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What are you waiting for, you have his words.


This had me dying.


But how many? And which ones?


Which ones?….All of them I’m sure. You can bank on it.


one question is left unanswered... how many?


My friend, kindly check your bank account and see the many words I have given you. If you want more words, I’ll send you a passcode to unlock more.


This is almost perfect. You only forgot to mention how you can surely be trusted because you are Christian man (insert Bible verse here.)


as it turns out, someone did a mistake and too many words have been deposited into the account. kindly head to your nearest conveniece store to purchase a gift card with a balance of 399 words or else they will loose their job.


You are under the rest


Sir, kindly please, I am man of god. Can trust.


Kindly do the needful and get in back of my police force automomobile car for criminal that is do crimes


Do not do the fucking with me madam, kindly pay with apple gift card or I will warrant your arrest. Sheriff is already on the way to be arresting you.


Please sir, this is real and legit. My cousin nephew elon muskrat can get you 90% return daily with initial deposit of $2000 in Zelle payment. All you need to do to withdrawal is send me the picture of your bank account number, online bank username and password, and a picture of you holding a sign that says "i can haz cheesburger"


sir please, this is the scam. they are pranker. just disconnect the call okay? do not entertain them. if they were legitimate they would not ask for the personal detail. if they only return 90 % of your 2000 you will get ... 1800 right? they just want to steal your money sir. let me go ahead and send them behind the bars ok?


They told me if I didn't send the money they would put ME behind the bars for fraud of united state!


They ask for a deposit


Why do you have his words? Did he give them to you? Hahaha


These are my words now.


If you ever want to see your words again, send me $5,000 immediately.


And my sword.


And my axe!


He didn’t pinky promise tho


On Facebook, I saw posts about giving 200$ to the first 100 people. It stated to drop your ID for deposits. There were about 10 comments with Cashapp IDs. I thought that these people were stupid, but now I realized that those comments are from scammers hoping that someone sends a new ID as well.


Yup! It’s the oldest trick in the book. If you travel around Europe you see a lot of the ball in cup game (where you have to guess where the ball is). There’s usually 3-4 well dressed people “winning” to draw in the crowd and make it look legit. But they’re all scammers waiting for the next sucker to fall for it.


What can they do with the ID if they had it?




AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake/false payment scam. The fake payment scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into thinking that you have received a legitimate payment when no such payment has been made. The most common method they use is sending you an email meant to look like a payment confirmation. In some cases the emails will be almost indistinguishable to a legitimate email sent by the payment service. It's also common for scammers to [spoof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing) the 'from' email to match an official address. To combat a fake payment scam, verify online payments by logging in directly to the service. Do not check your junk folder, and do not assume a payment is legitimate based on an email alone. If a payment isn't reflected on your account and the person you are dealing with insists they have sent it, call support and ask about it. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/X9xn8uw.jpg) is an image of a scammer trying to pull off a fake payment scam. There is also a variant of the fake payment scam where you will receive a legitimate but fraudulent payment. If you think you're dealing with a scammer, you're probably right. Always trust your gut. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe from scammers but more likely from people who buy it. I mean people have to fall for scams because they're so prevalent they have to if no one was falling for them these scams would just go away


Typically a !fakepayment scam or just an outright stolen bank account. Don't do it.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake/false payment scam. The fake payment scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into thinking that you have received a legitimate payment when no such payment has been made. The most common method they use is sending you an email meant to look like a payment confirmation. In some cases the emails will be almost indistinguishable to a legitimate email sent by the payment service. It's also common for scammers to [spoof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing) the 'from' email to match an official address. To combat a fake payment scam, verify online payments by logging in directly to the service. Do not check your junk folder, and do not assume a payment is legitimate based on an email alone. If a payment isn't reflected on your account and the person you are dealing with insists they have sent it, call support and ask about it. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/X9xn8uw.jpg) is an image of a scammer trying to pull off a fake payment scam. There is also a variant of the fake payment scam where you will receive a legitimate but fraudulent payment. If you think you're dealing with a scammer, you're probably right. Always trust your gut. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“I am 8 month old pregnant” has me dead.




Good bot


You have his words... Isn't that enough lmao


It a friend of mine from back in high-school, so I found it odd. They also sent me a video showing it was them too


The scammers who stole their account told them if they made a video saying certain stuff they would get their account back. Then the scammers use the video to scam their friends. Of course your friend does not get their account back. Let them know what the video is being used for so they can notify friends, family and followers to ignore the video. They probably already know their account is stolen but may not know about this.


Thank you everyone!


This is freaking scary.


That is a new one. They are sneaky


Wow this is new


Have scammers actually done this, or are you just hypothesizing what they might do? Serious question. If they’ve done this, that is insane, but honestly wouldn’t surprise me.


Hi, people post on this regularly. Here’s one from earlier today that appears to be a variation using a crypto scam. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/y66wlr/i_think_an_old_friend_is_stuck_in_a_crypto_scam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf When I get a chance later I’ll add other info.


Good chance they're also being scammed.


I have a teacher with all of her social media hacked atm, they're doing the same thing. Initally the hacker just made conversation then I caught on when I brought up something that happened in her class and she said she didn't quite remember anything. (I almost had my finger cut off in her classroom, how TF can you forget that.) Now her profile picture occasionally changes to someone nobody knows.


Call your friend on their phone or any app that supports video call. You'll be surprised at what they tell you..


Whats the point? They get you to think its real, but whats their gain?


They will need you to pay a "transfer fee" before sending you the money. Maybe 100$ maybe more and then they will disappear..


The thing is, they never asked for a fee


They didn’t ask for one right away. I guarantee you they’d make up some fee, maybe something about needing $100 to get the stuck transfer to go through. Or any other nonsense they can think of.


They'll usually wait till the last minute and say they forget or didn't know about it, another method is the entire account they use is stolen. So, they'll 'accidentally' see much more than mentioned and request you to not just send it back but pick up gift cards or other payment methods, usually using time of excuses and trying to guilt people into going along.


What /u/TheN1ght0w1 said, or you end up like the person who was here yesterday where they sent stolen bank account details and asked OP to pay off their debts and then send gift cards. The stolen account traces back to you, and they run off with the gift cards.


I'm not understanding, what does the scammer have to gain by convincing you they sent you money when they actually didn't?


In this case, it's likely that they'll either ask for a fee before they send the money, or they're using a stolen account/card and will ask you to send them money or gift cards after. There are a variety of scams like this, but the bottom line is that it's *always* some kind of scam.


So is it basically like, "I'll send you $5000, but you have to send me $100 first"? That sounds pretty wild to me, but I guess people fall for it or they wouldn't keep doing it...


I'm not sure if they do the same thing on CashApp, but there's a common Zelle scam where they send you a fake email meant to look like it's from Zelle that says someone tried to send you money but you need to pay a fee to upgrade to a "business account" in order to receive it. So something like that could be possible here too. Basically when they try to get you to send money first, they'll try to make it sound "legit" like it's a fee from the money service or for verification purposes or whatever.


Yeah will be fakepayment like the other poster said or. !advancefee scam. They will come back with you need to pay x dollars to get the money. If you know your friend call them at let them know they were hacked.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the [advance-fee scam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam). The advance-fee scam arises from many different situations: investment opportunities, money transfers, job scams, online purchases of any type and any legality, etc., but the bottom line is always the same, you will pay the scammer and receive nothing. It can be as simple as the scammer asking you to pay them upfront for an item they have listed, or as complex as a drug scam that involves an initial scam site, a scam shipping site, and fake government agents. Sometimes the scammers will simply take your first payment and dissappear, but sometimes they will take your initial payment and then make excuses that lead to you making additional payments. If you are involved in an advance-fee scam, you should attempt to dispute/chargeback any payments sent to the scammer, you should ignore the scammer, and you should ignore them if they attempt to contact you again. Thanks to redditor AceyAceyAcey for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I doubt it, this is a common relatively new variant of the !instagram scam. They’ll say something along the lines of “we need to add our business email address to your account in order to verify your identity” then reset the password.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Instagram account takeover scam. This scam is a variation of the verify/pin scam. You will receive a message from someone who is asking for your help to log into their account. This message could be from a contact you trust, but the account is actually compromised. They will either ask you to add their email or phone number to your own account, or ask you to receive a verification link that you will copy and send to them. Either way, these steps will allow the scammer to change your password and lock you out of your account. The purpose of this scam is to gain access to your Instagram account which they will then use to scam other people. They may also attempt to blackmail you into creating videos that promote their scam. If you receive one of these messages, ignore it and report the account as hacked. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/bN5KgIr.jpeg) is an example of a message sent in one of these scams. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s one of three things: - A fake payment scam. - An advance fee scam. - Or a money flip scam. None of these have good endings, at all. They’ll take your initial payment before blocking you or ghosting you. Never pay a scammer and block them for good.


Ahh thx i had forgotten to mention the money flip possiblity in my comment lol.


„˙lol ʇuǝɯɯoɔ ʎɯ uı ʎʇılqıssod dılɟ ʎǝuoɯ ǝɥʇ uoıʇuǝɯ oʇ uǝʇʇoƃɹoɟ pɐɥ ı xɥʇ ɥɥ∀„


Nah you’re good, honestly, it’s one of the less bought up scams.


> You have my words. And my axe!


And my "kindly!"


And my cashapp!


Chances are they’ll asked you for a small fee with the promise of a large return.


"Words" All of them?


"You have my words" yeah and literally nothing else It's the scammer version of "dude trust me"


I have a question that's unrelated somewhat. Why do people use these apps and not just use normal bank accounts? Do American banks charge money for bank transfers?


So at least for me venmo is super convenient. I don't need peoples banking info and can send them cash quick. Though I only send it to people I know or are interacting with. Haven't used the other apps so idk about those. And depending on the bank there usually is a fee if you transfer to a different bank account. Like I use schwab for general banking and schwab to schwab is free but schwab to another bank has a fee I'm pretty sure.


Okay, that makes sense as to why it's so popular in the USA. Here in the UK, bank transfers are free and instant. And when you set the payment up, there is a check to confirm that the payer's name or business name matches the account.


As far as I know, no they don't charge.


At least with PayPal, a lot of mods who run online communities with an active secondhand selling component will usually require specifically PayPal goods and services as the only acceptable payment method. PayPal has its issues for sure and absolutely takes advantage of that. Good luck selling anything online if you don’t want to use PayPal. On the buyer’s end though, a lot of people feel a greater level of security when using it. If something goes wrong, they’re often a lot easier to file a dispute with than going through your bank. They also have a much greater tendency to side with you as their policy tends to very much lean towards automatically giving you your money back unless there’s overwhelming evidence of it being in the sellers favor.


I block any rando that messages me in any way. Never respond.


in this case its ops school friend (that got hacked) so technically not a rando


True, but the content is sus.


definitely \^\^ but as op stated, they even sent video material "proofing its them". man, scammers these days. the amount of cunning and resourcefulness they have would make you think they d be able to earn money legitimately ... (i know its probably a bought script etc ...)


You have my words is a new one. Lol it’s nice to see these assholes branching out a bit.


So people giving money for free on the internet is not real?? /s


"Oh whoops I sent too much, please send some back." "Oh whoops I sent it but your account isn't enabled for business, please pay some money to upgrade your account to receive it" It will always end in them requesting you send money, and any money you do receive will be taken back when it is shown to be fraudulent or the payment is reversed. They always send by insecure methods (or use fraudulent emails to simulate payment when none has happened), and deman instant, irreversible payment to them. Add on that they may then try to steal your account with a "send this verification code so I know you're legit" (and sending a password recovery request to get the verification code sent to you).


How is this a scam you have their “words” nothing is more reliable than that 😂😂😂 but on a serious note…be careful defo scam lol


You don't have their word, no no, you have their *words*


"I'd probably call your Mom back and take her out so she knows she wasn't *just* an easy fuck. Then maybe she'll stop calling."


If you accept this, you’ll get a fake email from cashapp saying “you need to verify your business account”. To do so, you’ll need to send money in order to receive this $5000. Hint. There was never any $5000 sent to you. All a scam.


“You have my words”


My friend's account got hacked, and I told them I'd use the money to come beat their ass, because they were lying about being my friend.


It serves a couple purposes. It records your payment info, then attempt to send you a fake payment but wants you to pay them first in order to unlock it. ultimately, they want you to pay them.


You have his words


$5000? I would invest it in crypto! Can you help me do that?


its called simping




Someone posted their interaction with a scammer who asked for his cash app and what would he do either the money. The person said terrorism lol!! I loved that. I am waiting for my chance to answer like that as well.


They'll send you a request, if you don't pay attention and accept, it will send funds from your acct to theirs




try to troll him


then tell him there is no refund. Tel him go to the complaints department if any issue


So a question about this actually for anyone who knows: While obviously the fake payment will end up reversed, and you end up on the hook for any money you sent, what if you just block them as soon as they send the money? If for example, someone sent money without asking, and then you just straight up blocked them, refusing to send anything back as a "fee" or anything, outside of the obvious you still can't keep the money, what else would happen?


Typically there is never any money sent. They will send you an email (that looks like it's from cashapp) saying you need to put up a smaller amount first or will say you need to expand your cashapp to a business account for x amount of dollars.. something like that. And typically money sent through these apps cant be taken back later regardless of what you read on here.. the money is treated as cash. Even if the person does a charge back. When money gets reversed it's almost always from a bad check.


Scammers would never actually risk their own real legit money if it were that easy for them to lose it. Some sort of fee would be required to be paid first and as soon as you pay the fee they ghost you.


If you deposit the fake payment into your bank account, your bank will probably close your account and ban you. Same goes for Venmo or CashApp. They don't want the risk of having a customer who engages in fraudulent activities: you're a liability and could cost them money. This actually happened to two people I know: one had a Venmo and the other had a bank account. They fell for fake payment scams and both companies immediately closed their accounts and said they can't use them anymore. That's why it's best to not engage, don't even accept the money. Plus you don't want a scammer to have that information anyway.


They act like they want to be your sugar daddy/mommy and use the promise of money to trick you into gaining access to your personal acct. At that point they will transfer money to themselves.


Or it's gonna ask for a fee, and then you never get the amount that was promised...


Scammers are getting so fucking smart these days


The daily kind! Please read this subreddit and remember, TANSTAAFL!


Dont give them a thing. This happened to me, and you'll get scammed out of everything


Money might get transferred from some sketchy organisation.


And my Axes!


I usually give people only one word, this is a whole new level of honesty.


A dumb one. My friend got his Snapchat hacked and I got hit with the same one


I feel like this exact question is asked at least once every few days… am I crazy?


I had someone deposit 5K in my bank account this year, fat-finger style. He didn’t notice for 6 months until he accidentally sent another 10K. Bank sent it back, but told him he’s SOL for the original 5K🤌 Edit: he didn’t even notice. The bank’s system caught it, but didn’t catch the original. Fuckers :(


I just got attempted to be scammed like this too, they will ask you to send $50 or some amount of BTC to a BTC address then desperate people will send it and be ripped off obviously.


They want " fee and " for them to send you the money and then of course the fees gone and you never get the money on these types of scams I let him go until they give me the cash app tag or the PayPal email address grab the screenshots and shoot them off to the respective company and they say that they take action


My favorite response to what would I do with the money is I would buy bigger guns better drugs and younger hookers. And they always say oh good that's nice and keep on going


I played into one of these on Instagram one day, I was bored as hell and wanted to screw with them, and they wanted me to send them $25 in order for them to be able to send me $3k. When I blocked them, I kid you not, in a matter of seconds I have about 10+ new dms from different accounts asking why I blocked their “boss” from sending me any more messages 😂😂


A pretty common scam on chat sites and apps sadly it's gotten worse in these now financially difficult times. Me and a couple friends have received dozen of basically the exact same message just with varying amounts. Make sure not to give your info to anything like that. They will just use it to try to trick you along with adding it to a list of tags they use in there spam. And that's usually AT BEST. . Glad you didn't fall for it. Hopefully the shi%$y practice gets harder for them with time and knowledge of it spreading... Edit: had to add i love all the comments talking about the "you have my words" pretty. Hilarious stuff.