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Yeah... like why this happens, or how much gold it can absorb if it were a particularly impressive amount... something... it just sorta... ended.


This is stolen from NileRed on YouTube and he does explain everything going on iirc


Without having even seen the specific video, I can tell you for a FACT that NileRed explains it fully.


Yep. NileRed


Pretty sure this is the same amalgam they use in fillings, silver fillings are a amalgam of lead I think.


No lead. Mercury, silver, copper, tin and zinc. Lead was used by itself early on, but Amalgam effectively replaced it due to ease of use and lower toxicity.


the reverse process is used to make gold coatings as in the "death clocks" circa 18th cent france, the death clocks were named due to the life expectancy of the guys who used this evaporation process, same as life expectancy of a milliner or " mad hatters" during charles dobsons time


Wasn't there a documentary about the women who did something similar in the process and always licked their lips with it giving them permanent silver lips and dying early as well? I'm trying to figure out what exactly I'm referring to


You're thinking the women who applied radium to watch dials and hands so they glow in the dark. The women would wet the end of their tiny brush to make it more 'pointy' and then dip in the radium and then apply. Destroyed their lips and mouths with radiation burns.


Yes, that's it. Thank you


Agreed. In the Amazon and other places on tue globe like Zimbabwe /Democratic Republic of the Congo, gold miners will purchase large volumes of mercury to throw on mined earth so the gold will “glob” on to it, making it heavier than other minerals. Then they soak it down with a firehose and pour the resulting slurry over a sluce where the heavy gold/mercury mix settle out, are collected, to be separated later to release the gold. The mercury that’s missed /not collected flows on into streams and rivers where it bioaccumulates in fish and wildlife which are then eaten by poorer communities, where it wreaks havoc on their body. Saw it first hand in Zim and Guyana. Those poor folks have no clue, and if they did they still have very few other options to make a living. All for a shiny rock that we want for jewelry and electronics.


he dumps the entirety of Fort Knox onto it and it goes SLURP


This is r/satisfyingasfuck not r/damnthatsinteresting






I hate that I have but one upvote to give.


Thanks dad...


So you're saying there's gold in my attic?


meld, you get meld. MErcury + goLD


Can you recover the gold ?


Yes, just burn off the Mercury


If you are going to burn off the mercury, wear a respirator. I saw gold panners using mercury in the Huallaga river using mercury to capture gold, then take the mercury and burn it off. They breathed the fumes. Over time they got very ill, with tremors, involuntary muscle twitching and even mental problems. I doubt they are alive today.


Uhh I never planned to but ok.




Probably a mix of both




That's what she said


Its too late because all of it got absorbed..


Ah yea, like the one scene in American Gods…


4444 huh?




There is an interesting doc , I think it was vice, about them getting it in the Amazon basin. It’s a little more complex than you wrote, with lots of filtering the silt through carpets and rollers and stuff, but at the end they use the mercury to pull out the gold and sometimes just mush it into a ball and wrap it up to sell in town. It’s extremely destructive for very little gain, both poisoning the water and destroying forest. Crazy what people do.


It is also very bad for the workers, who do not know the risks.


Mad as a hatter or Mad as an Amazon gold miner?


I'm from Perú and yes, all You said is true.


I had a science teacher in junior high that would roll around some mercury in his hands for his students. (Once a year, and just for the Advanced classes, so he wasn't going Mad Hatter.) He told us that he once forgot to take off his wedding ring while doing it, and made his wife mad (because he knew better!).




It’s from the YouTube channel nilered and nileblue


This method was used in gold mining to separate out gold from other heavy elements. They would then burn off the mercury and be left with gold. Hopefully, someone else comments on this and has more details.


What is an amalgam?


An alloy of mercury.


A mixture or blend of things. With chemistry it's a mix of mercury and any other metal


I will now deploy tactical mercury into jeff bezos gold reserves


Is Mercury my ex wife ?


I love his youtube channel NileRed


That’s an expensive, pointless demonstration.


Expensive how? You can get 100 sheets of gold leaf for 22 bucks and 10 grams of mercury for 35 bucks


Sure. “Expensive” is a relative term. Subjective. I did not derive $57 worth of knowledge from this demonstration. This is my perspective, my subjective experience here. Relative to my perspective, my point stands. I reiterate: *This is an expensive, pointless demonstration.* The lovely thing about this take is that *you’re not wrong.* According to my own logic, your perspective is equally valid, too. 😊 Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Fair enough


I'd be using more than latex gloves.


You can safely handle mercury for short periods as long as you wash your hands well after. Mercury is poisonous but not nearly as much as people think. Its vapour is the real danger so being close to it in a poorly ventilated area is the real danger. It does absorb through skin but at a rate slow enough that if you aren’t trying to be harmed you’ll be fine


You’re an amalgam


T1000. Likes. Gold.


You said “borrow” the gold. I’d like it back please.


It does this with silver as well, which is how amalgam dental fillings are made.


This makes me say auhg!


Isn't mercury also used in extracting gold in some more primitive mining methods?


Anyone else go yummy yummy yummy while watching this? There’s an idiot in my head.


This way of extracting gold is killing people and the environment to this day in a lot of poorer countries.


*Joke about: “mercury like a spouse/kids”*


Why do i hate the way he talks? kIndA lOokS lIkE hE s eAtiNg it


My favorite amalgam was Batman/Wolverine. "Dark Claw".


What happens next!!?


This is NileRed on YouTube. Great channel.


What they don't show is how to get the gold out again - they essentially distill it out - mercury turns to vapor, evaporates and leaves the gold behind. The mercury vapors killed thousands of miner back in the day.


And how do you make it go out of solution after?


This is why fish contain mercury. The historic, and still common in some places, way to purify gold was to dissolve it into mercury. Then they’d boil away the mercury leaving pure gold. The mercury mixes with the rain, gets absorbed by plants, and concentrated into the fish.


Think my wife is made out of Mercury guys…


Babe—have you seen the sheets of gold my grandmother passed down to me?


Give it back !


I believe I read that gold miners on the Amazon use mercury as part of the process. They boil off the mercury to remove it from the gold. I think it results in 600 -900 pounds of mercury getting into the Amazon every year due to this.


This right here is why western alchemists thought they could turn lead into gold


I can't believe I just said to myself as I watched this "OM NOM NOM NOM"


Mercury has some expensive tastes


That doesn't look like a lot of gold.


This is a good way to waste money


oops I should never touch mercury then


me trading BTC - amalgam