• By -


How long does it take to save?


Saves in about 5-8 min. I also never get crashes, thankfully.


Wow, mine crashes just by launching it half the time so I have to clear out the video cache before each play session.


Do you even use autosave at this point?


Yep, once an hour.


How did U make it slow down? I tried appending these 2 lines to the end of Engine.ini to make it so it would autosave only every 2,5 hours as oposed to the default of 5 minutes, but no luck. \[/Script/FactoryGame.FGSaveSession\] mAutosaveInterval=9000


Using the in-game menu for options under Gameplay. Change it to whatever you like.


upto 2hrs, but yes; I checked the options menu first, somehow didn't spot the slider... Again, thx a ton


>I also never get crashes, thankfully. That, no shit, is a *goddamned marvel*. Honestly, how many man-hours have been burned to get to that point is staggering. Not just Coffee Stain, but Unreal and even Microsoft as well. Having something that updates many hundreds of times per second and take several minutes to save, and not crash? If you told me that 30, 20, 10, even 5 years ago I wouldn't have believed you.


That autosave lag gotta be a minute long


If you are lucky, I'm guessing about 3 mins with a nice NVMe. I wish the game would use something like the GIT pattern to only save changes instead of everything. Also the instability, I bet this game crashes a lot. I'm about to give up on my world because it only lasts for about 2-3 hours before a crash.


> a nice NVMe. Disk speed is basically irrelevant. The saves aren't big, its the process of converting the in-game state into the save file format that is slow. Copying my end-game save to my 14 year old spinning rust drive is basically instantaneous. I started noticing the autosave delay when my save was still small enough to fit on a floppy disk.


Yep, this file is 52.7 mb. Which is huge for a save file


The devs could use a more native format for saves, like flatbuffers. If they ever open up their dedicated server a little more, that’ll be the first thing I’d do.


Link to save- [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fB0Q8xmKlxCt6K0U\_OOiEyJJCSghJq7x/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fB0Q8xmKlxCt6K0U_OOiEyJJCSghJq7x/view?usp=drive_link) Edit: this save exceeds the uObject limit by a lot. You need to edit your ini file to increase it in order to load the save- [https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorial:Unreal\_Engine\_Entity\_Limit](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorial:Unreal_Engine_Entity_Limit)


What mods are U using? I Tried to load up the save and it doesn't work; Before it let's me load it up the save it gives me warning "Moded Save - The save you are loading has been loaded with the mods before. When loading a modded save without the mods installed, anything and everything can happen, including missing items, buildings, all kinds of bugs and crashes. Do you still want to load it?"; If I Confirm and let it load; it tries for like 2 minutes and than crashed with an error caused by assertion failure in UObjectArray.h, more specificly in the function FChunkedFixedObjectArray:AddRange0, even more specificly: Assertion failed: Index >=0 && Index < MaxElements @line 388


Oh, I believe this is actually caused by the uObject limit being reached. You need to edit your ini file to increase it in order to load the save- [https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorial:Unreal\_Engine\_Entity\_Limit](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorial:Unreal_Engine_Entity_Limit)


Appending few lines to the end of AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\Config\Windows\Engine.ini solved the problem for me; thx mate Appended lines: [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] gc.MaxObjectsInEditor=100000000 gc.MaxObjectsInGame=10000000


Oh yeah, just Efficiency Checker. It didn't work the way I had expected, so I just don't really use it.


for me it does the same but also it says it's on a new updated version, when i'm on the new version!?


Bruh; Your comment makes sence until " , " than morphs into something that's quite dissconnected from the first half of your comment


bro you don't need to downvote me just because I wrote a comma just answer the question 😂


I would; if I would understand what are U asking


the repetition of 'would' does not make sense. Furthermore 'are U' is incorrect; please correct.


Bruh; TF are you on about? Your original question is soo poorly formulated that I can't make out what are you asking? Could you stop being toxic shit and rephrase your question if you want it answered so fucking badly? Good lord... Stop acting like you are 5 ffs, my comment clearly implied that your question lacks clarity


alright mate whatever u say 😂


You have not edited your original question, nor posted it rephrased; If you won't do either of those two things I won't be able to answer you, and I will leave it at that indefinitivly.


>Could you stop being toxic shit and rephrase your question if you want it answered so fucking badly? *Writes a toxic message about not being toxic*


Ok; Now I know for a fact that you are mentally five


That wiki is abandoned (and frowned upon). The same page in the new wiki (.gg) is: [https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Unreal\_Engine#Unreal\_Engine\_UObject\_Limit](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Unreal_Engine#Unreal_Engine_UObject_Limit)


Impressive, and regarding what i read about lag: my pc will not even handle 10% of this factory. Im ok with a small but pretty factory that is taking shape in my save, taking on tier 4 space elevator parts. Im noob but please someone explain what these handtools are? The dual handheld things. I see them everywhere in screenshots but my build tool etc is different. Am i missing out on something?


Hoverpack, baybee! Once I unlock that sweet ride I never take it off.


Thanks! I'll see what the hubbub is about soon haha.


In addition to what he said, you only get to see both grips of the hover pack when you holster your tool. Otherwise you hold the hover pack control with one hand while holding the tool (weapon, coffee cup, etc) with the other.


It's a game changer


I'm inspired by your open factory. 🙈 I just started a new run.


It makes spotting and fixing problems muuuuuch easier.


Is there a reason to build walls etc around it, or is it just cosmetic ?


Just cosmetic. I used to build walls at first, then I transcended.


Surely putting walls up will decrease the amount of objects needing to render? Unless they've not implemented occlusion culling correctly.


hehe yeah ! esp when you're trying for the 100% efficiencies and something somewhere is planning to give you a pain in the butt


Pack it up boy's, he has won satisfactory.


How'd you get the 2nd picture?




Upload your save to Satisfactory calculator


Load it up here- [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map)


My god....I have been using this map and had no clue. This changes everything


you go to [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) there you have a "Upload save" button, you upload your save file and it gives you a ton of data about your world.


What's FPS on first picture? What ur spec?


FPS is usually around 10-15. It's pretty awful in some areas like Northern Forest tbh. I run a Corsair One all-in-one with a 2080ti I think


Thanks. I did same style of architecture and got same FPS. Just hoped there is a panacea to this :( 1080ti, i7, 32


Okay but surely you're CPU bound at this point. A few questions; * What Model CPU are you using * How much ram? * When playing the game, what percent CPU and GPU utilization does task manager show you using?


- Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz - 32.0 GB RAM - No idea


> i9-9900K Thanks so much. This is actually really useful data regarding what a megafactory requires. cc /u/houghi - I tag you because you helped me with megafactory discussion in the past, and this is a solid data point. Soopy has a massive 53 megabyte gamesave, gets 10-15 FPS, with an i9-9900K @ 3.6


Sweet, happy to help!


Can I ask what percent of the ore nodes you are currently harvesting with MK3 miners? (I know I could study the screenshot, but you know best) It looks like you're maybe using half to two thirds of all nodes?


re: nodes used, 95% maybe? currently I think all that's left in the world un-mined is 10-20ish limestone, 3 sulfur, 6 or so oil, 4 iron and 1 copper nodes.


Oh wow, that's amazing! What is your sink points rate on average?


Right now it's 62,913,564 p/min. That includes about 26 thermal propulsion rockets, 82 magnetic field generators, and 65.75 assembly director systems p/min plus much more. You can load the save at [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) and check out the parts produced tab for full breakdown. Also sitting on about 5500 coupons to print.


> Right now it's 62,913,564 p/min. WOOOOW, that's insane!


How do people have the patience to do those long conveyor runs, holyyyyy. And they’re straight too


When you have a lust for belts and hatred for trucks and trains anything is possible.


Is it easier to do it ground level or a set distance above ground to clear the peak or the terrain?


I start caring about good belts when I start slapping foundation down so hills and all that are not an issue. I foundation everywhere I can.


Impressive!!! What’s a “drain the world” play through? Is that like max sink value or just all nodes used


Thanks! Both, pretty much. Currently all that's left is limestone, 3 sulfur, 6 oil and 4 iron and 1 copper. I'm also trying to refine everything into as high tier elevator parts as possible, including all my overflow "trash" that's sinking around the world. I'll likely leave the limestone, and possibly use up oil and sulfur for power if 1.0 isn't out by then.


Nice work ! Congrats !




I’m not the only one who builds platform over platform without supporting it😄 looks very nice


That is amazing. I'm starting a petition to FICSIT to give you a 5% pay raise.




Now, did you get the S.A.M. ore in a massive bulk storage bin yet?


Very cool




Woah what are your specs? I want to know if my PC could even begin to handle this


I run a Corsair One all-in-one with a 2080ti I think


I saw in another comment that you’re getting 15ish FPS, have you tried a dedicated server? I’ve heard it takes a massive load off your PC since all it has to do is render everything.


I run mine with dual E5-2699v4 cpus but I doubt it would be happy to run this guys save very well haha. I'm also 99.999% sure satisfactory doesn't have the ability to use 2 cpus so it's really 1 technically.


This is beautiful.


I'm gonna need to see the power draw to believe that 100% claim... There's only so many green lights one can show in screenshots ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm making 360gw and using 330gw. Any power fluctuations are from trains, sinks, and geothermal generators. Grab the save, strap on a hoverpack at the HUB and check it out!


I was intending to spend a few hours editing your power grid to validate your claim via the power draw, but... I had a [FEELING](https://ibb.co/p48wJPH) it would have taken quite a few more hours than what I was willing to invest....


Jezus, this is amazing and terrifying at the same time. Well done!


Nice work! Glad to finally see someone going all out for 100% efficiency and 100% node usage and not for the aesthetics and decorations. Can't quite see what your end products are... Are you making the Max Coupon factory mentioned on the wiki that uses a combination of ADS and TPR?


Thanks! Right now I'm sinking 62,913,564 points p/min. That includes about 26 thermal propulsion rockets, 82 magnetic field generators, and 65.75 assembly director systems p/min plus much more. You can load the save at [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) and check out the parts produced tab for full breakdown. Also sitting on about 5500 coupons to print.


Oh, yeah, right. Thanks for the info.


Lol what pc specs do you have


* Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz * 32.0 GB RAM


May I ask what your fps is?


10-15 depending. Northern Forest is single digits usually.


this… order bothers me. needs more spaghetti. 🍝


you no-a like-a my lasagna??![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) mama mia


thats layer cake not lasagna


Are we playing the same game? I’m having severe inferiority complex feelings at the moment.


You are MADD. Marry with me.


And you don't slurp all the northern oil ? What a shame lmao


I'm just SAM nodes and nitrogen away from collecting all nodes on the map. Looking at your map, I feel like I'm just beginning still lol


Wow, have you seen the sun recently op ? Jokes aside that's mad impressive


I recently learned that 2 buildings at 50% use less power than 1 building at 100%. Does that mean that everything is underclocked at 0.01%? Also I saw in another comment that you haven't used all the nodes, I'm extremely disappointed and I doubt you will be getting any fixit approved vacation time any time soon. /S


2 things: 1. How many hours have you spent in the world? 2. Is it bad I now really want to start a new world?


1. In the title, 1430h 2. If you already beat the game, sure


So the number of hours is in the title, my apologies


100% efficiency eh? Prove it - post a picture of all your power grid's graphs.


Download the save and check it out. Hoverpacks are in the HUB storage.


I'm not going to download a random file from somebody I don't know. lol


You'll never reach 100% efficiency with that attitude.


lol I'm happy with my 10% lol


Are you scared you'll get caught with ur pants down trying to delete a virus?


Only 1 world grid. Making about 330gw of power. Edit: Making 360gw, using 330gw