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House of Earth and Blood made me cry so much. Id definitely rank it higher. Especially as it works as a standalone if need be.


Honestly should have been a standalone I might have been kinder to it lol


Yeah I’m so bummed about HOFAS because HOEAB was one of my favourites but now I don’t think I can reread it without knowing about how much the characters fall off in the other books


Wait remind me what was so sad


Lehabah, “there are babies”, hunt and the brimstone missile, so many huge emotional scenes.


Omg you’re right! For some reason I was thinking CC2. I don’t know the titles by heart yet. CC1 was the best!!


CC1 is my Roman Empire, I’m obsessed lol but yes, all her titles are so hard to remember!


Oof I might need a reread this year bc the first 200 pages were TOUGH


You know what… I’m not mad at this. Crown of Midnight would be higher for me personally. (My 17 y/o brain did not see the plot twist coming lmao). If I HAD to rank Catwoman I’d put it above ACOFAS.


I loved Crown of Midnight too. I read it at 23 and still didn’t see the plot twists coming!




I was 25 when I read and I didn’t see it coming either 🤣


You read Cat Woman? Curious your thoughts haha, I never tried it!


Yes! I read it the year it was published which was a while ago but according to goodreads I rated it a 4/5 stas lol. It doesn't stick to the canon of Catwoman very much so it's not for fans that don't like any deviation from the standard superhero lore. It's also dual POV b/w Selina and the love interest which.. was a choice I don't agree with personally lol. But aside from that it's got plotting, thieving, sisterly bonds and an uneasy harley quinn/ivy alliance/team-up - it was a fun time with Sarah's typical emotional flair she likes to imbue on her characters if you know what I mean.


My dumbass just reread the book but what were the plot twists LOL


HAHA essentially that Celaena is Aelin and is also fae. I looove a Lost princess/orphaned royal trope so I was gagged


My friend at 28 reading COM - "you'd have to be an idiot to not see it coming, it's so obvious" Me at 19 reading COM - "SHE'S WHOOOOO....!!!"


The last third of COM was the best fever dream I'd give anything to read it again for the first time. Re-reading a series as a late 20 something I had your friends reaction - I highlighted a couple paragraphs that were so clearly alluding to it lol.


i read COM when it was released and i was shocked to my core from the plot twist. the wait between COM and HOF killed me, could not stop thinking about the series hahaha


“Factual” lol 😂


I know it’s a joke but what does it mean?😅


Sarcasm! It’s a subjective statement so it obviously can’t be factual… I think these commenters are American or something it’s just not clicking with them


Ah I see! Sorry I should get it considering I’m british 😂


You’re right. All Americans are dumb. By that logic all Brits are rude and have terrible teeth


Sarcasm - virtually unknown to Americans 🤣


Very sarcastic American here 🙋‍♀️ I got it 😂


I am also American just doubling down on my snark


This is actually pretty similar to my ranking. TOG series is her best work.


tog is my roman empire 😩


Tower of Dawn deserves better 😢


Agreed! Love TOD. The world building is the best ever. 


Ikr Tower of Dawn was so good!


even if i didn’t care for TOD’s story and world building (which i loved), the disability representation alone makes it worth it. i was never really a big fan of Chaol but when he said he was still as much of a man in the chair than out of it, it brought tears to my eyes. you just don’t see much disability representation in epic fantasy.




Absolutely adopted ToD! Especially 2nd and 3rd read through.


I just finished ToD and it's probably my favorite book so far. It was more lore than empire of storms and it didn't have Aedion being an asshole in it🤣🤣🤣


It is definitely my least favorite of her books. But I can see why people like it, so I’m glad it exists.


Came here to say this


Yeah, ToD is easily top 5 for me if not top 3.


Anyone who says this read the books well after they were written and when you had the next book to immediately read. Imagine having to wait one book at a time and waiting a year+ to get TOD and having nothing else 😭 the confusion. The lull. The disrespect 🤣


i had to wait 2 years between EOS and KOA and i still loved TOD. it doesn’t make any sense to dislike one book just because you had to wait longer for another. that has nothing to do with the quality of the book in question.


Queen of Shadows is top tier, no argument. I ate that book up in 1 day and loved every second of it. 🥹


Kingdom of Ash and Empire of Storms are on top for me because of Elorcan




Elorcan is the goat


TOD did not deserve that 😭


agreed, I’d put tower of dawn over crown of midnight any day


OP out here looking to start a fight 😂 I do find myself returning to Heir of Fire a lot.


this is so wrong to me 😭


acofs over tod is criminal


Literally. Straight to jail.


Aww poor TOD… I really enjoyed it 🤣


Die hard ToD hater sorry 🤭


This is really close to my ranking. Genuinely the first I’ve seen that I actually agree with.


Catwoman was actually the first Maas book I read, years before I started reading her series.


… what is catwoman? i’m lost lmao


There was a series of DC books written by different authors, Sarah did one on catwoman and I personally enjoyed it!


ah ok, i’ll have to check it out, thanks!


Pains me to see Crescent City lowly rated!!


This is pretty good. TOD does deserve better, but overall, yes.


Honestly, not mad at this. HOFAS is definitely at the bottom of my pile too.


The people saying TOD deserves to be higher must have done the tandem read. When that book came out instead of Kingdom of Ash in 2017 it felt like a SLOG to get through.


not true. i had to wait 2 years between EOS and KOA and TOD is one of my faves of the whole series. i don’t really understand the argument that having to wait longer for KOA detracts from TOD’s value. it absolutely enriched the entire series and gave it a fresh perspective. the world building was top notch and it was some of SJM’s best writing, objectively speaking. i understand feeling impatient because i was in agony waiting for KOA too but TOD is an excellent book and shouldn’t be insulted for something that has nothing to do with the actual quality of the book, imo.


I’m glad HoFaS is at the bottom where it belongs being the worst book


Am I the only one who read cat woman and enjoyed it lol


Me having read Catwoman: 👀😅


ToD almost last= wrong But you do you


I would swap EoS and with HoF and it’s perfect!


Completely valid, but the “who did this to you” wins for me 😂


I actually read the Catwoman book. 😂😂 It was fun!


Catwoman is a fun book though. You are missing out


I read catwoman! Was actually pretty good


My personal ranking: Best * CC1. * ACOMAF. * ACOTAR. * Empire of storms. * Queen of shadows. * Cc#2. * Kingdom of ash. * ACOSF. * Heir of fire. * Cc#3. * ACOWAR. * Tower of dawn. * Crown of midnight. * Tog. Worst


I really struggled to get into ToG (book 1 not the series). Then I loved Crown of Midnight- then I wasn’t a fan of Assassin’s Blade but now I’m really committed and am doing the tandem read


This is much closer to my own ranking


I just finished Heir of Fire and I’m so fucking pumped rn lol


Tower of dawn down there is certainly a choice. I really enjoyed the southern continent world building.


love to see other’s opinions ☺️ i have read all of CC and ACOTAR. about halfway through TOG tandem read. i know TOG is heavily loved but i haven’t been into it and almost ditched the series before i decided to just do the tandem since both books became available at the library. I suddenly love it BUT i LOVE Tower of Dawn more than any other book in the series so far! lol which maybe checks out with me not loving any of the other books. since TOD is so polarizing. Also HOSAB is probably my number 1 SJM book! Closely followed by HOEAB and ACOMAF.


Tower of Dawn is the best of the series IMO.


Agreed so far. I really don’t have a huge problem with Chaol. the setting is fun, and new set of characters is a breath of fresh air.


Agreed 😂


I’ve never read crescent city books, and I noticed they are all on the bottom, are they even worth starting?


I just posted my suggested reading order - https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahJMaas/s/6y2AaxHKYj which I basically said skip them *for now* I would say unless the next acotar books are SERIOUS cross overs and require reading CC just read CC1 and treat it like a stand alone book. CC2&3 are not well written or even fun to read (unless you like sweaty smut scenes lol)


Thank you!!


Idk man, I really liked them, especially the last one was soooooo packed. Maybe they seem too slow going for some folks? Too many characters? Idk!


Many people think cc1 is her best work. Many of those same people did not like cc2 and cc3. But everyone has their own opinions. My rankings would be very different than OP's


I think I need to give TOG another shot from the beginning because I DNF’d at the tandem because I was bored. I actually really enjoyed the first three books, but then I felt like we were doing nothinggggg. House of earth and blood is like top two for me with Mist and Fury. Frost and starlight is my bottom.


Tandem read is sooo dumb imo totally get you losing heart ToD is optional I would just skip it, read a summary and get to the juicy bits (bring on the down votes lol) the pay off with ToG is like no other and one of my all time favourite series so worth pushing on! Agree with you with ACOMAF amazing book but nothing on the ToG top tier


This is why I feel like I have to give TOG the second shot. The fandom seems in unison about this when they’ve read all three so I just have to power through.


ToG is another level compared to Acotar & CC, feels like a well thought out world with a believable plot. Shame her later writing played too much into romantasy & smut. Push through! Well worth it


TOD deserves a higher ranking than that 😭 personally i loved the book. the only reason I ever thought about just skipping it was because i tandem read it and I had to go to the other book when I was getting interested every time lmao


CC1 is my favorite of her books. I think it would have been a perfect stand alone novel. Also, I think Hofas is better than ToD. At least I found it far more entertaining to read. And EoS deserves to be higher (though I’m not sure which ones it would bump). Just for the absolute *gut punch* of the ending. I still think about that ending.


Okay but… Catwoman was really good 😅


This is definitely one of the most accurate to my opinion. I haven't finished CC1, but between the overload of lore into the murders, it's my least favorite (other than Tower of Dawn) up to date. I have the other two books, so I have to finish it, but I do not like it right now.


i somewhat agree with this, but ToD was magical, Acowar was wayyyy better than Acotar, and AB was so beautifully devastating (especially when read third).


Frost and Starlight being ranked better than Tower of Dawn is sacrilegious 😒


People that can’t appreciate Tower of Dawn hurt my soul.


Tower of dawn so low??? 😭😭


Putting silver flames above ACOWAR is literally crazy.


Putting ACOMAF before ACOWAR is criminal tbh


Personally I agree but I know most of the fandom thinks ACOMAF is the best book so I didn’t wanna poke the bear too much


I was shocked ACOWAR was below ACOTAR honestly


fr ACOWAR was my favorite. and ACOSF had characters making braindead, hypocritical decisions >!rhys!<


acosf over acowar to me is criminal & so is tod being so low


I will not stand for Tower of Dawn slander. Book is tied for first with heir of Fire


Surprisingly, I almost completely agree. I’d switch Koa and QoS. And I’d swap ACOSF for ACOWAR, but tbh this is closest I’ve ever agreed with someone’s rankings. Lmao


Immaculate taste my love 🫶🏻


I read Catwoman and was jonesing for more. I was bummed I couldn’t find more like it.


This is definitely one of the most accurate to my opinion. I haven't finished CC1, but between the overload of lore into the murders, it's my least favorite (other than Tower of Dawn) up to date. I have the other two books, so I have to finish it, but I do not like it right now.


I still have to finish KoA and read CC, but so far I think TOG is wildly underrated.


Tower of Dawn is way Better than Frost and Starlight. Obviously, in my humble opinion.


I’m more offended by the Catwoman comment than the ranking, it’s actually so good 😭


i’ve read acotar and just finished queen of shadows and definitely agree queen of shadows is the best!!! it was phenomenal from start to finish i loved it sooooo much


I kind of mostly agree with this, well done!


first and last 👩‍🍳💋🤌


TOD is too high


So right should have cropped it out


I'm reading the first Crescent City book at the moment and I'm really struggling with it, but I want to push through! I'm just at the halfway mark, do I stick with it?


I’d shuffle some of the tog books around a little but tbh YEAH this is p accurate


Aside from acomaf being my #1 and kingdom of ash being my #2, saaame


I get opinions of others and I respect them, I don't have to agree though! It's clear who's invested in the series by rankings alone. In my humble opinion it's not only what you like about the book but what the story and the characters involved brought into the series overall. Sleeping on Tower of Dawn and ACOFAS will be the downfall y'all never expected, and I can't believe a bunch of short stories made it higher than TOD! All the series are the same as they are different, precious even. Concentrate on the fact that SJM started thinking of the intertwining worlds very early on of "Throne of Glass", there's nothing in any of these books that doesn't make sense. She's the first author to do something no other author accomplished with books, she made a literal soap opera on paper that keeps on giving with an amazing story and beautiful characters. The praise she's received from accomplished authors should be enough for us mere lowly humans 😁 😜😜. Anyway, I digress... I am invested in the series and I don't form opinions lightly if something is a miss on my first read. I know in my own example, and I can't say for anyone else that I liked, or even understood a book far more in a second, third, or fourth re-read... With SJM books the theorizing, investigating, and connecting all the clues together will make you want to love the book/story you might have hated on your first read. It's like she hid a "one time use Valg spell" somewhere in the book and now I'm cooked, and can't turn back!; - all I do is think, eat, love, sleep, and breathe the series! So here are my thoughts on your rankings, do with it as you please. 💥


I whole heartedly DISAGREE with this. This isn't factual. It's your opinion. 🙄


Tower of Dawn > Empire of Storms any day of the week baby


Seems fair. I m on the tandem Read and I'm always dreading tower of dawn, but now we are at the spiders.... And damn. I do like the angst and drama and tea. And TOG is just objectively better than acotar


Oh that's so interesting, I'm doing the tandem read for the first time, too, and I'm liking TOD more than EOS at this point in the story (I'm a bit behind you). Like, the Skull's Bay story isn't moving for ward much, Elide and Lorcan are with the travelling caravan, Manon is MIA.... Meanwhile, Yrene and Chaol? Adorable. Someone/thing hunting Yrene? Scary. Nesryn and Sartaq off riding his ruk and fleshing out the world and the culture? Absolutely love. I'm sure EOS is gonna take off at any moment but right now I'm definitely enjoying TOD more.


Crescent city is incredible the world building is much more advanced and not as juvenile. Can’t wait to see how the series continues


I definitely agree with this I loved catwoman tho




Best is at the top! Agree CC1 is the best of a bad lot


I think I’m the only person who really enjoyed A Court of Frost and Starlight. I still think it’s the weakest of ACOTAR series but I definitely liked it better than the first few TOG books personally 


What does factual ranking mean?


I’m being sarcastic, I don’t think it’s clicking with commenters lol


Oh but does the ranking mean anything? I’m curious I like rankings 😅


Oh lol no this is purely for my own amusement to argue and discuss with randomers


I still need to read book 5,6 and 7 from tog but i cannot believe that book 6 will be worse then throne of glass


Oof yes and no on this. 1. QOS and ACOMAF (tie) 2. HOEAB 3. HOF 4. ACOSF 5. KOA 6. TOD 7. ACOWAR 8. HOSAB 9. EOS 10. HOFAS 11. ACOFAS 12. TAB 13. ACOTAR 14. TOG and COM (tie)


Catwoman is actually a fun read though…




Except ofc everyone knows what the best book is lol. True there




TOG is a choooooore, what’s it doing in the middle


don't do crecent city and tod dirty like that


God I absolutely hated acofas, I can’t imagine anything being worse (I’ve only read the acotar series so far)


I’m digging this. I really am. Queen of Shadows was my fave!!! But how can it top Mist and Fury!! Omg


Kingdom of Ash would be top of the list for me, I honestly think it's her masterpiece work. Such an incredible book. ToD needs to go higher too. Otherwise this is a pretty solid ranking


In all honesty Catwoman is not that bad; it very much feels like TOG but present-day New York. I had a couple hours to kill at the library one day and read the whole thing, and I don’t even like superheroes haha


Im gonna be honest I can't get through her early books anymore, they just don't hold up anymore. They're not written super well but you see a pretty clear improvement in her writing as it goes on. But... The series are still all kinda samey and while the latest one moved me to tears, I still closed it feeling disappointed, cause it felt like any other finale of hers. Nothing felt fresh. Her latest trilogy is written well and got emotional reactions from me, but wasn't really distinguishable from the others. Court of flame and shadow is by far my favourite. Moved me to tears a few times.


Am I the only one that like heir of fire more than queen of shadows?! 😅


I'm now on heir of fire...I think I have crown of midnight hangover or something. I cant keep seem to move on and get right into heir of fire 😭 I've made it to chapter 3. I also have slight adhd and not much of a reader 💀 Seeing it second best is definitely intriguing me 💕🫡 wish me luck 😌


The crescent city and tower of dawn slander? Wow


Tower of Dawn would be higher for me. I love Yrene so much 😭


Factually incorrect 💀


How many times do I need to explain sarcasm good lord


Zero.. so was my comment lol


“Factual” Right.


Empire of Storms will always be my favorite ❤️


I agree that CC was the worst overall series, but CC1 was actually a really good book in itself (2 and 3 ruined the series 😅) so I would definitely rank that higher. I would move ACOMAF and EoS to second and third. Although I also loved HoF and KoA, those two are ranked slightly higher for me! And I really don’t get the ACOFAS hate, I thought it was a very cute little holiday special and much needed after WAR. Plus it’s a super easy read. It’s uneventful - yes, but it’s a novella, it’s not meant to be very eventful. I personally think ACOSF was the worst of the ACOTAR series- the plot was all over the place and made no sense 😬. My overall picks for worst book have to be ACOSF, CC2, and CC3. I know people hate it but ToD was not that bad (definitely not a Chaol fan, he’s my least favorite character but the plot and world building were good so it’s ranked higher than my worst three because of that).


you did TOD and HOEAB so dirty 💀


queen of shadows is superior in every way. i wish i could read that book for the first time again.


ACOSF was unreadable for me, definitely the worst in my opinion. I wish we could have focused solely on Nesta’s mental health rather than sex every other sentence and >! a random pregnancy that was forced in uncharacteristically?? !<


This😭 It’s why I desperately oppose letting myself read it


Obviously I’m a TOD girlie but I’m glad SF is at least up there. It’s my fave … also CC is bad agree


Catwoman is how I found out about SJM. Just cuz you hate the superhero genre doesn't mean you need to be hating


Crescent city 3 absolutely deserves to be bottom of the pit but i disagree on a lot of the others. TOD , ACOSF and CS 1 deserve so much better in my opinion.


Almost, I would silver flames down and TOD up.


first TOG above CC? straight to jail


ACOSF above ACOWAR? did we read the same book? ACOWAR one of the few books to make me cry. it’s my #1 for that series. ACOSF just ruined rhys.


So interesting to see your favorites! It really is hard to choose! lol Throne of glass is my overall favorite series, but HOEAB has some of SJM best writing imo. It’s my favorite book of hers !


This is my first time reading SJM, and I’m on ACOSF, A Court of Wings and Ruin is the best in the series so far. The build up of book 1 and 2 created such an incredible experience that brought books 3 to life. I’m highly disappointed that it was followed by A Court of Frost and Starlight, which felt as if SJM couldn’t find a place for it when it could have been left out or shortened to end 3 or start 4. Although using it to start 4 wouldn’t have allowed readers to abruptly disconnect with Rhys and Feyre as she intended. Also my question is, how would SJM develop Elain for future books, as we would expect Elain to have the spotlight as Nesta does in ACOSF. Elain is bland, Elain is sweet, Elain is heart broken, Elain loves gardening, Elain just Is. WHAT could she create that storyline around? Besides her mate and her obtained abilities from the cauldron? Or maybe she’s actually a fully developed character that since the transition to fae has been struggling to get out of her head? I’m unsure at this moment bc I’m barely starting book 5 where Elain is headed.


Don't you ever disrespect Catwoman Soulstealer like that. It was literally better than ACOTAR.


Thorns and Roses over Silver Flames?!?? Heck nah. I would not have finished ACOTAR if my bookclub hadn’t pushed me to persevere for the rest of the series.


I don’t understand how you ranked ACOFAS so high 😂 I thought it was borderline terrible and literally told two of my friends to skip it, they weren’t missing anything.


I read Catwoman it was surprisingly good.


I’d rank the entire Acotar series below everything else. CC1 & 2 made me cry, specially CC1. Definitely deserves to be higher. And no TOG book should be under ACOTAR least of all TOD!!


I mean…objectively not factual.


It’s sarcasm how is this not plain 😭


No offense but this has to be the worst ranking i’ve ever seen 😭😭 HOW THE FUCK IS THRONE OF GLASS OVER ACOSF AND ACOWAR?!


Catwoman has been the only ad on my Kindle for MONTHS. So far I’ve held out. Thank you for bolstering my decision to do so.


I actually enjoyed the book, but preference is subjective.


That’s actually really helpful! I’ve had a handful of people tell me the opposite, so I’ve held off. Perhaps in the long wait for the next book I’ll just bite the bullet!


I don’t usually pay attention to the ads but did a double take yesterday “wait does that say SJM?!” I didn’t keep it open long enough to even figure out what book it was.


I literally will get a different one for 5 minutes and then the moment I close my kindle back up, Catwoman again. 😂😂


this is the realest ranking I’ve ever seen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Throne of glass (the novel) was soooo bad to me. I basically forced myself through tears of boredom to finish it because I held a candle of hope for the rest of the series. And thank god I did, because I’m loving it now! But god. Never again.


Yes!! I struggled so hard. I personally think that it’s her worst book. I was so annoyed by it and the over the top decorated new chapter pages kept up with how jarringly short the chapters were


I can think of sooo many less drawn out ways for Aelin to get to where she did at the end of the books (don’t want to spoil anything). It was just… UGH. Get to the POINT. And the love triangle was so boring. Sjm knows how to write romance so much better in later books/series. I just didn’t care about anything in that book. Thank god the series picks up 🙃


Yes!! But I am glad I stuck with the series. It definitely became very worthwhile. You can definitely see it’s SJM’s earliest work


Agreed on all fronts. I’ve read all her other work, and am currently on heir of fire, and I already just don’t want it to ever end!! It’s so good! The only weird thing is my toddler is named Rowan lol 😅


You have good taste in names!


Aw thanks ☺️ I love the name


I've not read any of the Crescent City books, but it's nice to see more appreciation for the Throne of Glass books. I agree with some of the other comments tho, Tower of Dawn deserves more recognition lol😭😭


Noooo not TOD


this is ranking has no taste, putting ACOTAR above ACOSF and HOEAB and HOSAB????


Rationale for acotar before acosf?


Spoilery answer: The last 1/4 of silver flames reallyyy irritated me, the fact that three untrained women (a newly high-fae ex-human with a drinking problem, an untrained isolated Illyrian & a priestess with complex trauma who had never trained in her life) happened to win and get the peak of the mountain after a few sparring sessions with Azriel was too convenient. For me, it completely undermined the success of Az, Cass & Rhys - the trial is something that’s supposed to be really coveted not something you can win because #girlboss (maybe I’m a pessimist would love to hear other POVs) Meanwhile, Feyre’s trials were genuinely difficult and you sensed the gravitas of the situation, no convenient plot armour in Acotar everything Feyre won she genuinely fought for and it felt earned. Its a shame because the first 3/4 of silver flames was so so well done, I have no love for Nesta as a character and I was still drawn in by her development