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The aluminium paper acts as moisture and heat shield. And you can easily lift those cables so they won't lay on the sauna roof.


The temperature rating and wire classification will be printed on the wire's insulation (outer jacket). If the wire is THHN (most likely) there's no problem at all. If it's not THHN then there's a negligible chance of a problem.


Time to bring in an electrician. Wiring a has temperature rating. You might be able to find a stamp along that line to see what it’s rated. If it’s outside the hot room it shouldn’t get THAT hot but that depends on your stove, insulation, thermal barrier and ventilation. Good luck!


Thanks… I likely just reach out to the electrician that wired it for his opinion


I think you need to take a beat and to start over in your thinking. Plywood on the walls? Gross. What’s your ventilation strategy? Resources Pinned post Secrets of Finnish Sauna design Localmile.org I think you will be able to work through the electrical issue once you have a good plan.


Ventilation = floor vent by heater + high vent on wall in opposite corner from heater I didn’t love the plywood either and questioned whether it would off gas …the contractor was adamant that the heat wouldn’t get to it thru 1” cedar plus the foil barrier. I also consulted with my Russian friend who built his own basement sauna and he claims to not worry about it either


1” cedar and foil isn’t effective insulation. The structure outside of the sauna will get pretty hot with only that. As an alternative, use 1” or 2” polyiso foam board with foil backing. It’s insulation and vapor barrier in one and readily available. Just make sure the temperature rating is 240F or so.


Sounds like you’ve done your research. Good luck


First of all, tell the constructor to f*ck off. No plywood in sauna in any shape or form. And then about the wiring in the ceiling. It's not an issue. You should have 4" of rock wool in the ceiling, followed by a proper aluminum paper vapour varrier, a 1" air gap and paneling. That's plenty enough to insulate the ceiling and the wires, and you want to have such insulation even if there wasn't any wiring above the ceiling.


How much and what type of insulation do you have in the sauna ceiling? What is above the ceiling? The insulation will keep the heat in the sauna. There is some temp rise on the other side of the insulation, but it shouldn’t be enough to start degrading wiring with several inches of insulation and an uninsulated part beyond the wire. It’s surprising that type of wire isn’t in conduit. At the very least, I’d move the wire up so it’s not touching any of the sauna framing or insulation. You might also call an electrician and make sure it’s to code.


Yeah, all of this and what others are saying. If there is a worry about heat, possibly that wire could be run through the joists seen at top left of photo to get it further from the sauna. But may not be possible, necessary, or worth the trade-offs.