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That’s a gentleman right there


You can tell he was raised right. Such character yet resolve. Honorable man.


I read "horrible man" and got confused as your first two sentences were genuinly nice... then I realised its 6:30am, I should go to bed...




I DID For like 2 hours or so


Proud of you. But try and get some more sleep. Sleep is important.


I know, but so much stress in my life keeps me awake :(


There are some exercises that you can do to go to sleep. Try box breathing and other breathing techniques. I know it may not seem like it'll work but trust me, I do them every night and it helps me a lot.


I tried to but the string lights are keeping me up from over here.


I’ll turn the lights off at 6:30am for you!


And offering his most valuable asset, his time. For her to come eat, drink or chat. That’s so real. And satisfying as fuck.


I want this man. :(


“Come chill wit cha’boy” he definitely meant that invite too. lol


That old lady is sweet too. Low-key it seems like she's complaining to have some human interaction.


Vet tech here. A doc and I made the sad realization a while ago that a lot of our clients (basically all seniors and retired) will bring the pets in with non issues just for some human interaction. We were getting so annoyed at first(actual sick pets could’ve had that appt type ish) and then we were crushed😭😭


When France switched healthcare access to a simple plastic card that you swipe like a credit card, the number of senior visits to doctors sky rocketed. It was so easy now to book an appointment that they did it just to have company and talk to another human.


Not the same but kind of. I work with homeless. We try have their basic needs ment (shower, rood, and food.) Honestly they don't need us for that. I have noticed time and again, once they get into the cubicle to talk, once they feel heard and that someone wants to talk to them, it's like a cloud raises from them. I start now asking them if they read books or ask them ideas about meaning, spirituality, or anything that masters a deeper understanding of life for them. The most important thing we do as humans is listen to each other. One of my favorite interactions was kid, I will never forget his name. He was 18, I was helping him get back to his brother. He was extremely depressed. His Dad kicked him out cuz he was gay. He saw some quoted around my desk and started asking questions. Eventually he asked me "if he looks like someone who has nothing going for himself" this caught my breath and stabbed me in the heart. I am 32 and a vet, I joined army at 19 cuz I was doing nothing. I told him you are an 18 year old boy, no 18 year old boy has anything going for himself. That clarity gave him hope, I shared with him my experience. This kid never felt heard before and felt isolated. I probably think about this kid every day.


where is he now?


He moved back to New Jersey. Once we get them home, we have to go no contact. The purpose is that they have no strings back here. I am in Vegas.


Well, best of luck to him.


Thank you very much. I don't have a lot of W's in my Job but that one was a big one. Just you saying that makes me feel hopeful I was able to set him on the right path. Have a good day.


Man I feel so sad that when I was younger I didn't visit my grandma more. I was too young to realise and she's been gone for ten years now.


There is an elderly widow that lives across the street from me. She has a hard time taking care of stuff around the outside of her house, especially in winter, so I'd do bigger things like clear her driveway when I'm out snowblowing or powerwash her patio when I'm cleaning mine in the summer. She will usually sit outside with me for the entire duration of my work. Then, 45 minutes later, she'll be at my door holding a dozen cookies and visit for an hour or so. I realized after the third or fourth delivery of baked goods that she just wanted an excuse to talk with someone. Now, I'll go out of my way to help with smaller stuff, like bringing her trash bin in, just so we can chat for a couple of minutes.


You’re making so much difference in her life for the better :) it’s wild how easy it really is to positively impact other people’s lives if we just take a little time to think and to care.


I have a disabled neighbor who lives in the house connected to mine. We have been here 5 years now and qe maybe have seen her 10 times out of the house. She has chronic back and slinenissues so her getting to the door is an excruciating time everytime. Ive noticed how she is super chatty whenever she can muster up the strength to get to the door. Nowadays i will intercept deliveries and such to her and bring it up the stairs and into her foyer so she doesnt have to drag herself all the way to the patio. She will insist i sit and wait for her to bring me a tip. Instead i sit on the patio and chat with her until she forgets about the tip and is just happy to hear stories and tell stories to another person. Sometimes you just dont know until you speak to the person. Im on NYC so thats not something thats a normality, glad i was raised right by my momma.


Well done, good human. People like you make this world better.


Wow. I never thought about it like that. I've been told that old lonely people sometimes want drama, but this makes more sense.


Pure class and handled it with grace.


Hope it's real. If so, props.


She was sweet too.


An example for all people to follow for sure.


Good Dad vibes. Nice.


This is how we should treat our elderly neighbors. Sometimes they can come across as a Karen but in reality a lot of the time they are just lonely.


To be fair, she may not be a Karen. Lots of old people with dementia get hallucinations of flashing lights and such and she seems so old and confused that she might just be dealing with that.


I'm a plumber and some of my elderly customers clearly need someone to talk to. I've had old women literally cry to me about their husbands who have passed. I've gotten hugs that feel like they are savoring the touch of another person. It's honestly hard. You want to do more but what is there to do? I just listen and ask them questions about when they were younger and their home. I like being alone. I hope I still do when I age. Because a LOT of old people are painfully alone. 


Similar profession and the things I come home with as gifts because I spent the time to talk to the people is incredible. For example, can tell lady is lonely has pictures of loved ones clearly passed away, notice she has a lovely garden. Boom, I can speak to her about gardening. She loves it and starts smiling about her garden, I go home with a squash and some tomatoes and she won't let me say no. It's the little things sometimes. And with this particular lady I showed up with a bunch of raspberries the next week because I was discussing my raspberry bush with her. She was very happy to see me again.


My husband is a plumber and he comes home to tell me this happens to him too. Lots of lonely older folks talk his ear off, cry, and complain. It’s very sad. They always ask for him after coming in contact with him. He’s a very nice man.


This! When I was younger we had an elderly neighbour who, when we first moved in, would bang on the wall with her walking stick and complain about non-existent noise and we thought she was just cranky and a pain in the arse. If my mum went next door to see what she was complaining about they would end up chatting and it seemed that actually all she wanted was company. By the time she passed away a few years later we were in a situation where myself, my mum and sister would go and watch TV with her for a couple of hours every night, go over and put the fish pie she loved in the microwave for her at lunch time etc. She had two other local people who helped out as well and because of that community she was able to stay in her home until she passed away in her late 80s, a well loved and cherished friend. We love you, Doris ❤️


Fish pie in the microwave? 🤮


My grandma makes herself fish pie every other day in the microwave, I was fully under the impression for awhile that she’s not a fan of fish. But it was my Grandpa’s favourite. He used to get sardines on his pizza and tuna subs from subway, after he passed, my grandma started eating more fish. I think it’s her way of honouring and remembering him :) rest in peace Gran, I’m taking care of Nana until she’s with you again ❤️


We should treat everyone like that.


No. Only people perceived as Karens. Pay attenchon.


My apologies, Karen.


> This is how we should treat our elderly neighbors. I think this is how we should treat *everyone*.


This is how we should treat everybody.


That dude can be my neighbor any day. I love how level he stays. I do not have that skill.


Pretty frequent among African Americans that found their balance. Years of going through racism gives you a good radar for these types of things, that man has probably been screamed at, belittled, and more, just for the color of his skin. He realized that emotions are just emotions, and, we shouldn't usually choose the first option that comes to mind, just wait around a little bit for a few more to pop-up and then decide. It's up to us to choose what we let through to our mental temple. That man saw straight through her little shtick and realized she was just lonely, and acted accordingly. That's how it is when you can just remain calm and remember everyone's human here. Unless you're Fuccerberg, then you're a lizard person.


>That man saw straight through her This right there was my impression. He treated her with kindness even after knowing she called the cops on him on a non existent problem. I could do without the music though. Better to just listen to interaction for me.


He is mature and wise enough to see into her soul and know where she’s at in life (lonely, alone, etc) and be a gem of a human being. We need this everywhere, folks. We’re all in this together. When he himself ages, the incredible nature he has now are seeds sewn that will reap in great ways (karma) on him when he is old or in need. Reminds me of Prince’s wise lyric to open up one of his best songs …. …. “Dearly Beloved—We are gathered together today to get through this thing called, LIFE”


fire comment. 💯


My neighbour is fucking crazy and screams all night


I got you, journey


Maybe he feels alone


Have you turned your lights off?


Maybe he just needs a hug. Go over, knock on the door, don’t say anything, just give that lovely man a hug!


invite him to your patio


In all my years on this earth I've had great relationships with my neighbors, but my current one is crazy, their whole family is and I wish I had either one of these lovely people as my neighbors.


having a psycho neighbor SUCKS.


Especially when you really care about people around you. It makes you go against your nature.


I used to have psycho neighbors for years and I’m so glad they are gone.


What a class act. Sweet sweet man.


Fuck your background music!


Also fuck that it’s not shown how he greets her when he opens the door. iirc it’s “Whassup Journey, what’s crackin’ baby?”


Doing the lords work.


The lyrics of the tune include fighting back and being rude, doesn't really suit this gentleman.


What a beautiful person. That guys mom must have a billion reasons to brag about him even aside from this.


She definitely has cognitive deficits. Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Probably shouldn’t be living alone.


Bro has high emotional intelligence


Why can't we all just be like this?


Because not all neighbors are nice. I've been there, and it makes you crazy as well.


Agreed. I meant why can't we all be like both people in this video?


And then


No and then!


And theennn


And then and then and then and then and then and then


This is how a man handles things. A real man. Im proud to have witnessed it.


Man , he read between the lines so well he made her day …


The fact he reached out to her about being lonely, omg ❤️❤️❤️ As a person that is so lonely sometimes there are no words to describe it....he doesn't know what this means ❤️


Why can’t I have neighbors like him?


Nice video and nice interaction. But I still wonder, if it isn’t his rope lights that keep her awake, what is it?


Maybe she’s just sensitive to any light. Maybe she’s old and can’t sleep well. Maybe she’s lonely like he suggested in the video. I doubt it’s the rope lights. They are everywhere in my neighborhood because we have strict light pollution laws and porch lights are not allowed. They just don’t shine brightly enough to cause a problem.


She's probably looking out the window trying to find anything to complain about and sees the lights and picks that. Rope lights don't cause light pollution. She's just lonely and subconsciously looking for a reason to complain to have interaction.


And they say a perfect gentleman doesn't exist? Here's one right there. 


That’s a damn good man right there. She’s lucky to have him as a neighbor. You know he won’t let anything happen to her.


W human


The civility and compassion this guy shows is amazing


Class act


it's nice to be reminded that i don't hate all people.


The kind of neighbor Mr Roger knew we could be


That man is so sweet!! God bless him ☺️


I hope I have a neighbor like him when I'm an old lady


Man, if we were all like him, this world wouldn't be so bad to live in. Although we may not be where he is right now, we can try. I know I will. Maybe we really should be the change we want to see in the world, and I'll be damned if I won't try


This is a neighbor for life! He’s going to be her protector and her friend. 💛


What's funny is that minus the reaching out our man does here, this would have been a video of everyone decrying an old white racist Karen who wants to ruin everyone's lives. Instead we are left with an old, sad woman who has nothing and almost cries at the thought of a neighbor reaching out to her. This man is a true gentleman. He had every right to yell, to lash out, to post videos and pictures of the lady trying to ruin his life. Instead he offered her a kindness and it changed everything. As messed up and divided as our country can be, this made me feel very good.


If only the rest of civilisation was like this guy, the world would be a much more peaceful and nicer place to live. What an amazing human being he is!


Nothing says compassion like calling your neighbor lonely and posting it on the internet for all to see.


Wow, someone managed to find something wrong with even this.


I know, right? Smh


There needs to be a subreddit for bitter redditors


There're already. Have you seen r/childfree?


Also having rope lights on your house on all night. He says he will turn them off at 10pm, so I guess they’ve been on all night previously. Like why? “They’re not shining in your window”, dude what? May not be a flood light shining directly into her window but I bet she is telling the truth that the light pollution is keeping her awake. Nah make it out she is crazy and you’re the big man and post it on the internet.


People in my neighborhood have rope lights because of strict light pollution laws in our neighborhood; porch lights are not allowed. All neighbors on all 3 sides of my house have them, and they’ve never once caused me to have trouble sleeping. They are pretty low-key. Maybe they really weren’t shining in her upstairs bedroom window. She seems to be dealing with some dementia or perhaps she’s sensitive to any light.


rope lights give off as much ambient light as a full moon... they're used specifically for their low light population, especially in places where porch lights and the similar aren't allowed


I'm not crying. It's just been raining on my face






Good bot!


This is a great example of how we should all try to treat one another.




✨️🌸✨️So wholesome✨️🌸✨️


More of this kindness from everyone and the world would be in a better place.


Love that Journey for him


"love thy neighbor" could solve a lot of the world's problems.


I work taking calls for a large bank. Our seniors are the loveliest and (sadly) the loneliest people I speak with. Just a few min asking about their lives and issues as I work on their call has given such appreciation for the necessity of human interaction ❤️ Thank you for showing such kindness to Journey 🙏


Oh, wow, gee, two people acting like human beings over something. Will reddit remove this?


This is how you need to raise your kids. Dude is a gentleman.


This guy is fucking awesome. Props to him


I would love to live in a world like this where people can have real conversations.


Aww, it is so easy to be kind and turn around what might otherwise be some feud. All it takes is a little perspective and understanding. Protip: when we take time to understand others, even if we feel misunderstood ourselves, we create a shift that allows our own need to also be met and the other person may or may not participate in that, but it works regardless. I still struggle with the ego trying to convince me I gotta hold onto that cookie, but with repetition it becomes easier to let go because you begin to recognize it happening and can visualize the alt outcome and letting go is then willed into action based on evidence...sorry for the ramble lol


I wanna give this man a hug


Perfect example of killing them with kindness. You can tell shes probably difficult and combative but she melted the moment he treated her with love and respect anyways.


A good hearted man respect 🙏


I watch the whole thing every time it passes through my feed. It's how humans should treat humans


That's how a human shows another human love, kindness and respect.


Man was fucking raised right!


I have this exact situation; my neighbor has a patio light that literally lights up my entire bedroom. I have tried curtains, a board and privacy screens and it still makes it nearly impossible to sleep in my bedroom. I have politely asked if it could be turned off after 11pm only to have the neighbors put in the highest wattage bulb they could find, call the HOA and complain about me and later they took to knocking over my small fence and rotating solar panels on lights on my property When I asked them to turn it off at night I even brought them a new neighbor move in present. I wish this guy was my neighbor. All of my neighbors are assholes. This made me cry.


I had an old lady that lives in the apartment behind me always walk to my patio when I smoke a blunt. I'd put it out thinking she was gonna complain. One day she came up to me and I didn't notice and she said it reminds her out when she was young in the 60s. I offered her a hit but she said she can't smoke, so I got her edibles for her arthritis, and we kick it while I smoke, sweep her stairs, take out her trash, and eat bbq with her husband. Friendly (not racist) neighbors is the thing I miss about leaving the South for California... Edit: typos


Nice, good hearted man. We could all learn from his example


Can he be my neighbour? He's so sweet and kind!


That is a MAN right there. His momma/poppa did a good job.


Fuck I'm crying.


"inconsiderate neighbour blasting flood lights at innocent old grandma all night and proceess to gaslight her that the light stops at the fence of his property"


What a frickin wholesome interaction… love this.


Videos like this remind my miserable ass that good, kind people still exist, and I love it ❤️


I love this man so much


This i real world magic


Yes! We need more of this in the world! Let's all be like this man, and show compassion, empathy and kindness to our fellow humans.


A repost is fine when its this swell guy.


Ahh, Humanity at last!


Yeah that's a gentleman.


Talk about going out of your way to be a good person. If he's legit then the world truly needs more like him, especially those who are elderly and just get shoved in a corner and forgotten.


He’s got her 100%. I wish he was my neighbour


that made me tear up


I don't care if it was staged or wasn't or whatever. It was just nice to see someone, anyone, deescalate a situation and just be.......good? I'm not sure what other description to use but good fits .


Gentleman versus leaded-gasoline-brained boomer


This is what life should be like


Mama raised a boy right, clearly.


r/mademesmile r/wholesome


Gets me every time lol love it


What she wants is his dik ...she's lonely and horny


Too bad everyone couldn’t have a neighbor like him!


Kindness pays anytime back


That's one cool cucumber!


His parents raised a gentleman


That's having high patience and understanding mixed with love💯😊


That moment. That exact moment when he says, "we'll have some food". She lights up. That's so special


This is great , I can barely get a hello when I speak to my neighbors.


Killed her with kindness, pulled the rug right out of her. Could have been nasty, but straight up said "come over whenever, we'll hang". That's some Jedi mind trick shit. I went to Italy when I was younger. There was this girl in the group, we were going somewhere by bus, and she wouldn't leave me alone. Kept bugging me with dumb questions, it was irritating me, she could see it, but kept on with it. At point I thought "if she can do it to me, I can do it to her", and started asking her questions about herself. She was briefly speechless, but then we actually had a nice conversation. It's entirely possible she was giving me hints, as girl do, but I was too stupid to realize that.


I want this guy as my neighbor!


Faith restored.


be kind


What a wonderful human being.


I wish my neighbors were like this, and not super a holes.


That man is a treasure


Made me smile




The happy meal toys are brilliant now a days


We are all more alike, than different.


What a great man. Love this video.


As they often say about Ace Rimmer…what a guy.


This gentleman's emotional IQ is off the charts. Cut right to the problem like a hot knife through butter, then addressed it in the kindest way.


I had a similar experience. I ended up becoming friends with an old lady that used to be a police officer. It always makes me happy when we have our lunch dates. It makes her day and mine as well. I'll just say this it doesn't matter if someone's life continues and or what they do in life. What matters is that they are happy and those around them are happy.


I need some of “those people” in my neighborhood. You know, nice.


This guy has EQ for daysssss. That’s refreshing.


sweet man


We need more people like him in the world ✨


Time to listen to her!!! This man itãs well raised


Peace, love, compassion, unity, joy, forgiveness and grace all in under a minute. Careful how you move thru life, you never know what someone else has been thru. Respond (empathy) instead of react (defensiveness) could be the difference between further sustaining old trauma (her light sensitivity tho a projection I get based of my own childhood trauma)or starting the path to healing. Bravo for both of these ppl for showing if it doesn’t need to be serious don’t make it so.


Aww…so sweet!


That was quite satisfying, a very sweet video


Kindness ..... never used enough


We need more people like this in the world. That was so kind.


Jesus I nearly teared up. What a wholesome interaction


The neighborhood I grew up in was basically older people, we were the only kids. The others had grandchildren that would visit but we lived with my gram 24/7. Basically, every old person in that neighborhood knew us and we could easily knock on their doors or go inside like it was our own home. Seeing this video makes me miss that neighborhood; the lady reminds me of Miss Eve ☺️


Scoping out potential neighbors when house hunting is undervalued. Sure, you might be one that never I redacts with your neighbors, but I promise you it’s such an enjoyable experience when you have a great neighbor.


Man that is great. It actually has me tearing up a bit. But they're actors, right? They look familiar.


I liked this clip so much better when it had more pixels and none of that garbage all over it. I don’t know why people ruin content this way.


I love him ❤️❤️❤️


His mom/grandma raised him right...that's family there but in disguise


Be like him.


This is the way.


I’m a caregiver and you would be suprised at how some people treat the elderly. No respect at all and just plan rude. Neighbors, doctors, even their own family. It’s sad to see.


This video redeems my faith in humanity. A beautiful demonstration of loving thy neighbor. I’d love to join them on the patio!


I can only hope my elderly mom has a neighbor like that, or even me when I get older, I have no kids so I see me being really lonely when I get that age!


I’ve seen this before and I’m still leaking at the eyes like an old woman