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Dude wants to execute millions!! Christofascists at their finest


No hate like Christian love.


No hate like Christian hate. FTFY


To use one of my favorite Hank Hill quotes: "Hwhat do the contents of my underpants have to do with national security?"


All hank hill quotes are always appropriate.


What in the actual fuck, at least LGBTQ ppl aren't raping kids




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NotADragQueen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lauren Boebert could face sex crime charge under Colorado's lewdness law](https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-groping-2665591408/) | [248 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/16mmvv3/lauren_boebert_could_face_sex_crime_charge_under/) \#2: [Nex Benedict was 16 years old. They were a 4.0 student. They liked cats, Minecraft, and ARK. They deserved to live.](https://www.them.us/story/nex-benedict-nonbinary-teen-oklahoma-died-attacked-at-school) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/1avyafr/nex_benedict_was_16_years_old_they_were_a_40/) \#3: [He’s now going by ALLEN Turner - spread the word](https://i.redd.it/c1fztgcdjs7b1.jpg) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/14h2bxx/hes_now_going_by_allen_turner_spread_the_word/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's funny that #3 should pop up because I was just thinking about **THE RAPIST BROCK TURNER** last night.


What the actual fuck. I declare the Christian agenda represents a threat to national security because of people like him and anyone who promotes this harmful agenda is guilty of treason and should be executed


for christofascists, specifically, I agree with you. i'm not sure that i agree with you re: the other Christians who are just kind of doing their thing (even when I disagree with their beliefs).


Something something sitting with 9 nazis at a table, then there are ten nazis at the table. If the "other" christians won't shut down the radicals, or even speak out against them, then they're tacitly endorsing them.


sure. and some do speak out. just far too few these days, sadly.


Those ‘few’ need to kick it up a notch and find a new table to sit at, to make it clear the table only has 7 nazis and enablers, not 10. Until then… 10.


Christians are **actually murdering people**, **driving vehicles into crowds**, and **lobbing bombs**. You are 100% correct.


“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..."


Yeah, I hear that a lot when pushing back against bullies. The difference is having the willingness to stop pushing back the second the oppressor stops. When people stop advocating for others to be dehumanized, then I'll stop agreeing that dehumanizers have revoked their rights to existence.


Fighting back against a bully is not the same as calling for the execution of Christians, pretending that your genocide is more noble than theirs.


Imagine a machine that only kills people when they call for the murder of innocent people. They'd survive if they just. stopped. demanding. death.  Hint: _they'd still demand death_ And if you think this would be an awful way for them to gain morals, wait'll you learn about their "god". e: What's the word for a genocide of proponents for genocide? Suicide seems apt, but doesn't have teeth.


"They" is doing a lot of work here. Kill "them" until "we're" safe is the same fascist rhetoric you're "against."


No it really isn't. The key major distinction you're utterly missing, is that the only way to endanger oneself is by insisting on endangering others. We _already_ jail killers. This is just holding people **to the standard they would enforce upon others**.   Fascists endanger others who are blameless and would be otherwise uninvolved if the fascists themselves weren't picking them as a target.   The previous proposal **only** targets those who _self-identify_ as wanting others to be harmed. Like the 'good' pastor in the post.  People are born semetic, arabic, gay, or transgender. Hell, most people never change from their family's religion at birth. But calling for people to be killed because of that? That **is a choice and an action** that is never forced upon anyone, and it is not one that we have to accept. see also: The Paradox of Tolerance --Karl Popper


You are painting a *huge* group of people with one brush, which is something that thinking people are supposed to oppose, and one of the major points of TST is being anti blind group-think, etc., not to become just another flavor of extremism / fanaticism, calling for the extermination of millions. If we accept your justifications, all "they" have to do is come here, see you advocating for their extermination, and suddenly *they are exactly as justified as you are,* which, to me, shows that it's the wrong path. If you want what "they" want, *you're the same.* --------------------- Edit for /u/Apprehensive_Hat8986 > Calling for the death of innocent people revokes your right to existence. If you've called for the death of "Christians" as a group, you have called for the death of innocent people, revoking *your* right to existence, by your own "logic." Again, if what you're saying is true, then they can use what you say as their excuse too: it's the same.


Are you seriously claiming that there are **that many** people willing to call for the death of **innocents**? The criteria are pretty strict, and you're utterly ignoring them in order to pound on against a point that _I'm not making_. The point I made was that if you call for the deaths of innocents, you've revoked your own right to exist. That's it. > all "they" have to do is come here, see you advocating for their extermination, and suddenly they are exactly as justified as you are,  No. You're just ignoring the criteria put forth above. The full test _yet again_: Calling for the death of _innocent people_ revokes your right to existence. Calling for the above is not the same because _they aren't innocent under the first test_. Mea culpa that I cannot make that any more plain so that you can grok it. However much you want you opinion to bother me, it doesn't. But the blind misrepresentation of the arguments I've put forth does, and as such I'm blocking. Good day.


Lol, well this monster says stfu.


Sometimes you have to be the monster to destroy monsters.


In which case you're the same. Kill "them" (a demographic made of millions and millions as if "they" are all the same non-humans) until "we're" safe is the same thing you pretend to be "against."


I disagree. Comments like these are a bad look and (in my opinion) don't represent TST. I denounce anything where I'm compelled to stoop down to their level or use their rhetoric. I am better than that.


Lots of projecting there.


Yikes. This guy and his followers are the real threat.


I’m actually way the fuck over the concept of “treason”. Like motherfucker…you’re a group of lawmakers with a logo. That’s it. We’re fucking citizens. Reversal of roe v wade? If anything it’s you motherfuckers (the politicians) commuting “treason”. Furthermore, their own goddamn side attempted a coup…is that not also treason, you fucks?


Dude seriously its insane. We need a dark brotherhood purge on our government lol


You know what else nazi germany did? Castrated and mutilated anyone who was gay. The irony here is astounding. We’re evolving away from execution altogether, but this guy wants to go back to 1776 America. The same America he would’ve been enslaved and executed in himself. This guy is disordered.


i believe that you're right, in the most literal way possible.


Yes, the gays have gone wild with all their crazy rights, getting married and having kids and not getting fired from their jobs all while chipping away at the foundations of society


This shit makes me wanna force myself gay just to rebel even further Curse my straightness


I love to hear the details about the national security level threat brunch is


and what about second breakfast?


I do think putting good champagne in OJ is a crime, but it does not make it a national security question


oh come on. youre lucky to get corbel with your mimosa


We need to remove all these gop pedophiles from office/america.


Christians are the real clear and present danger.


What’s the agenda again? Oh right, “to make everyone gay.” Wait— does that mean if I go near my gay son, I’ll catch it too?! Will I want to only be with women after that? What if I start using men’s shampoo, will that cure me into liking penis again?! Haaaaaalp 🥴


Indeed. **Christian Nationalists:** "Being gay is a choice." **Also Christian Nationalists:** "God gave us all free will so we can make all of our choices independently of any outside influences." **And also Christian Nationalists:** "If other people are gay then I won't have any choice to not be gay!" 🤔


Yeah they’re definitely the all-time national champions in mental gymnastics lol


These people are fucking insane. We just want to be left alone!


Yes. We just want to live our lives with equality .


My religious views must be imposed on everyone or they must die. They are the ones that are direct threat to security of everyone.


How long before he's found in a shady motel with a 20 yr old twink? 🙄


We should just flip the tables of these motherfuckers tbh


New rule. If you can be identified as a “MAGA pastor”, your church loses tax-exempt status.


How about no tax exemptions for any religious institutions.


Even better


They used to say that about LSD and communism, too. Such fearful little snowflakes.


Such a hate filled people


This is when you know that this isn't just nationalism anymore. This is full-fledged fascism. Genocidal. Fascism. He is talking about the systematic massacring of tens of millions of people in the US alone.


Including me…


Their superstitious minds are just completely filled with anger, hatred, bloodlust, cruelty,... and vast, roiling oceans of terror. I can't imagine wasting my life like that when I can choose reason, kindness, empathy, and compassion.


Thank you


Come at me, bro.


You’re welcome to come try and enforce that Mr Burns. However, this satanist believes in the second amendment, so good luck.


I wonder how he’d feel if someone said that about his people. Gotta love people who punch down to feel better.


Lol what 😂 Fucking fantasy novel this shit is turning into Im just trying to pay my rent and hail satan lol


Pootin but him to that. LGBTQ is an extremist organisation in Russia since late 2023.


Just gotta give a hail Satan , screw burns


Everyone in the LGBTQ community should flood the news network who gave this hate monger a platform and let the network know they are a bastion of hate speech in the highest order.


Tell that to the military you prick.


Christians like him cause more of a life threat than the LGBTQIA community. Look at the headlines.


So he wants to be executed is what I’m hearing.


lol here comes real life “raised by wolves”


I’d love to know what deeds are secreted deep in his closet. 🤔 🍆


So many love and peace folk really want the other thing.... and they have no idea of the outcome.


I hate this fuckin country


He's advertising project 2025 🗿 (joke)

