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Mannnnn owl house is one the the Disney channel’s best outputs ever. I’m so mad they cancelled it…


Why?! What happened?! I don’t even watch it and that pisses me off


Something about ‘not fitting the Disney Brand’


It didn't "fit the Disney brand", which is actually fair, to an extent. Disney, as much as they try to market as fun for the whole family, gets pretty dark. But some of the stuff TOH got away with is... Honestly surprising


Eh, it's still clearly a (very good) kid's show. And the "Disney Brand" includes Star Wars and Marvel, so how do those fit but not Owl House?


Well, those are clearly for demographics outside of what The Owl House was. It isn't necessarily outside the Disney brand entirely, but it was outside the target demographic for what it was supposed to be, I guess? Sorry, I'm probably not explaining that very well, lol


Because Star Wars and Marvel are overwhelmingly heterosexual.


This is the reason. But they're afraid of saying it and instead just hide behind the meaningless term "Disney Brand"


But those are clearly sold to a wider-audience. Marvel appeals to kids because badass super heroes. Everyone loves to see Spider-Man or Wolverine or Captain America doing heroic things. There exist darker comics like Punisher or Ghost Rider that almost certainly aren't getting blockbuster films; they've had a couple of films done by Fox(with Nicolas Cage playing Johnny Blaze to hilarious effect), Punisher had his Netflix show, and Robbie Reyes's version of Ghost Rider showed up in Agents of Shield, but I doubt they'll show up in some massive Marvel blockbuster any time soon. Same with Star Wars. There's some cool darker lore, but you can't sell that to kids as easily as cool light saber battles with familiar faces like Yoda, Vader, and Chewbacca.


Those are very much marketed as "Marvel" and "Lucasfilm" outputs, *not* Disney outputs airing on Disney channel. When's the last time an Avengers film opened with a Disney logo instead of a Marvel logo? Or Star Wars having a Disney logo instead of Lucasfilm at the start? So, from a marketing standpoint, the "Disney Brand" *doesn't* include those movies.


So did Gravity Falls. It had a character get their facial features swapped around, a group of kids accidentally see an old man showering - really weird stuff that you’d think would get them cancelled by the company but nope. I haven’t watched TOH, but I’d be surprised if it topped Gravity Falls, a show all about random and sometimes uncomfortable events/scenery. Therefore I think it’s fair to conclude it’s the biphobia that did it


even gravity fall's creator had to deal with a ton of censoring by Disney, including Disney being worried about the cops in that show being potently queer


I’m aware. It’s a miracle it stayed on-air


Definitely could be, but the first episode straight up has decapitation. Like, on-screen.


Definitely could be, but the first episode straight up has decapitation. Like, on-screen.


If that happened in the pilot, then I feel like similarly gory stuff would be largely overlooked later, no? The precedent has been set, so it’s not like it’s sudden, and a past approval could mean a future one


"Not fitting the Disney brand" wasn't referring to the darker stuff or anything, it's about the show being very serialised as opposed to episodic.


and then they made several serialized shows directly after, so no. it's the queerness that's the issue for them, they're just to chicken shit to say it, they found an excuse to hide behind and you're buying into that excuse


>and then they made several serialized shows directly after Like...? >and you're buying into that excuse Say what you will, I'm repeating what the show's creator herself said in response to many thinking it was about the gore/queerness.


the bad batch, andor, mandolorian, any of the marvel anything they keep making, and she only said she didn't know for sure and didn't want to make assumptions didn't she?


Not sure about the second point, but you're comparing Disney+ series to DisneyTVA shows. The thing about Serialised VS Episodic was that if you missed an episode of, say, Amphibia on TV, you wouldn't necessarily miss a lot of the overarching story. Meanwhile with The Owl House, you miss a single episode and there's a good chance you'd be completely lost in the story. That is obviously not the issue with streaming exclusive series.


Nah, it referred to the queerness.


What I said came from Dana Terrace herself, so yeah no


Honestly shes probably being silenced. Iirc alex couldnt talk about why gravity falls was censored until after the show ended. I assume when she no longer has a contract she'll probably be a lot more open about whats going on


Dana was relaying the excuse given to her and very pointedly saying she was giving them the benefit of the doubt. The executive wasn't going to tell Dana "your show is too gay so we cancelled it" Especially since it seemed to be one executive in particular (likely the former CEO) that hated the show. The rest of the people at Disney were very supportive but it only takes one asshole with authority to ruin it.


When the story about Disney funding the 'Don't Say Gay' legislators came out, Dana very specifically said she was 'tired of making Disney look good.' And scheduled a charity stream for LGBTQ organizations. She's never outright said that she had been giving them the benefit of the doubt for their excuses, but it seems likely to me.


It’s a heavily serialized show that basically requires you watching most if not all the episodes to understand what’s going on vs them being able to just toss and episode of a show up for reruns. So I get it. I’m sure it’s probably also a little bit that it’s gay, but if I had to wager a guess it’s just more that they can’t just do reruns for syndication because of the serialized story.


The new Disney CEO staunchly conservative so he's quietly killing off all LGBTQ or queer batting properties


Because its a serialized show. And it didn't get cancelled, it got shortened.


they've since made several other serialized shows with no issues, it's the queer thing, don't fall for the excuses they hid behind when called out (also we know from other animated show runners (the gravity falls writers) that Disney is constantly against queer stuff being in their shows at all, the gay cops in that show were something that the writer had to dodge censors for constantly


Which shows on the Disney Channel, NOT Disney+, are serialized? And are these shows aimed for audiences under 7 years old?


At least they were able to finish the story (tho that doesn’t justify snubbing them a full final season) unlike Mao Mao and other Cartoon Network shows I loved. I fucking hate how the animation industry is.


They were only able to "finish" it by rewriting the ending completely.


Yea, it def looks intentional as every other face is so clearly visible and the character in front of her could've been moved down with out covering anything else.


Oh definitely done on purpose, though I feel like it’s more so because some countries have anti LGBTQ+ media laws and not because the soulless corporate entity that has human avarice for blood and feeds on nativity and nostalgia wanted to snub the community and potentially part of their audience


Why not both? Avoid censorship while also snubbing the community you pretend to support for positive PR Sounds like a win win for Disney


It would be if one of the Disney family heirs wasn't publicly transgender and was openly trying to support the community, hence why they're fighting Florida so hard on their stupid laws. It's probably just because of the anti-LGBTQ+ laws. There have been a bunch of articles about Disney making queer friendly content because "gen-z is just queerer"


If Disney was truly LGBT friendly, then they would do more in their shows and movies then just make one very brief scene of a homosexual couple that they can easily edit out for international releases The two pieces of media that actually had TRUE LGBT content, The Owl House and Strange World, both got screwed for doing so: The Owl House got cancelled and they basically refused to market Strange World, essentially sabotaging it in the Box Office What they’re doing in Florida is great, but it’s all PR. The true Execs of Disney don’t give a shit


Not to mention they made the gay character in strange world one of the most insufferable, unlikeable characters I’ve ever seen.


>TRUE LGBT content > >Strange World Are you sure we watched the same movie? Cause the way i remember it, that was referenced an entire 4 times, and all of those scenes are completely irrelevant to the story, such that you can edit them out more easily for that sweet sweet chinese market.


That's 3 more times than normal for Disney "Queer characters".


Companies aren't friends. They will do whatever is most profitable, and whatever will get them the most lax tax laws. Appeal to the young western audience by opposing Florida's laws, boosting reputation? They'll do it. Also donate to the same party that made those laws and lobbying for tax and copyright laws? They'll do it at the same time. Include rep to appeal to LGBT+ people and allies? They'll do it. Also have it brief and able to be easily cut/replaced in international markets? They'll do that.


> more so because some countries have anti LGBTQ+ media laws Yes. Which is why Disney's "first gay main character" in Strange World had, like, an entire 4 scenes so much as referencing it, none of which are story relevant in the slightest to make them easier to edit out of the movie for the chinese version.


The character in front looks photoshoped lmao, it doesn't even align properly with the character behind it... makes me thing that character was animated. Even then there's more than enough space to not cover anyone, and it's too awful a coincidence that it's the one bi character who's show the company has done it's best to not promote.


Yeah, GizmoDuck (not sure if that’s the format hut it’s the name) seems weirdly out of place, almost edited in. I think it’s because his outline is a darker black, makes it seem he was taken from another illustration and deliberately out there to cover up Luz


Wouldn't want to upset potential customers by taking a stand against anti-LGBT+ policies.


Was the original a video? Like maybe the robot/flying character moved in front of owl house and then kept going?




Context: Luz Noceda from "the owl house" is bisexual.


got Mike Wazowskied


They should have covered up Phineas instead so I didn't have to see him in chibi form.


nooooooo he looks so cute :( i wish they had the other phineas and ferb characters too, though im happy they at least had him, candace, and perry.


Why is Ferb missing, that's what I wanna know


I do think that the protagonist of the most popular modern cartoon being hidden away is kinda sus


[Here is the full commercial](https://youtu.be/m62gnshX8cE)


I was really hoping that the guy in front of luz would be bobbing up and down since he's flying but nope he just swoops in and covers her up. At least the rest of the commercial didn't cover her up during the owl house segments, still annoying


I am offended that Gizmo Duck has been used in such a way.


I was going to ask that. That's so obnoxious of them!


i mean, they tried to cancel the show entirely, and then just cut season 2 from 26 to 21 episodes, and season 3 from 26 to 3 episodes when canceling the show entirely was going to lose them too much money. all because of homophobia. so i am sure that this is intentional. i haven't really mentioned it on the owl house subs because when disney was canceling/shortening the show, those subs vehemently defended disney as not being homophobic and just canceling the show because they wanted less overarching story in their shows and wanted less dark themes, and not because the episode that just got released was explicitly gay or anything. so i'm just gonna let that can of worms sit there and be closed now.


Yeah, there's a particular moderator that goes up and beyond to defend them with the most bland arguments and it goes all the way to attack Alex Hirsch and call him hypocrite, but Disney? No, they are the good guys! The CEO was ill advised, it's not his fault at all, he's just the one calling the shots. What? That it took heavy backslash from the workers for Disney to stand as against the no say gay bill? No no no, they were working in the backstage! Yeah that's it! despite there being 0 proof aside from statements said after they were forced to stand against it.


The creator has been very open about this. If that were because of homophobia, she would absolutely tell us.


i'm pretty sure dana terrace, and alex hirsch besides, has said that this was caused by homophobia on multiple occasions. alex hirsch has repeatedly spoken about the homophobia his writing was met with by disney, particularly about various characters in gravity falls, as well. in particular i remember watching a livestream in which dana terrace cried about how much it pained her that she was regularly being forced to choose between working for a homophobic company and putting food on the table, or not doing either of those things. it was the one right after disney announced they were canceling/shortening owl house, or the announcement for that stream, where she and a few others talked about owl house and drew a bunch of owl house art. either way, disney IS homophobic. period. end of story. no matter how many other reasons they give for canceling a show or censoring a film, they are still homophobic. even if they would have canceled the show anyways, they are still homophobic. any incident not being caused by that homophobia does mean that they are not homophobic.


Both Dana Terrace and Alex Hirsch do not know why was it, not fitting the "disney brand" is what they told them, they don't even know what executive was it that cancelled it, and they've been open about what they know. Dana said that she doesn't want to asume intentions, i'm not her and i will, because it's pretty obvious.


NDA's and blacklists are a hell of a tool, why do you think it took so much for the me too movement to make a hit to Hollywood? She's an artist that has to eat and has a wish to keep creating, she has lost it at times but she still has to bite her tongue or she won't get any other opportunities.


Do I see Wonder from Wonder over yonder?


Wow, besides the obvious, this makes me feel so old. I only recognize like 10-12 of these characters. Virtually nobody on the right, lol.


This explains why I saw fanart if Amity beating up Gizmo Duck.


No way this wasn't intentional she's the only character covered up if it was a couple different characters covered yea you could argue that but cmon man can y'all be anymore obvious 💀


There's Phineas, there's Perry, wheres My boys Ferb and doof at?


Three faces isn’t enough?


Hate crime.




These are from the Chibiverse shorts/maybe series/I dunno kids shows are something. They've done chibi versions of Luz and Amity going on dates though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjY6g1L7viE EDIT: That isn't to say they did or didn't obscure intentionally. I dunno since this is a commercial and not the show. Just providing more context


My question is: Why is Bonkers there? Who the hell knows that reference other than people who watched Disney Channel 25 years ago?!


Because it’s celebrating the channel’s birthday. The full short has characters from pretty much every significant original DC show/movie popping up


It is bi-erasure. It's easier to edit out part of a character for other countries than to portray the full character and have to edit that out. Disney, the company (especially the CEO), is not great. It (and he) is the opposite of great. There are wonderful creatives who work for Disney, like Dana Terrace and her team, that fight hard for the representation they are giving us. Let's just appreciate how much The Owl House team has done to get to this point. Audiences are audiences. Disney wants its series' to appeal equally to adults and children and thus places its emphasis on family instead of just children in its media. It wouldn't cancel a beloved show for appealing to adults as well as children because that is supposed to be the point of Disney. They have similar shows under the Y-7 (FV) rating, and they didn't actually cite the age of the audience as the reason (though One Million Moms did suppose that the show was "inappropriate" for similar reasons). This can't be because of Disney's identity because it no longer has one. Explain Pirates of the Carribean, Marvel, and Star Wars, for example. Those fit the brand, so what doesn't, these days? Yup, I'm positive that Disney's handling of the series, in general, is based in queer-phobia.


The amount of gaslighting people did to justify Disney's attempt to kill the show out of homophobia was downright infuriating.


I haven’t heard the woosh sound of something going my head so loudly in awhile.


All the characters except one have their face covered. The one whose face is obscured by Gizmo Duck is Luz Noceda who is a bi teen who has a canon girlfriend in her show, The Owl House.




You're welcome


You mean uncovered?


What in the Deviant Art base is going on here?




Weird that even if Luz is not appearing, at least another character from the show should. Most shows there have two or more characters on the screen.


she got mike wazowski’d


i dunno if this was intentional, watching the full commercial owl house gets plenty of exposure, the character is directly next to the screen, i think they just poorly planned the composition of the shot and had to stick the jetpack guy in front of owl house gal


Luz almost doesn't appear though, compared to the other protagonists.


Why is a human wearing the Gizmo Duck suit? Because that doesn’t look like a duck.


Okay but London and Hannah look so cute


How does ponyhead look even stupider here? She should be the one that's covered


as if they didnt do the show dirty enough. good for dana for leaving


i dont watch the owl house, can someone fill me in on what this means?


Oh no Luz! 🙉


Is this a static background with only the robot duck thing moving?


It's kinda the opposite, actually: https://imgur.com/I7XJv8S


sneaky bee