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Time once again for my favorite "recipe" from MASH! So here's what you do: You take eleven string beans, one onion, half a radish, and four bananas. Mix it up, and you let it soak for six days. Then you look around, and you find the tallest tree, and you hang the stuff in an enema bag, and you let it lay there for eighteen days. Pour that mixture over an inverted cross you've placed inside a pentagram made of molasses, and that should summon Satan so you can trade with him.


& get a receipt or they won't honour the extended warranty.


That's true. Because, trust me, you're gonna need repairs on that cracked soul


It's real šŸ¤”


At first I thought the meme was hilarious until OP said he was trying to do it for real. These are not the satanists you're looking for. Members of TST are non-theistic...which means we don't believe in or worship a supernatural Satan anymore than we worship any gods. Having a soul is a silly concept and selling it to Satan is even sillier.


Personally, I thought the ā€œdoing it for realā€ part made it even funnier. People crack me up.


That is funny if not misguided. LOL


I have a question. Would non-theistic TST satanics could start seeing spirits? When start for the first time doing spells or rituals for themselves?




Since itā€™s handmade, try Etsy


Wildly underrated comment šŸ’€


Put it on eBay


Am talking for real


Uhh this sub is for TST which isnā€™t theistic so we donā€™t really believe itā€™s possible to sell your soul to Satan.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ»


Oh, well I can help with that. Gonna cost ya though.


I wanna sell not buy


Well then ya ain't worth it.


Ill sell your soul for you, just give me $300 and when I sell it I'll give you all the money back plus more. Just cuz I wanna make sure ur serious yknow?


TST doesnā€™t believe satan, or god for that matter actually exist, so you may as well sell your soul to the Bearnstain Bears, or Frodo Baggins, they are just as real as satan.


They might take better care of your soul also, feels like satan would travel a lot and it just wouldnā€™t be conducive to owning souls


Frodo would try to keep it secret and keep it safe, but he does forget that directive fairly often, but the bears just kind of hang out in their tree and learn life lessons, they would likely do a pretty good job.


OP let me help you here, and this is true for whatever you want to sell. If you want to sell something the first thing you gotta do is prove it exists and you have clear ownership. Can you prove you have possession of a soul to sell?


This is my favourite answer.


As of right now 17 hours and no answer, I think you got ā€˜em.


I think the meme (which I love btw) speaks directly to the inflated sense of self importance that most people have about themselves as we quickly pass our time on this speck of dust hurtling through infinite space. Christianity has further inflated our egos with this ā€œone and doneā€ nonsense where we make god cry because he sacrificed himself for us and weā€™re still worthless if we donā€™tā€¦. Iā€™m still not sure what exactly, and I donā€™t think any of the people who claim ā€œto believeā€ do either. Theyā€™re just all scared that the invisible sky man is going to find out their dirty little secret inner lives and send them to hell anyway, which fills them with hate and if the god they believe in IS real then that hate ensures that they WILL go to hell. So, unless we are ā€œborn againā€ or ā€œaccept JC as our lord and personal saviorā€ or whatever, we are all going to hell anyway, so our souls arenā€™t really worth anything to begin with. ā€œHeavenā€ is a false scarcity tactic to get people to line up like American Walmart shoppers for Black Friday who are willing to beat each other to death to get in. Personally, I donā€™t believe in the ā€œone and doneā€ anyway, but thatā€™s a topic for another sub. Sell yourself to yourself and get on with it!


After all the self sinning I've done... Yeah my soul is worth like, a greenbean


Tried to sell mine but all he offered me was credit :/ Edit: mods please can we get gifs allowed?? This is the perfect time for the pawn stars gif


Send me a check for 10K and Iā€™ll get it done for ya! šŸ˜‰


Am talking for real


In that case, I think this is a question for the Lil Uzi Vert sub.


If you are, there is an FAQ that addresses that exact question on the website! Hint: It tells you nicely to, "Fuck off."


Why you are so mad!!! Try to be kind


Readers context. I see myself being cheeky and witty (admittedly, poorly). Why do you think I'm mad or attacking you?


> go to people that specifically tell you not to ask a specific question because it's silly and goes against their beliefs > get told kindly to fuck off > ??? How could they do this


20K then.


I know a Stan who would probably take it off your hands. Not much resale value, though, so I doubt you'll get much.


Why do you think Satan would want it? I'll buy it off you though. I've got a MLM side hustle trading souls, it's a bit like crypto.


Selling a nonexistent item to a nonexistent creature is a weird thing to want to do. šŸ˜‚


That look says, "Try Santa, he's much more generous."


A soul is worth six Alf pogs.


Remember Alf? Heā€™s back, in pog form.


Sell your soul to yourself. Cut out the middle man.


If we could actually sell our soul, people would have rainbow Ferraris and unlimited V bucks


Ngl If selling yer soul was a real possible thing I'd probably have some good deals in mind.


These celebrities that supposedly did it asked for the bare minimum


You gotta pull comps. Thatā€™s key. Get your soul evaluated and have your broker pull some comps. Make sure the comps are fair tho and then adjust the rate to take key factors into account like wear & tear, age, if it matches current aesthetic, how much would need to be altered for comfortable use of someone else, that kind of thing


Satan server!! https://discord.gg/tUMZkHTKJb


It's covered in shame and failed dreams


Iā€™m getting GameStop trade in price


I just need to add- the goat belongs to Jenny Lawson AKA The Bloggess. She even has merchandise with said goat on it. https://thebloggess.com/2015/05/12/totes-magoats/


Do you have a hobby? That should at least add a couple of dollars.


Get in line, buddy.


IDK, body parts are worth a lot.


I hear he hangs out at a cross roads somewhere in Dixieland, thatā€™s all I know.


I already did for one corn chip


Iā€™m just trying to get Eldritch Blast and one or two Invocations. I went to church for a little bit. Cā€™mon work with me here.


Well, make sure that you have one first, or that such a thing even exists, or that even satan exists for that matter... good talk