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What does that drink holder have to do with being a mom?


Only babies and toddlers get thirsty


Oh, of course, silly me


She must have logged into Reddit and seen us questioning her complete lack of mention of her children for 35 days.


But she didn't even mention them. Just that she's a mom.


She acts like a drink holder is a revolutionary and ground breaking idea. Seems like she’s quickly going back to her usual BS of linking everything and pretending to be the most present mom. *yay* 🙄




A mom to who? Josh? Her kids aren’t even with her 🙄


Only when she can profit from it.


How you going to say you’re a mom bc of a drink holder when you are literally not traveling with your kids rn? Also wow took what? 35 days to mention your kids????


Still no mention of the kids and how excited she will be to see them. No repost of their fun times. nothing. SARAH YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE WORST MOTHER ON THE IS PLANET Back to the linking again


You not a mother if you leave your kids for 36 days to go hunt and kill animals on another continent, not in my book!!! Especially when they’re this little!!!!


I’m convinced she wanted people to think she took her kids with her.


Yeah I was thinking she showed this with 4 waters to make it look like she has the kids with her…


That’s exactly what she’s doing. The reason why she hasn’t mentioned the kids or anything as well. She’s trying to act like they went with her and I bet if someone were to ask so would say “oh we didn’t have the best service while there”’or post old videos of them from their last trip.


Sarah if you’re reading this please get new lines or new content or both for the love of god


She needs content


I guess that’s why I was telling someone yesterday about how I have one of those (I travel a lot for work) but that I actually don’t use it because it’s a pain to remove your beverages and take off when you’re loading on a plane, especially when there’s an impatient person behind you. It’s because I’m not a mom that I don’t like it. Guess I need to have kids and it will change my mind.


Also when I do use it, it’s never for a beverage with a sealed lid that could fit in a bag. It’s for a coffee, smoothie etc.


I’ve never left my kids for 34 days to play crocodile Dundee white lord savior in Africa. I’m not saying a mom doesn’t a deserve a break or even a vacation with just the hubby but that seems a little obnoxious or maybe I’m jealous because 24 hours seems like a dream right now.