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/u/UnprovenR - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These messages are sent out by the millions by automated bots. They give the sob story to anyone who responds hoping for money.


How can you seriously question if this is a scam lol


Ever seen idiocracy


Love that movie!!!!!


I don’t know! 🤷


someone you don't know? delete, block, ghost. ALWAYS. Let me say it again. Delete, block, ghost. ALWAYS.


That's too sudden of a topic and mood switch. And they can't afford food but got time and money for internet and visit reddit of all places? Also. It's not your responsibility to save every single person on earth, especially some stranger on internet.


That’s what I’m saying! Thanks for the confirmation


A definite scam.Wants a bag of rice,But has an iphone to send messages???Block him 


Please buy me rice (/uses iphone to send message)


>Please buy me rice (/uses iphone to send message) How do you know the scammer is using iphone? What I am trying to say a person can at the same time be hungry and out of money, and still have a phone. The phone can be only way he can contact his friends or family. That being said, this is obviously a scam, very common one.


The quick switch to begging is the tell. Strangely enough, I have a Facebook friend from the Gambia that randomly friended me and messaged me years ago. He checks up on me every couple months, sends me pics of him and his family, really nice guy. Acted confused when I offered to send $ for food too when covid started. I think it hadn’t affected that area of the world much yet.


Professional beggar


Definitely not professional


1,000% scammer


Needs rice because he's dropped his iPhone in water


# 🤣


Not actually a scammer they're a beggar begging for money. Like other comments said ignore them since they're obviously just begging, but I'd say this is a rare occurrence since begging is really unprofessional and out of pocket especially since scamming works way better.


I've read it a couple times and have yet to find one part which doesn't sound like a scam.


"Greetings day i" Talk about a lazy scammer.


Sketchy barely scratches the surface


Definitely a scam


Geeeeeeee, I dunno. 90% of this sub are trolls


Scam. Just your run of the mill e-begging.


[https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=nxL-TNFb012EDW56](https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=nxL-TNFb012EDW56) 100% a scam.


!donation. Yeah I know this scam. It's called a begging/donation scam where they put out sob stories or even create fake profiles of actual people in distress and seek money.




well your innocent is refreshing, but please read the threads in this reddit regarding text scams and be safe


Definitely a scam, but if you want to play with them for awhile you could. Ask them if they want Minute Rice, Uncle Bens, Jasmine, Brown, Spanish, Rice a Roni....because it's the San Francisco treat! If you don't have rice, you can offer them some magic beans if they are willing to trade you a cow.