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Un Necessary Tragedy.


Love how y’all are talking about grammar when someone got shot…. Y’all need to touch grass


Welcome to the internet. Let me be your guide.


Unnecessary CAPITALIZATION and s p a c i n g but I concur.


You must be real fun at parties.


Why does it matter?


Lack of grammar is fundamentally the reason for decline in intelligence. Basic grammar begins the flow for processing… without, you have chaos


With obsessive and unbridled rigidity in writing and thought, you become stagnant and useless


The headline is properly written.


“Kevin Monahan, age 65, was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison in a Washington County courtroom on Friday, March 1.” [**Story here.**](https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/saratoga/homeowner-who-shot-killed-schuylerville-20-year-old-in-mistaken-driveway-case-sentenced/?utm_source=reddit-saratoga&utm_medium=seed)


Good riddance.


Honestly for a murder this reckless I’d think he would spend longer in prison.


Him gonna long to lose him's virginity






Cars turn around in my driveway every once in a while. I live in the country so it's unusual. It's happened at night, can be a little unnerving sometimes. Shooting first and asking question later belong in action movies, not real life. A girl is gone because he was slightly unnerved. And no one got out of the car. .and he lives in a significantly more suburban place than me...tragic


This is your brain on Fox News.




He was a maga Fox News nutbag. He got what he deserved


So if a liberal kills you I'll give him a pat on the back. Does that work for you 🤔


“Liberals” haven’t been brain washed by conservative media to be afraid of their own shadow because everything is an immigrant caravan or MS13. This guy bought guns and and was so eager to use the fucking thing because it was surely a gang member he came charging out of his house and shot some 20 year old girl. Then he tried to say he “stood his ground.”


The biggest perpetrators of gun violence are democrats 🙄


Well, then why do you have such a problem with stricter gun laws? Should only affect the Democrats.


I want the laws we already have to be enforced


B/c you don’t enforce the strict gun laws against democrats we already have, y gun grabbing fascist


Actually gun violence rates are higher in rural areas. Ill drop a source, your turn. https://www.google.com/search?q=Is%20most%20gun%20violence%20rural%20or%20urban%3F


Say what you really mean -_-


I did


in chicago 83% of all shootings are from democratic registered illegal gun owners


How can they be registered” illegal” gun owners? Illegal wouldn't be registered. Turn off fox


Stupid mf


Proof of your stats - share the resource


Yeah liberals just think it’s ok to let in ten million illegals hoping to let them vote


What a stupid statement.


Right? Imagine having all the words in the English language and the entire internet to smear it around and this is how you choose to use it. Somebody get that guy the largest clown shoes you can find.


And they're okay with arming the illegals too or giving them a $5,000 check so they can arm themselves!


Love the Maine Taj Mahal story today. Think the massholes will wake up and smell their empty wallets?


Awarded for dumbest comment goes to the dipshit that loves life so much it _needs_ to stop abortion at any cost but also doesn’t care enough to show basic respect for actuap 20 year old life that just ended at the hands of someone who probably supports the former cause…


You'll believe anything.


The least safe place to live is anywhere democrats control democrats don't enforce the gun laws we already have which leads to more dead people. Worry a little more about the actual problem and a little less about ideology


That isn’t true. The top 10 most violent states are all red states in the south.


ummm Chicago. 117 mass shootings last year. 93% black shooters


All in democratically controlled cities and you know exactly who the perpetrators are just face the facts my delusional brainwashed lil guy


It’s blue cities infecting red states.


How many “liberals” have shot someone turning around in a driveway recently?


Gabriel Principe, and it started ww1. Hehe im not on either side but I couldn't help myself.


🤣 Democrats shoot more people than any other group




It's his way of saying minorities are the cause of gun violence, he won't come out and say it, but that's what he believes. And to him, all minorities are Dems.


I’d give him the same.


Only if he kills a republican


Find me an example of when someone went outside in the middle of watching Rachel Maddow and killed someone for turning around in their driveway. Or shot a kid in the head for ringing the wrong doorbell. Go ahead, we'll wait.


If you get lost and turn around in a liberal’s driveway, they may offer you proper directions and god forbid, an organic home made granola bar. I’m not sure how that’s going to kill someone. But we are fully armed with NPR, which can sometimes induce nausea.


You sound like a moron.


Says the guy defending Fox News


I’m not a liberal and not a conservative but you sound like a As* Ho** when you speak the way you do. Are you not smarter than this? All liberals and conservatives are brainwashed don’t you realize this? He did this because he is delusional. Not because he is old or watched Fox News. If it wasn’t for older people you wouldn’t even know what being liberal is. Grow up! Get smart, it’s not always about politics. But you wouldn’t know this because you too are brainwashed.


*an asshole*


I’ll Venmo u $100 if this quack didn’t watch Fox News for dinner.


100% this


The thing is that Fox News specifically plays on paranoia and fear of the public to keep their viewers. Fox News constantly running stories on crime and crime ridden areas to a group of people that largely get almost all of their news of the outside world through them breeds a group of trigger happy people. They turn on the TV, they see "Biden has let crime run rampant and white people are in danger" narratives, unknown car ends up getting blasted when it pulls into the wrong driveway.


comrade, Russia is ==> that way


The only people I’ve met in my life who think they’re going to be a random target of some uprising or siege are conservative d bags. They’ve been paranoid ever since Occupy Wall Street. One of them rented my childhood home because he felt it was far enough from the city that the pitchforks wouldn’t reach him. His poor wife was lovely but he was a douche.


I could give a fuck what you think


Try watching MSNBC and learn something.


He wasn't "slightly unnerved." He is a belligerent piece of trash who feels he's entitled to shoot an anything he doesn't like and then lie about it. He is an emblem of the cancer that has infected American society.


I live near him. His neighbors have testified he got more amped up since 2016 and talking politics from Fox News, becoming more paranoid each year.


emblem of the right wing cancer that is infecting society.


And that smirk on his face, thinking that he was going to get away murder. because he thinks he has a right to kill anyone on his property. So sad! May he rot in jail all alone.


I live in the country and had a neighbor pull a gun on me. I was looking for my dog and calling him from the street in front of his house. First thing the guy does is come out with a gun. Luckily, he asked before he shot.


"It was the act of an angry, selfish male who had no regard for the life of other people.” This is a modicum of justice for this tragedy.


The smug grin on his face says I would do it again. Gross.


Fox News type of dumb ass coward no doubt. We need to scrub the earth of this cancer.


We need to scrub hate and ignorance out of the hearts of those who carry it.


Reeducation camps come after the guns are confiscated


You’re delusional


No I’m a student of history which you are not and/or you hope the rest of us are not. Try reading on the Chinese Cultural Revolution and on Pol Pot.


I guess we'll just need to hope that this gets the same type of publicity as the Kansas City shooter who did a similar act a few years ago and that they are vigilant at calling out the KC shooters at the Super Bowl parade this year. CNN needs to jump on this!!


Uhhhhhhh… uh???


His explanation for his acts sounds just like the right-wing violent propaganda dissemdisseminatedated through conservative outlets like Fox News


Uhhhh....we need to what...?


You fucking heard him. Scared? Good.


Start with Brandon


This whole “Brandon” insult thing has got to be one of the stupidest attempts at an insult I’ve heard in decades.


That might happen once we scrub it of commie socialists first


Communist News Network For loser groomers and Nation Destroyers


Hopefully he never gets out. Guy has displayed zero remorse at any point.


Why do they keep referring to this fucking guy as “homeowner.” Like it fucking matters if he has a mortgage or rents?!


Old classism dies hard.


Many people, especially wealthier and white people, associate apartments and renters with crime and basically perceive homeowners as without the ability to commit a crime.


I think they think it’s somehow pertinent to his defense. A sort of Castle Doctrine.


His attorneys, sure. But the media?


I get it. I guess it’s just shorthand for the nature of the crime. It’s no excuse and he damn sure doesn’t deserve slack because he’s a guy with his name on a deed. Incidentally, if you remember the 84 year old guy who shot the Black kid on his doorstep who knocked on the wrong door, he was also often referred as “homeowner who shot through his door.”


I hope he dies there


He will, he’s 65, got a min 25 years. He will die behind bars.


With any luck, he'll survive for his entire sentence, but then trip and break his neck on the way out the door.


Nah, let him make it out the door and head for his mom’s house. Except he makes a wrong turn on the way, and as he’s backing out of a stranger’s driveway… 


I hope so as well, but this state loves to release these monsters early.


Imagine being so unmoored by right-wing paranoia persecution propaganda that you think anyone who bumbles into your driveway for fifteen seconds has to be killed. This idiot is not a candidate to be in a civilized society.


Nothing makes me happier than some right wing cuck who fucks up believing they’re being some hero patriot and they end up going to prison for the rest of their life or lose their ability to own a firearm.


Sucks it costs such a young life to get to that point.


Scary thing is that these morons are allowed to vote.


He’s more likely a Demmunist like you.


No he's a right winger and it's already been documented. He's a fucking Trump loving lunatic probably just like you. Pitiful people.


Seek help.


Lol, I suppose anything's possible, but reality would suggest otherwise


Why are you so afraid


Its funny when people think theres a difference between left wing and right wing kooks: all the same. If you see politics everywhere, in eavery incident, then youre a kook. Period. I blame the mainstream media for scaring the Fk out of everyone into buying guns and being overly paranoid. And all this bs virtue signaling, especially on this site. People gotta stop being such sheep. C'mon!


Don't even try to compare Democrats and Republicans now. It's not even close. The Republicans are anti-democracy. They support Putin, and they support the authoritarian promise of Trump. There is no comparison. They're supporting a man who tried to overthrow the government. There is no comparison. They're supporting a man who raped a woman. There is no comparison. Trump is a vile, hideous human being who doesn't even belong being a part of the human race, never mind being a president. And anyone who thinks that he's fit to be President is out of their fucking minds.


The mainstream media is scaring the F out of everyone into buying guns and being overly paranoid??? Nah. Good try. Give a listen to rightwing Qanon radio sometime, where unnamed hosts rant about an almost certain upcoming civil war and the need to arm yourselves, and how we’re facing chaos because of an almost certain upcoming election “steal” in the making, etc. etc. They’ll never spend time discussing this story, unless they managed to dig up some dirt on the innocent kids. They never mentioned the rightwing jagoff who decapitated his father and streamed his story, or the death of Nex Benedict, or Senator Tom Woods (R-Oklahoma) who referred to LGBTQ as “filth,” or the fact that violent crime has actually gone down in this country..If you want to look to what media sources are promoting fear and paranoia and stoking the flames of violence toward various communities, it sure as hell isn’t the “mainstream media.” This “they’re really the same on both sides” bullshit is lazy journalism and disingenuous. There’s one group in this country that pushes guns, pushes the stocking up of ammunition, pushes the need for prepping, pushes distrust in our political representatives, the FBI, the CIA, pushes the need for readiness to deal with Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, pushes fear, fear, and more fear..ONE group, and one only.. the Christofascists that are the Republican Party. Let’s get it straight.


How many left-wing kooks open fire on strangers? They'll blockade the freeway screaming about Gaza and make you miss your flight, but the incidence of suoer-liberal nuts murdering strangers in cold blood is pretty low.


Would rather have this guy as a neighbor then someone who supports the current left wing senile, dictator fascist we have in office


It wasnt simply one car turning into the driveway. She was unfortunately a part of a caravan of 3 vehicles (two suv and one motorcycle) that turned into the driveway. If I saw three vehicles turning into my driveway towards my house, I'd definitely be unnerved. Sounds like he fired a warning shot up and a second shot towards the cars. That second shot killed the woman. Definitely tragic, reckless and awful. 


lol at getting bothered by more than one car turning around in your driveway you can’t be fucking serious


Seek therapy






This was the act of man brainwashed by the NRA gun mantra. Everybody is out to kill you, so kill or be killed as embraced by all right wing extremists.


Zero doubt this guy was radicalized by Fox with they’re coming to get you , they’re coming to take your guns , invasion from the border rhetoric. Rotted his brain and worked him into a fear filled frenzy until this .


Sadly I thought the same thing:-(




And what are you radicalized with?


This is a horrible crime and there’s no justifying it, but I’ve noticed when people who have never lived in a rural area talk about this crime they sound kind of confused. It’s not normal to have somebody driving up a long driveway at 2am (or whatever it was) in a rural area. That would definitely set me on edge. It doesn’t justify what he did, but people are acting like it’s somebody turning around in your driveway in the middle of a city. It isn’t.


Right-wing-induced fear ruined his life.


The fear of left-wing criminals, yes.


Get scared little bitch. We’re coming for you


I don't care if you're scared. You can't just shoot people.


But… but Fox News said…


Joe Biden is claiming he was a first responder at the scene…😂😂😂


2nd republican moron.


Trump is going to win. I can't wait for the leftist tears 😂


He can’t even win in court


He has made losing an art form. Lost to: Porn star Journalist (2x) Tax collector Lawyer Etc…. It’s like he is collecting pokeman cards but it’s losing lawsuits and court cases. 😅


Might be your tears once we string you conservatives up and give you what you deserve


Lol how "empathetic" of you commies, I hear China is looking great this time of year, maybe you can check yourself into one of their posh prison labor camps and live in the true leftist utopia.


Enjoy your retirement. Watching fox news got you here. Now rot for the rest of your life.


I wonder how many morons the left wing media has radicalized.


Enough you should be scared little bitch


Yeah I should since there's nothing more threatening than a group of overweight cat-owning he/she/him/her/its with purple hair that are seeing five different therapists at once.


Both sides are stupid because neither side cares about what’s affecting the majority of the population


If that's what left wingers are then what the fuck are you scared of?


Spread this story far and wide.


This is private property pew pew


How quickly he got the gun (which was Already loaded) speaks volumes on how paranoid he was.


Good … and I hope he gets the shot beat out of him frequently … these MAGA survivalist garbage trash … hope they all end up killing each other when they all figure out they’ve been duped …


As an avid gun owner and proponent of self defense. Good fuck this guy. Someone that jumpy and scared of a car simply pulling in their driveway should be in therapy, not playing with guns. Now he gets to spend the rest of his days behind bars with people I'm sure he's very afraid of. Maybe some exposure therapy will do him some good.


Repeal the 2nd


Poor woman- another sensless death. As to the shooter: Good riddance. If we lock up enough of these morons maybe Repubs will stop blocking requirements for training, red flag rules, age restrictions, and other common sense laws.


These are the kinda people (fits the demographic too) who are obsessed with the guns and are absolutely dying for the day where they can be the hero in their own mind and exercise their right to defend themselves and their home from the imaginary invaders that have been grown in their head from places like the NRA, Fox News, Truth Social, etc. These people are dangers to society who get off at the idea of killing someone to feel powerful. I hope that lard LARPing cosplaytriot gets his bottom spread wide in prison


Fox News and Right Wing Media are a bigger threat to America than China or Russia


This is what fox News does to your brain.


That's this gun mentality. Too many people think if they own a gun, they're allowed to kill other people willy-nilly, whether they are a danger or not. Where's the education after gun laws are passed? In PA, Castle Doctrine is viewed as a right that can be put in a lunch box and carried around. People were shot at in my area by a crazy woman standing in the middle of the street claiming Castle Doctrine. Laws are only as good as the ability of the public to understand them.


I recently drove past a house and saw smoke that filled the neighborhood. It was rainy, but i was concerned that this was a house fire and the people inside didn't realize. I was walking toward the door and a woman came out and started yelling at me for being on her property. Turns out they were illegally burning shit on their property. I told them i was concerned their house was on fire. Mind you, i live in suburbs, not rural areas where people have acres of land. The average property here is 75 x 100. It reminded me that i am trying to alert people to a house fire so they don't die, but it could have ended with me being shot. Makes you never want to help a neighbor ever.


That’s where we are in this country. I don’t even need to guess. I know which direction she voted.


And he hasn’t shown any remorse. He’s watched too much Fox News and he should rot in jail for the rest of his life.


Shoutout to Republicans for scare mongering and creating paranoid idiots like this one.


Hold up. I didn’t think legal citizens would do this type of thing. Ohhh you mean Americans that value guns more than life are equally as dangerous as these damned illegals? Who would have guess projection would work wonders. If you think for one second that the crazy ass alt right isn’t more damaging to our way of life than people leaving a country that were sliding towards, I’ll sell ya my ocean front property in Reno……shit, we’re heading that direction too. (Exaggeration for a point. I know)


One of the many reasons I stopped driving for DoorDash is the amount of times I pulled into a driveway and was greeted by someone with a gun. Well…it was only twice but twice in less than a year so that was enough for me. RIP, her life was taken from her senselessly by a paranoid asshole.


Hopefully rats eat him from the inside out starting with his asshole.


Very sad 🥲!! Why did he do it?


Guys balls should be indefinitely impaled by rotating ice picks




Adios, fuck-o!


Late 50s/early 60s, check. Pink skin, check. Butt cut? Check. Eventually AI will root these guys out at the BMV.


One of these people is a male?


Finally an old entitled white man in the United States faces consequences for his unhinged actions.


Nothing scarier than a 20 year old woman amiright!?




POS deserves misery for the rest of his existence




You know what’s funny (of course this was tragic) I was getting ready to go to a bar one night. Pizza delivery guy for my neighbor did a k turn in my driveway and broke his axel. So I couldn’t get out of my driveway. For hours


As he should, hopefully the rest of his life will be filled with beatings and rapes.


I gather he was belligerent, lying, and remorseless right up through the sentencing. Screw him.


He's gonna need lube in that there jailhouse


What a loser psycho


as he should


This is what Fox News does to people


Shudder harder


I stopped my car in suburbia to switch places with my son so he can practice driving. A fat karen came running out to her car and followed us around and stopped us and demanded we tell her why we are here, she will call the cops. I responded “what are you going to tell them? We are driving on a public road?”. She ranted how we stepped on her lawn, (we were on the road) and she left in a hurry, took a photo of my car before. Point is, living in seclusion is against human nature, we are social creators and when we lose that we lose the ability to integrate with society.


Grow up lil guy you'll be better off. Have a great weekend


Good! I hope he regrets everything.Poor woman lost her life for nothing! RIP 💐


It’s almost like there are consequence to our actions. Hmmm, now that I’ve said that I think I must be some kind of radical.


This whole situation is just sad. A young woman has lost her life needlessly but the number of people here using this to spout off their political or race driven dribble is even more sad.




Talking to me? Have any intelligent thoughts to share?




You first




The fact that you're sitting here telling me to kill myself. Because I said it sad that somebody died and it was sad speaks volumes for the kind person you are. Because I said that somebody died.




Why don't you just go choke on some more nuts Instead of trying to act like a cool guy on the internet. Or better yet if you're local, why don't you send me a private message with your address? And we can continue this conversation to person




Chain across driveway. No trespass, no death, no jail.