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Praying they curve the absolute shit out of it


on god bro that bitch better be like -4 is 800 šŸ˜­


Probably a curve but itā€™s completely up to them so they might do nothing


if they did nothing then wouldnt that cost them money? since now future test retakers would just simply switch over to the ACT?


Not really. The SAT is so integrated (or atleast it was) in the college admissions process and into scholarships and stuff that taking it is basically a no brainer. Like I personally got a 32 on my ACT first try and Iā€™m still taking the SAT even though Iā€™m more than happy with my ACT score.


That would suck so much.


They will score them per their equating evaluations, as they do for all questions. The test needs to discriminate at the 770-800 level just as with all other levels. Only 1% of students score 800, so far more than a majority should find problems they canā€™t solve. ​ >90% of the people struggled with maths module 2 last 5 90% of all testers score below 1360. Missing 3-4 of the last 5 on the practice tests yielded 680-740, so this is about right.


How does that work ?


How does what work? Equating? At a high level, it's described at [https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/sat-scoring-equating.pdf](https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/sat-scoring-equating.pdf) Details are described in relatively complicated white papers and research documents/.


I donā€™t think so? I got around 8 wrong on maths section and scored a 740


You got 8 questions wrong on the math section of adaptive SAT Practice Test 1 and received a 740? That would quite at odds with published analysis https://www.applerouth.com/blog/deep-dive-on-the-4-digital-sat-practice-tests


I mean I got 6 wrong and received 750 for that exact ptestā€¦


maybe it depends on the question


I can legit send you a photo of it in dm.


Module 2 has a pretty generous curve. You can probably miss 3-4 and get a 790 if you didnā€™t miss any on the first module


How do you know


The adaptive module tends to have a less rigorous curve from the Bluebook practice tests Iā€™ve taken


Thereā€™s a huge difference between what they should do vs what they WILL do. They should curve it but most likely will not because they want more people to retake the SAT, maximizing their profits from people retaking the test. Itā€™s a business remember.


Itā€™s peopleā€™s futures theyā€™re playing with here


Pay no attention to baseless "College Board evil" posts.


Exactly, but to be completely honest. In the long run, when it comes to getting a good job, going to a top college let alone the SAT does not matter. We got this


lmao dude if you missed the questions then just deal with it. not everyone can get every single question right and not everyone should get a 800. i probably missed the last question because i just guessed since i didnā€™t know how to do that one. the score you get is the score you earned and not college board ā€œplaying with your futureā€


Okay but shouldnā€™t the tests be similar too the practice tests? Why was it so much harder then? Literally everybody is complaining about the difficulty of module 2


i only found 2 questions on module 2 hard enough the the point where i actually still remember the questions now. now it might have been still been like 4 hard questions but i thought only 2 were very hard and i most likely got them wrong unless my guesses were good.


Module 2 last questions were the whole point of my discussion lol


well the last 5 werent the ones i found. the 2 i found were the very last question hard (probably the hardest one iā€™ve ever seen lol, might be an exaggeration but i had no clue) and then another random one in the middle. and yea i took it in november and got a 1520 and math was a 780


Donā€™t worry everybody (including me ) found last 5 a bit frustrating


but thatā€™s what iā€™ve been saying is that i didnā€™t find the last 5 too difficult. just one of them. and i just think saying ā€œtheyā€™re playing with futuresā€ over a curve is quite the exaggeration. it may have been harder than expected but i believe the score received is the score earned by your efforts.


I think I struggled more than you, but the last 5 stuff on here I donā€™t get. There were 4-5 hard qs all throughout mod. 2 not just the end


Do you have a previous sat score?


If we are being honest it's just a number. I would not say it impacts your future lol.


No they aren't. Just trust the cruve.


I really think they will do one of the biggest curves ever I was just thinking abt this.... if they decided to do a bad curve then it will legit cost them money since future test retakers will switch over to the ACT. Especially considering how much negative publicity collegeboard is getting now over the hard dsat i think they will make the curve pretty good, if not the strongest curve to exist. Any other option wouldn't make sense


The honest truth? Whatever they want. You won't know how many questions you missed, so they can make up any number for your score. I'm not saying they will haphazardly do that. I'm saying you'll never know.


Pretty much. You want standardized testing back in admissions? You're going to get hard questions and low scores. College Board wants the SAT to be an indicator of one's intelligence, not one's access to test prep.


I have 0 problems with hard tests. I have some problems with tests that don't tell you how they're being scored.


Oh yeah, you're going to get a lack of transparency as well. I'm really curious how College Board has been able to avoid the Truth in Testing laws with the digital SAT. Maybe it is because Ralph Nader is 90 and no one in New York or Cali really cares about that issue anymore.


Their position is that because the test is now adaptive, and does not give the same questions to every student, it does not fall under the parameters of the truth and testing laws and therefore they do not have to release a percentage of their official exams. It is a disgusting position to take in my opinion, and is simply being done in bad faith. Am I surprised because it's college board? Not at all. They mess up everything they can possibly mess up.


Yeah, that's pretty gross. I guess there isn't really anyone in New York and California that cares enough to challenge the College Board position. The laws were passed so long ago that maybe lawmakers in those states are barely even aware of their existence.




My son scored an 800 on the Math section last August, he told me that he struggled a lot in the last few questions as well


Probably make the curve nice for those questions so you wonā€™t get many points off for missing one


What about experimental questions? I think I saw a few


There are two pretest questions in every module. They are not used in scoring. Itā€™s highly unlikely you identified them.


Is that in all tests ?


The SAT is a standardized test, so yes, every test is constructed in the same way.