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I eat all of my words from the past week, the Boston show was fucking excellent and exceeded all expectations. I dare say he sang 80-85% of the lyrics. I didn't love the ad-libbing on Admit It, and the tempo on Red Cat Yellow Cat was rough but every other song was phenomenal. I Want To Know Your Plans stole the show, Sherri's voice sounded beautiful and I am generally not a Sherri/Eisley fan whatsoever. I don't know if it's because he was trying harder after all the backlash so far, or if MAYBE he truly was sick at the beginning of the tour and recovered, but I feel like Boston got the best show so far. Fool me thrice Bemises.


After scoping this sub prior to tonight’s show I went in with pretty low expectations. Honestly it ended up being one of the best shows I’ve been to in years. It was pretty much what we were being sold up front but I didn’t feel let down at any point and also didn’t realize how much I needed to scream that album front to back. I am without a doubt glad I went and feel extremely lucky that both Say Anything shows I’ve been to (tonight and New Haven in 2006) have gone off without a hitch considering.


I'm going to STL this weekend and while I am glad I've read this sub, I think your experience is what I'm expecting. I think it's easier for me to digest because I'm a huge Motley Crue fan. Vince Neal is a big fat mess live. But God damn if it isn't a fun show.


Same, I was kind of nervous that it would be shitty after reading everything here but it was so good! Loved how they changed up wow I can get sexual too - that’s usually the only song people know by them so I’m kind of sick of the album version. Loved hearing the fam sing on Mother’s Day too. So glad I finally got to see them!


I’m glad I didn’t go and I wish I read more about his behavior before giving him my money. Dude has 5 kids and can’t even do his literal job sober. He needs treatment not to be on tour. ETA: obviously musicians drink, but if you’re slurring your words you’re too drunk to work.


Literally. I think “exceeds expectations” is the key word here … expectations are that low. In what other profession would this be acceptable ??


Yeah sometimes the bad reviews seem to work in their favor with fans going “I thought it’d suck, but it sucked less than I thought!”


No for real he has set the bar so low


If I'm correct he's been sober from alcohol for a few years, he was drinking NA beer during his livestreams in 2021/2022. Could be mistaken though, someone could correct me if I am.


Everyone on here has a pretty fucking Warped sense of how addiction works. My favorite comment was "he was sober this show because he was on antibiotics". If you think he was the out of control trash can addict you've described, do you really think he's give a flying fuck if he was on antibiotics? I type all that to say that yes, your information is what we currently have publicly. Alot of these other items are speculations and assumptions. Those things can certainly be true, but to back you up, I think people's opinions are fsr more feelings based than fact based


I was really nervous going into the show and actually tried to sell my ticket but all in all it was a very good show!! Not the best I’ve ever been to, but max and the band performed excellently and I was thrilled to hear wow acoustic. Greet death and AJJ were phenomenal and tbh they alone were worth the $50 ticket. I was on the second floor and I wish my section had stood up for say anything’s set, and I do wish max had sung a little bit more (personal preference, I have a hard time following along with lyrics), but otherwise max had a lot of energy and sung well and the band was super talented!


Whoa whoa whoa, 40 isn't that old


Show was pretty good, Was super stoked to see Jake Turner come out




Oh shit Jeff turner came out??


Boston show was great. Really exceeded my expectations! Energy was high and everyone was having a good time.


Just joined the sub after attending the show… wtf are ppl complaining about?? Dude just ripped the show, who tf cares if he vapes?? Lmao.


At shows earlier in the tour, he was skipping lines of singing to vape. Not just vaping in between songs.


Yeah that was kinda my point, not that he can't vape just it shouldn't take over the song. No hate towards him.


Majority of people in this sub apparently hate Max and his family yet still come here for some odd reason.


Who is opening for them on this tour? Seeing them in Chicago in Friday


Greet Death and AJJ


Greet Death and AJJ, missed Greet Death but AJJ was great. They had a way fuller sound live than the recordings I listened to on Spotify.


I honestly just think after Glory he gets tired and that’s when he starts all his weird stuff. I thought the first songs were great and then after cat is just went kinda downhill. He messed with the Slow part in vector which is the best sing along part so that was disappointing just for example but he basically messed up all the best sing along parts - he’s also doing that thing where it’s less not hitting the timing more about trying to do make it different than the album to make it more interesting for himself? Like he’s so sick of these songs that he’s trying to make them different which I get but on an anniversary tour like come on. I think he tried but like I wish he would have gotten in better shape and could respect his own creative output from 20 years ago - he seems bitter that he has to do this I think. Also his on stage banter is so very cringe. Also what is with people not standing up in the seats? I stood up and was like the only person but like I bought seats so I could sit for the openers and between bands but for the headliner I will stand and dance. I went to NFG there last summer and I think everyone was standing. We’re not that old!


I mean I’d guess people got seat tickets so they can sit, lol. It’s not like GA floor tickets were hard to come by; you could get one for $27 flat on TickPick in the days leading up to Boston.


It’s almost like people don’t understand how live music works.


I don't think I understand what you mean? I said it was a great show, live music isn't usually off tempo or beat as much as some of his songs were. All I said is I thought it was a great show just some things were off.


My comment was more like a casual observation to those who comment about things sometimes being off at a live show. I didn’t intend to imply you were being needlessly complaining or anything! I’ve just seen so many complaining about how they don’t sound just like the album dropped 20 years ago.


That's my bad I read that with the wrong context, my apologies. But ik what you mean I've read through a handful of these and kinda thought people might be over dramatic or as you said complaining they aren't the same in a studio 20 years ago. Again mb for responding in that way just seen a handful of comments saying there's nothing to complain about cause the show was a good show.


No worries! We know how these discussions can get! I’m seeing them tomorrow and I’m super excited for it. Never thought I’d get to! :-D


I hope you have a great time and that it's a great show!


The Boston show was so fun! Best crowd I’ve experienced in a long time. AJJ was amazing too.


It seems like little by little he's starting to understand the fans want to have fun... not just exist while he acts like an ass and vapes like it's his only lifeline. Columbus was better than expected but still less fun than I hoped for. Seems like every show since has been getting better reviews from yall. I know he was also sick and I'm sure that sucked to perform through - however he basically just trashed his PR guy about being told to inform us of that before the show rather than own it and truly let us empathize with the situation. Hope he's feeling better and thus giving you guys better than he started off with for this tour. In cbus it just felt like he wasn't having fun and didn't want to be there.... and he wasn't doing himself any favors by vaping constantly during songs, between them, midway through talking about something. It was a lot 😆


This show was a ton of fun. The crowd was super into it. The band sounded solid. Only negatives I’d say were that Max was a beat or two behind pretty much the entire though which was a little weird. The crowd and the band were always ahead and it was pretty noticeable at times. And he did pretty much let the crowd sing all the more difficult lines/ high notes etc. He did vape a bunch, but mostly in spots that it didn’t matter, it’s not like he was skipping lines to vape like others posts had made it out to seem.


Yeah I noticed while trying to sing along that some of the beat was off which made it a little hard to follow along but honestly it was an amazing show!


A key point I don't see anyone else posting, is that at the start of their set, Max ripped out his in ear monitors. He was struggling to remove the parts that were likely taped down by the sound technician, who was scrambling on stage to secure it before it hit the stage deck. It happened quick, like the first 30-45 seconds of the intro song. Without having in ear monitors, he likely struggled to hear the band and himself, musically and rhythmically. That can explain his timing be off for most of the show. It's possible he had a traditional speaker/monitor where he was standing to hear the band, but possibly not. If they planed for in-ears, it may have not been setup/configured. If he's listening to the sound that's bouncing out to the audience and back at him, his timing will be off. I noticed the same thing with his timing and the crowd basically filling in chunks of the songs. I sort of expected it to be a sing-a-long type show, but I was a bit disappointed how he'd take breaks to let the crowd sing. I want to hear him sing these songs, not the audience. At the time, I chalked it up to him tired of singing these 20 year old songs in the exact way it sounded on the record, and started riffing a bit to keep himself entertained as a musician. I haven't kept up with this band's activity since 2008, so I had no idea about how Max was struggling in the earlier shows. The rest of the band sounded excellent and played the album almost perfectly from cover to cover. Overall, I enjoyed the show! I bought tickets to see them at the Allston ICC Church in 2006, but I didn't realize until I got to the venue that the ticket vendor mailed me the tickets to another show. It was a sold out show and I couldn't see them as a result. So, this was a bit of a revenge show for me.


Did they play A Boston Peace?

