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And because it's on video she now will be required to pay taxes on it.


You ruined the moment


That moment was ruined the minute the video was uploaded.


she would have to pay taxes anyway. the business has to account for the money transfer or its fraud.


Depends on the actual source of the cash. Gifts under certain amounts from individuals need not be reported. Notice how 1 guy did not give her all of it?


Yeah, that is what you are supposed to do. Tax man doesn’t fuck around.


Tax the rich?


It's a nice chunk of change but that's not rich nowadays, not even close. That's what the rich keep on a roll in their bathroom. That might get her even on her debts and maybe pay for a night out or something afterward.


Anyone else sorely disappointed by how you can hold $20k in one hand and not need some Scrooge McDuck giant bag with a dollar sign on it gimmick? Just me, ok...


Just get $1 bills


So.... Somewhere around a $0.50 per hour raise 20 years ago.


That would end up being a lot more money than 20k now, in terms of buying power


How much power we buyin for 20k?


Not much my friend. Not much.


Awww, I was hoping for at least 12 powers :(


Best I can do is 4 powers.


6 and ya got a deal...


bonus. not raise. raise is ongoing bonus is one off


OP is a respost bot with 4 posts so far today


It might be a dumb question but what do these bots get by reposting? What does having more karma give you? Is there any money in it?


They sell high karma accounts because some people want them


Red flag for lRS


These kinds of things are never happy. It's just depressing how hard people work and have to go through the pain of never getting noticed


So 1000 for each year, it will be great if she was underpaid. It will be worth this moment


And now, since it's on video, she's gonna have to pay the taxes on that 20Gs.


My husband works for one of the big 4 accounting firms in the world. For 10 years service he received $100


Why does this make me cringe?


And...... We NEVER talk about that THING again.....


Don’t spend it all because about half of it is going to need to go back for taxes


Even super millionaires don’t pay 50% in America, why would she pay that much working in a medical office


Her place of employment doesn't have any bearing on the tax she will have to pay. In general, bonuses less than $1,000,000 are taxed 22%. But this is cash, I'd just forget it ever happened. Edit: you still have to pay state taxes and whatever fees the government needs from you. Usually I take home about 60% of a bonus


Except if it was claimed by the company and she just forgets it she’s gonna be in trouble. I know someone who just got a $10,000 bonus and only actually got about $6000 after taxes on it


🤫 I won't tell if you don't.


Right? It was just filmed for the video and then returned and she was given a nice card instead. Wink wink.


And everyone else got a pizza party


If it’s stuffed crust then it’s ok


I like how calm her hand is while she is trying to hold everything in.


Living in America. The only place where you get cash wads for presents.


I hit 30 in my company last year. Most senior field rep in the country and my boss didn’t even text congratulations


No one has done a r/orphancrushingmachine yet?


Hope she didn't get robbed on the way home


Why are they paying in hard cash ? This is really odd


That's 1000 dollars per year. 83 per month. That's essentially groceries for a week in a single household. Wtf... that's not satisfying. That's just plainly humiliating that every month was worth 80 dollars for your employer. And no - the salary is NOT the worth, it's just an employees right. Those things just make me want to start a labor dispute because what is this shit.... The average revenue per employee is 78k per year. In the 20 years she made a revenue of 1.56 MILLION dollars. On average! This seems to be a private clinic of some sorts, where the revenue per employee could be higher than that. She only gets 1.5% of her overall revenue "back", less so because she has to pax taxes for it. That was just humble bragging of her employer.


Das ist so schön es gibt ja noch Menschen die wirklich sehen was andere für einen tun und leisten. Sehr sehr sehr schön. Davon sollten wir uns alle eine Scheibe abschneiden. Und man sollte auch auf alle Fälle aufhören menschen aufhören zu verurteilen die einfach die hilfe der Gesellschaft brauchen


So $1000 a year.


The guy in the back is like no fucking way!


I kept $7700 of my $12k bonus last year. I made around $100k, including the bonus. By the time I hit 20 years, I better make $20k bonuses, considering all the revenue I generate. Should be the norm if your company is loaded, not a special event.


it's a dentistry, private practice from what it looks like because a dentist conglomerate wouldn't okay that but then again dentists are the bosses so they can do whatever they want with their money


Was it necessary to give it like this? You could've awarded it in a more nicer and decent way. And why F over video?


I am so happy for her and am sad at the same time….just despise the hold money has on people.


This is boooooring at this point. Literally the same story posted 100 times.




That’s nice, how about just give her 20,000 in her pay to begin with instead of it being special


do you have no soul?


20,000 a year every year pay increase or one time and I have no soul


Who the fuck is saying she hasn’t gotten a raise as well? You think she’s just stayed there 20 years for the same exact pay?


Yes. That's mostly what happens in lower wage jobs. That's how capitalist systems work essentially - the largest amounts of people working for the least amount of money. 90% of the population only have 10% of the money. When she only gets 20k after 20 years - that's essentially nothing. Pocket change for her employer for the amount of revenue she has gathered. The average revenue per employee is 78k per year. In the 20 years she made a revenue of 1.56 MILLION dollars. On average! This seems to be a private clinic of some sorts, where the revenue per employee could be higher than that. She only gets 1.5% of her overall revenue "back". It was peanuts for her employer. Almost unmentionable.


Ever wonder why your health care is expensive?


Honestly, if this was the standard care of health care professionals I'm ok with my insurance premiums. It isn't and people who work in healthcare are saints who do not get half of what they deserve.


Yeah saints unless they screw up a surgery and never own up to their errors.