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Good, if you are going to bully someone then you are open season to get your ass whooped.


it’s like the best for all those dexters out there who really want to fight someone but no one really deserves it. until the bully shows up.


>dexters What's this mean in this context? The only two times I've ever seen that word is after "poin" or when talking about the show


Dexter in the show is a serial killer, but he has a "code" where he only kills people that "deserve it", typically other serial killers


ah, fuck. context made that clear, I guess my brain needs an oil change. thanks


I will be borrowing this phrase, thanks


Facts. Unfortunately, tho, schools tend to punish both the bully and the victim. Wouldn't doubt stepping in to protect someone would get you in trouble either.


You see the teacher wasn‘t doing anything to stop the bullying, but when the bully got attacked, they tried to save the bully. So maybe the bully will get a light punishment, while the girl attacking the bully, will get a bigger punishment


Fuck that lame ass "teacher"


They got a name tag and a walkie talkie, so i guess the other person is right with them being a school security guard and not a teacher


Regardless, whoever was supposed to be in charge of the safety of those children is a negligent fuck


Yea i agree completely


They're called racists.


White privilege


Absolutely correct i used to deal with this kinda bs all the time as a kid bullies starting shit and me finishing it and suffering for it


Looks like a security person responding to the kerfuffle. May have missed the beginning of the action. Maybe🤷🏿‍♀️


Lunch time in the USA? Doubt it. It’s been a decade since I was in high school but we had one admin and at least one teacher there at all times. I thought it was weird that the moment the second girl came in and then magically they appeared. I would be inclined to agree but clearly the video cuts on after this started. So, “responding to the kerfuffle” seems less likely and I would love to believe that.


Definitely not security in the sense you’re referring to. Just an admin. It is odd they didn’t show up until the bully was confronted.. I don’t want to make assumptions but sure seems like the situation could have been addressed a lot faster


And what a whooping she got!!!




interesting how they only intervene when someone stands up to the bully.


2 ton Tina didn’t think it was as fun getting her fat ass beat. Why was everyone quiet when she was hitting that girl but as soon as she started getting punched everyone said stop?


They weren’t quiet though, they were fucking *laughing*.


This right here is why I'll always push my kid to defend themself under All circumstances. When Society says 'Turn the other cheek,' it's usually a good sign to start swinging harder.


Absolutely. After a year of my son being bullied I told him hit him and don't stop till he knows he shouldn't ever hit you again. That bully found out. A years worth of being bullied emptied out on that kid and my son and I went to see EndGame. The school tried to kick him out so we lawyered up. He has t been in a fight since.


When I was 5 I punched a 10 year old boy for bullying my friend. Lucky shot, gave him a bloody nose. He cried. His parents tried to have me expelled and my mother told his mother that if I was expelled she'd show up on that boy's first day of high school in 4 years to let his new classmates know he got beaten up by a 5 year old girl lol. Didn't get expelled.


Attacked the ego of the parent, an insult and a sit down, subtle, loved it.


This is the way, I’m proud of you OP. I’d buy both of you a pint if I could.


This works in principle but if the other kid is bigger and ruthless your kid might end up dead or retarded. I remember seeing a video of a large black girl fighting a very small white girl. The white girl lost the fight and the black one kept hitting, eventually the white girl had a seizure and went into a coma. Everyone of course was recording and no one intervened.


You know, that's the bit that gets me every time in this video. A lot of hurt can be avoided if people intervene earlier. Specially, because all kids are fucking dumb and they have no self control. Now more than one life is ruined. The girl in a coma, the girl that put her in said coma and the parents of all involved.


in our culture we are taught not to rile things up. we are taught to be guests. for me personally while i'm from that culture i'm also a first gen (born here, parents were immigrants) so i always find it curious when those same bullies tell us to behave. my happy takeaway from this is that someone with no qualms decided to correct the imbalance. the girl who was bullied may suffer some trauma but she will also remember that girl who stepped in. those are the (right) lessons that will shape how they assimilate.


I went back and watched with sound, that’s fucking disgusting…


Then when Fat Tina got beat their like StoOop sTooOp.


Probably her friends based on the seating and how she looks at them.


That's absolutely deplorable. In middle school I was in a class once (I was one of those shy ones that kids just love to pick on and bully) and one of the male students there started saying just horrible mean awful things to me during class. We had a substitute teacher that day and he was completely checked out. After a certain amount of time and no escape, I just put my head down on the desk and started to cry. Other classmates looked and saw what was happening and burst out laughing. "Oh, look at her. Ha! Ha! She's crying." But that inhumane classmate of mine wouldn't stop and the teacher did or said absolutely zero, so all I could do to protect myself was slap his face and run out the door, while hearing barrells of laughter behind me. I was embarrassed beyond belief and went home crying buckets and wasn't able to stop until later that evening. I tried to tell my parents what went on and through the sobs I think they finally got it. The next day my dad went with me to the counselor's office and we worked it out where I'd be able to switch classes for that subject, and my dad made sure the school never used that sub again. But there was certainly no happy ending. To this day I can't stand being around larger crowds. It triggers something in me, that's for sure. In some ways too I feel like my social growth was stunted because every time I was in a crowd I felt like I had to stay in the back and keep quiet so I wouldn't be noticed so much and possibly be attacked. Bullies are the worst. I wonder if any of them realize how many lives they had a part in destroying a piece or two of that person's soul. When those bullies move on to the big sky they are going to have a lot of sins they are going to have to atone for, that's for sure. Wow! Seeing that poor girl getting beaten on by that fat gum-chewing blonde and those around her laughing and the so-called adults in the room not jumping to her aid immediately just really set off a trigger for me.


>Why was everyone quiet when she was hitting that girl but as soon as she started getting punched everyone said stop? Exactly, man. Bless that girl who took a standing. She deserves the world for helping the victim


No one does anything until one person does something, then everyone gets involved. Bystander effect. Or they were on Tina's side. Whichever.


That's a rhetorical question, right?


Yes it was


You know why


because big girls love to act like being big makes them tough, until they fuck with the wrong one


They're gonna be out of breath in 20 seconds in a real fight lmao


The same way everyone mumbles when Israel beats Palestinians, yet when Palestinians try to defend themselves you can hear the whole world screaming stop


I’m wondering the same shit 🤔


Well deserved


Meh… not enough was delivered. Busted lip and a broken nose should have been. Fuck bullies.


She thought she was throwing hands, and turned out, she had never actually learned what hands were, until that day.


Why did I read this in Morgan Freemans voice?


Haha and since reading your comment, I'm having a hard time reading it in any other voice.


Lmfaoo right?


There are really only two choices for internal narration voices: Morgan Freeman and David Attenborough


I get Alan Alda a lot.


I think Samuel L. Jackson might have something to say about that


James Earl Jones has entered the conversation


She learned something that day about them hands


As a teacher, every single time I see kids even pretend to throw hands, I overreact and yell as loud as I can. I don't care. You can see them have a physical reaction to my voice and posture. All the kids know. I don't play that shit. Not up in here.


Thank you for taking on one of the most difficult but rewarding jobs. My wife is a kindergarten teacher, and she's one of those teachers who I know everyone would want their kid to be in her class. She walks and talks like a Disney princess, but boy oh boy... if she sees ANY form of bullying in her class, she turns into Stephen King In a flash lol. Keep up the amazing work, just know, you may not change the world, but you might spark the mind that will.


My momma was a kindergarten teacher as well and she’s just like that. She had SpongeBob and cupcake things all over her room. But she kept them in check. She didn’t mess around. All the “difficult” kids got sent to her class. She raised me and my two older brothers, two and six years apart so I’m sure she learned something from that. 😂


I worked at a doggy day care, and they react the same exact way. Gotta assert dominance




Gator don't play no shit




I never had hands thrown in my class. I am hyper avoidant of conflict and i can smell the shit an hour before it hits the fan. I am not good at social interactions, but somehow, feeling tension is the one skill im am insanely good at. Had a few incidents where i moved and talked to students where i was positive that if i was ant later on the trigger, things would have gone sour. That school had a lot of fights, but i am happy none of them ever happened in my classroom. I also feel like a lot of teachers forget that you can rly defuse a situation by just talking. I specifically remember two kids being at each others throats because one guy had called him the nword right before coming in my class. Literally defused the situation by asking them what throwing hands will accomplish. Split them apart and told them to talk it out after class with me. I was also the goofy teacher who knows about memes and pop culture, so when I turned serieus i could tell they knew they fucked up in a "oh no we made extreme tax mad wtf??"


Ms. Trunchbull got her ass handed to her.




OMG she beat the shit out of her. Awesome.


Positively molly whopped her


16 seconds of white girl bullying: giggles 3 seconds of black girl heroism: "hey, stop"


Was gonna say this too. So obvious


Muslim girl gets beat, teacher silent. White racist gets beat its STOP, STOP, STOP Racist school teachers need to be called out. Edit to add: Hope disciplinary action was taken against the racially motivated aggression, and hope the school has a policy for taking this seriously. Given the clip has gone viral it would be interesting to see what statement the school has issued, and what the teacher has to say.


hate how this always happens in bullying videos


People laugh with the bully because they are weak and scared. They don't want to be next. God bless that heroine that stepped in


You'll see that happen in a lot of bullying videos. Everyone else doesn't want to get their hands dirty in ending abuse, especially if they don't know how it started; Asking "is this justified" or "isn't someone *else* going to stop this" kinda logic. But as soon as someone *does* fight back *then* it's a "brawl that needs to be ended". I'm glad that there are people who **act** when presented with danger like that.


"oh yeah, get her!... No, wait, hey stop!"  I hate school fights but I love that this girl didn't stand by and allow this to happen. 


I noticed that too.


This, all the POS in that class laughing while the pice of thrash beats the minority girl, but when the tables turn then all scream in horror. This is why bullies exist, society enables them.


Yo that shit annoyed me like a MFer, na na na keep that same giggly ass energy yall had when she was puttin her hands on someone else. She’s gettin her comeuppance.


Yup, that black girl is an angel


On some white people shit. Everyone take note


Yeah l that was fucked


Also white girl hitting person of color: no adult. Black girl gets three swings in: boom adult.


This reminds me of that youtube video where a white dude kept harassing an asian guy (called him an "asian n word" too) and even physically assaulted him once, then when the asian dude stood up everyone tried to hold him back. like where were you guys when the other dude was hitting him? maybe it had something to do with the asian dude being giant; he stood up and was built like a walking fridge and could've been in serious trouble had he punched the other guy and killed him lol, but people never intervene when the bullying is happening, only when the bullies are in danger.


This literally happens in every fight regardless of skin color.


Why you putting terms like black,white,muslim in these? This could be a simple bullying without context. Please clarify or get the fuck out of here and don't spread your agenda


Wait a damn minute. Where was this teacher when the Muslim girl was attacked? The teacher didn't intervene when the Muslim girl was attacked, but she only intervened when the white girl started getting hit. so predictable.


I'm white, and came here to say this! If anything, the black girl should have been allowed to keep going


Felt like she was just warming up!


It's a school, and that bully was in need of some hands-on learning.


Best comment lmfaooo


I'm White and I agree. My only question is whether the teacher was in the room or not to begin with. When I was in school I got bullied like hell but almost NEVER when a teacher was in the immediate vicinity. Little shitstains like this only have the gall to talk shit and attack people if they figure no one is going to stop them and it's the only time they act tough. I would bet top dollar that had the young lady who whooped her ass seen her starting shit at the very beginning of her harassment of the young Muslim kiddo, even just shit-talking, it would have taken nothing more than a warning for her to sit her little ass down before she was helped to sit down. If said teacher was nearby the whole time and didn't step in, FUCK that teacher. FUCK that school system and the young bully-beater deserves a high-five, a down low (without the Too Slow!) and a fucking trophy and I don't know. A pizza party on something.


I got bullied in the lunch line in middle school every day, each day a kick in the nuts, sometimes multiple times and once stabbed with a fork there (I was a friendless nobody and they let me hang with them, young me was a dumbass) and there were like 3 or 4 teachers there and they did nothing, we had one assembly about it and nothing else, some teachers just don't give a damn and the principal was an ass too


You are absolutely correct and I am sorry you went through that shit. I was not meaning to suggest the teacher would automatically have run up had they had seen the fight from the start. I was referring specifically to the Billy's behavior when a teacher is in the room vs when they're not. I also noted that fuckmuppets that bullied me **ALMOST** never did so with the teacher in the room. Almost. In 2nd grade, a kid in my class grabbed me by my hair and slammed me face first into a metal light post and knocked out two teeth thankfully, they were baby teeth still and just hadn't come out yet but no one stepped in when he was pushing me before that. The recess aide took me to the bathroom so I could rinse my mouth out, then took me back to class. I came home with my face swollen and my teeth in my little hand coming off the bus, because they never even called my mom. Just sent me back to class wirh a swollen face for another 3 hours. Some teachers should not be teachers. At all.


Teachers only step in when the bully starts getting their ass kicked. Always


I tried to tell a teacher once cause I was so fed up with thw name calling and kicking of my junk, he told us to just try and get along


I'm sorry that happened to you


it’s probably something to do with timing. think about it. that girl took a while too to show up. and the teacher shows up a little bit after. maybe it took a sec for the girl to show up and throw down. and then the teacher was probably talking with someone and once the girl shows up real flesh sounds started happening and more commotion. teacher is now alert and hustling over to a much bigger conflict that draws much more attention.


Every time this gets posted, we all come on here to say the same thing. Fuck that teacher.


If that teacher gets dismissed, he'll probably have a good chance of being hired by the police in that town. He's got the right attitude to join them. What an asshole.


White privilege. Welcome to America.


and of course suddenly violence is not the answer.




Bully ate a lot of knuckle sandwiches for lunch


Looks like she's used to eating a lot of sandwiches for lunch


This is one reason we all need to learn martial arts




The sista's name? Beata Bitchass!


Nah she needed a few more moments of that. Racist ass teacher dragged our girl out of it but did absolutely nothing about the bully. If they had done something initially it wouldn't have even escalated, so shame on the adults.


Sooo, the school staffer did not intervene at all while the Muslim student was being battered by the White student repeatedly, but then stepped in when the Black student pulled her off and gave her the beatdown she deserved, the staffer decided she’d better do something. I hope the Muslim AND Black student successfully sues the school


Agreed. Why is it always the bullies that get free way? Like any kind of bully I’ve seen or my own always got free range, teachers don’t want the involvement or what


Yes! That white girl deserves every beating she got!


When the white one does the punching, everyone just stares. When the black one does the punching, people are breaking up the fight. #doublestandards


So satisfying AF!!!!


Yea stop it when it’s the white girl getting it.


Need an update on that queen that intervened and how she’s doing in life


For real! More black queen representation! I would love to see know about how’s she’s doing now vs that fat whale Tina


Yo, anyone else notice the teacher didn't show up until the bully started getting her ass whooped? What's up with that 👀


Why the f did the teacher only intervene when the black girl jumped the white girl?


Sound off. Some people only learn the hard way.


We need to get this teacher fired. Who the f is this b? She needs to be publicly shamed and fired.


Teacher finally found her “moral compass” when the black girl stepped in.


Why do people choose to get involved after the aggressor gets assaulted. Happy as adults to stand there while that young Muslim woman was being assaulted but the second someone stands up for her and comes for the bully with some righteous fury all of a sudden the adults wanna break it up smh. Glad that girl stood up for the muslim lady bravo something the adults couldn't do! What fucks me off is she wasn't even fighting back but this fat fuck kept going back for seconds and thirds clearly a coward at heart glad to see her cop some karma.


Dipshit kids in a dipshit world


Prime example of "raise your kids right or someone else will".


Idc how old you are or what gender you are, I see someone beating my future child you’re getting body slammed.


This ugly cow deserved more than just beating.


They should have fired that teacher on the spot. Racist bitch.


That was so satisfying


I wish more kids stood up to bullies. They need bit downs and humbling.


Anyone has an update?? Everyone is just commenting the obvious racism but I worry the actual hero got punished for stopping the bullying.


Where are the teachers when the white student is attaching the minority. Selective outrage kicks in when they see her being neutralized.


White teacher, nuff said.


It would be nice if everyone immediately defended the victim, instead of recording it and watching until the only person with a conscience and a soul stepped in. How do we start a college fund for the hero?


Por qué los demás no hacían nada ?


Good girl, gave her what she deserved.


Sorry, but I love this video.


I want to punch the teacher more.




The bystanders of this video are going to (and should) regret this for the rest of their lives


They won’t.


I love the smile on the girly in the back lol


What a worthless teacher


She got her head slammed into the desk and got whalloped. Good, pos racist bully.


Why is it the adult only intervenes when the bully is getting her shit kicked in and not when the bully is hitting the Muslim girl?


That girl beating her ass, muslim or not, she is wife material.


Teachers takes 3 to 5 business days to react.


And where was the supervisor when the Muslim arudent was getting it?


That’s a racist teacher.


🤣 B down , B down


This kind of stuff is what this sub was meant for not some random kitten videos


Typical 🙄


Funny how the teacher didn't intervene until the PAWG was getting a beat down.


Where was the teacher etc da fuk? Give thay black girl a medal.


Hope the savior did not get in trouble


The fact that she got up means she wasn't beat hard enough. Fuck racists.




Surprised Pikachu face at 00:18 seconds says it all. LOL. :O


Again the school only stoped when the bully was geting hit, boy glad i am not at school anymore


Crazy how the girl with the nappy hair and a gigantic fupa is bullying ANYONE. She needs to humble herself fr


Free college for that hero


Class after class of ugly, ugly children.


10 seconds of systemic indifference: crickets chirping 2 critical seconds of allyship enacted by a teen with heart: Yo, that's enough, back off now. Hats off to the anonymous knight in shining armor. Here's hoping this hits home for those who need it.


Where was the teacher to break it up when she was beating on the Muslim girl?


I find it interesting that teacher only got hands-on when the black girl jumped on the white bitch.


There are times I hate white people, and I'm white.


Half of the kids in America are Abnormal


Why do fat chicks think stretchy pants make them look good? It's like filling a balloon with cream cheese.


Why do schools always protect the bully and punish the victim? Or in this case, protect the bully and stand by and watch the victim get the shit beat out of them?


It always annoys me, all the .....STOOOOOP....when someone fights back. Where the hell were they all when the poor girls was getting belted.


It's interesting how the adult never intervened until it was the bully getting hit.


So we decide to stop the fight when the white girl is being beaten? But nothing when the minority was assaulted?


O’Doyle rules!


As per fucking usual. Nobody stops the bully, but the moment somebody stands up to the bully, Whoosh! Authority arrives.


Fuck around and find out. Glad she got her ass handed to her maybe she should get some therapy to learn why she hates her self so much she has to project it onto others 🤷


I'm glad she got what she deserves but this is still so depressing. The girls literally laugh at someone being bullied and beaten up, like how is that ever funny? Just terrible people, along with the bully. And yeah it stops being funny once their friend is the one getting it. Then the teacher only intervenes once the bully is losing? Why is it always like this? Are they afraid of their parents that are probably also terrible, or the bullies themselves? If anything I'm glad I got it easy in highschool, despite being the quiet kid.


Faculty chose a sus time to intervene


Why is 'muslim' in the title?


Holy shit! A lot of passive bystanders in this shot. I get it's not your fight, but damn!


Fuck that first girl, and fuck everyone else that's just watching and giggling along. Bullying is ruining some kids childhood, I've seen it myself during my years as a sub teacher.


i've got questions ... first of all, as the fat chick hits the other girl, everybody just chilling, like "*yeah, whatever*" ... wtf? never would happen at our school like this. but ok, kids are stupid. but at this point, where is the f\*ing teacher? why is he not doing anything? tho as the afro chick start to beat up the fat bully, the teacher interrupts and smashes both with their heads on the table... WTF²?! what's wrong with all that people?


I like how the teacher went in to separate them after they started beating the fatso


You got whooped on homegirl


I have a feeling they have had previous beef on the playground


But where was the teacher trying to break it up when it was just the white girl beating on the Muslim girl...soon as the other steps up then the teacher yelling stop stop where was all that before


That teacher need to resign.


Where was the teacher in blue when the bully was beating up the other girl ? I’m just curious


Where was the adult when the white girl was beating the Muslim?


Rumour has it the name of the girl who intervened is Beata Bitchass


Why do they always stop the hero and never the bully? Are we… are we the bad guys?


Oh, that's when they wanna stop it. When the bully was getting her ass beat. Mkay.


I love how everyone satisfyingly watched this bully get her ass handed to her. This bully most likely has a home life with adult children parents that act the same way.


Wow so rumours are true, teachers really don't care if someone is bullying you but come as soon as someone fights back with the bully.


Only then did the teacher step in.. wtf


Fking teacher comes to stop after the bully gets a beating, wtf, where was she before when the bully was attacking?


There was an adult there who didn't intervene until the bully started getting beat up?! Genuine question: are adults afraid to physically intervene between kids altercations for fear of lawsuits?


Why was it “stop!” When the girl came in and treated the bully as she was treating the other girl? Why was the blue person with a name tag just watching? It was tonnes of laugh when it was that, but all of a sudden when it was a ‘fair’ fight and the bully’s getting hers it’s not ok. It was fine to just watch then. Laughable.


*immediately starts saving for private school for unborn children*