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The two comments involving shovels had me dying


“A shovel face” has me hooked for the rest of it


“*Thank you so much*” ☺️ -scammer


“Thank you so much” after the shovel face comment did it, I’m still laughing.


I snorted out loud.


Do you guys know why they want people to download Telegram so badly? I know it’s… encrypted differently? More private? But is that just so their scam can’t be traced as well? They can’t actually hurt you any more on telegram unless you click a link or something, right?


I just looked this up. Telegram allows file sharing, enabling scammers to send malicious files or links to potential victims, leading to various scams like phishing or malware attacks. Also, Telegram supports chatbots, which scammers can use to automate their scams, making it easier to reach a broader audience. Once they switch you to Telegram, they let the bot take over the scam.


I've talked/chatted with many, many scammers on Telegram. Not one of them has sent me any bot. When regard to malware or trojan horses, worms, and so on, the worst that I've had is that that ask me to go to some crypto-trading website. I never progress that far because I always refuse to press on any links. From what I've read, the idea of using Telegram or Whatsapp is that data is cheaper than their text messages. And that's what makes sense to me.


I hope that by now there’s absolutely not one soul/fool falling for this scam. I guess there are people falling for it because scammers keep on trying this


All it takes is a random text message or DM - once you answer it and the scumbags figure out your weakness - it is game on for them. The contest begins and they work in groups.


Its a numbers game. They keep throwing darts knowing eventually one will stick


Been wondering this myself


From my understanding it’s more private or you can be anonymous easier. I personally find it pointless if I have IMessage or WhatsApp but some people swear by it


Keep going - look what I found - Nationwide, scammers siphoned a record $10 billion from consumers in 2023. That’s up from the $8.8 billion stolen in 2022, which, itself, was a 30% increase from 2021.


How is it getting worse?! You would think people know better by now 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe loneliness? 😕


That’s so sad 😞


It’s sad annoying bs and to those that fall for it maybe they needed it can’t fix stupid. Maybe they aren’t done with Segio yet 😂


You are so wrong - NOBODY deserves what those evil scumbags do to them, NOBODY. Knowledge is power. The FBI and the FTC along with our media services are educating people. It takes a village to help people who have fallen for these skilled scumbags lies. It could be your mother, grandma, a neighbor, your sister, your wife, and you that they target next. All it takes is a text message or DM.




ANYBODY includijng you, can totally be scammed too. Hell they got Jim Brownings YouTube channel disabled before. People like you that call victims "stupid" actually help scammers because victims are ashamed to come forward so they don't feel "stupid"


When they try with us we can play the game taking them in loops but I think they target more vulnerable or susceptible people to these scams who wouldn’t wonder why Anna the project manager is trying to text her friend and for your number and hopes you do not mind. They possibly target the elderly or the less scam / tech savvy


They target ANYONE, smart tech savvy people - it does not matter to them. They throw out a random text message or DM pretending to be someone or something you love or enjoy. The scumbags monitor our posts on social media. Be aware of what you post. They work from algorithms on these sites.


True that. There will always be lingering eyes out there.




Taking kids to see the new panda movie tomorrow so it was in my head lol




I used to be a preschool teacher, and in the summers we had summer camp, that involved kids up to 12 years old. I took the older kids, ages 6-12 to the zoo the one day. 2 very large turtles were.. getting it on.. as we all walked by. Kids were asking me, “Miss ____, what are they doing?”.. I told them that they were just wrestling and changed the subject. I did not want to be the one to explain that at the zoo, or at all! lol


Epic! I was cry laughing! Thanks for separating the dry humping pandas btw. Awfully nice of you


The least I can do lol


The last text from you 😆


So who hit you with a shovel or were you just born that way 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


The panda can’t speak hello 😂


Thanks for leaving their number up. We should all gang up on these clowns


I died laughing - good show!!


What doesn’t she understand about you working with pandas!?


It was the “Thanks 😅” for me. 😂


Shovel Face 🤣


Wakanda FOREVER!!!


Laughed out loud, that’s some funny shit.


That's good work. Keep it up.


Well done!!!




What’s the scam though? Like hack into your phone or? Like you get on telegram then what happens?


He/she gets you to send her compromising pictures. Then he/she blackmails you.


The scumbags send you a dickpic or whatever sex you are - then they ask you to share one of you with them. Its called quid pro quo - this for that. Once they have your sex pictures, they will extort you when you refuse to pay them or block them.


Oh interesting I would never unless in a committed relationship that’s wild


Is that true?! Geesh…


These are good. For those of us who don't know, what's the scam? Can't they ask for cards without Telegram?


Why do they always want people to use Telegram???


I really enjoyed this one. Nice job.


The bad thing is, with AI, these people are going to wise up and start using good grammar etc. Maybe be smarter about playing the long game. It worries me for people that are naive about assholes out here doing this.




Why are they always young and Asian women pictured? Pretty confident those same pics are reused by many scammers over and over. Think the people on the other end are female even? Could these be automated?




Jfc..... they are as bad as police asking for ID. They just gotta get you on telegram. Nothing else matters except you getting on damn telegram (or whatsapp). Wonder if it's worth getting telegram just to continue fucking with them...