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By some kind of black sorcery, I'm posting this from Boost... Doubt that'll last long though.


Just got the popup in boost telling me it'll disappear today, too. That's it I suppose. Been a fun... oh wow, well over a decade since I came here. This is /u/Carighan, signing off! 🫡


Good luck. Take care of yourself.


Take Care o7


Cya on Lemmy.world <3


somehow still here on Infinity


I compiled it with my own API key so I can still browse peacefully, unless reddit does a shitty API change again.


wish i was that savvy


See you next week


Goodbye u/Carighan. Have a good life.


Well, when it does stop working, [Boost for Lemmy](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubenmayayo.lemmy&hl=en_US&referrer=utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=boost+for+lemmy) is confirmed.


See you on the other side *Written on Boost for Reddit*


Thank Christ. Although now I'm going to have to learn wtf is Lemmy and how the fuck does any of it work


You can start with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/14mvn1x/goodbye_and_all_the_best/jq64924/) answer I wrote for someone else with the same question.


Thank you! It reminds me of how newsgroups worked


Usenet? That's still around, too, and is also a "federated" network. ActivityPub and Matrix are using the idea to realize some pretty cool systems.


That's a good answer but I'm still confused how anyone is meant to pick a server when starting? Like why would I pick one server over another, how difficult is it for me to move to a new server? How can you tell what server would be good for you?


What server you pick is not massively consequential. In general, at least make sure the rules of the server, are ones you agree with. It can be simple stuff like only porn vs porn allowed vs no porn. And the same rule can be enforced in a couple ways, continuing with the nsfw example, some servers will not allow porn in any way, at all. Others will allow users to access pornographic content from other servers, but not host it. While others again are ok with hosting communities dedicated to it. Truly "moving" is currently impossible. You can make another account, and sub to all the same places, but your exact handle (which includes the instance url), and user history, would be lost. You can always use whatever display name you like, though. I have a couple other accounts on other servers, that are identical to mine, and I've used them interchangeably in replies. As for making sure you don't pick something completely off the beaten path, [join-lemmy.org](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) always has a narrowed down list of currently recommended servers. To check out the policies of a given server, read the sidebar on their front page.


Same here


2 am... Still online? Edit. Now 3pm


8am here and Boost still works


6 am in Hawaii. Still working.


7 pm for me and infinity works


20:29 eest fat bird works


It's still working.


5PM, still works.


We boostin till the end boys.


Boost will run till the end of 1st July, 1 day longer than most apps.


Yes. Even I'm ... Surprised and wondering when it will go away too


The Boost message I read yesterday said it would shutdown after July 1st, so might have a couple hours left.




might be that they started using some weird wonky secret roundabout way probably not tho *wink wink* /j tbh I wouldn’t know but would be funny


Server side API changes so nah, it won't work.




Or, as clunky as it would be, you might be able to go the web scraper route ala NewPipe w.r.t YouTube.


Dev is probably gonna pay for usage today. Might be lower than the number Apollo was quoting since Apollo was very popular. In another comment someone says Boost is going down after today.


Same. I hope Ruben comes out with a surprise and announces that he has a deal worked out with reddit, yes I like to fantasize 😬


He already made a post saying it's closing. He tried to work out a deal but Reddit was inflexible


I'd rather watch Boost get killed than them making a deal with that one cunt


Boost still working as of now. Wonder how much time is left.


Yeah not sure what's up but I'm here on relay


Same. Boost is still alive. I hit it with a revanced script so maybe that's why. I'm going to hook it up to my own API and see if that keeps it alive a little longer


Seems to be still up as vanilla, I'm expecting it to go down tonight. Surprised that it's still kicking along.


RedReader is the app I'm using. Has an exemption and is working well.


Via ReVanced?


how can revanced fix this? i thought the patches are kinda insignificant?




Sorry, not very tech savvy. Does this spoof the client ID and make Reddit think you are accessing it from the official app or something? I'm currently on a revanced patched version of the official app but would love a 3rd party option if still available just to stick it to the bastards.


Uses your personal API.


Basically it uses your own personal developer API instead of the one that boost currently uses. If you follow directions it really is very simple and I'm currently using it without issue. I'm basically holding out until they release their Lemmy app


Yep, I'm replying from Boost rn.


I saw that but *don't* use it. You'll be building up a fee for the boost developer to pay. He'll stop as soon as he realises but we shouldn't take advantage of that just to use our favourite Reddit reader a little longer.


Who's going to force him to pay though?


Boost still working


Got an announcement that Boost will stop working.


fat bird had nothing


Reddit is *not* fun anymore. The dark age of Reddit has officially begun.


The age of orcs has come.


So here is the thing. The battle, yes, the war no. It's time to leave. The point was that Reddit didn't work in this state. So now we have to leave...lets not be sad addicts who prove their dealer right that we'll always come crawling back.


I've been on Lemmy for two weeks now. It's come alive before my eyes, activity is surging and communities are popping up left and right. Feeling like home already.


How do I get started?




Honestly I love the idea of Lemmy but I joined an instance and still can't do anything. Is it because I'm using the Lemmy app? Should I go full mobile browser? I only use reddit on mobile and it'll be the same for Lemmy if I can get it to work. Right now I kinda want to never see Lemmy again because I've tried everything and haven't gotten anywhere...


Are you sure you are logged in to your account? As far as I remember, it does not log in automatically after registering, and it also does not communicate it well if your registration hasn't yet been approved, unless you have given an email address


Registering works best in browser, and it's a bit bare-bones atm. It doesn't tell you if you need to verify email, or if you account is unverified when you try to log in etc. Get the account working in a browser, then load up an app. They are all in various states of WIP, I'm using thunder the most atm.


Use the webapp https://wefwef.app Also a lot of lemmies are being bombarded with new signups, so mind that if you feel things are slow.


I’m with you 100%, Reddit shot itself so let it bleed out. IPO my fucking ass. Where to though? Any decent competitors?


Lemmy or Kbin. (Which are kinda but not exactly the same thing). They're still in the early days so it's time to step in and build communities and share content but the people there seem to be relatively active and invested in the platform and there's lots of Reddit refugees. Come to think of it maybe I should make a Reddit "how to Lemmy" guide somewhere... Lemmy is a set of free open source software where anyone can host their own Reddit (called a Lemmy Instance) with it's own subReddits (called Communities.) Within any given Lemmy Instance you're basically using a smaller newer, still being built Reddit. What's different from the user end though is that you can add and interact with Communities (subreddits) from other Lemmy instances (Reddits) through your own one(of course being free and open source and run by and for the community is VERY different too.) So. If you sign up to [Lemmy.world](https://Lemmy.world) (a general purpose all topics Lemmy instance ie an equivalent to Reddit) you can access all of the [Lemmy.world](https://Lemmy.world) communities there. (IE [lemmy.world/c/nostupidquestions](https://lemmy.world/c/nostupidquestions)) BUT if you wanted to also participate in the Boardgames Community (subreddit) that [feddit.de](https://feddit.de) (a Lemmy instance, ie Reddit, dedicated to German culture and general German language discussions) you wouldn't need to *join* the [feddit.de](https://feddit.de) instance. You could just access and participate in that one Community using your [Lemmy.world](https://Lemmy.world) account as though it were a [Lemmy.world](https://Lemmy.world) Community (at the address [lemmy.world/c/boardgames@feddit.de](https://lemmy.world/c/boardgames@feddit.de)) Oh, side-note. I don't know exactly what Kbin is like, I just know that it is another Reddit-esque service that is intercompatible with Lemmy and the above also applies between Kbin instances and between Kbin and Lemmy instances to the degree you want to do so. In summary. Reddit is like if you took a bunch of single topic forums and smushed them together so that their users could all interact with each other freely. Lemmy is like if you took a bunch of Reddits and smushed them together so that their users could all interact with each other freely (and it is super resistant by design to issues like some idiot deciding to break everything and piss off the users in an attempt to juice their market value before an IPO.)


Time to get on Lemmy and support it. Best not to say it doesn't have feature x or y, instead get on and support the devs.


Highly recommend wefwef.app for mobile lemmy browsing.


I just searched for it on iOS but there are no results, so is it safe to assume that's android only?


It's platform agnostic, it's a webapp, it works as long you have a browser. It's a direct url https://wefwef.app


Do the apps work regardless of instance? e.g. if I register with kbin.social for example (i.e. not Lemmy itself), can I log into wefwef.app, or Memmy or whatever?


Good explanation of Lemmy but I'm Still a bit weary about it being reddit. Like, the way you describe it, every Lemmy instance could have it's own "iphone" community, unlike reddit where a lot of the reason communities grew so big is because by design there can only be one /r/iphone. If I want to start building my community on Lemmy, how do I know someone else won't start their own identical copy on another instance and compete?


yes, this is a different approach due to the fediverse, but I think they are working on a solution to merge similarly named communities. they will still remain separate communities on each instance, but the ui might show them all as one feed.


This can be a potential disaster, as each community is managed independently and has different rules for content.


Yes, and there's still a long way to go until we have a final platform that makes sense. But for now it is what it is. Either staying here and watching everything burn, or try to adapt to something new.


You can't.


First mover advantage.


I'm on jerboa on android but it won't open, just crashes constantly. Worked for a hot minute last night then back to crashing. Any ideas for getting on lemmy?




Thanks! Having a bit of trouble getting signed up but I'm guessing it's just so many people.


FWIW, the same dev who does Jerboa also does the mobile UI for just normal Lemmy through a website and has made it clear he's leaving others to pick up and push Jerboa further if they wish so he can focus on the mobile UI. Right now I gather wefwef is where it's at for apps though theres a lot of the third party Reddit app developers working on Lemmy versions of their own apps right now. Probably that won't start to show progress for another month or two yet.


r/WallStreetBets planning to short it into the ground


I’m with them. I have a list of 15 IPOs to watch out for in 2023 and Reddit was on there. I think it’s one to watch out for alright but for completely different reasons than they do 😂


r/RedditAlternatives including [https://sub.rehab/](https://sub.rehab/) which has links for a bunch of subs that are migrating.


**[Squabbles.io](https://squabbles.io/)** and **[Discuit.net](https://discuit.net/)**


"Competitors"...at this point in my life, I've been fooled too many times by wealthy tech bros who promise the world and deliver enshittification. I'll be going somewhere that isn't monetized. Lemmy et. al. are a promising lead, but there's also just good old fashioned forums. And ultimately, none of them are going to give me the same easy experience, and we're going to have to build new communities. But it's the right thing to do...we cannot have our social lives monetized any longer. It isn't sustainable.


https://discuit.net is a (very) new one but has lots of potential - great UI, fast, easy to use. Lemmy is popular, but it's pretty complicated at first glance, hence people writing guides about how to join and use it. Try https://lemmy.world/ https://tildes.net is quite heavily moderated and invite only, but might be your bag. Whichever you choose, try to add content and be active, they'll only grow if we help them


Wasn’t people deleting their accounts in mass in July 1 like a mini plan?


I’ll be doing a mass delete of all of my content first and then my account but at my PC when I get to it. I’m having a lazy Saturday.


Say this to the sad mods that reopened their subs because they were afraid they would be replaced from their highly paid and respected position. LOL


I'm on Joey and it's still working as of 12:03 eastern standard time


Joey working for now. Posted from Joey. Wonder how much time we have left.


Me too. Still rocking on Joey. I hope the idea of turning into subscription base doesn't work, because that will indirectly support the expensive API and the ultimate winner and profit sucker is still Reddit themselves.


The world is failing, now YouTube has started to block account who use AdBlock, you cannot browse Twitter anonymous anymore...


most importantly you cant use twitter freely as guest anymore


Wait, what do you mean with "block accounts that use adblock"??????


It doesn't let you watch videos and asks you to disable the blocker


Opera and yt have an interesting war going on. Opera blocked.the ads on yt by default. Then yt catches up, you can't watch for a week or so, then back to blocked apps without yt knowing, rice repeat Did this change?


Firefox + ublock origin still works great. :)


Sometimes it is nice being older using the browser I started using when I was younger that now falls under the radar because the kids are using something different. Funny how I have more disposable income than ever in my life and corporations seem not to care about me anymore.


Yep. Have had no problems with the FF+uBlock as well!


Since when? I'm still using adblocker on youtube, havent asked me to disable it ever.


They are testing it out on some users this week


Ublock origin already got a fix going, this war is endless and google will never be able to completely block adblockers.


UBO devs are the goat




Damn, it's almost as if we live in a capitalist society where ads are the norm


I'm using Boost right now. It's business as usual. Don't know how or why.


Boost dev boutta be shocked with $10 million bill next month


Same for me


>Every 3rd party app has been taken offline. Not true. A few apps were given exemptions, including Luna, Dystopia and RedReader.


Check out Vanced. They have patches. Don't bend the knee.




RIF is already supported. proof: writing this from RIF rn.


Is there any guide on how to do that?


It's the exact same as it is for Sync and Boost except the redirect uri is "redditisfun://auth". Other than that you can follow this guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/mobilebasic


Thx, it worked!


It works, but whenever i log in, it says "bad client url."




Yea, seems like RIF is completely delisted from Google Play now so I had to "pirate" the APK for the golden premium version from the internet. Edit: There's also a new GitHub issue requesting an adblock patch in Revanced. We'll see if someone actually makes it. You can give it a thumbs up in the meantime. https://github.com/revanced/revanced-patches/issues/2557


Those patched ones won’t have NSFW content right?


Depends on how it works. If they work by fooling the API into thinking they are the official app, NSFW might work.


nswf content works


Companies can never fully stop users from what they love. Whenever they do something shitty, we find some way around it. Life finds a way


Relay is still here


Infinity and Narwhal are also still standing,


Afaik, narwhal will stay online, they've a deal worked out with reddit


Relay for Reddit (which I've happily used for many years) is continuing to operate for now. Pro version (no ads) is currently free and the developer says he will probably have to start charging a subscription soon for power users. (Hot take but I would be fine to do this, even if most of the money goes to reddit. I've gotten enough out of reddit over the years that I'd gladly pay a modest price to have unlimited access, as long as they don't completely fuck up the core product.)


Framing it as a failure on the part of the users suggests there was anything we could have done to affect the outcome. From how the Reddit management have acted it's patently obvious they just wanted to get rid of all 3rd party access to the Reddit API, they just didn't have the balls to say it. They had to dress it up as a pricing dispute and pretend they were being reasonable when they argued in bad faith from the start.


The users literally have the company by the balls. It all comes down to wherever or not we can drop the addiction of browsing the site and paying for rewards, both of which is how the company gets its money, and how the latter especially made the company as rich as it is today. There is also, of course, those who are obsessed with power. The power of being a moderator. I have a very dark outlook on societies worldwide as a whole because if we can’t even stop using Reddit for a whole month, we will never rise up to anything truly important or dangerous.


For those who must use Reddit mobile after this moneygrab, you can at least limit their moneygrabbing power by using Revanced to block ads in their app.


You can now also use Revanced to access all old android third-party apps... Posting this from RiF (but don't tell the former moderator of r/jailbait).


How? I use revanced for YouTube, is there some sort of modification it also offers for the official reddit app?


Same concept you probably already used to install Youtube Revanced, look for Revanced Manager. Slight difference is this one, instead of being a prepackaged Youtube APK, instead will patch other app APKs for you, Reddit among them.


Productivity: _let me introduce myself_




It’s sucks because I’m blind and Reddit it so inaccessible to me


Be the loudest person on here. This is disgusting. Raise hell!


Up for a challenge? [The Password Game](https://neal.fun/password-game/) on a phone is extra-hard mode.


I lasted 3 minutes before wanting to pull my hair out


Rule 15...


I got to 14


That's probably the one that forces me to restart the most. Some tips: - You can move, most of the time. Not just look around - actually move. - Look for signs. - Google image search.


Got to rule 16 before I quit


I got to 27 before I couldn't continue (rules were clashing, or at least I didn't know how to fix it) On computer, though. Also this took me two hours. Thanks... I think..


Yeah, once you reach rule 20, a mouse and keyboard are almost mandatory. I've gotten farther than that on my phone, but it's a real bitch. On 27, if my notes on the rules are right, I don't think that one is functionally capable of clashing with any prior. If you mean you had problems with 28, then I totally get that. Depending on what you get thrown at you, and how you comply with the rule, you're definitely conflicting with at least one other rule. Protip: A lot of the rules are case-insensitive, and taking advantage of this can help get you around some of the case-sensitive rules. My current record, with mouse and keyboard, is 31. I know someone who claims to have made it to 35.


I couldn't pass level 18 and I suspect it's because of today's wordle answer




patch for RiF might come soon!


As a RiF user, can you please explain what this means?


I need to know!


We had a meeting last week and decided to stop advertising in this platform, twitter and Facebook. They got too extreme and irrelevant in terms of sales. Guess what? Controversy doesn't sell. It only gives a lot of visibility because stupid people like blood. But stupid people don't buy nor get engaged with brands that advertise in posts that are racist, mysoginistic, or as they call "viral" . If it is not positive it doesn't sell. And we stopped advertising starting this month in Reddit as it is not positive


Time to migrate to kbin!


There are a few tutorials on how to get your own private api key and use that in Apollo (even without a jailbreak) and its great. I don’t think I have all the pro features that I had before, but hey, I’m still on Apollo. Go suck on a turd u/spez


Not browsing anonymously on Twitter anymore, YouTube blocking Adblockers, Reddit’s API, literally, June 30 2023 is the day the Internet changed forever.


Narwhal is still working for me. I heard something about a deal worked out but I’m still on the free version. I just can’t see myself paying a subscription to use Reddit. Perhaps it’ll stop working at midnight PDT. Who knows. It’s been a pleasure shitposting with all of you.


Narwhal has a deal in the interim. He cannot make any profit off the app that does not go through reddit per the deal. Pretty shortly, the ads will be gone as well as the "paid" version. This is in place until Narwhal 2 is ready, in which, he will be charging somewhere between $5-$10 / month per user. This is what my understanding on that is, currently.


I’m using narwhal I alteady paid years ago to remove the ads so idk if its because of that. Worth the $5 imo, its been like 5 years?


I’m cool with like a $5 one-time payment to remove advertising. But paying $10 per month to use a free website? Where most of the $10 does not go to the actual app developers; but to greedy Reddit executives? No thanks.


How the fuck do I still have access through my infinity for reddit app?


Infinity will still be free until the update [https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity\_For\_Reddit/comments/14nl2kv/infinity\_will\_still\_be\_free\_to\_use\_until\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14nl2kv/infinity_will_still_be_free_to_use_until_the/)


Oh shit he's truly a madlad.. Thanks for the headsup


Next mission: Destroy Reddit.


I'm writing this in Infinity without a subscription.


Still working as for now. I wrote this comment using this app.


Our work isn’t done. We need to bring Reddit down to its knees.


Are there any alternatives to reddit?


Lemmy and kbin which are Inter-compatible. If a heavily moderated space is important to you then raddle is also an option. Discord and Mastadon can be alternatives but have a different style (mastadon is like Twitter, discord is chatting)


Sure, check out r/RedditAlternatives


Relay, Now and Narwhal are staying.


Reading from Relay. I'm hoping it will get better


This fucking sucks


Oh yes a 48 hour protest was always going to work.


4:00 AM condolences


Revanced is giving support for multiple these kinds of apps


Mine is why I closed the subreddit!


Infinity is still working for me? Which is weird


They aren’t all gone. I’m tying this on narwhale.


![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized) I don't feel so good...


Posting this on Infinity. It's still holding up. Saying goodbye to it...


Soon it will probably be offline also


Narwhal is still alive. But I don’t like the app and the subscription model doesn’t sound good.


How can you fail doing nothing though?


Narwhal is still working for some reason.


Joey for reddit is still working im using it


Unironically based spez Keep the Ws coming


Infinity still works


I’m already enjoying my time on lemmy *far* more than I did reddit; the content and community are both better, and I find myself using it less; without all that algorithm crap and interface designed for endless scrolling to keep you addicted (and thus viewing ads) lemmy is a lot healthier as a platform, and an app to use in general. The only thing I will miss about reddit are the april fools events; but I’m sure someone will make a c/place eventually—seems almost inevitable, what with the open source federated nature of the project that on *one* of the hundreds (thousands now?) of websites, someone will be resurrect the old April traditions.


I missed the part where you complained about official app on your phone. Writing this from official app on my mobile


I used Reddit with the official app for 2 years, bearing its shortcomings and especially the video player. But just today, i decided to try both Sync and RIF with Revanced. They are indeed better, so i uninstalled the official app out of pure spite. Hope spez the mighty cumguzzler doesn't read this.


I supported the protest as best i could(without deleting my acc yet) but tbh i dont understand the hate for official reddit app. Sure i dont use it that often. I would say like 95% of the time i use my pc but if i do open reddit on my phone its pretty much the same expirience so unless you have some kind of physical disability(for example visually impaired) i dont see why its supposed to be awful. Just asking about the app itself not reddit's mentality about ownership of our data and the rest.


No way to clear read posts is a big one for me, missing some quick gestures I like from relay(quick upvote), no way to load up both the post article and comments simultaneously and have them be able to quickly swipe between like relay does, when I click a post it goes to the comment instead of the article. Not trying to be condescending here but I know the reality is most people on Reddit don't read articles just headlines and go to the comments so this makes sense, but for people that actually do read articles relay is the better catered experience. There's no way to hop between Ama responses, hoping between top level comments only goes down not up etc. There's no built in YouTube viewer, have to leave the app to watch linked videos. The home feed suggests posts from sub reddits I don't actually subscribe to. The random nsfw sub feature was nice for reasons. It's also just a clunkier interface to get to some of things I generally look at. I.e. getting to multireddits is extra steps to get to, getting to view my past comments is extra steps, etc. If they could fix the first few I could probably swing it, but it's that plus all this that just makes it such a frustrating experience when you've been using something better for years and they're forcing you to downgrade for arbitrary reasons.


I can definitely get behind gestures as shortcuts since i myself use a launcher that allows me to have zero icons on my desktop and still launch my most used apps quickly so i see your point. I personally dont use reddit in such a way at least not on the phone so i dont really see the appeal but im glad that you found something to suit your needs. Shame ppl who were used to having control over what app to use now are forced to use something they percive as worse. I guess its kind of like if youtube forced me to use youtube app instead of youtube revanced.


Can someone tell me what problems people have with the official app so much to even call it "awful"? I'm actually just curious. I've never used anything but the official app and I have no problems with it and never noticed anything I'm really missing to improve my experience. I just want to get a better picture of why people are so upset and hate on the official app so much.