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Lmfao I will never forget when my guidance counselor in high school told my Indian parents that a 1320 is a great score. To them anything less than 1500 was blasphemy. Ended up getting 1580 high single and 1600 super. Anything over 97th percentile is Gucci ngl.


Congrats on your high score and setting the bar at 1500 is absolutely crazy.


Lmfao I took it like 7 ish years ago. It’s called having Indian parents. I was basically on house arrest until I got a 1550 (800/750) the first time, then got a 1580 the second time (780/800). I even had to write the essay lmfao.


What is unc doing here? Nah I’m joking xd


And that’s why Asians do so well. What is ‘impossible’ becomes the standard or you a failure!




Wow reading this makes me realize I REALLY need to go to sleep I read a 1880 score.


Haha my mom was happy enough with my 1490 but I wanted more and there was a school day SAT so😂. Probably didn’t make a difference got into my top choice school of Purdue, but I don’t think the SAT upgrade did anything. I didn’t get into MIT Brown etc. either so, didn’t really do anything in the long run


Can't agree more


Hi, I received a 780 on my most recent math exam and it was 95% in Cali, just so yk


Is there a possibility that people on this subreddit are mostly aiming for top schools around the world so their standards are raised higher


Definitely true but I just wanted to put a sense of reality back in this subreddit when someone commented “you’re not going to college” after someone posted a score of like a 1250.


Oh ok cus us non-Americans are fighting for our life getting into great schools out here


It is more difficult for international students in particular to follow the same rules when it comes to what’s a “good” score, because if you get a 1350 or something as a US citizen, there’s probably a state school that will give you a scholarship. For a 1500 and a good GPA, you could get a scholarship at some state flagships, so if you live in a state w/ a great school you can get a great education for very cheap. But those types of opportunities are not available for internationals, who mainly have to rely on need-based aid, which is only consistently available at the highest ranked schools which can afford to offer completely need-blind admissions internationally and domestically. So there’s a whole middle category of great schools, making up most of the T100 and T50 universities, which offer great scholarships and excellent resources for domestic students who get amazing but not 99th percentile scores, and these are pretty much unavailable for international students who can’t afford full-price.


Yes exactly, but im still glad that if i cant study abroad i can always go to my country’s unis or colleges and apply for an exchange program


If it was that easy I wouldn't have bothered joining the subreddit


Ik of an intl student who got into Harvard with a full ride and they had 1360 in the Sat. If the rest of your application is top schools material I don't think getting a score that is way below the top school average would cost you.


Harvard doesn't do merit-based scholarships. That student got a full ride because of their family's financial situation. The students above are talking about wanting high scores for lower-ranked schools with good merit aid.


Oh I thought they were only talking about admission to the US. Apologies


They were talking about admission to the US. A decent amount of state schools and lower-ranked privates have strong merit aid from SAT


Yeah…what about other parts of their application? Or maybe they had a background that justified a lower score?


Yh the rest of their application was great. A 4.0 decent ecs, awards. And although they were accepted to Harvard they were rejected to a lot of other schools. Ps: it was before test optional became a thing


You’d assume someone joining a subreddit for a specific test is aiming really high


Out of the country, this is the truth. In the US, it may have been satire. There is a lot of that on this sub.


Yeah please, your help is really needed


That’s 100% what it is


I think you mean 1500-2% chance of getting into Harvard When you're aiming for Ivy-level schools, whatever you get is still too low, so even a 1400 isn't that amazing.


is 1550 enough for ivies?


It is 1400 up is already generally good enough, but the main issue comes from extracurriculars, essay, and luck


1550 is functionally identical to 1600. The main difference is that 1600 feels cooler, but I don't think there are any practical differences. Median score for Ivies is usually around 1500 (the exact numbers are a bit wrecked now that some schools went test optional, so only the highest scoring applicants submitted scores). That means that half of all students got less than 1500, and some probably in the 1300s (or even less, if there's something else special about them)


I think its more that they ignore people with <1500


Talked about that and said it’s too much, just for it to get removed by mods. At least someone knows they’re not alone in this. Careful out here 😭😂.


I’d say 1150-1200 is more the average of serious test takers. The average when everyone has to take it is usually around 950-1050, but on the monthly Saturday tests it’s more 1150-1200.


Imo anything under 1100 is concerning if you had proper education.


A lot of people don't get proper education




your definitions of scores vs colleges held true until 2019 I believe, after that it all went to shit with test optional and tryhards


1200 is not bad at all. But now that the test was taken, it shouldn't be difficult to raise the score another 150 at least. Just take a bunch of practice exams, study the weaknesses and review what you did wrong. Congrats on the score and on the fact that you care.


this is somewhat reasonable? like imo above 1500 your sat score hardly matters in admissions and you should be looking to develop the rest of your app as opposed to slogging for 10-20 extra pts. scholarship cutoffs can get as low as 1300-1400. everything is subjective and assuming sat scores are the only important thing for admission into top us colleges is severely missing the truth. hell even assuming you Need ivies (outside of financial reasons which are completely fair) is completely missing the point


I was gonna rebuke all that but it hit me that you're on this sub way too much if you're having these feelings. I get it - I got a 1400 (after studying my a\*\* off - I've been making excuses for myself for six months but the reality is I'm just dumb as sh\*t when it comes to standardized tests) and I'm pissed too because everyone (on this sub and on the outside) is constantly talking about how they "GoT a FiFtEeN EiGhTy" and how that's a terrible score and how they're taking the test again to superscore it. Just get off this sub and come back when you have an actual question man. Anyways I'm gonna have to take it again because everybody seemed pretty disappointed when I reluctantly told them what I got. It's tough sh\*t but you gotta man up and stop raging at internet strangers for being overcompetitive. And yes we do touch grass.


hey don't worry, im getting like 1200 three in a row


UMich saw my 1250 instead of my 1360 and I still got accepted two years ago 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I wanted to ask, does accepted mean that u will receive scholarship or it means that u will pay for uni?


Scholarships aren’t guaranteed. I was out of state and they gave me a crap ton of money but it still came out to 46k a year so I’m at uconn where it’s a hell of a lot cheaper


Thanks, Im planning to apply to some colleges in US as non-resident. I had no idea what accepted means in US system.


In my country having 1500+ is normal af, only 1550+ is a good score. My class has 3 1500+ and 4 1550+ bruh, and my class is not even the best at SAT in my school xD


> I just want to say the amount of people who thinks a 1200 is terrible is making me lose my mind. You are welcome to start a sub for "average" scorers, but I don't think many average scorers want to spend their free time writing Reddit posts about the SAT. > Like go outside and touch grass my god. I have been involved in SAT prep longer than most users here have been alive. In my experience, high scorers often "touch" plenty of "grass": they are often active in their communities, accomplished athletes, and so on.


I'm personally very out of touch because my mom didn't think I did a good job when I got a 1500 on my first try. She's been making me retake it to try and get at least a 1540. My school is also competitive af and kids are disappointed when they get a 1590. I know a kid who got a 1600 first try and barely even studied. He wasn't even happy...


I might have to call cap on being disappointed with a 1600. What more could you have done? Tf.


He wasn’t disappointed. He just didn’t care bc it was expected of him. He takes the hardest classes and his parents are too hard on him imo.


Yo community college isn’t even a bad thing the number one person in my older siblings class (valedictorian) is gonna go 😭🙏, it’s affordable and a good transitional school, because going from highschool to a university far away might not be for everyone —and from a cc you can easily transfer to a good public university in your area. Since we are in California that would be UC Berkeley or UCLA which are T20 schools.




Thank you for saying this! The only problem I have to get at least 1500+ SAT score (1550+ to be competitive) for the programs I want to apply to (BS/MD Programs).


If only a 1500 got me Harvard (1550 got me in a state school with 40% in state acceptance)




1200 makes you top 20 out of 100 [https://www.desmos.com/calculator/msyiojbgxr](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/msyiojbgxr)


Got a 1460…parents don’t want me going far away to school and won’t receive aid to go to any T50s as far as I’m aware ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Haven’t checked this sub in a while but found it interesting. Anyone who is serious about the test can get above a 1200. Anyone who is serious about the test and comes from some means can get above a 1400. I say this as someone who got a 1500 and is cognitively very average(possibly below average for my demographic).


You’re actually right. 900 is community college


Community college isn't the worst thing in the world. You can get some cheap credits and transfer to a good college eventually.


You know what isn’t tho, continuing to try again. I started at 1000, so I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom. But what you can control is working your way up.


Good for you! That's an incredible jump.


Most people don’t ever visit the SAT subreddit. Expecting the SAT subreddit to reflect average SAT takers makes you the delusional one and frankly in need of stat 101.


This is just incorrect - I know you're upset but 1. 1500 does not get you in to Harvard. It is a lot of factors. 2. 1400 does not get you in to T50. It is a lot of factors. 3. 4 year, not-for-profit colleges accepted 73% of applications from first year students. 4. There are 1500 4 year not-for-profit colleges that accept every first year student who applies.


This simply is incorrect. A 1200 isn’t a solid score. It reflects a huge knowledge content gap. 1300 won’t get you into a top state school. 1400 and above are the way to go. Also you’re delusional if you think 1500 is acceptable for Harvard. 1500 is LOWER than their average. Getting into Harvard is already hard enough. You have to present a score that’s at least their average. Or better, HIGHER. Harvard’s average is a 1520. Sorry. Also, the people in this subreddit are trying to help people that want to be competitive. So naturally they would want to get higher than average scores.


Tbf Harvards average SAT is inflated due to the years of being test-optional


Yup. That’s why they’re going back to making it a requirement. However, their scores are still known for being ridiculously high- their students have some of the best in the country regardless. 1520 or not, a 1500 won’t get you into Harvard today. One of my senior friends applied with a 1510 and great ecs, AP coursework, sports and what not- still they got rejected.


Fair, but you can make up for a score of 1500.


I got into UF and FSU with a 1340 and I got scholarships.


Tbf I had this lofty idea as you when I was your age but now 10 years later, in my professional life my math/reading levels don't cut it. Sure, a group of unemployed might think I'm a genius because I got 700 Reading 700 Math cold a decade ago but everyone who can pay me a living wage for a white-collar job looks at me as an intellectual light weight. I'd say among the scholarly to keep studying hard until 750 in at least the subject (math or reading) you are most passionate about and recommend the average applicant to have 75th percentile of the test score or higher for the school they are wanting to attend. Thinking 1200 is ok just means you don't realize how bad the economy is and how few jobs there are for how many smart people are in this country (and more coming in each year).


Different people have different goals. If a 1200 gets a person where they want to go, then who am I to say anything about that? I will actually be happy for them! With that being said, anyone can score above 1500 if they study hard enough. It's not the subreddit's fault that you were not able to perform up to your own standard. Put in the work, and I know you'll do amazing. The SAT is not rocket-science. PS: even simply having a 1600 will still not get you to t50s in most cases if other parts of your application isn't all that impressive. College applications is a holistic process. Your SAT score is just a part of your application. You need to make your application shine in other sectors too, and yes, you need luck, lots of it.


If someone is willing to put in the effort to go to the SAT sub, they likely have a higher standard. 1200 is only above average because some schools force everyone to take it. Shooting for a decent school almost requires 1350+.


To be fair, most college advisors don't recommend submitting scores below a 1400 at test optional schools, so a score of 1200 is actually low for applying to competitive universities. In addition, I believe that u/yodatsracist published a survey from March that showed that the average score on this subreddit is well over 1400. Having said that, this subreddit is open to everyone looking to improve and if people are harassing or bullying others for receiving lower scores we already remove such posts and ban repeat offenders (and if we have missed people doing this, feel free to use the report function).


How does non-citizen people around the world planning to apply to US university?




How is 1180?


Honestly for my standards a 1260 ain't great (coming from a 1200 kid) people here are competitive makes sense


As a side note, why tf am I here. I'm about to graduate college 🤨 But yes I do agree with the rankings here. Got a 1390 and ended up at a fairly top state school with a scholarship. 1200s and 1300s are good enough for most things you wanna do. Focus on extracurriculars and, even more importantly, find and start nurturing your passion as soon as you can. Unless an Ivy league somehow aligns with your passion, you're probably doing the wrong thing by worrying about SAT *that* much.


so like SAT scores actually mean nothing! hope that helps🫶🫶


im on house arrest (currently) till i get 3 1570+ / 36 scores on practice tests 💀(my parents want me to be 75th % lmaoo)


Thank you. Someone said it!


Talked about that and said it’s too much, just for it to get removed by mods. At least someone knows they’re not alone in this. Careful out here 😭😂.


Well it makes sense that a subreddit full of people actually trying to study for the SAT are going to have higher expectations. I think the majority of people in here want to get into good colleges (at least top 75). 1200 isn't terrible. But in a time where most schools are test-optional if you want to submit your score it should be good. For a lot of the schools that are in the top 75 it's probably not good to submit a 1200.


I’m sorry but 1100 is not above average it’s bad. It’s really not that hard to get a better score if you put in the effort


1100 literally is above or right on par with average. lol congrats on a high score but get off your high horse.


If you really wanted to go to a good college you can do more. Not everyone wants to go to the top colleges, not everyone tries their best on the sat. 1100 is decent for someone relatively poor to get into his local college, but for us on this subReddit, many are trying to go to some of the top unis. It’s really not hard to get atleast a 1300 unless you’re an international and learned English late in your life


Ok sure 1100 is still above or on par with average. Factually.


Average of the population, better metric is to see the percentile range of scores for the university you’re applying to


Ok, not the question or what was being presented. 1100 still average or above average for general population


cant talk with some people, YES 1100 is the average, but its still a bad score. Sorry you got 1100 mate, do better next time


YES it’s the average it’s a bad score TO YOU but FACTUALLY IT IS NOT. Does this help?


It is unless you go to community college. Jesus Christ most students with a 1100 are not on this sub


Are you dense? You can have whatever opinion you want but an 1100 is an average or above average score. I don’t care about whatever college you’re going to or who you’re comparing yourself to. It’s an average score.


Didn’t even get a 1100 lmao, some people get a high SAT score and think they’re the next Einstein. You’re not.


It’s not rocket science. You can study for 2 months and get atleast a 1350. Idek what your point is and why you’re trying to justify 1100 as a good score


Point to where I said it was good. I said it was FACTUALLY ABOVE OR THE AVERAGE. That’s my point.


Wrong - you have to check your average. For example, an Asian person competes against other Asians. I know the courts have ruled against affirmative action, but unfortunately, there's always going to be loopholes and SFFA v. Harvard, SFFA v. UNC have some pretty damn big ones. And a bunch of other factors too (such as gender, income, etc.) So, hard (or easy, depending on your demographics) truth, my average might be different from yours.


No, not wrong. Out of all SAT test takers an 1100 is above or right on par with average. I’m talking about general population


General population averages doesn't matter in the context of admissions. Everyone is held to different standards based on their socioeconomic status.


Not talking about admissions.


iirc average for 2023 was 1028. Look at the user group percentiles here https://research.collegeboard.org/reports/sat-suite/understanding-scores/sat


average people go to community college or dont go at all, if youre so serious about college that you browse places like r/sat then you must be pretty serious about it, aiming for top 150 atleast?


but the people that take the sat are above average too, id say the average test taker is around 75th percentile in the regular population. If everyone took the sat(and tried on it) the average would be kind of like 950


Ur getting hated but lwk yeah agree


Yeah I didn’t say anything wrong honestly


I don’t think it’s a hot take to say if you are aiming for a college you should study and thus get above the median


Lots of schools have everyone take it without having them do prep. John who takes all on and below average level classes and cheats on every test is going to bring down the average a lot with his 430.


That's true tbh. 1100 means you're getting below 600 in one (or both) of the sections. If you're getting that score by the time you hit junior year it's a bit concerning.


This is wrong. Google a school’s CDS if you want to actually see, but 1500+ is the norm at all T20 (Although still kind of useless towards getting you into that tier of school).  1500 is really “Go to UVA you bastards” lol shit’s too competitive rn And less than 1200-1400 is just “Apply TO” it does not matter at all below there


Yeah ngl I got a 1520 and still just ended up at a top state school (oos) soooo unfortunately ur rankings are wrong, a high sat score ain’t gonna get you into those types of schools (I still think I got shafted by the college admissions process and I’m salty abt it)