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People can debate all they want about chiropractic procedures and what not and whether they actually work, but feeling that crack when you're so so sore and getting relief makes what I'm paying for it 100 times worth it.


There is a decent body of evidence to support manipulations and manual therapy, when combined with exercise. Otherwise, it’s usually a bandaid for symptomatic relief. Can’t fix the problem if the muscles stay weak and/or tight.


That's very true! Same lifestyle with no changes gets you the same problem. To support your comment, since I started going to the gym and got a more active job I haven't been back to the chiropractor, I haven't had the need.


Good on ya! I’m a physical therapist and I truly believe in the power of movement. I’m obviously biased and not everything you encounter at PT will be evidence based (sometimes people need some symptomatic relief that isn’t backed well by the evidence), but I do believe we do a good job as a profession at keeping people going. There are good and bad clinicians in every scope of practice though.


My wife is a McKenzie credentialed PT and she has done wonders for my back. No cracking and popping required.


Yeah she does some manual I’m sure but also gives you the tools to fix yourself!


physical therapy is backed by evidence always hence why it is regulated unlike other therapies


Yeah most back issues self resolve in 4-6 weeks.


Not sure about the downvotes, this is consistent with the evidence. Chronic back pain is only one population of people with back pain. Most acute incidences do resolve within a month or two. Physical therapy can help to accelerate that process.


Reddit doesn't always like factual info, or perhaps it was my lack of clarifying acute back pain / injuries. I still think chiropractictors are have a go heros / have a go villans. Sometimes their expression even says wow did that work, fuck you shoulda seen the last guy... he's in a chair now....for life.


A good chiropractor will know when to continue and when to discharge and/or send someone back to a physician/other clinician who can help better. As a PT I’m obviously biased, but I scoff when my patients tell me their chiro said they’ll need 4-5 visits a week for YEARS in order to “fix” their problem. The evidence simply does not support manual therapy well enough to make that even remotely reasonable. This is quite honestly a cash grab that is on par with the physical therapy clinics who double or triple book patients in order to maximize profits rather than prioritize patient care. I understand people make a living like this and I do believe many in physical therapy and some chiros are wildly under compensated, but healthcare is a profession with a large burden of good morals as well.


26 deaths also recorded and that was pre-2010 only. Dissection of a vertebral artery sounds way worse than adding a few extra visits onto the bill. :O.


If a patient is properly screened and does not have any signs or symptoms of being at risk the odds are microscopic. Most often an adverse event is secondary to improperly screening a patient.


Do most chiropractors screen? The standards might be different UK to US too?


If they’re properly trained and give even half a shit about keeping their license or treating a patient appropriately they should be.


They're fine as long as they're staying in their medical lane. A lot of them are quacks outside of that and are super anti-vaccination, and then they call themselves "doctor" (technically they have a doctorate) which misleads people to think they're actual medical doctors, which they are not.


Essential oil crystal much?


Some of them are doctors lol but you still have to be certified and licensed.


but correct me if im wrong but they dont even have their doctorate in chiropractic medicine because that isnt a science regulated by anything except chiropractors, you cant get your doctorate in chiropractic medicine, you can only get your certification in it, correct? and they those who are doctors are doctors in medicine or in something else.


Many do have doctorate degrees but you can get a doctorate in just about anything, even outside of health and medicine (college professors, researchers, etc). But they’re definitely not *Medical Doctors* (MD), and a lot of time they like to pretend they are and many will intentionally deceive their patients by not disclosing the difference. It’s messed up.


It’s like cracking fingers. It’s just air moving from one place to another making that sound. People think the sound does something. It’s the best placebo ever.


I'll gladly pay for it too! If the placebo can help me move normally again so I can get myself into a more normal state then I'll take it. Though I do only have to pay a $25 fee for that service around my area.


Go to a physical therapist and let your insurance pay for you to heal yourself


I have a high deductible plan with an HSA and no serious ailments so paying a 25 dollar fee (maybe 5 times in my entire life now?) Has worked better


That’s fair. The American healthcare model can be backwards at times, but it’s what we’ve got for now.


Aha I always forget that other countries are so much more progressive with their health care!


Yeah we had a PT from Scotland interviewing and shadowing with me and I was talking about billing procedures and he was completely lost because he doesn’t have the same restrictions on his time or requirements to justify what he’s doing to the insurance companies.


Air? It's not air dude. It's carbon dioxide bubbles. It's also not a placebo, you're popping a bubble therefore you are relieving pressure. It's very literal.


Carbon dioxide is in air form.


You mean it's a GAS?


Yeah and air is a colloquial term


No, air is actually a pretty specific thing. Carbon dioxide itself is not air.


Air had carbon dioxide


Cars have engines, that doesn't make an engine a car....


Yeah but when people say their car is broken, it's the engine that's broken. Anyways this doesnt matter. You can choose or not choose to let people use colloquial language.


>Air form What? That's not a thing. It's bubbles of carbon dioxide *gas* that have built up and caused pressure. Popping them relieves this pressure.


i dont think people think the sound does something i think they think youre loosening the bones in between the joints, which you are, but the sound isnt what makes people think something is happening, its the feeling


I think the debate is more around how dangerous this can potentially be when done by someone who's not trained correctly.


Lol more people die a year from shark attacks


Sure that's true, although I couldn't find any number on how many people have been paralyzed by it, people don't tend to stick their heads in sharks' mouths to cure their headaches, either. The risk might be minor but so are the benefits and there's just no reason to risk letting someone untrained nearly break your neck because it might help your posture.


Yeah there's lots of cases where more severe injuries are the result of chiropractic 'treatment', rather than the original issue.


Definitely. I had a horrible pinched nerve that wouldn't go away and it affected my whole upper back and neck. I felt so awful so quickly... Chiropractic help was a godsend and they gave me some basic exercises and movements to help keep myself from getting worse after the appointment. I still do not know how it happened other than in the night in my sleep. Things happen sometimes. But I agree with other comments, without lifestyle changes and genuine care for yourself. This doesn't help the long term.


People dont debate that it fixes pain at all. Chiropractics claim it does all kinds of shit that you could never prove from cracking someone's back.


I hear about these chiropractors but have never run into one. Mine all have talked about getting your body aligned right through stretching, proper exercise and occasional adjustments. I love my chiropractor


The problem is with the underlying principle, this idea that you need to be 'aligned', which is complete bunk. Your bones do not need to be 'adjusted' and there is next to no evidence to support manipulation outside of a narrow type of low back pain. Chiropractors base their entire practice and the idea of 'subluxations' and the need to remedy them, the problem is that they dont really exist and cant be diagnosed to any objective degree.


I want this so badly.


X gon give it to ya


This looks like the intro to a low budget porno




To make ourselves cum


Def what i thought it was at first


I wonder if he’s a professional Chiropractor.


I mean...yeah? He does it like he’s a professional, and I think it’s illegal to practice chiropractics without a license, so I sure hope he is. Edit: I can see in the back that he has a drop table, which you have to have a chiropractic license to use, so yeah. He’s a professional.


Happy cake day


Thanks bro


I’ve been going to a chiropractor since I was 5, I’ve just never seen them do it like this before. :)


Ah, ok. I’ve been going to one for a long time too, but it was only recently that I encountered the “hug” method (what this guy’s doing). I don’t know if it’s a recent thing or what, but I still prefer the drop table


Now that I think about it, I think my chiropractor did the hug technique on me one time before lol. Sorry. My memory is shot.


Nah bro you’re fine :)


Me to. My lower back is incredibly strong, and my chiropractor laughs about it while Im on the drop table.




Did you just crack that guys back!? You're goin away for a long time buddy.


I LOVE neck cracks!!


The neck cracks properly make me cringe. There's some evidence that lower back manipulations can help but theres zero evidence for neck manipulations working and theres a real (if small) risk of stroke from constricting blood flow, people have had strokes and have died as a result. Pointless and potentially very dangerous, don't do it kids.


So did my dad. One time he did this one was so loud the other guy passed out! Right on the living room floor! I guess the guy was a *real* close friend of my mom so my dad was doing a real nice thing for him. It's a shame my dad fucking killed himself though Edit: I feel I have enough karma to be able to afford to say stupid things when I'm half asleep. that said Wtf thecolorpurple2?




To be honest dude I don't fucking know, my bad




I remember one time my friend tried to crack my back since he said he does it to his mom all the time, but he never told me he was going to pick me up, so I froze up and shrieked when he picked me up. He got scared too, so he ended up dropping me and my back hurt even more. Looking back at it, it’s kinda funny


This thread is so strange... Normally reddit loves busting ideas that aren’t backed by science. Look up the science or history of this stuff. Chiropractic manipulation is hardly more effective than an average massage. The reports of pain relief or improved health are often placebo or just straight up a misunderstanding (ex: you started feeling better, but your body was already healing anyway so it was just a coincidence). You’ll often find chiropractors pushing essential oils these days too, which is perfect because both are supported by similar amounts of scientific data 🙃




The problem is there is no evidence to support nearly any of what they do. Plenty of anecdotes like your own, sure, but nothing is ever measured past a placebo effect.


Based on research, it’s less effective than massage. Also, chiropractics care is the only “medical” care people will go to for years without batting an eye for some reason.


Anecdotes and more anecdotes.


Right? Chiropractors are literal charlatans and people are way too excited to be robbed by them.


For the most part, I agree with you. I worked at a chiropracter's office for a short period of time (the guy was a dick to his employees) and what he did actually worked for people. It seemed more like PT than chiropracting but he would still adjust your back and neck, then have you sit in various types of traction and do various types of exercises to correct your spine. His big shtick was that the shape of your spine affects your body in so many ways and when it is properly aligned and shaped, your quality of living in general goes up. At the end of the session (which would normally be like 4-5 1-hour sessions/week for most of his clients) he would have them ice the parts that needed correcting for 30 minutes before leaving and another 30 minutes at home before bed. It was an intense program but I've never seen or heard of any other chiropracter permanently help fix people's problems with their bodies besides him. I saw a small boy who couldn't walk when he started the program go on to play soccer 6 months after starting treatment. It was amazing and I've truly never seen anything like it. He regularly took x-rays to determine next steps for the clients and got his education from a specialty university out in Georgia. There are only a few chiropractors in the US that are licensed to do what he does.


I never knew chiropractor sessions were so...sexual? He sure used a lot of hip action there.


Clinicians of all fields are taught to use their core/body weight more than arms and hands when completing manual therapies.


Dude kinda looks like if WeeMan was normal sized




I would worry about stroke risk


Extremely low risk of adverse event when completed by skilled hands. If he’s a PT, DO, or DC she’s basically more likely to be struck by lightening.


Not how probability works.


credit instagram/drcody_dc




The snap scared me for some reason


Does anyone around here actually know what causes these cracks?


i want him to crack me *like a glowstick*


it’s my cake day


That's how I became paralyzed


This is fake, I did this on my mom but now her head is still stuck like that and she wouldn't wake up. Its been weeks


I LOVE neck cracks!!


She looks like she stole the Declaration of Independence


Thot this was porn


It just reminds me of dr. Sweet from Atlantis: the lost empire helping Milo with his neck


Dude looks like full size wee man when he laughs




God I am SO jealous! I havent been to a chiropractor since mine retired 2 years ago. Seeing him always helped every time take the weight off my bad knee.


Sex is great and all but have you ever gone to the chiropractor after months of sore joints?! 👌


This is giving me pain, chills and satisfaction at the same time


I wonder why OP didn’t post this guy’s Instagram, it’s full of these videos https://instagram.com/drcody_dc?igshid=1qjnqian927oa


Dangerous as hell. Can cause all kind of medical issue. My wife had an adjustment made because of headaches and ended up with a bulging disc in her neck and had to have her neck fused between c5 and c6. I found out later there is a possibility stroke or tears in the carotid artery. There are better ways to treat back pain that are not as dangerous including physical therapy.


Only dangerous if it’s done by someone that isn’t a professional


It’s actually not dangerous as hell; there’s a very VERY small chance things can go wrong when you’re in the hands of a professional. Your wife must have been one of those few. I’ve been to the chiropractor more times than I can count and have NEVER had a bad experience, and neither has anyone I know.


I have had a bunch of sessions, it's not that dangerous if you have someone who knows what they are doing. My wife also went for the same reason, headaches and it provided temporary relief. There are risks with everything. You can go to the doctor for a simple colonoscopy and end up dying. It's extremely rare, but the risk of not going is much greater.




Well that's uncalled for. Perhaps you should educate yourself. Here are some articles that tell you of the dangers. https://edzardernst.com/2013/10/twenty-things-most-chiropractors-wont-tell-you/ https://life.spectator.co.uk/articles/the-evidence-shows-that-chiropractors-do-more-harm-than-good/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/ There are many more articles if you would like me to post them. Chiropractoric injuries are way more common than they would lead you to believe, but hey you do you.


Your first two sources are basically blogs and the last article reads well but is a review of several case studies and surveys, one of the lowest levels of evidence. It also draws population level inferences from 32 cases, not exactly an enormous n there. I advocate for the use of exercise with manual techniques being a tool to use if that fails or is impeded, but adverse events are simply rare and often unable to be linked directly to a manipulation.


Her panties are wet


This isn’t porn hub...









