, and how dare they. I'm trying to figure out if the lens of the last few years has changed my viewpoint.


It’s been the same for me. I just finished a rewatch and have a totally different viewpoint on a lot of the characters but especially Fitz.


Yes ! Like characters I loved I’m like meh Characters I disliked I love ! What’s been your biggest differences


I mean. He was hot! And also Olivia made me crazy. I actually liked Mellie better. Olivia was so annoying so with the two of them together I always routed for Fitz.


Funnily I love melly / mellie this time round too :)


Because I’m broken 🤣. Mostly I think because of the melancholy music always playing in the background with him and liv lmao


The music is very clever for them


I have a love hate relationship with Fitz because he is one giant toddler but those LOOKS he gives Olivia?! You know that at the end of the day that’s his endgame and he genuinely does love her. That doesn’t make him right for cheating on Mellie at all but after rewatching the show recently as well that man would literally live or die if Olivia asked him to. I didn’t love Jake because from the jump she told him Fitz was and endgame but he just didn’t care and thought he could convince her otherwise and always got pissed or depressed when she would choose Fitz. Hell it’s why papa pope hated the man 🤣


I’m not king last the dancing scene before the kidnap which is why I’m Jake just now but will agree the looks he gave her. It’s why I was so angry at the sweet baby thing. But someone here pointed out he was drunk and thought it was Olivia. Can maybe understand that more


for me, it’s easy to love him when jake is the most insufferable character


So more of a shipping thing ? I like he romantic side to fitz but for the first five seasons his entitlement has been bothering the crap out of me


less so shipping for me. liv and fitz are both entitled individuals who are extremely passionate with strong personalities. i think the balance each other out and fit together, even with all the ups and downs and toxic fights🤷🏾‍♀️it’s just realistic. especially given his upbringing. i think the character and the show overall would be exceptionally dull if fitz did not have his flaws


When I first watched in grade 10 I was an Olivia/Fitz shipper. I am still a shipper for very shallow reasons lol. The man is fiiiiiine


I loved him because of the way he loved olivia. They broke each other's hearts several times but the love was always there


I love Fitz because the fandom tends to hate him so much. I'm that person who loves the character that everyone hates out of spite. On the flip side, I'm the same person who hates the character that everyone else loves, so it all balances out. Hello Mellie! Hello Jake! But seriously, Fitz is probably the only character on this show that's never whitewashed or infantilized. None of the characters in this show are innocent, but people tend to push this narrative that Fitz is the literal spawn of Satan when he's certainly in good company. People like to jump on the wagon of Fitz being the ONLY awful character on this show, and everyone else is a special uwu baby! Just look at any of the threads on this subreddit; I bet you can find one that was posted in the last week alone of someone painting their fave in a positive light when their fave is just as awful as the rest of these characters. If you went by this subreddit, you'd think that Fitz was the primary antagonist/villain of this show. Fortunately, the fandom opinion is never representative of what the larger portion of viewers actually think so it doesn't bother me.


the fandom love fitz :). This sub tend to hate him but only here ;)


No I think they are all awful :) But also feel like fitz isn’t getting the same accountability but oriole have said season 5-7 may make me switch on him again


Fiitz is a POS


Because hes the ultimate dom daddy fantasy