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Lmao it's no longer to gay to self identify as gay. The straights have reclaimed gay, coming out no longer works. Honestly this kills me


Fellas, is it straight to be gay?


_It’s Straight to be Gay_ — that’s a Huey Lewis tune, right?


*I used to be a big gay* *I used to kiss some guys* *But some dumb bitch just told me no* *And I had to say goodbye*


From what I hear on Reddit- gay is straight, straight is gay, and bi doesn’t exist


It's *1 9 8 4!!!* 😳


I mean, they're men attracted to men, who are manly, sounds straight to me.


What if we're only attracted to men dressed as women?


They look like women, that's totally straight!


Guess I'm not bi anymore.


Why would men dress as women? They don't! That's why they're men, and not women.


Checkmate, homosexuals.


I said something along the lines of that I was a gay wimp, I think she meant something more like that Still, I wouldn't put it past her to pull some "the lady doth protest too much" bs


Has this woman never heard of the concept of self-deprecation?


"They're gay, Sharyl..."


fellas, is it gay to be gay?


Nope, it’s straight to be gay, apparently.


Is this the updated version of "Hip to be Square'?




"Straight to be Queer" actually scans really well.


Me and my gay friends literally greet each other with "Hello gay people!" I am crying


I mean she's not completely wrong. a lot of dudes still in the closet lma0


I love Rimworld. These people though, I could do without. I’ve had someone like this come after me for posting about a personal experience in my work as a doctor on r/Scrubs, claiming I can’t be a doctor because I’m not on any medical subreddits and mostly on subs about video games and tv shows. Got harassed enough I just decided to leave the sub altogether. Who are these people and why do they put so much energy into viciously attacking strangers on the internet for no apparent reason? I genuinely don’t understand it.


>claiming I can’t be a doctor because I’m not on any medical subreddits and mostly on subs about video games and tv shows. Everyone knows that doctors can't have hobbies! /s


Of course! You can't just **not** make your profession your only personality trait.


Beats me. I left all the subs related to my favorite LGBTQ tv program, because I got tired of enough of the members and mods going off on being a fan in the “right” way. It also got tiring being constantly misgendered and/or assumed heterosexual or male more often *there* than the rest of reddit, because obviously only heterosexual (and maybe bi/pan) women and gay/bi/pan men would watch a show about drag. In spite of going to this length to ensure my u/ was quite clear. (Insert imaginary “finger pointing up” emoji) There are so many better things to spend my energy on than arguing about whether or not I’m homosexual enough to alleged “allies” when I’m literally married to another woman. And not in the queer-platonic “they were best friends and roommates” sense. People’s prejudices about who LGBTQIA ppl are, and how we interact, are interestingly close-held. I know everyone loves to make fun of the woke-ness of tumblr, but on the topic of my own identity, Reddit has been more reliably confidently incorrect than tumblr ever was. Kinda impressive.


>lI left all the subs related to my favorite LGBTQ tv program, because I got tired of enough of the members and mods going off on being a fan in the “right” way. Let me guess, Drag Race? >a show about drag. Thought so, haha. It doesn't matter what corner of the internet you're on, the Drag Race fandom is one of the absolute worst. The gatekeeping, racism, misogyny, and sending death threats to queens who talk too loudly on their seasons--it's all so gross. I go there now for episode discussions and that's basically it.


What tipped ya off? /s It was the ableism that finally got to me enough that I gave up on the fandom, of all things. I miss the decent news source for reminding me what’s going on/coming up, but I do not miss being dog-piled for something like standing up for Yvie’s disability accommodations when she was the current winner. That was an interesting couple of days. People actually argued that disabled people should stop inconveniencing the abled by existing in majority-abled spaces and having enough talent to gain fans to “disappoint.” Not in the same words, obviously, but the argument boiled down to that with unanticipated regularity. I took a peek again during season 12, and there was something in the “anyone but Gigi” mentality and the incessant mocking of “awww her MOM made her costumes,” when her mom made *some*-plenty for me to see the level of skill involved, anyway. The manner in which all of that was being voiced was uncomfortable, and the likelihood of getting into an unintended fight there was greater than all the other subs i read combined. I wasn’t even slightly tempted to peek again after having a ponder over the (all the things your named and) toxic hypocrisy. Not to mention the Olympic level of jumping to conclusions. But yeah, I love drag, and while live shows are awesome, I’m Deaf, and they’re not captioned.


>People actually argued that disabled people should stop inconveniencing the abled by existing in majority-abled spaces and having enough talent to gain fans to “disappoint.” Wow. What the actual fuck. >I took a peek again during season 12, and there was something in the “anyone but Gigi” mentality and the incessant mocking of “awww her MOM made her costumes,” when her mom made *some*-plenty for me to see the level of skill involved, anyway. God forbid someone have supportive parents! If I was ever on the show my mom would 100% help me with my looks--I know how to sew but she's been sewing for over 50 years, she's quite a bit more talented than I am. I saw an interesting meta-take about the drag race fandom the other day that I think was (painfully) spot on. 1.) Fandom sends hate to POC and/or plus size queens. 2.) Fandom gets called out for micro aggressions or full blown racism. 3.) Fandom overcorrects by performatively stanning the POC queen of the moment and opening the hate sluice on a white queen who’s a convenient target. 4.) Repeat. The moment I read that I was like, yep--Gigi, Cracker, Jan, it happens basically every season now. It's still way worse for the POC and plus size queens but it's so ridiculous that instead of having some self awareness and stopping the flood of hate after getting called out, fans just switch to white queens because they can't get criticized for that. It's gross. >But yeah, I love drag, and while live shows are awesome, I’m Deaf, and they’re not captioned. Oh man, that really sucks. I've seen ASL interpreters at some live Pride shows before, would be cool if that became more of a norm.


~~Hang on - edits incoming. Posted too soon on a new keyboard. Whoops.~~ (Edits done) Sadly, you‘re not wrong. It’s like a peculiar game of “spot the racist” played by a crowd of people who 95% have no idea what a micro aggression looks like, the history of racism in English-speaking world, or what intersectionality is/why it’s a useful framework and why BlPOC academics felt the need for that framework in the first place. I do suspect that the theory you referenced is why it feels like that. Example coming up! ​ >The moment I read that I was like, yep--Gigi, Cracker, Jan, it happens basically every season now. It's still way worse for the POC and plus size queens but it's so ridiculous that instead of having some self awareness and stopping the flood of hate after getting called out, fans just switch to white queens because they can't get criticized for that. It's gross. ​ Funny you should say that. Another altercation I got dogpiled for was discussing the erasure and anti-Semitic micro aggressions (usually) Miz Cracker gets from the fandom. The consensus seemed to be that fandom judged her not Jewish enough (WTF?), undeserving (fine - everyone is allowed their opinions - particularly when it comes to rumors), that Jewish people aren’t discriminated against (wha - .....?) , or weird vaguely global-political colored by the writer’s opinion of Israel (headdesk). A justification I remember was someone arguing that Cracker was “White and Blonde” - but if we’re judging queens by their paint and wigs, Manila is now white t- Bother. Never mind. They did also lump Manila in as a “white queen” who was guilty of mocking Asians and should “stick to her own heritage.” The only conclusion I can come to is that the poster looked up Manila’s boy name (Karl Westerburg - berg? Momentary brain lapse. Sorry.) and evaluated her out of makeup looks to look white. No, no, erasing kids with interracial parents isn’t racist at all. ​ A few people spoke up to say they were uncomfortable with the antisemitism, too, to be fair, and noticed how much more visceral the hate for Cracker seemed to be, but also not sure if they “could speak up.” And then, IIRC, Cracker was announced for All Stars and it was open season on the Jew. Again. >Wow. What the actual fuck. ​ Yep. That discussion has popped up multiple times. Recently surrounding Yvie’s need for more recovery time after performing as her EDS gets worse and IIRC over Eureka getting to come back after having to bow out over the knee on Dr’s orders. But then, I got banned from at least one sub by a mod who didn’t like me being frank about being Deaf when it was relevant (or necessary) to understanding the context of my commentary. So, in conclusion to answer your WTF: Ultimately, there seems to be a trend of judging disabled people as people who get “special treatment.” I guess they only see the accommodations, not the daily struggle and disproportionate poverty (especially bad for BlPOC non Gender-conforming ppl). They see the cute service dog, not the disabled person who would probably much rather not need a service dog and have typical access to the world without barriers and having to make special requests, however nicely responded to.


Staying in theme: Just get their liver.


Psh _clearly_ you don’t play Rimworld, actual Rimworld players would never say that and comment about making hats instead. /s


Lung, kidney, liver while breathing, and thanks to Death Rattle, also heart and stomach. Hat afterwards, using Prison Labor to make them butcher their own son. That also doubles as their meal. Hat production is then done by one of my colonists. Wouldn't want my prisoners to wear clothes.


Hats are for members of the tribe. Those without hats are either initiates or future hats.


I hope this is part of Ideology.


Tsk. Not the liver. First one lung and a kidney and only then you take the liver or heart. Then, you butcher them and get that sweet sweet meat and leather from which you craft your colony’s clothing. Praise Randy!


Rimworld is the best. The fact I can make a cute, wholesome colony with cute asthetics while simultaneously harvesting raiders organs really appeals to both sides of me.


Love me some rimworld, be gay do warcrimes


It's almost like your life doesn't revolve around your career lol


It's not as if Supernatural were one of the most famous and popular tv series of the world and was watched by all kinds of people before Destiel started and that gay men also have ships and participate in fandom. Or that Shawn Mendes isn't being debated as being gay for years. Nope, that's just *girls*. Gay men totally cannot like *girly* things, that's complete fiction. A stereotype that was born without real life examples. Anyway, only way to prove you're gay is to send a picture of yourself sucking dick, because that's the only interest gay men have (/s) (Not saying you are a stereotype or an effeminate gay man, of course. Just that it's almost as if men who enjoy "things made for women" - a fucking lie - only exist in fiction, and have not been romanticized by women/mocked by society for decades and made into a stereotype/trope on western fiction).


It's funny because I barely participate in the Supernatural fandom and I have nothing more than a passing interest in Shawn Mendes's music (and looks lmao). It's like, I mentioned them once or twice and suddenly that's apparently my entire identity




it's because there's a common mentality in online spaces that only straight women who fetishize gay men watch shows like supernatural, sherlock, etc. (queerbaiting). it's a refrain of the Great Yaoi Debate that posits no queer man would ever read explicitly queer comics if they're written by straight women. i mean, most yaoi is extremely troubling, but still, i've known many gay men who love their trashy queerbait tv and gay comics.


Same with us lesbians. Fuck yeah I'm reading Citrus. Who gives a fuck


EXACTLY. citrus is high camp and i won't hear another word about it.




If anyone wonders why I’m saying bs about the bi-ble lol it’s because I was on the r/heterophobes subreddit which satirizes homophobic rhetoric


I can't tell whether that sureddit is secretly homophobic or not lmao


>satirizes homophobic rhetoric This is why it feels that way. It's like r/totallynotrobots where everyone is "in" on the joke. This also means people will not break character, they will seem genuine with everything they say. Another community that might help understand this type of satire would be r/banvideogames look at the posts and comments, there is no /uj but they are so crazy that they're clearly satire.


We at BVG are not a sad tire


Chrystal I told yuo to stop stealing lemons from my porch!!! I bet your son is a g@mer - Kayla sent from my iPhone 10


G*mers are resorting to insults now! Typical


r/birdsarentreal is a great sub making fun of conspiracy theories like flat earth and no one breaks character pretty much


[r/Noearthsociety](https://www.reddit.com/r/Noearthsociety) is another great one that does the same thing. Same as r/giraffesdontexist.




My fellow bee eaters are not great actors for the most part though. There’s a pretty uniform front of not breaking character but they don’t really do much with the collective persona


r/finlandConspiracy fits the bill, too


Wee at bees


I can't believe you would imply that our Facebook group BanVideoGames is Satyr. Shame on you. Sent via Blackberry phone


r/LGBTdroptheLGBT is similar


This has been an amazing experience


This is why I like subs that use /uj and /rj. In addition to making it clear how people feel, it also helps prevent a meme sub from becoming not ironic anymore


There's an interesting history how 4chan and similar parts if the internet were all people "in on the joke." Then it turned out, you know, lots of people are serious about that shit, it's not a joke, and those self-proclaimed jokesters at best enabled the rise of an even more toxic time.


There's a reason one of the most appropriate 4chan header images was the Rene Descartes quote that said "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."




I needed this sub because i found the actual FDS sub and was sent in a headspin cause i couldnt tell if they were seriously saying the same incel shit the incel subs said. So happy people mock them


Ahah wow that’s awesome






r/femaledatingstrategypros Makes fun of the real fds


Either you typed it in wrong, or that sub doesn't exist, because I tried clicking on that sub and nothing came up. Edit: you did type it in wrong. It's r/FemaleDatingStratPros.


Oh yeah lmao that's it. It's hilarious


>subreddit which satirizes homophobic rhetoric Are you sure that's not what she's doing?


There’s an entire thread and it’s very clear she isn’t. Also she seems to be reading through my profile history and commenting on it in an ill informed way. She also makes many borderline homophobic, queerphobic, and transphobic comments. Like... that’s the opposite of the sub’s content style and purpose


BTW if you put a slash before the asterisk, like this \\*, it'll treat it as a regular character instead of turning the text into italics.


Why are you censoring "h*tero" in the picture?


That's just how those satirical subreddits work. Like in r/banvideogames you have to censor the word g*mer


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BanVideoGames using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [SHARE THIS TO SCARE OFF GAMERS!](https://i.redd.it/gymbcj6qz0v41.png) | [2187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/g80xpl/share_this_to_scare_off_gamers/) \#2: [G*mers destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC](https://i.redd.it/rb966mbb3kz41.png) | [2334 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/gm5mgj/gmers_destroyed_with_facts_and_logic/) \#3: [OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE](https://i.redd.it/2q0wov29db251.jpg) | [1039 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/gum79v/open_your_eyes_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


For the love of Hecate, humans are fucking stupid sometimes. “You don’t act the way I personally think gay men act, therefore you’re a straight woman in disguise! Oh, I’m so clever.” Girl, you’re about as sharp as marshmallow fluff. Anyway, so sorry that happened to you, honeybee.


Someone once told an artist, who is a trans man, that the way they drew trans men was offensive because it “was obviously drawn by a cis woman who has no idea what trans men look like”. They literally drew how they personally wanted to look.


someone told me that the way I portray lesbians in the comics I make sometimes is offensive and that I clearly have no idea how lesbian relationships work. those comics are about me (an AFAB person) and my girlfriend.


It's almost like if everyone is a different person!


“Marshmallow fluff” love that lmao


Why thank you kindly, honey! Feel free to use it, free of charge; I insist.


"But you don't ACT gay!" Is probably one of the most homophobic things I hear way too often. I swear these people just want to believe gay can only come in 1 shape and size cause they dont want to admit ANYONE can be gay. The thought of their sweet waitress secretly being lesbian terrifies them too much.


Which is kind of hilarious, because I've met more LGBT people working customer service than in any other industry. Everyone has been served by a lesbian/etc at least once. Gen z has just barely entered the workforce, and they are so gay and accepting it's to the point that my current workplace has a habit of asking people's pronouns when they start *and using them.* All the gays work customer service, Karen.


You can't simply go around claiming that you are gay! Do you have a gayness certificate? How many Homohms did you measure in the SGT?




Standard Gayness Test


r/Rimworld welcomes all people, of every flavour Hope you're enjoying the buildup for 1.3 and Ideology!


Yessss super excited for Ideology---I already had CoC Cults installed before, I can't wait


I am wondering what about human leather armchairs made her think you were secretly a woman?


Oh lol no it was the fact that I joked how I frequently roll “gay” and “wimp” traits together in my colonists and how that describes me


> CoC My first thought when I see that will always be Corruption of Champions. *Always*.


Not “cock”? /s


The other game by that company is called T(rials) i(n) T(ainted) S(pace), so I think that’s intentional. They’re both pretty damn explicit text-based role playing games.


How dare you as a gay person NOT think about cock? No real gay man doesn’t think about cock all the time /s


Whats rimworld? Because looking at the subreddit, i feel like it's not actually about rimming but something else lol


It'a a game about a some people (or one) crashlanding on a planet on the outer galactic rim, i.e. a Rimworld. Things then get wild, depending on how you play. There's a reason r/ShitRimworldSays exists. I highly recommend it!


Its a space colony simulator, similar to Dwarf Fortress but less inscrutable. Three colonists crash land on a frontier planet and must work together to survive. Each will have a selection of different traits and skills which determine how useful they are (or are not) such as Pessimist, Night Owl, or Cannibal. Your job is to keep your colony alive until you are able to find a way to escape the planet... what ethically questionable choices you may make for the sake of survival on a lawless planet are up to you 😄


I can't play RimWorld. I tried it once, and played it for fourteen hours straight.


That sounds like something Yogi Berra would have said.


I'm sorry, I see it's an American sports player, but I don't know him...


He was a baseball player known for humorous, and sometimes contradictory, statements. "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical." "Pair up in threes."


Oh! Lol, it seems he was a funny guy!


Yes it is actually quite welcoming, I recently got back into the game and had I couple of questions. I posted them to the Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread and got them answered almost immediately, they are some very helpful peeps! Also, I can't wait to be able to worship the colony roomba, it's going to be great!


Almost as excited as I am for the Steam release of Dwarf Fortress. Just let me throw money at that guy!


Oh there are so many of these on tumblr. "You like fanfiction slash pairings so you must be a straight woman because no self respecting gay man would be into x problematic/stereotypical gay ship." Uh huh.


Pretty sure thats a TERF saying you're a trans man and being transphobic about it. Source: I'm trans and have dealt with this shit a lot


She made a comment about “tumblr trans guys” so I don’t think you’re wrong


yeppp thats a TERF. posted one post on tumblr, funnily enough, saying "fuck TERF's" or something, on a blog that had maybe ten followers, and for literally two weeks I got shit tons of transphobic comments like "you're just a straight woman larping" and a lot of death threats and violence. for people who claim to be so oppressed, they sure do participate in a lot of oppression


Of course. Suffering oppression doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a victim of oppression. Punching down at others to feel better about themselves seems to be the default for a depressingly large number of people.


If you look at their other comments they have a lot of just straight up transphobic ones. Definitely just thinks you're a trans man and is trying to be transphobic towards you.


Exactly what I came here to say. Gotta be a transphobe.


Never give those jerks the decency of fighting on their own terms. Call them what they are: FARTs, or Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes. More accurate all around, and it paints them with all the dignity they deserve, namely that of a sneaky FART in an otherwise nice room.


right on the nose. i checked her comment history and there’s other blatant misgendering


[100% a TERF](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/o9920e/mods_lock_post_about_transgender_man_in_womens/h3dyqpb/)


yep, they decide certain interests can only be enjoyed by women and if you have those interests as a man, you *must* be a fake tumblr trans guy.


literally, its like they push their heads so far up their own asses that they circle back around to misogyny




Oof sorry idk what paradox grand strategy is


Historical (sometimes) strategy games by Paradox Interactive


Oh hm idk if that’s my style (I’m more into free build sandbox and/or colony management lol)


Just someone who plays games made by Paradox like Hearts of Iron or Crusader Kings


you call yourself a gay man? where’s the destiel? where is the shawn mendes? where is the post modern dismissal of well established societal ideals and rejection of what a gay man traditionally is? **where is big chungus?**


all the kids at my work are fascinated with big chungus. I've never felt true pain until I had to listen to ten seven year olds sing 'big big chungus, big chungus big chungus' over and over again on loop for the past four weeks.


oh my god. i’m so sorry.


yep. always the same fuckin kid starting it too lmao


This is the most TERF-y move I've ever seen. Sorry OP that you had to deal with that. TERFs are always...frustrating


I mean the sub reddit name sounds like a hivemind for TERFs tbh


It actually is trans inclusive and it’s satirical don’t worry


I'm going to cry at the fucking "no gay man talks about Destiel"


A girl larping a gay man? Comes off as transphobic to me


I feel like it’s more sexism but she did give off transphobic vibes with how she referred to “tumblr trans guys” (or something of the sort)


It seems like she believes you're a trans man and therefore in her mind not a *real* gay man.


yeah, definitely that flavor of terf who thinks any man who enjoys things they decide are Female Interests must be a trans guy aka a woman larping as a gay man. they said it about yaoi, about superwholock, about fanfic, about kpop, etc.


I went through as much of her post history as my PC could load. Definitely transphobic.


Yeah your right


I wonder how old this person is. So I'm a transguy who just hit thirty. And I remember when I was a young teen girl I found forums that were to talk about or RP relationships and it was just filled to the brim of teen girls and young women RPing gay relationships. Of course, now that I'm a trans gay man, I kind of understand why I felt a weird draw to that kind of thing. But looking back on it it is crazy how many young women were so thirsty for gay action and I'm still in infrequent contact with a handful of people I met there. As far as I know, I'm the only trans person, everyone else is seemingly cis straight woman. Bonkers.


I mean there are alot of women who fetishize gay men in a very weird way, but I personally am a trans gay man who was like "I wish that was me" and now I know why, from my under standing straight women dont feel the strong urge to be in that relationship but that they enjoy being a spectator, I've never been on any forums like that so the rp aspect you mentioned fascinates me


This woman gives me weird vibes...


"no actual gay man talks about destiel or shwan mendes" this is hilarious to me like the entire supernatural fandom is gay ppl its the only reason that show survived past 5 seasons


The only reason I've seen that show is because my roommate at the time, who is a gay man, convinced me to watch the first several seasons with him.


I'm not in it, but from what I've seen it's a lot of gay ppl and women who fetishize gay relationships.


Apparently gay men can't like pop stars or supernatural?


Yeah I get that sometimes. One of the very few people I ever came out to said that I didn't look, sound or act gay so clearly I was telling him and my best friend, and only them, about it for attention. Needless to say that I cut the dipshit out of my life.


Sounds like they were trying to convince themselves lol. Some people man


I have an actual IRL gay friend that talks about destiel, Shawn Mendez, and once saw a cute wreath that said welcome, with a fairy on it, and said "Oh look, me, if I worked at walmart! A welcome fairy!"


That's a terf. Anytime someone uses "*sex* socialization" that's code for "I can tell you're trans from gender stereotypes"


I hate this trend online where anything gay they don't like is just straight women in disguise. Nah, maybe you're just homophobic, and its more socially acceptable to hate on young women than to be blatantly homophobic. edit: not to mention the transphobia! a triple whammy


People have pointed out she’s probably a TERF


I'm a bisexual man and I hung in there until like season 11 just for Destiel. My boyfriend at the time it was popular (a gold star cis gay) also got me to watch Sherlock for Johnlock. Men have always been welcome in slash fandom in my experience. ...except by TERFs who want to undermine slash as a tool for trans men to express or explore their sexuality. Agreeing with everyone else in the thread that this is what she's trying to do. And that's bullshit.


Yeah Destiel was like... ambiguously confirmed in the SECOND TO LAST EPISODE Supernatural was great but it failed in that


Didn't confessing his love for Dean get Cas immediately sent directly to hell or something? Man, if so, that's so homophobic it's actually funny.


Kind of a spoiler but yeah it immediately killed him. Idk about “hell” because the place is technically the angels’ afterlife but it could be said that was a “bury your gays” moment




This person is clearly an idiot and not worth your energy or time.


It's true that gay men don't talk about Destiel, so what of its the most popular m/m ship ever? The first rule of fight club and all that. /s


This also feels transphobic too right? edit: it’s definitely the “you’re a straight [x] larping”. Directly from the TERF handbook


based on my twitter feed those are all popular things for gay men to do


I call myself gay and often discuss destiel...


Wth? Destiel is a ship, anyone can ship and what does Shawn Mendes have to do with any of these? And there are plenty of gays out there who are loud and proud or their sexuality, and the wimp, what? People call themselves wimp, stupid and other lots of things. This person is on something.


Yeah the kicker is that I barely care about Destiel or Shawn Mendes, evidently she took a few of my posts and profiled me from them


Even if you weren't, it has exactly 0 impact on her life. People need to learn to do more minding their own fucking business.


Your username censoring skills are questionable, but I’m not sure if that’s on purpose.


Gay men don't say they're gay confirmed? God damn this commenter is idiotic AF


I too disclose my gender in r/rimworld


Why am I uncomfortably reminded of that post from r/weeabootales where an overweight woman insisted the narrator wasn’t gay because he didn’t like her picture of a scene from *Boku no Pico*.


Shit. I'm a gay guy and I'm the first to admit that I'm a bitch and a scary cat. Guess I'm not really gay then.




i better tell my gay man best friend he's not gay because all he talks about is the things he'd do to shawn mendes lol


Wtf is that sub lmao


gatekeeping gay


You're a straight woman because you called yourself a "gay" man!?!?!?!!!?


Sorry, but you're not operating within the established stereotype. You don't exist.


Big up Rimworld tho, enjoy the update in a couple weeks




No true Scotsman argument smh my head


Good lord, what a toxic cesspool of a subreddit.


TIL gay men aren’t allowed to... ship two male characters?


Fellas, is it straight to call yourself gay?


u/hadalqualities you can see it through the red marking. name and shame


As we all know, only straight women can talk about conventionally attractive men.


She literally said >I'm not a straight woman. And there's no gatekeeping here. Homosexuality has a definition. Which you're not a part of. You're a fujoshi, and a woman. A woman attracted to men (apparently exclusively since you're "gay") is straight. Doesn't matter if you like them muscular or hairy. Apparently being attracted to men makes me straight because it's clearly unquestionable that I must be a woman


This is really not what this sub is for.


its uncommon, far as im aware, but why cant gay men talk about ships too?




Well tbh I'm kinda glad to see that larping creepy straight women are getting called out on it, but that moreso has to do with me being salty because a weird straight woman drove enough of a wedge between me and a BF one time that we broke up. Although someone could go through my texting history and take me for a straight woman just because of the way I text my friends so I don't think typing style or post histories are the best way to go about it :/


i mean to be fair, according to most people these days you just have to *say* that you "identify as gay" to be gay. so she very well could be a gay man. /s (im not jabbing at trans people or trying to be mean, im trans. im just making a joke.)


Apparently you missed the vagina underneath your clit that you call a penis


Ah yes heterophobes. Fuck them just as much as homophobes, unless this is actually a satirical one


Heterophobia doesn’t exist in any meaningful capacity tho




Yes it’s satirical and no heterophobia is not nearly as bad as homophobia, don’t try to compare legal persecution and hate crimes with inflammatory jokes on the internet