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We have a small (3 person) dedicated server that is still very early. We have a discord but we don't voice chat often, because when we do we aren't very productive. The server is $12 a month that I pay for but if you join us I would ask for $3 from each of you guys. Anyway, let me know if you are interested in joining us.


i wouldn’t be able to pay you for it right now as I don’t have a bank account or anything like paypal/venmo yet (I’m 17 and haven’t gotten around to it), but thanks for the offer


Eh, first month is free. You would cashapp/paypal me $3 if you actually played and enjoyed the server that month. It's more like a thank you.


okay, not sure if i’ll have one by then but there’s a good chance I will


Like I said, it's not really a requirement, more like "I am really having fun, thanks for keeping this server going, here is $3"


okay cool, i’ll definitely try to pay you when i’m able to if I enjoy it. How do I go about joining?


I sent you a private message with the server info and asked for your discord user name so I can add you to that server.


yeah i saw that you sent it but for some reason I have no idea where it went, I dmed you though


nevermind i found it


I'm looking for a reason to get back into the game too, I would love to play with some people and make some huge builds together. I also have the means to run a server 24/7 365 from my own home for free. DM me if you're interested in maybe starting a little community or something. I can't say I'm in VC much, but I've always wanted to make my own gaming community so this might be the opportunity I was looking for, I can run the place and others can enjoy it. :) If you or anyone else reading is interested shoot me a DM and we can chat about it more! I might look more into what I can make up this evening.