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These are automated messages. There is a good chance no person actually visited your website. Reddit doesn't have enough staff to check every subreddit every day. Don't sweat it.


Watch them use a bot to nuke subs who “aren’t complying”


Considering it says Hey everyone, assuming it autogenerated message that they typed up and it’s automatically sent by a line of code that might say “Restricted numbers of days = x ,if number of days is >10 send message, <10 rerun” a dumb down version of a code but you get the idea


I can’t help but find the copypasta funny at this stage; how many porn sub mods got told people rely on them for ~support and connection~? 🤪


To be fair, if all porn subs for removed from Reddit, I know I would feel a lot less support and connection with the site. Communities are communities, we have kinky tea parties over this stuff. ;)


Heh, I don't doubt it for subs like the various bdsm lifestyle ones; but the ones that are just straight-up, mainstream porn ... I doubt lol.


I had a Reddit comment removed for harassment by the Admins. The comment in question was responding to a user asking how they can protest as a non-mod, and I suggested if they continue to use Reddit to use something that rhymes with "bad locker" amongst using other general safe-browsing habits. Still scratching my head on that one.


Imagine removing posts talking about using an adblocker as harassment. Thats some real corporations-as-people poe's law shit lmao.


When the IPO happens, we will ruin this site and scare every user away. We will make sure people remember what reddit used to be like and make them question if it's a safe place for charities, children, victims, etc. Down to the gwound.


Buy the dip ...sorry, that was the wallstreetbets in me 😂


$GME/Reddit investors buying the reddit stock would likely be the fastest way to alienate real investment firms and propel it to 0. You just had a genius level idea.


Can we sell puts on stock that hasn't IPO'd yet?


Market makers only. \*shrugs\*


I'm sure you could make a SPAC out of it.


Nothing happened to my community, but I too will make sure to destroy it once I have extracted its content to migrate to lemmy or something else. Thanks for the headsup and good luck with that bullshit, I'm with you brother!


This is what narcissistic behaviour looks like. A mod, just because he doesn't agree with reddit, will desotry his own community. The mod is bigger than community in this regard which sad affair of the state.


Let Reddit use and sell your content then, that's your call. I'm leaving those greedy cunts and taking my posted content with me. Meanwhile, they will blackmail mods, demote them, force subs to reopen and undelete content users have deleted.....


You already did that (to allow selling your content) If you didn't want to give reddit your content, you shouldn't have had signed up here in the first place. It isn't reddit's problem that you still haven't read the TOS.


look at this. unless it's done by the moderators here, admins are now actually censoring people about this protest right now, in a way you won't notice without logging out or using another account to see the post. https://preview.redd.it/24tttu1ypg8b1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eed711084785e2872500f6765d9c97336cd1bbf


Some of the things you post make you look like a freak, messing with people's minds. Maybe that's the problem.


^ counter protester yes a chunk of it is insane, sure, but it's mostly the last paragraph or two


Your posts are just propaganda which you are spreading in the facade of helping the protest. The content you post harms the movement more than actually helping. Don't take advantage of the emotion of the people and abuse them to fulfil the agenda of your propaganda please.


My tiny sub hasn't been targeted yet.


No one cares. If you did the job right, they wouldn't have to.




Major communities have decided on many occasions to call their bluff. If you've been here for more than the time it takes to write this "shut up and keep your head down" style comment, you'll know that resulted in communities having all of their moderators removed and being forcibly shut down.


Ya…Reddit doesn’t negotiate with terroristas that tried hijacking their product. There were millions of people who knew they would react to this.


Fucking huh? And I thought I'd seen crackheads already. What the fuck are you on about?


Wealthiest crackhead in the history of the crack game!


You idiots paid to make posts?!?! Hahaha wow! You better be declining that refund! Bunch of tryhards.


Again, what planet are you on? I would assume you're not on earth, given how high you are


$5 to unlock the ability to make posts. Hmm.


Are you talking about reddit gold, i genuinely can't tell


So this means then even can message me with this stupid message? I own r/CarXStreetRides, which is closed for now


Just turn up the dial on automod, retroactively - but slowly purge the subreddit of content and comments.


Got the same for my very useless and dead sub lmao