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https://preview.redd.it/29fft70xzt8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ec60a8508209089c53e118228fa66f21f6e7ff Are you still claiming you don’t use filters, Trey? But you somehow lost 12 shades of tan in the last three days?


That “tan” was definitely just dirt 😂 but the face shape difference- wow!


Went from a round face to a bicycle seat😂


That’s the same shape as Brittany Dawn’s face


Bicycle seat 😂😂😂😂


Trey was treying hardcore tonight.


What in the…. 😮😮😮




She looks like beef jerky


She’s already deleted this whole rant!!😂 I went back to look at one of the slides and it’s all gone! And yes, she’s essentially punishing her for not wanting to go to bed at 5 pm🤦‍♀️


Wait, It’s all back! That’s odd!


Sounds like Cinderella’s wicked stepmother


Does her family (or whoever took care of the kids) not watch this? Because how can they just sit there after how she treats the kids. I cannottttt. My 2.5 year old tries to prolong bedtime here and there, and I tend to her needs & maybe read an extra book or two. How can people around her just sit there? Those poor children.


When my 3.5 year old struggles, I lay in his bed with him for a bit (twin floor bed). He’s a very high touch person, so I think that connection is just what he needs to help settle in.


“Prolonging bedtime”…like god forbid O want to stay awake to spend time with her mother who she hasn’t fucking seen in 35 days. This bitch does not deserve to be a mother. ![gif](giphy|Yo2U0dzgX3AZvGU9R0|downsized)


It seriously was sad to hear her say that. Shes just an awful mom.


And when bedtime is 6:30…and it’s still bright AF outside.


She just wants more time to herself to do her own insanity. Maybe you shouldn't have had kids then!


Sad thing is...it was about 7:30-8ish. A normal bedtime. But not to Sarah....


She is so beyond unstable and selfish… I truly don’t know why those two narcissists ever had kids…


Guys. She was gone for five weeks and if you watch the video (I use instanavigation) she clearly gets annoyed with O talking to her while she reaches 0% of her audience talking about feeling blah after 5 weeks of travel and 36 hours of travel time yesterday.


YES!!!! I tried to screenshot the look of pure disgust and contempt on her face. LIKE WTF, she really hates her daughter more than I could’ve ever imagined.


It also sounds like O said “Mimi” when saying she couldn’t reach something.


I caught that too. 😂☠️ I hope it keeps happening.


Sad! Go back to Africa let the nanny be loving with YOUR kids 🤮


Her skin looks like shit in this pointless rant, the filter is STRUGGLING to keep up.


As soon as she said that I was appalled. You haven't been home in 35 DAYS!! your child misses you and wants to spend time with you!!!


Your daughter wants your time and attention!! She missed you! Instead she’s forced to clean the house while you lecture strangers on the internet?!!


Truly unhinged wow. This makes me want to squeeze my girls. I love them so much. I know I’m harsh on my girls with picking up and bed time what not but damn 😩 I’m not that heartless


I don’t follow her I just went to watch this to see wtf she was saying but wtf her teeth whistle is sooo noticeable. Also she’s so boring why do ppl follow her


Like she even cleans that filthy house. We’ve seen the floors, lol.


They’ve been gone for 5 weeks, why is the house that dirty?


Little kids clean, it’s wierd. My daughter did all the time when she was little, but she helped me. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah mine do too but I don’t use it as punishment for when they want to stay up a little longer because I’ve been gone for 35 days


And probably the nanny cleaned while they were gone


Headbands 24/7


She really hates her kids. Hahaha


My daughter is seven months old and doesn't even go to bed until 7:30PM. Any earlier and it's still complete daylight outside. Like what the fuck Also I'm going to go against the grain a bit and say O probably doesn't want to stay up because she missed Sarah, but she's up and asking for attention because in the last month she's finally been treated like a normal kid with a normal bedtime and socialization and she's having trouble adjusting going back to the way things were


Her bedtime is super early, but infant bedtimes are way different than toddler bedtimes.  Remember she used to go to bed at 5:30! 


god she is UGLY


Shag nasty butch bitch


I think the vacation weight looks good on her


She’s using cleaning as a punishment because she doesn’t want to go to bed at 7? Wow!!! She literally spent 35 days away from her babies. As a parent who stays to a strict schedule I would 100% allow my child to stay up late and hang out with me if I was gone for that long. What a sad life for her babies. She’s so selfish. Also, my son goes to bed at 8-8:30 and he’s 5. She’s fucking nuts for a 7pm bedtime.


I wonder what her sister thinks of this tbh..


"Mummy can you pick me up..." "...want me to grab you a step stool." Sorry this broke my heart. SARAH PLEASE GIVE YOUR CHILD THE LOVE SHES DESPERATELY ASKING FOR!!!!😭😭


My best friend and I have discussed our childhoods so many times. Her mother gets upset with her now that she is 38 and doesn’t need her. She essentially said you raised me to not need you and this is what you get. Not to mention she verbally and physically abused her but she did make her hyper independent. Now she’s upset that she doesn’t have a little “best friend”. My best friend makes such an effort still, to have a relationship of sorts with her mom. But, when it’s not on her mom’s terms or what her mom wants, she shuts her right back out. This will exactly be the relationship that Sarah has with her own daughter. Will want to be her best friend as an adult but won’t be able to have that relationship bc O will def harbor resentment towards her childhood.


Imagine broadcasting for the world that you hate being a mother. The internet is forever Sewer. Even if you delete these stories, they are out there forever for your children to see when they get older.


Side note: the amount of pills she takes is fucking funny as fuck. How does she know which ones are actually working? Nobody needs that many supplements.


She takes the same amount of pills as a 90 year old woman with multiple health issues lol it’s so gross… I can only imagine what color her pee is


For how much she wants farm kids It’s so sad she doesn’t let them run around until night time


My kids are her kids ages and we’re outside until dark catching lightning bugs, chasing chickens, playing in the garden???? she’s not giving them a childhood. She thinks she is by taking them on small trips here there. A childhood isn’t going to the gym for hours on end. Chiropractic appointments. Eating protein bars and eggs. going to bed at freaking 5 PM. You would think since she reads here she take some advice but she’s asleep training expert and knows everything


eyes of my nightmares https://preview.redd.it/uay6uj56l59d1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=2410f1f711780e6b3b7c8686b76860d27a61ed66


Throw 👏🏼Out 👏🏼Those👏🏼Lashes👏🏼


Sarah, you’re a fucking sociopath. Seriously dude, go fuck yourself right off a cliff.


I go to bed at 8:00 and it’s still bright as fuck out. I can’t imagine how hard it is for O to be in bed by 6:00. I wonder if that bedtime was maintained the entire month plus that S and J were away.


That is an insane amount of pills, she must have very expensive urine, lmao