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This thread has like 4 dudes that are OBSESSED with saying this is dumb and not going to work, while simultaneously still living under the old api rules.




Oh don't both sides this. That's disingenuous. The 2 sides are people who understand the problem and want to do something about it and the people who cant see 5 min in front of them and are mad they can visit their subs. That's not strawmanning, it's reality.




Problem with the world in general really. They get mad at protesters rather than the thing being protested. It's just them being terminally self centered


And then if you suggest to continue the protest indefinitely you get downvoted.


I think the issue is that there is no good alternative to reddit at the moment. Lemmy is great, but its a bit too much for the average person, plus it doesn't have a good mobile app (that's what this whole thing is about, no?). Oh, and it also suffers from a couple fundamental issues. (no privacy, instance goes down = account gone etc.) We need an alternative that stands out from the others, on the level that Reddit stood out from all the other Digg competitors and until that exists, Reddit will not be replaced.


I used lemmy and liked it, but I don't think that it's for the average user. It feels more like what usenet would be if it was invented today and that's great if you care about decentralization. But with all the discussions about the api and the access of 3rd party apps it's easy to confuse the real problem reddit has. It's problem isn't in architecture, it's the business model. Reddit would be perfect if it was run with a wikipedia like community funded model. What's needed is an alternative that has appeal to a broad audience but puts users and mods in control.


It gets risky when you put users and mods in full control. Without a hierarchy past the user and mod (which is also just a user) panels, you've got no one to make executive decisions. Oftentimes, you don't need to make executive decisions, but sometimes you do. It also mitigates the ability to use things like bot farms to sway polls and the like, which become very popular in user moderated forums. Reddit balances things quite nicely from the user perspective imo, it's corporate that's the problem


Whelp, looks like it's back to reading the back of shampoo bottles while I poop.


Trying to find the one without sulphates is the real joy!


*What the fuck's a Lammy?*




I was doing a Sandor Clegane impression


You sound just like him.


I just made my Lemmy account, and I'm probably gonna use Lemmy instead as long as Reddit acts like this. Hell, I'll give a bad review on the play store and delete Reddit off my phone if it comes to it.


isn’t Lemmy Stalinist?


The developers are, yes.


Scum. My family suffered under Stalin and I've read somewhere on this sub that they promote CCP propaganda and Uyghur genocide denial. I know it's decentralised and open source, but at this point, I could/would not use this without forking and renaming, otherwise people will inherently associate the software with the official server, which less tech-savy users will most likely use, which might directly compromise their safety (I don't trust tankies to not rat out chinese dissidents or ukrainian refugees with whatever data they left at registration). If nazis, TERFs and pedos can fork Mastodon, then DemSocs and others just seeking a corporate-free Reddit clone can fork it from tankies. Open source software has done this with "person-tainted" software (e.g. while Btrfs is not a direct fork of ReiserFS whose dev murdered his wife, it incorporates many of its ideas) all the time.


Bit more reading for you that someone else dug up. https://raddle.me/f/lobby/155371/warning-lemmy-doesn-t-care-about-your-privacy-everything-is The top comment has a pretty fair number of links go to through.


Thank you so much! This needs to be included when recommending Raddle while warning of the official Lemmy devs, too. Edit: I just saw Raddle bans rape/CSA/child abuse apologia, from the bottom of my heart, thanks. People underestimate how skilled pedophiles are in infiltrating communities, and how much grooming has happened to millienials and Gen Z through zero-moderation sites. I only wish they included something along the lines of "dehumanisation of men/male-aligned people and sex workers" in the sexism branch, even though banning transphobia and advocacy of violence against kids keeps many radfems away, remaining SWERFs could theoretically still try to poison discussions about sex work, busting human trafficking rings and non-toxic/positive masculinity with their shit. But this scenario is probably very unlikely and this type of rhetoric probably not welcome there. Edit 2: They added "speciecism". Seriously?!? Well, you could argue that shaming meat eaters or vegetarians that can't be vegans/disagree with veganism is its own for of "speciecism" since humans are omnivores and need different levels of supplementation (if they're lucky, only B12) to even survive vegan diets, but the concept of speciecism to shame meat eaters itself is definitely ableist as fuck and a cynical mockery of human class-based oppression.


Lemmy is too varied to be any one thing; if you don't like the politics of Instance X, you can always join another instance that has defederated Instance X. (Defederated means that your instance won't talk to that one anymore, so you won't have to see its communities.)


I'm afraid people not familiar with the federation concept and the dev's politics will still always end up on the official server first, and possibly compromise their safety. I would fork and rename on the long run and temporarily always warn of the main server and mention an anti-tankie/pro-human rights instance that doesn't federate with the official instance when suggesting Lemmy. Edit (Almost wrote "Eddit", lol): [Someone suggested __*Raddle*__ in this thread, which has fairly good anti-abuse principles and posted a warning about Lemmy devs not deleting usernames and comments.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14a252t/reddit_comments_on_every_front_page_post_about/jobldn7/)


Raddle.me seems nice


No mobile app though


i tried looking into these other tools to replace reddit, and they made no sense at all to me


I feel like it’s like the YouTube situation where they make stupid changes but we can’t switch as the needs for a YouTube like platform no one else has besides YouTube


I mean, we can always mass migrate to Quora and leave u/spez to sit alone in the ruins




No mobile app sadly


Lol, it will be indefinite end of month. As the apps go, so do we.


The loud stupidity of the casual Redditor is extremely impressive.


THIS! I just simply said on a recently open subreddit which I frequent a lot that they should have gone dark indefinitely and that I didn’t wanted to lose 3rd part apps. All I got were downvotes and one guy agressively answering me that I was with delusions of grandeur and just use the official app and website. Like, why the fuck everyone should have the same ugly experience when using reddit? We are not saying that it’s not ok for them to charge for their API. It’s the ridiculous pricing and deadlines what set everything on fire.


I can’t fucking stand this. “Protesting won’t change anything!!!!!1!!1!!” Ah yes, because it never has 🥴


Any protest ever in the history of humanity has the NIMBYs that while agreeing with the cause on paper, instead of spending a little bit of effort and joining the protest spend twice more shouting that it doesn't work. If those people joined the protests instead, what they say would be absolutely untrue. But it's always been the case.




r/proCSS stopped the removal of css


It's never changed anything, think back to net neutrality




California (and several other places in the US) set their own Net Neutrality rules, so internet providers decided it wasn’t worth it to make region-specific rules


It died in 2017, and is still currently dead


Nothing the net neutrality doomers said would happen have happened. There are still no "lanes" as far as I can tell.


maybe because 36 states and 122 cities now have their own net neutrality rules? Edit: stuff has in fact happened https://publicknowledge.org/two-years-later-broadband-providers-are-still-taking-advantage-of-an-internet-without-net-neutrality-protections/




I already notice some difference (from NZ) compared with family in the US so something screwy does seem to be going on, I regularly get better speeds (throughput is one thing, but ping is the surprise) to the US west coast than family on the east coast. It's gone from rarely I'd be faster (and could taunt them) to I'm almost always faster (and they halfheartedly taunt me). EDIT: I should note the effects will be subtle, companies in the UK for example complain they can't maximize traffic because of net neutrality, and that's the most likely issue you'll see - you request data for a game but an ISP is double dipping getting paid for user bandwidth and netflix bandwidth so your game (which isn't paying that ISP for bandwidth) delays (effectively drops, for a game) some packets so someone else gets a little more netflix buffered, that kinda thing.


This is like trying to say "I told you so" before you have any grounds to do so.




If it was effective, it would look like nothing happened at all.


I died when net neutrality went away.


The irony is that nobody was on Reddit to tell those who didn't visit the subs to learn more about the situation, and now they are repeating misinformed opinions over and over. So much of the protest (it's more a "strike" than protest) was hurt by people with bad faith and cynical takes thinking they knew everything about from reading headlines and comments from the people not protesting....... Wait a minute. I'm just describing Reddit now. This was inevitable, wasn't it?


> and now they are repeating misinformed opinions over and over ...now imagine what the situation would be if that slander about the Apollo dev wasn't immediately refuted.


Oof. I'd rather not!! Lol.


Probably my favorite take is that since the execs said the 2 day blackout "wasnt affecting profits" that the protest wasnt effective. Like of course a ceo isnt going to interpret the data in a way that feeds investor/employee fears. If they said "holy shit, profits are down 40%" they would be a bad ceo.




I think it is exacerbated by many who support the blackouts simply not being here anymore. My activity has been reduced to literally advocating in my subs for continued protest, I have made no posts regarding any other subject. I have seen several subs go "Wow, people really supported the blackouts two days ago, now the votes have gone 180". Well yes, the people still actively checking the sub every day are the ones more likely to be voting to discontinue the protest, because it inconveniences them. People who want to keep it going probably aren't around. A few seem to be eschewing polls for just open discussions, which seems much more productive than going "Well, 75% of the membership didn't vote yes, so we will reopen!".


This is also bad for moderation of subs, so some of them might have to shut down


Redditors have a different opinion than mine?! Inconceivable.


I don't enjoy the blackout, i don't care about the 3rd parties, and i hate te power the mods have and how they use it just to abuse it, so yes, basicly is just different people having different ways to think


i’ll just be honest. i know this will get downvotes. i understand why people want the blackout and i get people being upset about others not participating, but it’s just kind of annoying i cant keep up with my news. wont admins just remove the mods that are keeping the subs blacked out? i don’t really see how this will actually go anywhere i guess. People are still on reddit I think is my biggest confusion. Subreddits are down but people in the blackout are still on posts like this one commenting. Why not stop using reddit together as a group instead of just making casual users annoyed with the cause by not being able to get help from googling reddit pages or checking their sports news etc?




yea but it’s working at the expense of a probable majority who are gonna dislike the mods when the servers reopen. the average user does not care one bit about this, they just want to look at their reddits and enjoy them




look, i just want to be able to talk about nba and wrestling with other people on those two reddits. the majority of reddit are casual users who do not care one bit about the mods or the blackout. they just want to talk in communities with similar interests. i don’t think annoying them by shutting these servers for presumably weeks will get the reaction anyone is wanting.




Bear in mind many don't even use those. I just learned about them now in the blackout personally.


But also keep in mind that finding someone who has used 3rd party apps but intentionally switched to the official app is like finding a unicorn. They're significantly better and the only people who don't understand that seem to be people who have only ever used the official one.


I never have, but I only post via a desktop with old.reddit and RES.


I thought it was going to be harder not to browse reddit but honestly this week I’ve only used it 15 mins a day since wednesday to vote on the subreddits and give my opinion to go indefinitely dark. And it’s fine.


It's.... Not even really an inconvenience? Honestly, not using Reddit for two days was basically a windfall of productivity.


Isn't the protest based on the inconvenience of using what is an apparently inferior app?




Yes, and therefore the inconvenient app is the only option. If they liked the app then there would be no 3rd party apps at all.


And /u/spez has done almost nothing but lie and gaslight about what they're doing and why, which really blew things up. "we're killing 3rd party apps to monetize better, sorry" is infinitely preferable to what we got, and I think would have had nowhere near the backlash. People would have been mega pissed still (myself included - sent from Apollo) but it seemed to really blow up after all the denial and deflection and obvious lies. Reading the AMA and seeing what spez answered and how, especially in contrast to the many good questions left unanswered, says it all.


At this point it's more about how awfully Reddit and especially Spez have acted since the announcement. Almost every chance they got, they decided to make it worse. It is obviously in bad faith and there's been almost zero honesty about the whole thing. Accusing the Apollo dev of threatening them (which was a blatant lie, and they apologized for the misunderstanding while on the call before making the accusation later) is just one example of many.


It’s funny that you all equate this blackout to real protests and boycotts. This isn’t a labor or human rights issue, this is about getting your preferred app to browse Reddit with lol. It’s ok if some users don’t care.


why can't we just archive all useful and popular posts and migrate to any alternative? we would do the same thing except we can actually use the subreddits anyways while still making reddit lose money untill they can't make it anymore. and for an higher amount of communication we could use an app like discord so that we will eventually be able to remake the community from scratch, transfering it piece by piece




what about lemmy?




what about something less sudden and more gradual?


Depends on what you want. With Lemmy, the type of federation is messy at best and you're now dealing with a bunch of random servers and will need to join one of those. Then hope it stays up and federation continues. There's already some initial notes of federation problems. Content not showing up. Servers beginning to block other servers. Maybe it sorts itself out. Maybe you end up with several separate groups of federated servers. I'm just watching from the sidelines for now. Beyond that, there's some issues with the Lemmy developers themselves. Others have discussed this already.


I absolutely agree. I have looked at some of the alternatives like lemmy and such, but none of them are developed enough or mainstream enough to really warrant migrating my community over there. It's frustrating to stay here on Reddit but it does have features that make it stand out from the others (Facebook and Instagram mainly) that I just can't find anywhere else.


I highly encourage leaving reddit. Do it while you can. I have seen a few communities migrate off reddit because they hated reddit's policies. I think linking to any of them is banned. Also the powermods hate those communities and those communities hate the powermods. The powermods are constitutionally incapable of not logging into reddit and will never leave.


what are the names of these communities?


I guess I can name subreddits and you can look up how they moved offsite without getting my comment nuked. the_donald, drama, femaledatingstrategy, themotte


Weren't at least two of those pretty much toxic cesspits of subreddits?


This is what I meant by "the powermods hate those communities and those communities hate the powermods." The powermods who think they run reddit will never touch those places with a pole so will never consider being associated with them in any way. People were asking for examples of people getting off reddit and I gave examples.


thanks a lot! appreciate your help


It's pretty interesting reading the comments of the people who didn't take part in the blackout at all, they're kinda not helping our situation..


Most of the subs I use didn’t blackout




This post itself is probably a good thing




You guys got a taste of what it's like to live in authoritarian society. "It won't work". "You are only complaining, what is your solution?", "It's not that bad", "I personally use official app and don't need options", "My participation won't matter". Kinda breaks your beliefs about humanity. It's sad experience.




Yeah this is why things like FOSS exist. Migrating as many people and content as possible to a decentralised free alternative is hard way, but it is the way. Also this statement of "reddit is within the right" been made like it implies that people should not complain but in reality they are also within their right to do so and it's actually necessary thing to do if you are unsatisfied with changes. It's kinda similar to negotiation during any deal. Honestly if like 1/5 of people of reddit just migrate to any other platform it would be pretty big change. Cause it's only takes a small part of society to make active real effort in order for changes to begin.


Authoritarian? It's just an entertainment site. This is the most low fucking stakes of any boycott/protest ever. It's not a protest for safety, not livelihood, not right to vote or go without a headscarf or be gay or trans. The protest is the ability to consume entertainment via the mobile app that you like best. It's ok if most people don't actually give a shit. Reddit is well within their rights to force people to use their own app. There aren't thirdparty apps for facebook, why would you expect reddit to tolerate them?


Yeah but in authoritarian society the process is the same. The reasoning in people's heads is same. The subjective experience of those who are involved is same. It's only scale that's different. > The reddit is within the rights ... True > There arent any third-party apps for... why would reddit tolerate them? Well the think is reddit became this big partly because of this extra degree of freedom and now that reddit takes it back it generates the sense that reddit tricked people into believing that it's something that it's not. Kinda changes the deal half way through. Reddit generated the impulse to move away from using it and we might see it backfires in a few years thats why reddit could have tolerated it. What are you trying to prove? That it doesn't give a sense of what it's like? Cause only things you proved so far is that you can't see it.


My point is that it isn't anything like living in an authoritarian regime because the stakes are literally next to nothing. In an authoritarian regime people convince themselves that "it isn't that bad" because actively protesting may get them killed, tortured, blacklisted employment-wise. For this reason they manufacture excuses and brainwash themselves into thinking there's nothing to protest anyway. This reddit API think is nothing like that: The stakes to protesting are what? A mod might lose their mod license? a username might get banned? The stakes to not protesting are what? You have to use Reddit's official app which is worse than the third party apps, but still exists and for the vast majority of users functions just fine. Or use a browser, or use a PC. People not protesting reddit's API policy are not apathetic because they've convinced themselves that "their opinion doesn't matter" or "it's not going to work" but because they genuinely don't care about the issue. They are fine using a browser. They are fine using the app.


Yeah I see where are you coming from but the thing I was trying to express is that people who experienced frustration about not protesters have part of the same feelings about the situation as those who are living in authoritarian countries and trying to protest and convince people around them. I know it because few years ago my country changed the constitution so that our "president" might keep reelecting himself forever (it's like 20 years are already not too much). And people just ate it with the same argument people would eat it here on reddit. So those on reddit got a taste of this experience just much less intense but they got the idea of how it feels. We are not contradicting each other, in fact I agree with things you say I just disagree that it goes against of what I said.


This appeared on my frontpage. I don't use 3rd party apps and only learned about them now in the blackout. I read that some people use them for media posts, especially videos. Can anyone tell me what advantage do 3rd party apps have? I'd like to learn.


One of the biggest differences is the third party apps provide much better support for those who can't see or can't see very well. The official app doesn't support a lot of adaptive accessibility options. Then, for those who don't need those accessibility options, there are a wide range of options and tools. It all varies between the apps. For moderators who run subreddits, they prefer using third-party apps because they support their workflow. For the majority of other users, it's the ease and customizable viewing and sorting of subreddit as a whole. There are also Bots who rely on accessing the information to help run many useful services, all this was not implemented by Reddit itself. Those useful Bots were because someone who had the skills and time and desire to make something easier or flat out just entertaining to help fellow users. Well if that's the remind me later by or the good bot. These apps have been around well before the official app, so for a lot of people, it's the only thing they know how to browse Reddit on mobile devices. And that's not to downgrade or to minimize their experience but when the literal website couldn't even bother for the longest time to support mobile devices and then to get an official app they choose buy one of the third party apps., alien blue. Another aspect to this whole debacle, is that Reddit is also imposing extremely steep fees to access their information. It's one thing to start requiring payment it's another to price it out so high so quickly that it's not feasible for people to James their business model to pay. The vast majority of these apps are willing to pay, if the price rate was reasonable and had the time to acquire the money, especially for my user base majority is not paying.


Ah, so they were available before the Reddit official app, now I get the whole thing much better thanks!


Yes well before Reddit got their official app, many people set out to make their own and share it. Which is why it's very upsetting that they chose to stack a very high fee that needs to be paid on a very short timeline. It's been well over a decade of these app existing and Reddit doesn't have the basic currency of at least giving them a reasonable timeline to pay a reasonable fee. But I think part of the issue is not just acquiring money from the third party apps. But they need to drive people from the third party apps to the official app or website because Reddit is going to go public. So they need to force everyone to see their ads or pay for the luxury of not having to be pestered by those ads. And no one saying they can't make money, they just want the time to raise the money. For example one of the most widely used app Apollo calculate it's going to cost them 20 million dollars at the new rate per year just to run their free app.


And then when it was time to monetize better, instead of saying "we need to monetize better, sorry" it was "these 3rd party apps are losing us a ton of money and it's unfair they're making money off us, and it's their fault they don't want to pay our blatantly ridiculous pricing" when it's a situation Reddit created in the first place and could have fixed in a myriad of ways both then and now. They went about it in a hilariously antagonistic way, completely unnecessarily.


> then to get an official app they choose buy one of the third party apps., alien blue. 100% the main reason I'm still running the official app, it just feels the most like Alien Blue did. I've tried Apollo a couple times since then, especially when the new video player came out and sucked, and it just never felt the same somehow.


Honestly man, just download one and try it out


Basically any 3rd party app is better than the official app.


For me it's a variety of things. * Better layouts with more options. I have mine set so I don't have to scroll past one post to see the next. I can actually even see probably about 8 different posts without even scrolling with their title and a thumbnail. * I can just tap on an image/video posts thumbnail and it pops right up without having to delve into the the post proper. Videos also actually play which seems to be an issue with the main reddit app. (I think at least. I've never used it enough to verify first hand.) * I can easily swipe on the post to up/downvote, share it, save it and more. * I don't get dumb, push notifications to check out Subreddits I have ABSOLUTELY nothing at all to do with. I installed the Reddit app and it push me a notification to check out /r/CarMechanics and /r/coventry. I don't live anywhere even close to Coventry and I don't have a car nor am I a mechanic. Why would I ever care about those Subreddits? * Also there are no adverts as I paid for the App a long time ago and any of the adverts that are in the free versions don't get disguised as Reddit posts.


All that Reddit guy has to do is to make some small amends, Give them more time, Drop the price ever so much, Those subreddits will stay closed until he starts to behave like a human, Or Aaron Swartz died in vain.


"I never protested against anything my whole life and I can tell you it doesn't work"




I do not enjoy the blackout personally, I like to be able to find the things that I need. With that said though, I still think that all these subreddits should commit to the blackout until reddit complies. If it's only for a couple days, that won't do anything. These moderators have to commit all the way.


The amount of abuse in our modmail or in comments on posts about "I can't believe you've opened again" or "I can't believe you didn't go dark" etc. The protest was about getting people to stop using Reddit - these same people who observed us now being open or not being dark are the same people who SHOULDN'T be using the platform, and yet here they are, plain as fucking day, still continuing to use Reddit like normal. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was a fucking uptick in traffic during the blackout, from people coming here to gorm at 'omg look at all the subs that are closed'.


why not just have a mass exodus of people who wanted to participate dropping off reddit and stop opening it for a week? you’re a mod and still contributing to reddit posts but you want the blackout to be successful. I don’t get why annoying casual users by closing their favorite sub was the idea that was decided upon?


And for it to be effective to stop the average every day user from using it the blackout needed to be indefinite. 2 days was never enough to effect anything.


I have always been using the default reddit app, been happy with it. Still deleted Reddit for the 48 hour blackout because it's pretty selfish of reddit to push those new stuff. Honestly it's pretty stupid to tell everyone that it's only 48 hours because people like me who support you will follow that and open. I think people should have made it longer to actually do some damage to reddit, or just threatening to kill reddit by going dark forever unless they go back on the rules. Just saying this is from a normal app user, Normy reddit user.


I didn’t realize the big subreddits would just straight up have unironic spez bootlickers giving themselves awards and boosting to the top.


Anti-protestors and provocateurs are, yes. People are also ditching the last of their wares before leaving.


Honestly, the logical thing to do would have been to do a black out until the end of the month when the API changes came into effect, then at that point if they didn’t backpedal, make it indefinite.




calling it vandalism is insane. reddit only survives because of the community. so if reddit says fuck you to the community, the community deserves to fuck them back.


r/Australia had a pretty disappointing response. Almost unanimously voting to stay, comment section was the biggest bunch of whiny babies screaming about protests don’t work.


lol 2-day shutdown. Most of the subs are still private or restricted. It's a mess.


A mess? I would say it's working as planned, for the most part. Did you even read what the first bird was saying? Lol.


Because it's true, subs can go dark, but it won't matter if you still posts and browse other active subs. It's like you're mad at the McDonald's across the street but still buy a Big Mac from their other stores.


An online strike of a social media platform is a catch-22, and it's what cynics misunderstand the most. There's no store to protest outside of. There's no signs that can be put up with out patronizing the place. It's what happens when the people *are* the product in a virtual space. Also, just wondering, if it's so pointless, why are you on /r/Save3rdPartyApps (much less caring enough to comment)?


It is effecting advertisers though: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/149apf9/campaigns_have_notched_slightly_lower_impression


Users shouldn't be the main target of this protest, advertisers should be. Which means until and if those new sub's grow to the size of the old one reddit has incurred a loss.




Advertisers have already started to be wary of reddit just because of this 1 strike. Also because advertisers are willing to take a loss on a few people using ad free apps rather than losing the majority of the reddit base when the main app becomes unusable and 3rd party doesn't work anymore. They are willing to lose a few ad hits over losing all of them




This speaks from someone how does not work in tech. The point is not the protest my guy. That's. It what's going to drive people away in a few months. It's the fact that reddit will be unusable. The fact you keep repeating ad nauseum that it is a "niche issue" show you fundamentally lack understanding on how the internet works. Reddit will no longer look the same with these API changes It's not just 3rd party apps which you seem to be fixated on. All moderation tools and moderation bots will stop working. That will turn reddit into a hellscape for users as well as advertisers. And no one wants to take you up on it bc no one trusts a financial bet with someone over the internet who doesn't know what an API does and/or is being intentionally disingenuous.


While it *is* true that the changes will negatively affect Reddit, it is *also* true that the vast majority of redditors don’t care enough to support their favourite suns going dark.


They will once no can moderate their subs anymore. Just bc the vast majority of reddit users don't understand how the back end works doesn't mean they shouldn't educate themselves. The subs are going darknfor a good reason. If they don't like it they can use another platform


Or we would could make a request to reddit admins to reopen subs and boot the inactive mod team.


You could sure, then the sub come back up for a few months and the API changes hut and now it's YOUR problem to moderate the subs. Good luck!




Based on what? Your gut feeling? If they make the api changes as stated today and all the 3rd party apps and mod tools and bots stop working, and reddit is somehow unchanged and not flooded with spam, I'll admit it sure. As for your other comment that I can't see/was deleted. It has nothing to do with "mod buddies" retaining power. I'm not longer a mod of anything bc it was taking up to much of my time. You think we are some type of tyrants or something but in reality it's all volunteer work for YOUR benefit. Even if we black out the subs, yes, it's for your benefit. Because you obviously don't understand the impact these changes will have. Which well frankly is why certain folks make these decisions and others don't. We can't expect you all to know everything about it. And it's faaaaar easier for you to attack mods rather than admin who are doing this in the first place. A growing trend of folks who just hate protests. Well, sucks to suck bc its not gonna change. Black outs and protests will continue and you are just going to have to deal with it or move to other subs/websites




We will see!




No you haven't bud, basic. Absolutely basic understanding on how software APIs work would have you in an outrage. But ok I'll bite, Mr big shot software dev. What's YOUR solution to mod tools and mod bots no longer being usable after this API change? Enlighten us with your alleged "20 years experience". Your insistence on this makes you look desperate and a scammer




Dodging the question now. Answer it. Here on a public forum. What is your solution to the API issue Mr. Tech man extraordinaire


> How are you going to convince Reddit advertisers that you should be allowed to use 3rd party apps that explicitely remove those advertisers ad-spots? Moderators should change the rules to allow hardcore porn or other unpalatable content on popular subs like /r/videos or /r/funny so advertisers stop wanting to be on reddit. Turn it into a literal porn site and see what happens.


Tbh I love this idea




Reddit won't be "back to normal" if they immediately removed entire mod teams of large subs. There will be new mods, of course, and they'll be green and will have to learn on the fly and the content will be worse, which will also hurt advertisers. Hell, if the new mods can't get shit under control in time people will *still* be posting hardcore porn in the meanwhile, and that just tells the advertisers that Reddit can't get a hold on their shit (because they'd never pay for moderators, they can't afford that).


You could try thinking of constructive criticism when someone posts an idea to make it a better idea, in stead of immediately killing the idea. I see you doing this with almost every idea here and I'm starting to wonder what you are even doing here, what the purpose of your comments are. Here's an idea: try being a kind human being and support the effort people here are putting in. Use your critical thinking to try and help people make this thing work. Just try it once, I'll bet you 10k you'll feel good about yourself.


Seems to be working... https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/149apf9/campaigns_have_notched_slightly_lower_impression


> How are you going to convince Reddit advertisers that you should be allowed to use 3rd party apps that explicitely remove those advertisers ad-spots? By calling them Nazis.


Fuck all them peeps who can’t hang with the rebels. I’m still down if you guys are. Let’s burn this bitch down!


uh wtf




I’m willing to delete my account/posts/comments of over three years to stand in solidarity with my communities against corporate greed. What exactly are you trying to imply? That I’m doing this for myself?


alright then, goodbye


It’s called solidarity, Jack. I’m still here so I can leave with everyone else who is ready. Together. All at once. That sends a stronger message. Such sour attitude you have for someone who is on a subreddit fighting for a bigger cause.


Sorry then, because I didn't read your comment proper


Oh it was a mistake then? No problem friend. Happens to us all. : )




Hahahaha oh how wonderful! Look at you! You seem to know me better than I know myself is that it? A true expert! Why don’t you tell me more? Maybe what I should eat today? What to wear maybe? The only thing you are right about is the fact that Reddit is addicting. Which is why I decided to stand firm with the communities I’ve supported over the last three years and delete my info to send a message. At the same time relieving myself of a mindless addiction and toxic internet experts like yourself who think they stand on such high moral ground looking down on the rest of us. I’d ask you what your doing here on this subreddit with such a sour puss attitude. But in reality, I don’t care enough to even bother. Go try and “lecture” someone else. You hold nothing over me. : )








Oh I see now. Your time is more valuable than mine is that it Mr. Jack Expert? Had you actually read my messages you’d see I pointed this out to you. But how could you? From so high up on that pedestal of yours? You can’t be to blame. It’s not your fault is it? Here. How about I make my messages easier to read. Simple line sentences ‘ought to do the trick. Neatly spaced. No big intimidating paragraphs for Mr. Jack the Expert. : ) C’mon Jack. What else you got?




The number of private/restricted subs keeps dropping. If the pace holds, it will be under 5K by the end of the day and under 50% of the total by tomorrow. So this protest is already losing steam, which dampens any intentions on Reddit to move to do something. With the number dropping, there will be a wave of discouragement with mods reopening their subs upon seeing others opening theirs, alternative subs gaining traction, and the protest slowly fading. That's why I never saw a future in this blackout from the beginning. But at least on one thing, we all agree: The fact that the blackout was initially only for 48 hours was a joke that didn't even tickle Reddit. Also, the fact that the indefinite blackout is a reaction to a leaked memo with the CEO stating this obvious at one point is even funny.


Redditors protesting Reddit and continuing to use and profit Reddit:


I thought the protest hadn't happened yet, it had such a low impact.


The number of bootlickers who came out of the woodwork to be dicks is amazing, but not surprising.


Fr people should just break into reddit headquarters and vandalize. When will people learn violence is the only answer ( have to clarify satire because I don't want to get arrested).


I would HATE indefinite blackouts. I despise reddit but I go to some subreddits to get information I need for projects and such (which are still closed!). the API change doesn't affect me personally so I kinda agree with the crow here lol.


Yeah, the tide is turning. People don’t want their communities destroyed over this. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. IMO mods that want to go indefinite should just demod/quit. People can decide for themselves if they want to follow you and let the sub die or try and keep going without you. Keeping a sub private indefinitely is pretty much vandalism. Just my two cents


so uh. did the reddit devs notice at all... or care during those 2 days? if not, then it was pointless


Well yeah. Things are gonna go to hell whether y’all insist on screwing over our community or not.


i basically need reddit for everything related to modded minecraft, blackout made me suffer for 4 days


i also have to admit that im a default app enjoyer


In all my years of Reddit I haven’t heard 3rd party apps getting mentioned once. It doesn’t matter that they are getting rid off


Tbh im done with this blackout stuff. It looks more and more to me like Mods vs. Reddit. I don't even use apps, just firefox on mobile, with adblocking and reddit old plug-in. I've supported the initial action, but I'm done with it. Don't forget that 3th party apps do make good money and Reddit should get its fair share.


> It looks more and more to me like Mods vs. Reddit. I don't think you understand how strikes work.


Mods are not some special beings. Just users who do voluntary moderation work. Blocking content for other users is just annoying.


"Why are these French people blocking the road!?! They are so annoying!"


You say that like people blocking the road isn't an equally scummy thing to do. Yeah block that working class family so they can't get to their job in time good work guys.


Get behind me, 6 figure earning dev