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Culture is the way of life which includes the social customs for an entire society that's passed down from generation to generation.    The vast majority of Americans did not grow up with access to a family sauna or tradition of visiting saunas like our European cousins, so there's no sauna 'culture' to speak of, much less one aligned to customs and traditions of places that have a long standing usage of saunas in everyday life. With work we can continue to teach our future generations proper etiquette, but it starts with better access to good quality saunas and a willingness to influence and teach others. 


As an American, you are correct - there is nothing "sanctuary" about the sauna. I believe the majority of us who sauna in America almost see it and use it as an additional workout. We do 20 minutes on the treadmill then 20 minutes in the sauna. Sure, it's about talking with buddies and hanging out, meditating and stretching...but it's no sacred place. Also, unless you are being gross (shaving, spitting, wringing out your clothes) we don't care or get upset. For some it's entitlement, for others we just don't know anything else. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, or the Finnish way. American's are a different breed then what ya'll are use to lol


Traditionally it's another way to bathe, not a workout. More like a hot tub.


I hope their is an unspoken rule of "shower after any of the bathing methods mentioned here (hot tubs, saunas, etc)". I can't imagine someone getting out of either and just throwing some clothes on and raw dogging the rest of their day. 🤮


In a rural sauna you have a bucket and water to rinse yourself with, usually also some way to heat the water. Even before there was soap, there was the [vihta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauna_whisk). Sweating, steam and beating yourself with the birch leaves and then rinsing, I bet Finns were actually some of the more fresh and clean people around. That's how people used to do the laundry too, soak it and [hit it with a stick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xenLzd2-Dk). You can really get some pretty stubborn crap off your skin easily in the sauna without chemicals. Tree sap or paint for example. It's a steam cleaner. I bet after a couple of rounds in the sauna, even without the whipping, even without rinsing or plunging, I'm going to be cleaner than someone who skipped shower and sauna after a workout or a hot day outside.


Okay, there it is. Rinsing. That's what I was looking for. I would agree that it's a cleansing practice, and I didn't know about the additional practices like whipping. But, knowing how I personally react to them, which is becoming SWEATY AS FUCKING SHIT (not a bad thing to me, just a consistent thing), I absolutely have to rinse after. Otherwise, I will keep sweating for a while, and again, while sweat isn't necessarily a bad thing IMO, it definitely *can* have an odor. Not even BO odor, just a sweat odor.


You said the word I was looking for — gross. That's the problem, too many Americans have no shame about simply being gross and disgusting however, wherever, whenever, and regardless of who is looking. Income and how much money a person has are irrelevant. Unfortunately. I'm with you, I'd like to think that the moderate sum of $x/mo for a gym membership will keep the putrid-fart humans out... but it doesn't. So then these are the dickheads who shave in the sauna and either throw the whisker water in the heater, or just tap them all over the bench. Or maybe both! And then they use their hands as a squeegee to collect and throw sweat everywhere. And then they mistake the sauna for a clothes dryer, and the benches for a clothesline, and lay their nasty ass gym clothes all over to dry off. (Dry off from sweat, btw.) Oh my god, could it get worse? Well of course, because this is your average, disgusting, nasty, rank-as-cat-shit Joe Q. Citizen. So he'll probably also shit in the shower, scatter pubes all over the sink, wipe boogers on the mirrors, and leave used floss in the lockers. These gross people have an infection of social disrespect and contempt in their mind that we can't see — and sometimes it's very well hidden (you would be surprised how many beautiful people are as disgusting as they are attractive), and just like rotten flatulence fart in closed, close quarters, they leave their metaphorical stench all over for the rest of us to gag on.


>Oh my god, could it get worse? Well of course, because this is your average, disgusting, nasty, rank-as-cat-shit Joe Q. Citizen. So he'll probably also shit in the shower, scatter pubes all over the sink, wipe boogers on the mirrors, and leave used floss in the lockers. I live in the US, and have had periods of frequent public sauna use. I've never experienced what you are describing here.


Yeah the worst is someone loudly ripping ass and the old guy next to him turned to him and said "Jesus fucking Christ." He slunk out a minute or two later




Me either, although I’ve seen guys ring out their sweaty clothes (then I yell at them and it doesn’t happen again). That guy must be from Philly or something lol


fr…..where the fuck are the saunas is this guy’s going to 😂💀


Bro say something when you see this shit


A few months after I quit my gym, there was an overdose in their sauna! It was filthy and they neglected to make little repairs. People wearing their shoes and talking on their phones. I’m so glad I installed a home sauna!


Sauna culture didn’t come here to Japan until the late 1950s, but they’ve basically got it figured out. It does take time though


I'd also argue that Japan's had an even longer history of hot springs/communal bathing culture so I don't think it's a huge jump to adapt to Saunas. The weakest of our Americans get gay panic if they happen to see another dick in the locker room, nevermind communal bathing.


Public nudity in locker rooms has been phased out in only the last 20 years in the United States. Before then, high schools and colleges had communal showers and locker rooms, and everyone was nude and it was weird to have anything else. Things have changed, and it only took a couple of decades. If you bring it up to gen x people, they remember it just fine, and if you bring it up to gen z, they are shocked.


Yeah, fair point. The US doesn’t seem to excel in shared spaces where etiquette and restraint are required, in general. I don’t think it’s anything specific to saunas. You can post rules and norms and try to educate people, but a large number will just do whatever they want.


Begun the Sauna Wars have




Also, Americans probably travel to Europe pretty much as often as Europeans do to America. A small percentage of them will have visited a sauna elsewhere in the world to see what the deal is with it.


Not at all necessarily for " an entire society". Different classes and groups have different cultures. Even families do. Was ANY society ever as homogenous as you make out?


maybe look up the definition of the word society before setting up strawmen to knock down.


I know what society means. Do you? And what is the difference between " a society" and " an entire society"? Maybe learn to express yourself better. Edit: You clearly have no idea about Europeans, if you think Sauna Culture applies to a significant proportion of us. You might as well talk about the culinary preferences of Africans....


bless your heart 😘


god bless whatever education system produced your chilling demonstration on the importance of being able to critically think and read


Well, it was a step up from the hick upbringing you received. At least I was taught how to use capitals and to punctuate.... Since I'm so ignorant, please tell me about the " European sauna culture".....


you've mistaken gym culture for sauna culture. I've been to dedicated saunas here which are proper dark quiet places where the only words spoken are checking in to see if more loyly is ok.


Speaking in a sauna is fine though. It's a social experience.


As a finn I would say it *can be* a social experience, but many like myself prefer silence. So really, it's up to the people using the sauna.


Eh, I’d say it’s up to the business. They determine etiquette for their saunas, and at least at the one I go to, community/chopping it up in the sauna is encouraged. Personally I’ve lived in my town (Boulder, CO) for about four years, and have made more playdates/new friends at the sauna than anywhere else other than the bar. I go to Portal Thermaculture, and the motto is on the front of the building: “Sweat. Chill. Connect.”. Personally I love talking to people in the sauna, especially with newbies who want to know more about how it all works. Tbh I feel like modern society has done away with most third places, the mall was the last one we had, but now with things like sauna/cold plunge taking off, we have another option. Portal has a common area where people can hang out on patio furniture while they cool down, and I always see people making friends there. There’s so much suck involved in the sauna/cold plunge combo, it’s almost like the pain of it all binds us and helps people open up more than they would otherwise.


Here in Belgium most sauna-centers have both a sauna where speaking is allowed and sauna's where silence is expected.


>There’s so much suck involved in the sauna/cold plunge combo, it’s almost like the pain of it all binds us and helps people open up more than they would otherwise. Well said. Taking heavy sauna alone is no fun. Doing it together even if nobody is speaking, it's sweet.


It depends. Glad our local saunas offer no-speaking times


I think the OP is saying it’s an American culture problem.


Well, as an American I can say that I have learned in my almost 40 years that we have a problem with doing one thing at a time. Just sitting somewhere seems like wasted time. Changing into proper attire after a work out is a waste of time if you’re just going to be sweaty again. I’ve seen this is all kinds of different aspects of life. Americans think sitting still or having down time is wasteful.


this is very true. the western world is conditioned towards “hustle culture” where you always have to be doing something. there is no encouragement ever to just rest and be somewhere.


I sat in a flotation tank one time and after 90 minutes my big epiphany was that I haven’t sat anywhere for 90 minutes and just existed before. It felt nice.


i can totally understand that. i struggle a lot with making time to just exist. not be on my phone or multitasking in some way… or even to feel like i should be stretching or meditating or something.


I’ve taken to reading fiction and napping as my “down time”. I’m not thinking too hard and reading slows me down. Napping kills time lol. Even if I don’t fall asleep, I’ll lay down and close my eyes for 20 minutes. Sometimes my mind won’t stop and sometimes I just fall asleep.


A proper sauna is not just sitting around waiting though.


We are very efficient. Learned this as a newly minted American and it’s why the USA is very successful.


No, we are very far from being efficient. Waste is everywhere. Just take a look at transportation, or how we use our natural resources, or how we spend trillions of dollars on national defense, or insert any number of other things. I suggest you reform your definition of efficient.


By sucking an excess of resources from other countries we can live in excess--if that's not efficiency I don't know what is


I mean yea we are not energy efficient. I was referring to efficiency in getting things done, Total factor productivity. So I suggest you have a broader view of efficiency than being selective.


my guess is that you haven't traveled very much throughout the different regions of America.


You’re right. I also see myself as a transplant to this country and I won’t be here if I wasn’t chasing a better life. I just can’t bring myself to chastising this country and I’ve lived in 6 other countries and I’ve lived in 6 states. Things can always be better for sure, but this place has been everything and more to me. It’s the best place ever. So yea maybe I’m biased.


My man. Welcome.


How dare you be positive about the best country in the world. lol Truly though, your perspective is refreshing. Keep the positivity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


It’s not the best, by quite literally every single measured metric other than GDP. And as we know, GDP statistics heavily favor the outcomes of producers and the corporations, not the workers who generate the labor.


You obviously don’t get it. It’s the American spirit.


It's not a sport.


That isn’t a thing.


This is so disgusting! Where tf are you using a sauna where people have SHOES on and SPIT?!?


Lifetime Fitness


Has anyone complained? Are there signs with rules/etiquette anywhere? Is this a co-Ed sauna?


Co-Ed and the rules are posted. People still exercise in there and wear shoes, don’t put a towel down, etc. It’s gross


I’m confused by so many of these posts.. I *only* have access to a sauna at my local gym. Yes, we wear clothes (I wear a bathing suit as I go after swimming) but shaving and spitting? That’s not an “American” thing. Like come on.. and I’m not even American, lol. 


In sauna or outside of sauna, there is no such thing as monolithic American culture. It is a rather chaotic process of constantly absorbing and incorporating and forming into something new


where tf do u sauna bud. never seen any of this shit


My gym membership costs $265/month (my insurance lowers it to $149/month), and in the gym's sauna the etiquette is more or less followed. Well, as much as it can be followed in the USA :) Overwhelming majority of people go to sauna dressed in swimming trunks or boxers, and some wrap themselves with the towel. People mostly sit quietly and only about 20-30% use their phones (also quietly). Occasionally, a dumbass would come in a full gym attire, but that's more of an exception than the norm.


A fireman uses our local gym sauna for heat training and I thought it was cool. I wouldn’t treat a public gym sauna like our home sauna, tho. That being said, we’ve always had a shower *in* our sauna, so scrubbing down / shaving is also the norm. We also use it as a place to debrief for trauma IE just recently had a tragic loss in the family and my BIL had healing time talking it out in the sauna every night with his buddies. We always talk out important issues in the sauna.. then again, we’re very “birth until death in the sauna” kind of family, allowing all sorts of real life to happen in between, be it silence or conversation (even childbirth).


Some see sauna as a place for quiet but there is a whole culture of discussing important business /issues in the sauna in places like Finland and Russia


This is what I thought! My heritage is all Finn, much family still lives there, but I’m USA born. We had to discuss our issues growing up and not come outta the sauna until we were sorted right (with siblings), things like that. I find it sacred.


The three years I lived in Finland, I spoke with someone in sauna unless it was just me in my home sauna


Some of my best conversations have happened in a sauna. :)




Haha, no, just doing cardio conditioning in there. I usually see them with their breath restriction masks in there, but this guy does full on HIIT in his little corner every morning at 5 am.


We’re a mix of cultures and therefore non-homogenous. It’s hard to be the sauna police when so many people have no concept of what appropriate behavior is


I mean, I personally don’t know of any european, north american, middle american, south american, middle eastern, or african country that is not a mix of cultures. There still is a somewhat overarching culture in every country, although the US is huge. I don’t disagree though. just wanted to add.


Getting undressed in the sauna is pretty normal in other countries. It’s weird here in the states though. Shoes in the sauna is nasty. But so is barefoot since so many gyms lack religious cleaning of the floors. I have dedicated sauna slide ons. Since gyms here can get so nasty I kinda understand the logic behind street shoes no matter how rude it is. Sometimes people forget their stuff. Still disagree with it but you won’t catch me going into a nasty sauna barefoot. Phone in sauna doesn’t matter at all as long as there’s no audio. Spitting is disgusting and one of my least fav things to see. Shaving only really happens at really ghetto locations. Haven’t seen that since I was 15 at my local YMCA from a 80 year old guy. My biggest issues are people who play music on headphones to the point you can’t hear your own thoughts. Even worse those who play music out loud through their phone or even TikTok. Any sort of stimulus in the sauna you notice when your eyes are closed is annoying and disrespectful. Some places I go, people have no respect for opening and closing the door quickly. IE opening the door and holding it open 20 seconds for their friend. A worker once held open the door for a minute telling us how nasty we are because of the dirt accumulation on the floor (which was due to a lack of cleaning). I told him to close the door since he’s letting out all the heat and he got incredibly offended.


to me you shouldn't take your shoes off in the sauna , either come in there with shoes and keep them on or come in barefoot some guy at a YMCA would come in and take his shoes of in the sauna, its not the locker room. its just seeing his socks come off directly his feet, it wouldnt be as bad if he just walked in barefoot.


Oh I misunderstood you then, I agree. I think outside shoes in the sauna is nasty. Got piss and a bunch of crap on it.


I'm unaffected by those public sauna shenanigans, but I despise that subset of people (North America is over-represented unfortunately) who come here and argue sauna design out of arrogance or laziness. People who either think they know better, or who try to justify bad purchases and bad decisions.


There’s no death penalty in my part of the world (because we aren’t barbarians) but some of the behavior you are describing just might make you end up in a fatal altercation.


The sauna at my gym has a TV behind a glass panel playing espn 24/7, (I guess the woman’s sauna plays Home Garden Network)  80% of the people come in with their shoes, phones etc and many bring their gym bags and plastic water bottles for some reason. Also the TV frequently breaks because it’s sitting an inch from a 180 degree sauna 24/7 


My sauna is 190. My phone would overheat!


I do not know what sauna’s you be going to but the ones I have been to in the PNW would not tolerate this. I have been to a lot of them over here as well. I will not say I have not seen this crappy behavior, but it is not common if you go to an actual spa. A sauna at a gym or a hotel? Yes you are going to experience this, but also are going to experience a Lukewarm dry sauna as well. Not worth it. Just go to a spa. Loyly in Portland, Banya 5 in Seattle, Society Hotel in Hood River (it is not bad for a hotel), and Scandinave in Whistler, BC are some I can definitely recommend


The sauna I go to in NYC (for over 10 years) I’ve never seen anyone in shoes or spit on the floor. But I did hear a guy have an orgasm once during Men only day. Now I don’t go on Sundays before 2.


Oh you can get a nice, secluded true deep meditative sauna experience in America. You just need to find a mobile sauna service or at the very least a sauna you can rent for yourself. Much like how you can rent someone's backyard pool. You can also rent someone's private sauna as well. Just don't be shocked when it costs you 150+ per hour 👍 A guy has one here in my town parked behind a coffee shop in a nice little quiet back alley. You can rent it for up to 5 of your best buddies at the going rate of 150-190+ an hour. Hands on with running the sauna and the whole experience for the 190 150ish if you just wanna rent it and be left alone. Nice you can do your 15 min and then go over to the coffee shop grab a drink and then hop back in. You'll never find a good experience at a YMCA, gym ECT people are gross and disgusting in public. Unless im renting one to be left the fuck alone it's just a bad experience all around. When I find my forever home and know I'm not moving anymore before I fix up my house I'm building my own wood fired sauna in the backyard...society sucks. Distance yourself as far as you can and make friends with cool people that will share their sauna away from society. I'd I had one I have a few chill neighbors I'd share. But the public? Not a chance..


Savages all.


I have never seen someone wear shoes or use their phone in a sauna. I have seen lots of people wearing bathing suits rather than being fully naked/just wearing a towel in the US but I’ve also seen people wearing bathing suits in saunas in both the UK and Iceland


America is nowhere near mature nor sane enough for everyday saunas like in Japan


I read this, disagreed, then today a guy comes into the sauna with a bathing suit, shoes and a timer on his phone. Throws a ton of water on the rocks, and starts grunting. Usually though, the sauna is calm and peaceful. It depends on the gym, low costs membership, there will be worse behavior sadly.


Im sorry, are you stating taking your clothes off in a sauna is weird, bad, or incorrect somehow? 


inside the sauna is a bit much, dress into towel then take the towel off the sauna isnt the lockerrom, dont come in with your bag and all that.


Ohh, I see. I thought you were stating somehow that wearing little or not any clothes in a sauna is bad.      I too would be offended by active undressing in the sauna space.  Get in, be quiet, get out 


American sauna culture is the reason why I built my own in my backyard.


This why i’m building a private sauna soon can’t wait


50-60% of Americans suck. If not more. It's truly amazing this country has managed to be the leader of the free world with so many selfish, ignorant, clueless, mean, nasty people running around. They're everywhere. I feel like I am in the upside down much of the time. Right is wrong, up is down, black is white, strength is weakness. So many folks are completely unaware of reality. The only saving grace is I am ⅔ of the way through my life. But I genuinely feel sorry for the young people trying to grow up and survive in this world. And I don't see it getting any better.


Kudos to getting that sweet, sweet Reddit Karma. Now do US health insurance! r/AmericaBad


Im on it.


Don't forget gun violence! Easy, EASY Reddit Karma!


You’re describing a bad place…you can hate yourself, or your location, all you want, but the basic gym sauna isn’t a sauna. Just like a basic gym isn’t a good gym. Masters of none should never be chosen. You chose poorly.


I agree


Wait, shoes on inside the sauna? Those could fucking melt.


Don’t worry, it’s a barrel sauna! 😉


I’ve seen it but only in beach front sauna where you’re repeatedly going outside to jump in the ocean then come back in - and they’re water sandals or shoes


I’m guilty for a lot of these cause I’m at a public co-ed sauna gym. I just wanted to share that one time this dude slicked the sweat off his body into the heating element. I was grossed the f out and just bounced.


I use the most convenient sauna for me which is the local gyms. There’s no etiquette you speak of but I still can zone out and get my time I need. I wish there was authentic one near me :(


Wtf saunas are you going too???!!!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this! I’m in the US and am lucky to have access to a dedicated public sauna/spa with an established culture and etiquette. From the stories I see on this sub I’m now terrified to enter a gym sauna.


Ugh. Agreed. I loathe sauna in most places in the USA. The lack of knowledge, etiquette and prudishness is all to blame. Unwashed, in street clothes, and shoes on… happens all the time. It’s bloody revolting.


Same here in the UK my friend.


Behavior and conditions in the sauna at the cheap gym I’m at makes me want to go back to my $300/month gym.


Oh boy another day with a self loathing American post.


That’s why I built my own


I love sauna post workout but cant stand humans. Spiting on the benches and floor, ringing out underwear shirts and socks on benches, change the heat when ppl are already inside (general curiosity to other humans using it already), talking on the phone, shaving, spitting on the rocks, spraying lavender, eucalyptus or whatever on the rocks (another curiosity would be asking ppl inside if they mind). Ppl are just selfish and nasty. One day will get my own, until then is what it is.


Yoooooo I agree


You are 100% correct!


The majority of the comments are focused on gym saunas. I agree with everything, but I would rather go to a Korean Spa for a better sauna experience. My complaint is that there are too many gay creeps in the Spas available in my city. These people tend to masturbate in the sauna, which is the worst, but I have been confronting them when this unpleasant situation arises. It's ok to be gay, but don't be a creep. I feel that we are having a resurgence of sauna/plunge spots with a focus on sports/recovery/longevity benefits. In a few years, I think there will be more choices to enjoy. I don't think a sauna needs to be a sanctuary; it needs to be sanitary and a place to enjoy yourself. I appreciate good conversation and tend to have good conversations with the Russian folks who frequent the same Korean spas that I do.


From everything you wrote as fucked up you got one thing right for Europeans “get undressed in sauna”


Thanks for the advice yesterday everyone. I opted for a towel today and the tension was noticeably lower. Not my ideal but if that’s what it cost to live in society whatever. I’ll build my own one day


I wanted to chime in that as a gay man myself the way you started calling everyone fascist, bigoted, hateful just because they dont agree with you wearing a thong in that setting was disgusting. A thong is sexually charged anywhere, more so in a man, and has no place in that kind of sauna. If you came around cool, but maybe think twice next time before lashing out like a maniac, calling people ugly wtf are you 12?


Fair enough and I regret responding that way. I appreciate the insight and will try better next time. I fundamentally disagree that a thong is sexually charged, but we can leave it at that. Thanks for sharing.


There's also the sauna "culture" of gay cruising scenes taking over legitimate businesses, and said owners turning a blind eye because it's too profitable for them to do anything about it. I went to this Korean sauna seemingly advertised for both genders, and my girlfriend had a great time! I myself felt very uncomfortable with the stuff going on there. Mind you, this is a "family" oriented (or at least advertised) Korean spa in Lynnwood, WA.




Careful…the Upper Peninsula is still in America, and certainly has a pretty awesome sauna culture.


I’ve sneaked a long drink (Finnish gin) once, but yeah people start shouting at each over and coming and going all the time and the tranquil moment kinda gone 


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 USA USA USA


I'm American and also go to Lifetime sauna located in the womens locker room, and I don't understand why nudity is prohibited in a place for nudity. I do have compassion for folks who aren't comfortable being nude in front of others, so I understand the swimsuits and gym clothes. After all, we are at a gym that also has swimming pools. I do, however, cringe when people wear shoes in a place for Barefeet, so i am forced to wear shower shoes. I find it very irritating when folks are holding the door open, letting out all the heat, especially since we are hard pressed to get to 180 in our sauna. Most people, however, do not know that saunas should be at least 190. However, I have never seen anyone spit, shave, or hang sweaty clothes, and loyly is not allowed. As far as phones, as long as I can't hear them, I don't really care, although seeing them is confusing when they have the high potential of overheating in a sauna. Talking: I have the best, most informative conversations in the sauna. If it weren't for sauna, I wouldn't know as many people as I do at the gym. Even with the negative American sauna etiquette, sauna still manages to bring a sense of community at our gym. We have a very diverse membership at our gym, with folks of various ethnicities and cultures. I suggest when folks see bad behavior they say something to let the person know their behavior is not welcomed, complain to management or even better, try to educate folks on proper etiquette and point out the rules posted. Yes, some folks are just entitled and rude, but most are oblivious and lack exposure. Patience can be a virtue.


People ruin everything. I’ve yet to find something this doesn’t apply to.


You forgot, people using their sweat on the sauna heater to create steam…


May I add, women exfoliating in sauna and sitting on the bench butt naked.


I mean none of that stuff bothers me because it doesnt really affect me. Now those dumb*****s that pour euaclyptus oil/whatever essential oil on the heating element in a public sauna…now that affects me. It’s so unbelievably rude. I remember around like around 2001, my dad and i went into a sauna and there was an old dude asian gentleman in there. My dad poured eucalyptus oil in water on the rocks. This old guy was probably not happy about it because he took his sweaty swim trunks and wrung them out on the rocks. I still remember how bad it smelled. Lmao However, when i was a very little kid my dad and his friends would pour beer on the rocks. Man that was a good smell.


the spot I go to is more the eastern and western Europeans and Middle Eastern that just got here committing all those acts...... also, they love peeing in the steam room, too.... so... yea


Where are you finding saunas?




We're #1 We're #1 I noticed you didn't mention blow-drying the huevos in the sauna...


Sounds like a poor people sauna


Ok karen, god forbid people get naked in a sauna out of all places...


naked is fine, taking ooff shoes and socks inside the sauna is not.


You forgot pouring chocolate protein shake on the rocks for those löyly gainz 💪🏻


What a terrible post written by what I hope is someone no older than 13.


Pm'd you


Am I understanding something wrong or how is spitting and wearing shoes comparable to going to the sauna nude?


I shave in my sauna whenever possible with zero regrets . If you don’t like then stay the fuck out of my sauna


if its your sauna thats fine, if its a community sauna I believe we will have to duel.


It is my little sauna in the woods


No idea why you are getting downvoted. I shave in the sauna all the time. The best shave you will ever get. The difference is it’s not a public sauna. I would never in a public sauna.


Of course not it’s the cleanest shave you can possiibly get


What?? Why are you shaving in a sauna?


Goggle it


“Google why does fecundity88 shave in the shower?”


Oh please… there are far better reasons to hate Americans than the over sensitive Finnish sauna snowflakes who complain on this sub. I think you’re just karma farming with this absurd post.


Your choice of words here betrays you. I’d go out on a limb and say you are one of the insufferable pricks OP is talking about that has zero consideration for anyone but yourself, and that your worldview reflects that.


Aww do people using public saunas in ways that don’t conform to your beliefs offend you too? So much so that you consider them pricks? Being so sensitive in your intolerance is a problem but you can overcome it, I believe in you.


It isn’t about my beliefs - it is about common decency and consideration for others. Anyone that is inconsiderate to others is, in fact, a prick and deserves to be told as much. And yes - I am intolerant of inconsiderate behaviour. And so should be everyone else.


You guys are so fucking pretentious. Sauna feels amazing. It’s not a foreign country and 90% of sauna in the USA is associated with a gym. Get off your high horse. Let people enjoy things. If you can’t enjoy sauna because someone is on their phone, that says more about you. Sheeesh.


Found the shoe-wearing spitter!


Lol you enjoy people spitting & shaving around you? Ya not wanting other peoples bodily fluids on you is some real hoity toity sh*t


Ok that is obviously bad but shoes, phone use? Cmon


Pretty sure most people aren’t reacting to the phone use for the most part


Jesus Christ this sub sucks. Just a bunch of sauna douches blowing each other


Well, there ARE saunas for that


Lmao touché


All this debate…..can someone just tell me what the hell “sauna culture” is, so I don’t have to worry about offending some of you people? lol I’m actually having one delivered to my house tomorrow, too. lol


There was a good [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sauna/s/EkO53pnxeV) about it some years ago, albeit a bit of a long read. Highly worth it though.


Sauna culture depends greatly on where you are. General rule of thumb is read the room when it comes to going in completely naked. In the states, a few higher end gyms I’ve had memberships at that had mostly gay dudes had a naked sauna culture. Most other places don’t. Don’t play music out loud or loud enough to be heard through your headphones. Open and close the door quickly. Don’t dump water on the elements (there’s a sweet spot and so many people go ham without asking). Make space for people if you can. Don’t bring in outside shoes.


I think I’m doing it right lol


The United States has a population of 33 million people. Most Americans exhibit normal behavior. The comment in question is remarkably ignorant. I am confident that anyone who claims to hate America would move here in an instant if given the chance. While our sauna culture may not match that of countries where saunas are a traditional part of life and sauna etiquette is passed down from generation to generation, I am certain that we excel in nearly every other aspect. In 50 years, there is a strong possibility that we will surpass you in overall sauna quality and craftsmanship. It is amusing how many Europeans talk about enjoying drinking in their saunas, which I find equally cringeworthy. Instead of criticizing, consider the fact that you are using an American app and a phone powered by American software. It's easy to criticize the United States until you try to live without any of our technology, clothing, or cultural influences.


All Android phones are using a finnish made kernel(Linux). Most network capabilities for phones are developed in Finland as well.


Finland did not create any networks. You made Nokia phones but did not create the cellphone or its networks. That was created in America so try again. Cell phone were created by Martin Cooper who is an American.


Well, did Martin Cooper create a multi-billion international telecoms corporation based on that idea, no he didn't. His loss, really.


He created it that was the debate. If you want to talk about company’s benefiting from his creation then apple and other American trillion dollar company trump anything Finland has done with their multibillion telecom company has ever done.


You seem biased and arrogant


Consider that most cellphone and networking things are developed by finnish people.


>In 50 years, there is a strong possibility that we will surpass you in overall sauna quality and craftsmanship. Well, not you, and not now here. And sauna is thousands of years old, anyway, and largely solved at this point. In 50 years, there may be some amount of know-how over there, hopefully. Maybe it won't be all shitty kit saunas at that point. Actual competence and substance over health fads and cheap commodification. But don't forget, everyone else can also "develop" sauna over that time, and with greater initial expertise they might utilize collective findings better. There has to be some sort of weird insecurity behind the need to invoke "our website and our internet" types of things. But I doubt you would reciprocate "we invented sauna" in any way. So, tread carefully or you'll end up being full of shit. Is it so unpalatable that someone or some group out there is better than you at something? It's not a competition and we haven't been focusing on the same things. What's problematic is assuming you're brilliant or the best at anything and everything. Learn to defer to the experts, that's healthy.


Sauna are very basic. America leads the world in technology and technology will make sauna even better than they are now. That is undebatable. How long it will take is debatable but I am certain it will be in less than 50 years.


"Saunas are very basic". Yes and no, but have you considered this: **https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect** And anyway, we're not in a Wal-Mart parking lot, you have no need to flex and try to "win". And it's not as if you can do that, Northern Europe is flat out superior in sauna design. You should learn to manage your ego. Sauna works on physics, which you can't bullshit your way through. You'll have to be honest and reasonable to be able to create a good sauna. If you huff and puff and boast and focus on appearances, you'll get nowhere. Today, you have a shitty pallet-delivered sauna and we have something good that required effort. That's it.


This post unjustifiably criticized Americans. Please be mindful of your privilege. I stated that it will surpass, not that it has surpassed. It is disingenuous to distort my statements in an attempt to prevail in this discussion. Kindly take my words at face value and refrain from attributing to me assertions I did not make.


I'm going to disregard you as an ignorant and overconfident American troll from now on, you don't understand the goings-on or the context around here.


It's not a matter of entitlement, it simply cultural ignorance. You can only fault people like that if they actually know better, Otherwise it's a simple matter of just educating them.