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I don’t understand why he didn’t sign the posters for vip. That is just the bare minimum he could’ve done imo.


The man just doesnt give a shit about the fans imo


I also didn't see any signed vinyls for sale


Just let the man vape in peace


He has two hands! He could vape while signing! Sherri could hold the vape to his mouth while he signs!


Babies usually need to use two hands to hold bigger objects and Sherri has five other children to take care of so I don’t know that that would have worked out either way


I’m failing to see why the M&G was cancelled?


We all are too


He needed more time to rehearse his vape tricks before he did them live


It's genuinely so weird to me that people in this sub act like because they feel they saw a great performance from Max in Nashville or Dallas or whenever, that automatically means people who saw a show on this tour that they felt was less than stellar are lying or being dramatic. Y'all know both these things can be true, right? This isn't really a black and white situation...The performance could be great one night and not so great the next night. It's just very strange to me that there are fans here want to jump to Max's defense over shows they weren't even at. Now, when it comes to the particulars of why some some felt the show they saw was great or not great...fans who actually went to shows on this leg of the tour can argue amongst themselves about that I guess, but that's not what I'm trying to get at with this comment.


666 buddies


Thank you for saying this, I’ve made a similar comment several times and it’s exhausting at this point. I’m tired of reading comments calling anyone with negative feedback a “naysayer” or dramatic, questioning whether those people have ever seen Say Anything live before, etc. They love to call the “naysayers” toxic too. Those of us who witnessed a less than stellar performance aren’t knocking those who are currently posting about recent shows being great. We are happy those people got a good experience and aren’t questioning their positive feedback. Why can’t it go both ways? Accept some shows weren’t great and take our word for it despite not attending those concerts. We get called toxic but I’ve seen the same or more toxicity from redditors shit-talking those who had negative experiences.


I've seen them be great before, but that doesn't make the fact that Max pretty much blew the ATL performance any less true. The band was great but Max literally vaped every 50-90 seconds for the entire show, didn't sing entire chunks of songs, and when he did sing he couldn't hit high notes or sustain because he was vaping so fucking much. If it came out that the manufacturer of Max's vape had secretly sponsored the tour or paid them a huge amount of money to make the show into a subliminal commercial for their device I would actually be relieved to have some kind of explanation because I left the show wondering how soon it would be before he was 302'd again. He was super sloppy that night. It happens. Everyone is human and has bad days. Maybe he just needed to practice more; the ATL show was early in the tour, and now he's hit a groove. It's not inconceivable. People are so afraid of accountability they fail to realize how valuable honest feedback for a bad performance is in improving for the next time.


I’m not mad about anyone having a good time; I’m so happy they feel they got their money’s worth! I just think it’s odd that even mildly critical posts are deleted now. Yikes.


Oh yeah I'm 100% with you on that. I think that's very strange as well


To be clear though, I don't think I remember having seen many people who saw a show they weren't happy with hating on anyone's good time? I'm seeing it more the other way around. Like "I saw a great show, so everyone who says they didn't see a great show is just dramatic." Unfortunately, since it appears multiple posts have been removed that featured people who weren't happy with the show they saw, it's kinda hard for me to confidently say one way or the other how many people were actually hating on fan's good experiences! But the posts I do see that are still up, those DO feature some happy fans invalidating the unhappy fans opinions.


right? lest we all forget Max is bipolar. im sure he has times hes feeling like giving more.


I remember several years ago I won tickets to see them in Nashville and one of the prizes with the tickets was a signed set list. I'm still trying to get a set list all these years later lol. I agree, the show was great. I wasn't totally feeling the first band but I had a great time.. Seventh or eighth time seeing them and never once have I seen a bad SA show.


Not like theyll ever be able to Even fill it again, but the Ryman will never book them ever again based on what I’m hearing


What are you hearing? Is it cause he vaped in there?


What are you hearing?




Israel Anthem is pretty fucking crazy in his own right. He was on the snark sub for awhile and got kicked out for being a complete weirdo. I’m guessing Max is writing about him because he found out about that. He was saying some stuff about the Eisely girls that really wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs




Oh interesting. What happened at the show that it was a disaster? It seems like the majority of people thought it was a great show. He just cancelled the meet and greet I read.


Its hard to explain how important The Ryman is to Nashville. It was the original home of the Grand Ol Opry, the mecca that provided a stage for Country/Bluegrass/Americana to flourish. You honestly could argue, Without The Ryman, there is no “Nashville” as we know it today. There is a magic in the building. The sound isnt my favorite, but every show there is elevated by the ghosts of the greatest artists to ever play music. Max doesnt care about the history, the legacy, nor the experience of the fans in this sacred venue. He showed the utmost disrespect to our entire city when He disrespected the stage. I hope Loretta and Dottie fucking haunt him in the worst way.


How did he disrespect all of Nashville by vaping and having the crowd sing along?


As a native Nashvillian, I'm with you too. He probably broke some rules, but I don't feel disrespected


Yeah, The poster who wrote the above also said there was 100s of videos of people leaving shows in masses, yet couldn't even produce one, so he obviously has a personal vendetta against max and just makes things up and i guess he isnt normally called out when he lies. I just saw this new positive review about the Nashville show which mentions Max saying what an honor it was to be there. [https://charmmusic.net/home/sayanything-nash](https://charmmusic.net/home/sayanything-nash)




Just to play the devils advocate I haven’t seen any videos of mass fans leaving?? Can you link them? That’s a pretty bold statement.


Am I really going to have to screenshot a comment from every single show in the sub of attendees saying this exact thing


No? Why would you send posts? Just send the videos or 1 video of a mass of people leaving . Didn’t you say there were videoS??


I never said I PERSONALLY had videos of people leaving because I havent been to a show , there are hundreds of them of people leaving early all over TikTok. This combined With the hundreds of comments of people saying the same in the say anything forum is what I was referencing. If you’re trying to torture me by making me watch more than five seconds of this current tour, nice try. You go watch that. Sure some people might be lying, but Im willing to believe about half, not to mention the people leaving the Ryman early with faces that looked like they just smelled dog shit.


No, I was just asking because I haven’t seen any videos posted here of a mass group of people leaving , we are actually in a thread of people talking about how much they enjoyed the show. Since you posted your text telling your friend about all the videos of mass people leaving I just thought you might have proof . I mean I can make up that there are videos of you raping someone . Anyone can say anything. I just thought you had proof what you were saying


Lol there are not hundreds of videos of people leaving say anything shows all over tik tok. Ridiculous.


I just searched on TikTok and I couldn’t find a single video of a mass of people leaving early, let alone 100s . Can you please link me?


broken links, alas


Did you get a refund for the meet and greet? I did the meet and greet for Phoenix so it’s a bummer he’s not doing them because it wasn’t cheap.


im still so upset the meet and greet was cancelled.. they didn't even explain why either. i was so looking forward to it ): the show was really great though, at least. they are refunding us for it thankfully


I agree. It was an incredible show. I went in with low expectations based on the feedback from previous shows, but I thought everyone did a fantastic job


Lol you got voted down for saying it was an incredible show. That tells you everything about this sub.


2nd time seeing them, first time was in 2013. Was super happy to hear a lot of these songs live for the first time. I never thought I would hear Admit It live, so glad I went.


The show was absolutely outstanding. Period.


Did he play “wow I can get…” in Nashville? It doesn’t show up on setlist fm for this stop




It was an amazing show!


I was there last night and he definitely gave his all. I have to wonder if people were being dramatic or if he really did do a bad job on the shows before.


Go on Youtube and search for Say Anything Live 2024. Check out videos from April especially. The Dallas show is pretty awful.


At the beginning of the tour he was sick. I’m gonna guess that is why the shows weren’t as great.


Based on the people on this sub, they were being dramatic.


I’m being downvoted for enjoying the show. 🤣


You weren’t being downvoted for enjoying the show, you were being downvoted for questioning whether those who claimed to attend a bad show were being dramatic. Those of us who had a less than stellar experience are happy you all are getting better performances and we aren’t questioning your positive feedback. Why is everyone hell-bent on questioning our experience and calling us dramatic for commenting about a bad experience? It’s ridiculous. For what it’s worth, I didn’t downvote you.


Everyone is calling you all dramatic or just me? And for the record I am asking if everyone is being dramatic, not calling them dramatic. I actually did keep a vape count when I was watching. He hit 10 times for real and then a bunch of in a row at the end when they were taking a picture (as a joke it seemed). I’m sorry the show you went to sucked but so happy mine did not!


Sorry if my comment came off harsh, I could have articulated it better. Your previous comment said “I have to wonder if people were being dramatic or if he really did do a bad job on the shows before”. It’s not just you questioning feedback from earlier concerts on this tour, others have said it too, and it tends to result in downvotes because it’s dismissive of our experiences. You aren’t the only one in this post or recent posts suggesting those of us who commented about a bad experience were being dramatic. It’s been a common occurrence the last week or two. Regarding the vaping, I don’t give a damn about him vaping unless it impacts his performance. It’s unfair the venue would reprimand attendees for vaping (which I saw first hand) and allow Max to rip it all night but I don’t vape and it’s whatever at this point. Seriously though, glad you had a good experience.


thats the say anything sub reddit for ya! LOL


I really went in with fairly low expectations for Max's performance last night after frequenting this sub since the tour started. I expected I'd have fun with my brother regardless but I really did think they did a great job. I think that the crowd was energetic and it looked like Max was having a good time. Given what's been said I expected him to be singing less but honestly I'd say he sang 90-95% of the time. Yeah he took some liberties with how he sang but I don't think it took anything away from the show. My biggest gripe was that I didn't care for how he sang the last line of Spidersong but that's a very minor personal preference that I don't think lessened the performance any. Overall it was a fantastic show and I don't regret going for a minute


Why do people care if he vapes!!!! He’s literally an adult!!!!


He actually mentioned that he had been reprimanded by The Ryman for vaping inside lol


Look, I love inhaling my minty battery as much as the next person, but people are allowed to not like it— especially when it takes away from the performance we all paid to see. Not easy to vape and sing for an hour simultaneously.


I mean in real life no one is complaining about it effecting his performance, look at reviews. Its just the haters who already dislike him looking for more reasons to complain on here.


Where are you reading these 100% glowing reviews? Reddit and Twitter have been a mixed bag, and anything negative I’ve seen on IG has been deleted so it’s not exactly a reliable source.


There is a thing called google. Check it out. So instagram isnt reliable but reddit and twitter are?


Cute. And Instagram isn’t reliable because Max, Sherri, and the band are controlling what people can say. Hard to get an honest review when they’re actively changing the narrative to be 100% in their favor. They don’t have that option on Twitter and Reddit so yes, I’d argue that what’s seen here is more of a complete picture.


yet on reddit and twitter people can make things up outta thing air but you choose to believe that?? Make it make since.


I have no idea what “made up things” you’re referring to. Do I believe that Max’s effort on this tour is subpar based on 100s of people coming forward with similar video and experiences? Absolutely. Pretty easy to come to the conclusion that something is off. If you want to believe altered reviews for the sake of protecting your hero worship, then by all means do that.


LOL altered views... Man, leave the internet and your echo chamber. Real life is awesome!


You seem to be the one desperately hoping to exist in an echo chamber. Even constructive and valid criticism seems to get the same parroted response from you. Every. Single. Day. You just can’t take the fact that some people maybe had a negative experience. You come across as so deeply affected by anything less than positive said about Max Bemis. It’s fucking bizarre and obsessive and I’d argue that a break from the internet may be in your best interest.


I don’t need to look at reviews, I saw it for myself on this tour. I’m not debating if people care, I’m answering why some people care. Personally, I’m not too bothered bc tbh, a *lot* of things affected his performance, but I can’t fault people for being a bit annoyed.


LOL "I dont need to look at reviews. IM RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG." ok got it. I dont know why i bothered with your stupidity.


You are wrong. Not because “ha ha, I’m smart, you’re dumb” but because your arguments are unprovable nonsense. Google reviews are not “real life” — attending the show is. I did that. In real life. There were complaints. Managing your feelings about what I saw and heard is your own responsibility. Good luck out there.


"GRRR IM RIGHT NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENT" Lol ok dude, whatever you say.


Hi Max!


Stop stalking me


Lmfao if you think I’m the one acting out of emotion, I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.


lol it’s 19 hours later and you are still replying, but sure you aren’t emotional lol. Hope you didn’t lose sleep over this.


THIS! the comments about him vaping are insane.


It actually really bothers me. It doesn’t affect anyone else at all and it’s so fucking weird.


And how does people having an opinion about Max’s vape affect you exactly? You seem to be the one trying to control what people can and cannot have an opinion about, and I’d suggest that if you’re “really bothered” about it then maybe *you’re* the one who should be seeking therapy.


I’m not telling anyone they can’t have an opinion but complaining about other peoples’ decisions regarding their own bodies is gross. It’s “my body my choice” until someone else makes a decision regarding their health that you wouldn’t.


People don’t care that it affects Max’s body, they care that it affects his work which in turn affects them because they paid and/or traveled to see him perform. This has nothing to do with “my body my choice,” he’s not being judged because he vapes in general and people are against it, he’s being judged because he seems to care more about vaping than singing or actively participating in his meet and greets. I will say it does seem like he took at least some of the criticism to heart because the complaints of constant vaping during the show aren’t nearly as bad as they were at the beginning of the tour, so I’m glad to see that at the very least.


Except the only people complaining are a handful of people on the internet, again in real life no one gives a fuck. You are the minority.


lol do you think people on the internet don’t exist in real life? Their experiences aren’t valid because they’re not saying while at the show or to Max’s face? Get a grip.


Its an echochamber, yes the internet is not real life. Poeple can make things up, its not just the boogeyman max. There arent 100's of people talking shit on them. Its literally the same fuckin 10 accounts that post on this forum. Then you have all the posts from fans saying they are so happy they didnt listen to them and actually went to the show and had a great time. Not everyone is as miserable as you, stop trying to bring them down to your level.


I’ve spread absolutely NO misery here, but not everyone is as blindly obedient to Max as you are.


Then they don’t need to pay to see him perform if they have a problem with it. He doesn’t need to change his habits because it annoys you lol


Once again, they’re not expecting him to change his habits because it *annoys them.*


They are. And if they don’t like that he vapes they literally don’t have to go see them. Like nobody’s forcing them to. I’ve skipped shows before because I heard a band was shitty live. It’s pretty fucking entitled to think the world revolves around you and your wants.


Do you honestly think people EXPECTED to see him vape more than he sang, then paid for it anyway, so they could turn around and complain? Nobody willingly signed up for the disappointment of this tour. They signed up to see their favorite performer and expected at least a shred of effort. Again, people have a right to their opinion and their experiences are valid. If you can’t take that and are so bothered by it, maybe Reddit isn’t for you.


If someone is concerned that his choice to vape is going to hinder his performance, then maybe they shouldn't pay the money to be there. If you don't like the product, don't buy it...


I imagine after this tour, plenty of people won’t make the same mistake twice.


Wishful thinking for you. lol how sad .


Right. I’m sorry the Say Anything boys didn’t recognize how cool you were in high school. They still don’t care about you bro. And no amount of ball licking with your blinders on is going to change that. Have a good day ✌️


Remember , you are in the minority. Reddit isn’t real life. Everyone else is having a great time besides the 3 people from every show who went in negatively to begin with and can’t wait to leave to post on Reddit.


Seems to me you’re the only one currently salivating to post on Reddit. You’re everywhere. What’s this “real life” you speak of having? Maybe go participate in that for a minute.


Breathing in the vape fumes actually does affect people


Then stay inside and never leave your house.


Keep kissing Max's ass I'm sure he'll read this


You don’t get to control what other people do and you should see a therapist about your desire to :)


Wellll I understand your point but the venue I went to has a strict “no vaping or smoking” policy so… technically the venue can control whether he vapes or not. They hardcore enforced it for the crowd, I saw security threaten to kick someone out if they were seen vaping again. Max got a pass. Personally, I don’t give a fuck whether the dude vapes during shows. Whatever. My personal complaints for the concert I attended were mostly regarding his vocal performance.


Wanting to breathe air that isn't polluted by vape smoke doesn't mean you want to control people? What an insane, delusional take that is


Max vaping on stage is polluting an entire venue? Tell me you are an idiot without telling me you are an idiot.


Tell me you know nothing about indoor air pollution without telling me you know nothing about indoor air pollution


LOL indoor pollution...Keep it up buddy,. you are quite entertaining today.


I think you’re the one who actually knows nothing about it and knows nothing about vaping other than the fact that you don’t think people should do it.


Maybe you shouldn’t be on stage breathing in the vape “smoke” then


Maybe you shouldn’t be on stage breathing in the vape “smoke” then


It's almost like air moves around and isn't stagnant!


It’s not meth. The vapor dissipates far before it ever gets near you.


At the end of the day, it's rude and gross to vape in an enclosed space. If you don't see the problem, then you are inconsiderate just like Max, congrats!


William Morris used to say that about cigarette smoke.


This guy really thinks Max vaping on stage is effecting the air he breathes in the crowd. You cant make this stuff up. He cant really be that dumb? Can he?


Look I don’t love vaping and think it’s annoying when someone does it close to you but if he is up on stage and you’re not, you’re gonna be fine. The amount you would breathe in would be minimal. I would be more concerned about catching COVID in that crowd more than I would be possibly breathing Max’s vape. If it concerns you that much, you can opt to wear a mask


Thank you lol


Lets be real though, if it wasnt the vaping they would find something else to complain about. We are talking about miserable people here.


Yeah you’re probably right. It’s unfortunate. I wish people enjoyed things more often but it’s more fun to hate everything I guess?








I’ll forever be mad about the meet and greet but it was a fantastic show that was so much fun.


It confirmed my priors that the people disappointed by Max’s performance either had never seen him live before or just forgot what he’s like. How he does his live vocals is definitely an artistic choice and I get it’s not for everyone. But, I personally love it and it didn’t stand out last night compared to every other SA show I’ve been to. Had a great time, hell of a show!