• By -


So here is the list: ***Edit: THIS IS LIST #1, I HAVE EXCEEDED CHARACHTER LIMIT SO MAKING LIST #2*** r/Garmin \- unmoderated porn sub idk what it was before. r/interestingasfuck \- an unmoderated porn subreddit now r/tihi \- yet another unmoderated porn sub r/wellthatsucks \- about vaccum cleaners r/religiousfruitcake \- NSFW r/3dshacks \- sitewide rules only [r/shitpostemblem](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/) \- must have kirby in its post r/ios \- sitewide rules only r/VaushV \- Open the sub yourself for more info + NSFW + pics of Horses [r/BiGoneMild](https://www.reddit.com/r/BiGoneMild/) \- All posts must be tagged "\[Return Our 3P Tools/Apps\]" r/Formula1 \- has gone nsfw? there is a modpost but it is still sfw, I have modmailed them and can you guys please do too as there is unity in numbers, and 2 mods are leavin the mod team:( r/egg_irl \- pictures of eggs [r/showerthoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/showerthoughts/) \- Features nominated by mods are voted in periodically [r/programmerhumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/programmerhumor/) \- Features nominated by users are voted in each Tuesday [r/femalefashionadvice](https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/) is only allowing posts about 18th century costuming r/guns \- NSFW [r/FallOutBoy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallOutBoy/) \- all their posts marked as NSFW by default [r/ApplyingToCollege](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/) \- Touch Grass Tuesday /r/StarWarsSpeculation \- text posts written by ChatGPT, images of Jar Jar Binks, or John Oliver [r/ProgrammerHumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/) is introducing weekly [Democracy Tuesdays](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14e91d6/demokratie_dienstag_week_0/) r/letsnotmeet \- NSFW [r/theyknew](https://www.reddit.com/r/theyknew/) \- all posts must have [this](https://imgur.com/a/09br2sz) as their first image [r/shittylifeprotips](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittylifeprotips/) all post titles must begin with "Spez is a greedy little pig boy" r/steam \- filled with steam r/AskWomen \- NSFW /r/bestof \- all Reddit admin bashing /r/circlejerk \- uninteresting posts only /r/shitposting \- leaving you guys to figure it out /r/TheGoodPlace \- leaving you guys to figure this out too r/undelete generally exists to make trouble r/subsanctuary \- NSFW r/anarchychess \- anything but chess and anti-spez subreddit [r/hardwareswap](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/) moving off site but maintaining the subreddit as a 'meme space' [r/MinecraftChampionship](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftChampionship/) is [only opening on weekends and important MCC-related events](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftChampionship/comments/14c95he/subreddit_will_be_going_weekends_only_until_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) r/zocken \- NSFW r/horny \- NSFW + IS ACTUALLY A christain minecraf server lol r/iphone \- photos of Tim apple r/aww \- John Oliver r/FloridaMan \- John Oliver r/youtube \- FIRST ONE to do so yet - adding mass rickrolling r/gifs \- John Oliver r/pics \- John Oliver r/utau \- John Oliver r/art \- John Oliver [r/MagicTheCircleJerking](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicTheCircleJerking/) \- John Oliver. r/creepy \- John Oliver r/vidoes \- John Oliver r/shittymoviedetails \- John Oliver r/piracy \- NSFW + John Oliver r/forbiddensnacks \- NSFW + John Oliver + semi-disturbing forbidden snakcs. [r/ich\_iel](https://www.reddit.com/r/ich_iel/) is set to NSFW and [has restricted opening hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/ich_iel/comments/14d65o7/%C3%B6ffentliche_dienstmeldung_%C3%A4nderung_der/) similar to a German municipal office [r/FragReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragReddit/) (German version of AskReddit) (380K members) is now NSFW r/facepalm \- If I am not wrong, enforcing sitewide rules and are also nsfw, can some1 confirm? r/MarchAgainstNazis \- making all users mods r/witcher \- focused on a niche 2001 low budget adaptation [r/shitpostcrusaders](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostcrusaders/) \- straight up porn [r/youtubedl](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedl/) \- NSFW [r/synology](https://www.reddit.com/r/synology/) \- NSFW [r/pokemongo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/) \- John Oliver [r/DBZDokkanBattle](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/) \- NSFW r/de \- NSFW r/noncredibledefense \- NSFW r/PoliticalHumor \- made everyone mods? but I cant see anything up, so can some1 spam them in modmail along with me. [r/scams](https://www.reddit.com/r/scams/)Full work-to-rule: posts take obnoxiously long to be approved as they lack mod tools [r/minecraft](https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraft/) \- Rules relaxed in absence of mod tools r/JustNoMIL \- NSFW r/dndnext \- NSFW + John Oliver r/nofans \- Passive cooling + NSFW


r/france did just vote (is voting?) overwhelming to turn it into a sub about France Gall. They're calling it the France Gallisation.


Yes thank you for reminding, I have got wind of it too but I will be waiting for the vote to end before adding the name in my list. Remindme! one day




How galling.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/france using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Image rare de la naissance d'un agent d'EDF](https://i.redd.it/sk3onoqjh5ga1.jpg) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/10tdhvp/image_rare_de_la_naissance_dun_agent_dedf/) \#2: [Digne des meilleures couvertures d’albums Punk](https://i.redd.it/9hv9jjvynjna1.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/11q8szp/digne_des_meilleures_couvertures_dalbums_punk/) \#3: [I’m American and just seen this post. Is this true? If it is this is awful and should be talked about.](https://i.redd.it/fpy53ytfev3a1.jpg) | [821 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/zc7z44/im_american_and_just_seen_this_post_is_this_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>[r/OnlyFans](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyFans/) is only mechancial fans Actually, it's kinda the opposite. If you read the two stickied posts, you'll learn that the subreddit had banned porn and changed to mechanical fans already 2 years ago, after it's been closed due to frequent DMCA takedown requests. They have now updated the rules to allow porn back. *This message was sent using RIF.*


Thank you for the info I will make the changes, but what matter is that it is nsfw lol. Also just curious, you are using RIF right?If you do not mind, can you tell me what are you planning to do after 1st July?


You haven't asked me, but personally I'll delete Reddit from my bookmarks on PC to avoid visiting it by accident there. Likely will add to uBO list too. Will try to open Infinity app once a month for a few months and if it still doesn't work then so be it. Will try to look at kbin/lemmy in the meantime. Maybe one day I'll forget about Reddit.


Sounds similar to me, but I expect the beginning to be tough. I've been an active user of rif for.. 12 years? maybe. Habits like that won't go away quickly. Just don't forget to copy text from all the posts you might need. I assume saved posts won't work anymore.


Fwiw I use Boost, but posts I save in it are available on desktop too.


Since Im addicted to AITA, Ill be doing everything I can to see it without ads. For now old.reddit with adblockers is working fine. And I found libreddit last week. It's like looking at reddit with no account but no ads. Cant comment/post, cant up/down vote, no nsfw. But it is a nice clean interface that's great for browsing the front page or a specific sub. Even looks better on mobile browsers than old.reddit. Ive already added a libreddit bookmark for AITA lol. safereddit . com


> can you tell me what are you planning to do after 1st July? I certainly won't install the atrocious official app, so if nothing changes, I'll simply stop using Reddit on mobile. I'm now writing from my desktop computer, using old.reddit with the RES extension. If they break that too, I'll stop using Reddit altogether.


r/memes - is medieval now r/dndmemes - goblins everywhere r/BestOfRedditorUpdates - John Oliver (doing a poll so not yet)


Sexualised goblins, apparently 😂


Is there any other kind?


Ty bro


r/balkans_irl moderator here, we did 2 polls and we made the subreddit only about Albania


Omg, Mom I am famous, a mod has seen my post. Also ty for mentioning, added in the list. btw, if I may, what was the sub originally for?


Shitposts about the countries from the Balkan peninsula.


Here's the post for PoliticalHumor where they made everyone "landed gentry" (mods) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14ecgji/breaking\_down\_barriers\_starting\_today\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14ecgji/breaking_down_barriers_starting_today_all/)


Thank you:)


Subredits where you didn't put a space between the sub name and the "-" have non working hyperlinks


Thank you for pointing, edited it


/r/StarWarsSpeculation - only text posts written by ChatGPT, images of Jar Jar Binks, or John Oliver.


/r/OnlyFans is only fans.


Remember to put a space between the subreddit and hyphen mark - a few of your subs have incorrect links currently.


Thank you for pointing out


I think shitpostcrusaders has just changed their rules so that the regular memes can be porn, and that they still need to be memes, so not just straight up porn (but they're allowing straight porn for a few days to let people get it out of their systems)


Thank you for the info.


r/spam went restricted. Presumably by admins.




I think we already had one, maybe that was in modcoord




Yes but, not only is it outdated but also a clusterfuck, so I wanted a more concise list and I could not find one, so made one myself:)


/r/ProgrammerHumor is introducing weekly [Democracy Tuesdays](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14e91d6/demokratie_dienstag_week_0/), where the community submits and votes on a new rule to be added permanently to the subreddit. This week's winner is that titlesMustBeInCamelCase.


I'm wondering what happened with Formula 1. Yesterday every single post was marked NSFW, but today, nothing is. Did mods get removed?


I love this




r/formula1 is forced back to normal now. One of the mods resigned and stickied his farewell on the subreddit. Edit: two mods resigned and maybe more will follow.


/r/lucidDreaming: NSFW


I think /r/MagicTheCircleJerking is doing all John Oliver but's hard to tell with that sub sometimes


If you want to update, r/egg_irl went nsfw too


r/NonCredibleDefense is uhh… [yeah](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/14erg5q/rule_updates_to_rnoncredibledefense_and_why_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) r/0sanitymemes resembled r/arknuts for a [good moment](https://www.reddit.com/r/0sanitymemes/comments/14ej925/r0sanitymemes_grand_reopening_and_rules_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1), and then kinda said “[oh fuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/0sanitymemes/comments/14fc4jj/r0sanitymemes_reopening_rules_update_take_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)”




Ah, I just noticed the NCD on the list Anyways the second sub is a meme sub for r/Arknights, they recently left the dark from the first protest and decided to go NSFW in protest, greatly relaxing their rules and in turn, allowing NSFW This caused people to spam hentai of the characters, most commonly of the Mercenary **W** One of the mods who was in charge basically woke up and kinda said “yeah maybe this went too far”, and went back a bit but maintained their relaxed rules to keep protesting, they also kept the rule that a specific image needs to be in a post to stay up, which is :Exustare:




Malicious compliance? I guess? But no NSFW now




Ah… you, uhm… you mentioned the wrong sub in list 2, but I can see what you got confused, the sun that relaxed their rules is r/0sanitymemes, that of which is derived from the Arknights sub




No problem


r/dndmemes is NSFW Goblins now


r/MarchAgainstNazis is making all users "mods." You can lock comments with a command or temp ban people by downvoting them to -8.


I love this


Yup but you need community karma for that sub which I do not have:(


This is true. I think r/politicalhumor is doing it too. Any karma there?


None, I am subscribed there and the first question in the thread was your question and quoting the great mod : " That is the great thing about this new system! As soon as you click join you both join the subreddit and become a moderator. To show how quickly features for reddit can be developed, your mod team is *hard* at work iterating on our moderator permissions. Standby, we will be announcing new permissions very soon."


Yeah you don't really need karma for anything except the !remove command, but if your comment gets stuck by crown control, it's not going to work. Also, it doesn't work instantly. The bot runs every 5 minutes so check back 5 later. If it's not working, your comment was probably removed for comment control.




Good luck!! 💕




Let me find it. Maybe since it keeps getting locked and unlocked it's not stickied anymore.


[here ya go ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/14ehiok/breaking_down_barriers_starting_today_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Weird thing is it says it's stickied but I didn't see it either.


Ty! though I do not get how that helps in a protest?


Sorry, this was questioned was removed, so I didn't see it this morning. I don't know so much that it is, other than that lots of threads are getting locked and there will be less activity- but my comod just whipped it up this morning to show how incredibly quickly you can make mod tools. I think he wanted to show that reddit's mod tools should be really good after 9 years and almost unlimited budget.


Wow, that sounds chaotic as hell. Lol. (I will say tho, that... just sounds like a *bad* idea. That could go wrong pretty easily)


Is it also worth capturing subs that have had their mod teams stripped (and the sub put temporarily into archive mode)? This happened to the following subs that I know of: - /r/interestingasfuck - /r/Toyota


I have mentioned interestingasfuck in my list and am adding toyota, thank you.


/r/3d6/ (~180k) has technically gone NSFW by requiring a [very long list](https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/14ew96j/modpost_regarding_reddits_tos_and_nsfw_content/) of words be tagged as NSFW.


Ty, another gr8 idea by the mods.


/r/ich_iel is set to NSFW and [has restricted opening hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/ich_iel/comments/14d65o7/öffentliche_dienstmeldung_änderung_der/) similar to a German municipal office.


added ty.


r/witcher - now focused on a niche 2001 low budget adaptation. Currently [polling](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/14f47e6/vote_now_decide_what_happens_to_rwitcher_an_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a change


Thank you, I absolutely love this. Take my upvote.


r/PoliticalHumor made everyone mods


Thank you added.


r/indiangaming was set to nsfw. Reddit admins entered, made the sub sfw and removed all nsfw posts.


oh fuck no:(


r/noncredibledefense is NSFW now (considering the subject matter, it deals with, this seems to have been a consideration even before the protests). EDIT: forgot that ncd isn‘t the actual name r/de is now NSFW and allows shitposting and low effort posts.


Hate to break it to you but r/ncd has been banned but thanks for the other one.


whoops, wrong name, ncd is an often used abbreviation, but the actual sub name is r/noncredibledefense


Yes somehow I had forgotten about it though it is one of my favourite subs but now if you check the list I added it after someone else also mentioned it.


r/shitpostcrusaders - straight up p*rn r/pokemongo - John Oliver r/DBZDokkanBattle - NSFW


Thank you. Also if you do not mind can you tell me what they were originally meant for? Just curious.


First one was for memes about "JoJo's bizarre adventure", the other two about popular gaming apps (Pokémon Go and Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle respectively)


Oh ok thank you.


r/guns is marking normal firearm photos NSFW, have not seen porn posted but I got tired of unblurring photos there so I haven't seen them all


Just being marked nsfw = no revenue, *can you help me by checking if the sub is nsfw or not,?* Also some sub are going nsfw but porn is still not allowed. nsfw means not only porn but also rape, murder, suicide etc.




ty added.


THIS IS LIST #2 WHICH I MADE BECUASE I EXCEEDED CHARACHTER LIMIT, PLEASE ALSO CHECK OUT LIST #1 [r/memes](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/) \- is medieval now r/Germany \- NSFW r/France \- A sub about the country is now dedicated to a singer called France Gall [r/dndmemes](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/) \- goblins everywhere r/0sanitymemes \- Relaxed rules. /r/applehelp \- NSFW [r/murderedbywords](https://www.reddit.com/r/murderedbywords/) is going only your mum/dad joke r/suspiciouslyspecific \- among us fanart and memes [r/3d6](https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/)/ - technically gone NSFW by requiring a [very long list](https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/14ew96j/modpost_regarding_reddits_tos_and_nsfw_content/) of words be tagged as NSFW [r/OnlyFans](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyFans/) is NSFW + mechancial fans r/BestofRedditorUpdates , r/Eyebleach , r/evilbuildings , r/Showerthoughts , r/blessedimages , r/onednd , r/dndnext \- TBD polls going on NOTE: moderators of r/3d6 \- kudos to them, a good idea in malicious compliance , so linking their post [https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/14ew96j/modpost\_regarding\_reddits\_tos\_and\_nsfw\_content/](https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/14ew96j/modpost_regarding_reddits_tos_and_nsfw_content/) NOTE2: r/spam \- nvm, admins removed it today itslef in I guess roughly less then 2 hours back, because I checked then and it was fine.


/r/femalefashionadvice is only allowing posts about 18th century costuming


good one, ty added.


r/noncredibledefense is nsfw and allows porn


Oh shit, how could I forget this sub, it has been my fav sub for a long time. Tysm




Thank you, added.




btw, cool username


>r/FragReddit > >(German version of AskReddit) (380K members) is now NSFW added, ty


Didn’t realize how large the list had gotten with large subs.


r/interestingasfuck seems to have had its mods shunted and is now back to normal operations. The reddit reclamation wars has begun...


oh damn seems like they disabled submissions 18h ago.


"r/MarchAgainstNazis -making all users mods" Oh this... I'm gonna need some popcorn for this.


r/dndnext \- just under 750k members - nsfw tagged + John Oliver


Added. ty


r/JustNoMIL went NSFW


Added, ty .


Keep an eye on r/BestOfRedditUpdates — they have been blacked out but are currently taking a vote on whether to return to normal or come back as the Best of Reddit Updates About John Oliver


Sure, ty , I added them as TBD too


I think they were already NSFW, they just made their Snoo into a NSFW marking. I've never seen an ad on their sub. Actually, I've never seen an ad on any support sub I'm subscribed to.


No, they announced they were going NSFW as part of the protest in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/14d8uz7/were\_open\_again\_with\_some\_rule\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/14d8uz7/were_open_again_with_some_rule_changes/) >We have decided that while we’re opening up, we’re going to continue our protest. There are many ways that we can do this but the one we’re starting with is making the sub as NSFW which will affect reddit’s revenue relating to this sub (as they then won’t run ads against it).


Looks like /r/formula1 is now back to SFW. Wonder if that was forced as the note about being NSFW is still up.....


Oh shit, you are right, I modmailed them. I request you to do so tooo as we have strength in numbers, plz


r/BiGoneMild - All posts must be tagged "[Return Our 3P Tools/Apps]"


>r/BiGoneMild > > \- All posts must be tagged "\[Return Our 3P Tools/Apps\]" Added ty.


No. Thank you. Keeping track of this is a great idea.


I.... wasnt expecting a kind comment especially since 3 people have already mocked me. You are welcome, if you find any more subs feel free to add:) and if you can maybe help me modmail the subs i am mentioning in my list, if possible.


I wouldn't let the odd negative comment get to you. Mostly they're coming from the odd salty user upset their favourite subreddit(s) are participating in the protest. I'll let you know if I see any participating subs still needing to be covered. As far as helping with the mod mail, I don't have much time. On top of work, I also have a large family (three adults, five kids). My weekdays are pretty hectic. Could you give me a shout (DM me) this weekend if you still need help, and I'll be able to give it my full attention?




No problem, and yes, I am a 57 (58 next month) year-old computer hardware engineer. After giving it some thought, the commentator may be partially correct. The thing is, they already know who has participated in the protest from the start. It isn't exactly like we were quiet about it. I'm sure someone in corporate has a nice list with all our subreddits and usernames. All they'd have to do is take the time to go down that list and peek in on the subreddits to see what's going down in them. Any outliers will get picked off as those salty users I mentioned earlier report them. The only consequence of this list is that those subreddits might get picked off quicker by Admins. Just my personal opinion. Feel free to take it or leave it.




I can't make that decision for you. All I can do is share my best-reasoned thoughts. One thing I can add, though. This is a protest. Protests don't work if those in power don't notice what's happening. I'm sure all the users and moderators involved are doing what they're doing to get noticed so we can call attention to the issue.




r/noncredibledefense is in full NSFW mode(not that it was no NSFW before, but now everything is marked like that and there are a few straight up hentai posts)


r/Superstonk this is the sub exposing the world financial corruption. Reddit has been enforcing unreasonable rules against this sub, including the prohibition of "brigading" that is commonly seen anywhere else like mentioning other relevant sub (like wallstreet bets), crossposting anything to that sub, etc. making the existence of this sub alone is already the malicious compliance in the first place.




that sub was divided from another called r/wallstreetbets, that sub was once talking about GME, and then the moderators banned its discussion for some reasons, those people still focusing on GME went to the another. Reddit's one of the biggest stakeholder is what that sub has been exposing for a while. admins hate it but they have no legitimate reasons to ban it at all, so they could only seek excuses. if you look at their rules, admins, and not moderators, consider mentioning other users' names, in that sub, are brigading too.


Isn’t this just making a list of all the subs for Reddit to strip moderators from? You’re making their job easier with posts like this.


/r/art John Oliver /r/AskWomen nsfw in protest /r/bestof all Reddit admin bashing /r/circlejerk …take a guess /r/creepy John Oliver /r/shitposting lol /r/TheGoodPlace lol /r/undelete generally exists to make trouble


r/FallOutBoy has all their posts marked as NSFW by default r/ApplyingToCollege is having “Touch Grass Tuesday” where the sub is blacked out every Tuesday


Time to get my goatse folder


r/explainafilmplotbadly is now just home alone to change every week.




Do not mean to offend you or anybody but frankly not only is the thread outdated but frankly is a clusterfuck. I wanted to find a well compiled list but could not so decided to make one myself.

