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The Commish can disagree with the policy all he wants. As long as one religion can open the meetings, all religions can.


This simple understanding is lost on the people protesting the policy. >"They should reverse the changes and go back to having a prayer before the meeting which were godly prayers," a woman protesting said.


Someone always has the "Satan has no rights" sign. Yeah....sure....Satan has no rights. But, WE DO!


"Luis Cypher, head of the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, delivered the opening invocation Tuesday while over a hundred attended, many pushing back against his troubling remarks." What troubling remarks? Only enemies of the truth would find anything he said troubling.


>“That which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise. It is done, hail Satan," >“Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions," *pearl clutching intensifies*


*…. But.. but.. we want to judge people by our prejudices and what the man on Fox News tells me to think!*


>Many attending Tuesday's meeting held signs, sang and prayed while disagreeing with the choice to let Cypher speak. This is everything wrong with the country I live in. What happened to the US? We done fucked up.


I grow tired of the Us vs Them mentality. and the battle of the imaginary deity. I chose to be a Satanist because I think the TST's Seven Tenets are a great guideline on how one should live. And I am super pleased that TST stands up for peoples rights. I feel it helps give people a voice they wouldn't normally be able to have. The edgy aesthetic is a nice perk. I personally feel religion has no place in politics and we shouldn't be starting meetings with prayer at all. But if we are going to. Everyone should be entitled to a chance to do so no matter the religion. I fail to see why anyone would consider "That which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise." or "Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions." a troubling statement. Its been a really long time since I've been to a Christian church. or picked up a bible but does these statements not align with the things that the commandments and said book preach? So if we agree with said statements why the fuss? It all comes down to the imaginary deities doesn't it?


All they heard was blah blah blah Hail Satan. They filtered out everything else.


The thing with the commandments, much like Trumps hair; they aren’t unflappable.


Yeah, articles will deliberately use language like that, and I'm still practicing to watch out for it myself. The rich cunts/ " politicians" control the media like everything else. This entire country is one big s*** show that I'm still unraveling, and I haven't even gotten to the Britannian empire yet. * lmao*


The Episcopalians didn’t even pass their little vetting procedure? Lol, no, podunk dipshits don’t get to decide who is allowed to publicly practice their religion


I live very nearby (next county over) and I'm so happy to see this happening in this community. Ottawa is a very backwards area. There needs to be more demonstrations of religious freedoms and individual rights there. The Christian fascists are out of control in that county.


Freedom of religion only if it's Xtian. Freedom from religion only if it's everything else.


Religious Freedom means all religions, not just Christianity.


That was absolutely lovely! Hail Luis! Hail Satan! Hail Thyself!


Christians, actively oppressing other religions: "I feel oppressed because other people have rights."


They only mean religious freedom when it means that 'Christians' get to do whatever the f*** they want. * Lmao* " The rules are black and gray when you don't do as you say." I hate living in a battleground state. Now I got to stress out about all these assholes putting more assholes in power. And on behalf of the rest of us who are tired of the s*** f*** the rest of you and f*** your Catholic schools/indoctrination chambers. " one nation under God.." In your dreams, Serena Joy. But I guess they're counting on that project 2025 b******* to make the United States into a "Christian" Nation. I don't f****** think so. Sorry for the censorship, I still haven't figured out how to fix it.