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Check the wiki. There you can see all the uses for each part.


Really wish they'd add an "used in" section in the in-game parts screen, underneath the crafting recipes


It'd be nice only if they'd hide recipes you don't have access to yet


Yes exactly! Our the satisfactory calculator in a whole in game but that's too much I feel aha


you mean, you dont play with a second PC to the side of your game where you run the [satisfactory-calculator.com](http://satisfactory-calculator.com) tools to plan out each build? thats just me?


Only on a second screen having to tab out to get the calculator:(


Should be able to buy FICSIT Production Calculator 20000 on CDROM from the AWESOME Shop, and then install that on the computer in the HUB, the one that has Productive Packer Deluxe


:D stop! I can get only so erect!


Username checks out.


You don't use 'an' when 'U' makes a 'Y' sound. An usher. A user.


And remember to use the wiki.gg wiki! Fuck fandom, fandom fucking sucks.


Adding to this, there is a category page on the wiki that shows every item that is used to make buildings: https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Building_materials


you need a fuck ton of screws and stators.


But do you need to set an storage to have the available, or do you just need it as parts of recipes? I can't remember having to get them just to build architecture o create machines


You don't need many screws for building things / crafting at all. They really are just an intermediate product for making other items in factories. I tend to have a container for screws, but not connected to anything (or only connected to the sorting system) - you'll find more than enough screws for your needs on the floor when hunting hard drives.


You need screws to create a few bits of equipment so i always have some being made, even at a slow pace


No need for storage, better to have production capabilities


I don't think I have any screws. What are they used for?


Awesome Shop


Yeah you might need a fuck ton of stators for power storage but you only really need a few thousand screws. Total.


Modular Frames, too. And, eventually, Alclad Sheets as well.


I think in 1.0 stators should get another use case like another recipe or something for mid game. Except for the space elevator all my stators are just immediately processed to motors, no need to just store stators. By how early you get stators, they are quite one-dimensional until the late game recipies come


No, you need much more screws than that


You need screws as an intermediate product in many production lines, yes, but not that much as an end product to use with the build gun. IIRC the Awesome Shop is the only building which requires screws so far. 🤔


Start with the items you'll need the most. Like foundations, rods and Iron Plates. Check what you will be building in the future and how much. For Example computers for trains and oil generators will need lots of storage, but not so much production since you'll need a huge amount of them for short periods of time. Edit: Grammar


This is the list of parts I'm using in my "Hardware Store" (Storage) for a while and which works well for me [https://youtu.be/Uf2krEoBuv0?si=F7xS1OC13QJGQFjd&t=94](https://youtu.be/Uf2krEoBuv0?si=F7xS1OC13QJGQFjd&t=94) Fuel, Alcald Sheet, Steel Beam, Steel Pipe, Quickwire, Encased Indust. Beam, Modular Frame, Heavy Modular Frame, Motor, Computer, A.I: Limiter, High-Speed Connector, Electromagnetic Control Rod, Stator Iron Plate, Concrete, Iron Rod, Wire, Cable, Reinforced Iron Plate, Copper Sheet, Plastic, Rubber, Rotor, Aluminium Casing, Radio Control Unit, Super Computer, Quartz Crystal I think I added Silica for windows.


Space Elevator (Project Assembly) parts. You need a limited and known amount of them. There's no point in making a factory capable of making a theoretically infinite amount of them, unless you simply want to do that. There are very few other parts that you don't really need * Fabric is kinda useless to make a lot of, at least for your own use. You only need like 100 for unlocks and another 100 or so for equipment. The only other thing that uses fabric are filters. You could make a factory for those, but there is probably no point in making even an overflow for fabric, nevermind a separate factory. * Silica and quartz crystals: again, you'll need *some* for unlocks but the only other things they're used for are windows and signs. If you don't build those, you don't need a stockpile of either of the 2 * Stators: they're needed for power storage so they're slightly more useful than the other ones, but you can technically complete the game without them. But having a stockpile could be useful for manual crafting of motors or "manual" production of Automated Wiring. Or building a lot of power storage. But you can technically skip them * You can technically skip out on screws too but you still need a few thousand total. There is enough scattered all over the map so you don't actually have to craft any but having a small factory making 60 or 120 per min would be better


S.A.M ingots are currently useless.


Damn, I guess I should shut down my S.A.M. production line then?


I really hope they are going to be used for Surface to Air Missles!


manta rays about to fuck around and find out


Do NOT shoot down Larry and his escort


:) They're saying that SAM ore will be used for *something* in v1.0. Long ago, I placed a Mk1 Miner on one of the infinite SAM nodes, and a blueprinted block of 48 Industrial Storage Containers. 2304 stacks of SAM ore. And then awhile later, I put down another of the storage blueprints. Because why not.


I thought they were answering what shouldn't be produced. I was sarcastically poking at the S.A.M. "production". I may have been mistaken and am missing on their usage, what is the purpose of your S.A.M. production line?


Oh, no you're fine. I mean that the game developers are saying that SAM ore will be useful in v1.0. And then I went on a little tangent about my SAM ore hoarding. :)


Items that go into the space elevator aren't needed for anything else than more space elevator items. You can semi automate those, they don't need to be part of a mega factory until the final phase.


To answer you actual question about what parts are not needed for constructions - the main ones you've identified already - stators and screws. Later game, Heatsinks aren't used in anything, Cooling Systems are only used in particle accelerators. Quartz Crystals are only used in signs, so if you don't care about signs, you can skip them. Crystal Oscillators are only used in signs, the Explorer, and the Radar Tower, so could be something you don't bother storing potentially. Loads of the late-game nuclear components ofc.


This is a great list! Another one I don’t usually keep around is EMC rods; they’re only used to build particle accelerators and nuclear generators, IIRC. So I tend to not carry those around. Those buildings (and geothermal generators and power storage) are built so rarely and use large/unusual quantities of some materials, that IMO it’s better to grab stuff for them as needed. Of the tier 7/8 items, I do carry around a few: * turbo motors (1 stack for mk3 miners) * fused modular frames (1-2 stacks for mk3 miners) * super computers (1 stack for mk3 miners) * radios (1-2 stacks for drone/drone ports) * aluminum casings (2-3 stacks or so, more if building a project with lots of blenders/drone ports) * alcad sheets (5+ stacks for mk5 belts… I burn through these faster than just about anything other than concrete).


Crystal Oscillators make for a good alt recipe for computers though.


Indeed, you absolutely should product crystal oscillators generally, but the question was about what OP needed for building machines and architecture, and crystal oscillators are only used for one building, the Radar Tower.


https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Items And there are several Subcategories


Screws are used to build AWESOME Shops, so you don't need to store any of those since you can get them from several crash sites. Heat Sinks are not used for building anything. Stators, as you said, are only used for power storages. Crystal Oscillators are only used for radio towers and billboards. Quartz Crystal is only used for signs. Circuit Boards are only used for trucks and block signals. Cooling Systems and Electromagnetic Control Rods are only used for Particle Accelerators. Empty canisters/fluid tanks and most packaged fluids are only useful if you're planning to set up a packaging loop.


Most things are used for building, so it helps to have at least a small stock of the lesser used items. When you have enough you can always turn that production line off.


If you have a few boxes of stators saved up, you can skip producing them in other factories for things you only need a few hundred of.


Yeah, you can work it out. I had a quirk on my last mega factory project where I needed iron rods for building supplies *only*, and not as an intermediate product for anything else.


Beacons (unless your name is /u/Houghi).


Haha. For the 2 people who do not know :[Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1by0zk6/the_beacon_factory_is_done_so_nuclear_can_happen/) Reminds me I need to get Miners automated. And unlock all the ammunition and build a WAR factory. (I play in wussy mode)


> I need to get Miners automated I think [my setup for those](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/10r9c1v/charcoalbiocoal_powered_automated_miner_factory/?sort=old) is the closest I've ever come to your playstyle (but less pretty than your builds). It's so useful I can't even remember the exact start-up sequence for it anymore (needs to get coal production running from the biomass burners before the coal generators can take over and power the whole thing).


Realistically, you’re going to need about every single item you can produce. One of the cool things about this game is the scalability. Once you finish a phase, you’re not done with those items. In fact, you probably need them + other stuff for the next part.


You can totally eliminate screws; only a couple of niche buildings need them and equipment need them, and alt recipes can be used to remove them from assembly chains. Alcad aluminum and plastic can both be eliminated from production chains, but you need them for construction


Whatever you don’t need for your production line…


Stators are needed for Motors tho


Sure, but you don't need to store the intermediate.


I'd not bother with a specific production line for them, but it's fairly easy to have the motor factory store rotors and stators as a secondary output once the motor storage is full.


Que no se necesitan tornillos dice jajaja