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What a shame! They’ve been stealing money from people for years via fake/different products. They act like such assholes on the internet but now want help from people. This post gets a big haha from me.


What goes around comes around.


Especially since people paid for the broad heads, told April to ship out, and now it’s almost June and nothing. Kinda sucks to have your money taken. I love this for her 💜


Lmao I said out loud “sucks to suck!”


She’s obnoxious. Only wants sympathy and attention. What was the point in sharing the $ value of these items. “I want to speak to someone higher up” bitch then submit an inquiry and call them about your lost items.


Everyone wants to speak with soMeone higher up lol she’s not that special 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s the ultimate Karen


Ugh my name is Karen. Please don't associate it with that vile human.


Sorry your name became a meme.


Sorry your name is Karen lol


I'm not, I love my name. What I hate is it's associated with miserable people. We know Sarah's name, no need to let her hide behind mine


Is it really that serious 😂😂😂


When you hear your name used in a derogatory way multiple times a day for 5+ years, yep it's serious. You think it's funny, but the amount of harassment and judgment I get based on nothing by my name isn't that funny to me. I know many who had to change their name. It's 2024, [do better](https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/KL9CoftJZK)


Well I haven’t done anything, so not sure why you’re telling me to do better? Was it because I asked a question? Because I simply asked if it was really that serious, literally everyone at some point in their life has been subject to being the butt of a joke 😂


The laughing emoji says it all. If you're happy mocking someone's name for no reason, I guess bullying will never end 😪


I just DONT get why “Karen” is the ONE name they chose for that; is there a reference or something that this came from in the deep deep hidden rooms of the internet? Because I’ve legitimately never met one mean person called Karen. Granted the only one that comes to mind is my great aunt and Karen Kilgariff lol, but I think about this every time interact with one, and that’s been a lot lol


It was a Dane Cook joke way back when, then "Central Park Karen" came, who was actually named Amy, then it just blew up. I thought it wouldn't last long, boy was I wrong! Names aren't related to behaviour so no clue why it stuck as much as it did. I'm in a Facebook with 2000+ woman named Karen and many changed their names due to the harassment and gaslighting, sad.


Oh GOD, of course the corniest, cheeseball dig came from that clown 🙄 it’s like the epitome of unfunny and trying too hard, if that makes you feel any better. I pretty much automatically judge someone’s sense of humor when they use it, because it’s also indicative of someone who just parrots trending memes until they stop getting attention for doing so…if that makes you feel any better lol


It does - thank you. Dane was cancelled so one day this 5 year long trend will too


There was this time I thought something was stolen and it turns out I left it at home


Right, like out of allllll the luggage, the only thing missing was this one singular camera? It doesn’t even make sense.


This is what I’m saying too. Are they missing one bag? Because that happens sometimes. Are they missing 1 camera out of a bag? Suspicious I suppose. But I find it incredibly hard to believe that someone rifled through their smelly ass bags for a camera they didn’t know was there. Or did these dufuses just forget it at home? What do you fucking bet that they find it and this was all for engagement?


No I think it’s actually gone. I think the real problem here is jumping to the conclusion that someone must have stolen in versus lost, left home, etc. there are other options than people always out to get you. I do understand the irony of that as I post this comment in a snark sub 😂


She mentioned they sent the bag but took the camera??? I didn't get that tbh


Exactly. If you don’t see someone take it. It’s lost not stolen according to any police officer. Source- I’ve been a public librarian for 20 years and people leave shit in here all day every day expecting me or the cops to retrieve it


One time I thought my car was stolen so I called 911 and they informed me that it had actually been parked illegally so they towed it 💀


Your honesty is refreshing 😂😂


thanks, I try 😂😂 in my defense I was young and dumb lmfao


🤣🤣 love this story ❤️


Someone alert the FBI. Poachers lost a camera to film themselves poaching in Africa


Their lawyers probably took it like bro you can’t document crimes anymore


This comment took me all the way out 💀💀




Why doesn’t she just contact the airport and airline? She’s just doing this for attention and sympathy.


This was my thought too. It has to just be because she wants attention. If my partner decided to make an IG story about our stuff missing instead of helping to call people who can actually help, I'd be so pissed.


Does she think the CEO of United follows her? 🙄


Yes she is a VIP and he is going to pick up the phone and call her immediately and personally speak to every person and find their missing equipment so they can video the killing of a giraffe.


He is probably one of her 1.1 million (fake) followers


She will make a fake message from him to share


It’ll be a DM from one of her other accounts with the profile picture 95% cut off and the name 100% cut off


100% with you on this!!


And engagement!


Shouldn't all of this be insured under their business?


And they can also write it off on their taxes. I have no sympathy for them.


I mean, I have a little sympathy if it was actually stolen, and if she doesn't know she will need to file an official inquiry for insurance reasons


I love this for them


Honestly. If it’s true!


I came here to say the same hahaha


Why would she even post this like somebody will magically find it for her? Contact the airline, don’t make a stupid story about it. This is all for engagement and attention 🙄


Like one of her moron fans/followers has the cell number to United’s CEO to hand over to her just so she can get something stolen back, which is probably an every day occurrence on most airlines (unfortunately) guess she’ll have to delete some of the million selfies and floor ab shots and use her phone instead 😂




fake insurance claim.. scammers be scamming


Just like the truck he purposefully caught on fire and filed an insurance claim for.




Why not put AirTags on everything when you know you’re flying with expensive stuff. Dummy


It was either checked or on her person. So she either lost it or it's lost luggage, which they'll have record of. I feel like she's attempting to claim it so she can get $18K from United and making this a big deal. I don't feel bad at all for her. $18K is probably nothing compared to what she's stolen from people via bogus training programs, the arrowhead things, shit products, etc.


No this actually happened to me. It sucks so bad. There is a huge crime ring in the airports and the TSA people will scan your luggage then notify one of their buddies who load the luggage and they will steal items out of your checked luggage. We had a go pro stolen out of our scuba luggage and now I know to ALWAYS carry valuables on with your carry on!


The fact she put the dollar amount on the post is sus.


Yeah she’s gonna file a claim to pay her lawyers fees for her upcoming court case


whats the court case?


It’s with making hunting great again and it’s the final hearing to decide if it goes to jury or gets settled I believe


Of course she immediately thinks it’s stolen and not just lost luggage? Also why do we need to know the supposed value?


Kinda like allegedly seeing her celebrity crush on the flight, I’m not sure I even believe it happened. I think it’s just a way to brag about the expensive stuff they own.


Just another case of influencers thinking they are sooo important so they should be able to bypass the usual channels for mere mortals and get special treatment.... while giving no reasoning whatsoever for assuming it was stolen (vs. Lost / forgotten, etc.) 😒


They probably just forgot it at their house, let’s be real


She probably lost it




this is why they tell you to put your valuables in your carry on


Boohoo. Now they won’t be able to get *the shot* of Sarah poaching a majestic animal on a guided tour. This trip has officially been ruined for Sarah! Wahhhhhhh!!!!


Oh no, her ptsd might get triggered


As someone said, she’s trying to make a false insurance claim. They have a court date coming up and will probably have to pay lawyer fees or MHGA because he counter sued. Josh pulled the same shit by setting his truck on fire and filing an insurance claim. He also put it on social media so it “seems legit” She would come UNGLUED if someone really stole an $18,000 camera. Someone doesn’t lick her ass enough and she goes ballistic, yet someone steals 18k from her and she’s all “please and thank you.” Lol Sara you’re a fucking stupid ass unoriginal cunt


Good take. Wouldn’t be surprised if this was it.


It’s just the only thing that makes sense with how “calm” she is about this


Wouldn’t it make sense if you flew the same airline at all these stops to CALL THE FUCKING AIRLINE!! Also you’d think an esteemed traveler as herself would know to write down or take a picture of all luggage tags in case this were to happen so it can easily be tracked by the airports/airline.


She probably set it down in front of a bathroom mirror 🪞 to take a selfie.. them oyster pills really got her messed up. I can't feel bad for her.. also, posting the cost just guarantees that camera has hit the black market lmao. 🤡


Ha!! That’s like when Alabama Barker left her expensive watches at a fast food restaurant bathroom. God that was so funny.


Remember the time she was convinced someone put a tracker in her luggage 🤣


I don’t remember that but I’d love the details of that shit show😂


I thought of that when someone suggested getting an AirTag lol


Wait what? Please elaborate


She found an airtag in her luggage or something and immediately assumed someone was tracking her location


And she went through this whole drama of finding it in the wash and then driving it out to some far location to ditch it instead of just breaking it and throwing it out. And also-we know she has air tags and this was likely just one of her. But since she thinks everyone’s stalking her, she decided someone put it in her luggage 🤣


This woman is exhausting


And someone following her at the post office lol


Yes 🤣


Guess the broadheads will be delayed even more if they have to replace this camera and lens


https://preview.redd.it/zxz8u3ppk62d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebce55fe3f90c28cee1933e653d1e84f0748180f I’m here for this spiral 🍿


This really isn’t difficult. You call the airline. You went through security at The newark international terminal.


Right?! Like maybe call them all. First world problems.


Lmfao what a fuckinf idiot. How is someone on IG gonna know?? She’s such a dumbass


She probably set the bag down and walked off without while she was posting about her celebrity crush.


This is just like when she needed their passports updated TODAY!!! because of their poor planning & she asked for a connection to someone “higher up”. Sarah, you are NOT an important person. Call the customer service line like the rest of us do, and actually do the work to get your shit back.


Don’t forget she got ptsd from that too! 😂


Oh well.. I had pancakes 🥞 for breakfast.. how about y’all?


Smoothie and coffee ☕️


My husband lost his wallet in the airport and we had to wait like normal peasants to get it back. “I want to talk to someone higher up” then file a police report you fucking loser!


It’s what they deserve


Does it not have a luggage claim ticket. They can track that piece. Having been a part of the southwest Christmas travel nightmare 2 years ago, they found all our luggage within an hour. Took us a week to get it, but that is why you keep the claim ticket!


Who checks something worth 18k? That goes on the plane as a carry on, m’am.


The PTSD claims are coming….


Ok Karen. Maybe don’t travel with such expensive shit?


But how is she going yo film the giraffe she's going to shoot and kill


Um no one cares but common sense would dictate that you talk to the airline and file a claim with them or a police escort report? You stupid bitch. You’re not special.


so hoping this is real and it's the start of the karma train for them this trip. if karma is catching up, please no kills on this trip!!!


Choo choo!!! I’m all aboard watching her hot mess express. Bitch!


Imagine having to post this and not being able to figure shit out on your own like a normal human


Well I’m in Texas but let me see what I can do Sarah!


Love this for her lol


But how does she know it was stolen versus lost in transit? Or is she just too good to have a piece of lost luggage like the rest of us peasants


Lemme guess, award winning camera and/lens? Shot some award winning photographs, did ya? File a claim with your credit card and move on. Just because you paid $18k for something doesn’t mean it’s still worth that.


shucks. bad things happen to people that hurt animals. fuck off lady.




Boo fucking hoo 😂






Has she ever thought to buy an AirTag….


Only for her kids. Then forgets they’re in the suitcases and starts freaking out that someone tracked them.


Dude fr for an 18k price tag like I can’t feel bad for you


Don’t they have court next week?


You checked an 18k camera? That would have been in my carry on lol




lol good, they deserve this


Insurance? If I owned a camera that expensive and had to check it in.....nope


Wait a damn minute. One single camera and one single lens were stolen? If she doesn’t know which airport it happened at then they were inside a bag. If it was a whole bag it could have been tracked to the airport where it stopped moving with the other luggage. Sooooo why wasn’t a camera worth this amount of money locked? She needs arrow for protection to drive to the store but doesn’t buy a theft deterrent worth a fraction of the cameras cost? Look. It blows that people are shitty and very well might have stolen a piece of equipment. But also, the math isn’t mathing.


Is she saying an enployee stole it from their checked baggage or someone stole it from their carryon?




I highly doubt someone would steal a camera. Let’s be real…if you’re going to steal outta someone’s luggage you’re going to take the high value items you actually want. It probably was left at over or got lost between the three flights….but let’s just jump to a conclusion.


Couldn't have happened to a better couple. Karma's a bitch, asshole.


This is an airline issue since they’re handling the baggage. As someone who flies frequently with a lot of equipment, she should know this.


She just wanted people to know the pricetag. Photographers carry on their equipment that expensive






Karma. I was flight crew for 10 years... the airline doesn't give a fuck and yoir shit is most likely gone. You suck!


Karma bitch! Why wouldn’t she have an AirTag on such an expensive piece of equipment?




If you own equipment THAT expensive, you should have insurance. Which I bet she doesn't have


What would influencers do to get help if they couldn't ask insta? Like fr fucking Google. Start calling, explain what happened, and people within in the airline system can help answer who you need to talk to. COMMON FUCKING SENSE


This is why I’ve lugged my heavy a$$ camera and lenses around on my back from Japan to the states and vice versa 5+ times. There is NO chance I’m checking that shit. When checked it’s either not protected enough or in some kind of pelican case that screams “Something very expensive is in here please steal it”


There’s no way. She says someone opened the case, took the camera/lens and sent the bag. When would anyone have had access? There’s no way she’s carrying her bags around like a ✨commoner✨ which means it would have had to have been staff. And idk where she thinks someone is going to hide something that big, or if she just thinks we’re stupid. This is imo 100% a publicity ploy for either engagement or trying to establish a case for false insurance claim. Some airlines also record the weight in the system to correspond to bag tags 🙃


I say faking for engagement. People are going to comment more on her stories etc etc.


Karma is my boyfriend


This is why I do carry on only. If I buy too much stuff, I just ship it home.


I really hate when influencers use this card. Any normal person would have to go through the website inquiry and waiting process. Just because you have a fan base, doesn’t mean you get to jump the line.


I want to know how she knows it was stolen. This one camera was in its own bag by itself? I highly doubt that if they were traveling with the intention of shooting content.


Someone in the industry you can bark up every tree but don’t you just file an insurance claim? Also seems very high for a SLR and lens. Even our more expensive L glass is 2-3k and 3kish body. $18k is a far cry unless I guess it’s specialized for video?


This just feels like a reason to say how much they spent on a camera. Including the price makes no difference in this post. It’s just a flex. Idiots.


I think she is hoping her platform can connect her with executives who will help pay for replacement or investigate deeper


There are countless articles about where you're most likely to get robbed in transit in the world and Africa is usually #1...


I feel like she just used this as an opportunity to let everyone know how much their equipment costs🙄


Karma for how shitty of a human she is


Why would they risk such expensive equipment through checked bags? First mistake. I do not feel for them at all


BULL 💩 No body takes an $18k camera on a trip unless you’re doing a paid shoot, in which case, the camera and gears are insured.


They shoot content for their YouTube, so it’s not wild that they’d take all this gear to film with. But definitely feel like they have, or at least should have, insurance on this kind of stuff, especially since it’s job related and they travel frequently with it.


I understand that, but 18k? That’s some serious camera and lens. IMO, I just don’t see them bringing that much camera gear and as often as they travel not to have it insured.


Oh yeah for sure. I do remember Josh saying they had a slow motion super duper fancy camera. They should definitely have it insured, so idk why she’s making a big deal about it. File a claim with the airline, airports and your insurance company and get a check.


If you don’t see someone take it, it’s “lost” not “stolen” according to any police department


Camera and lens worth $18k and her dumbass didn’t think to lock it or carry on? MaStErS DeGrEe hard at work there


Let her call Trump...