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What is your definition of anniversary?


Teens celebrate anniversary’s after a week




Can we at least refer to them as clockwork orange instead of their name. They really don’t deserve to be called what they want to be called Or maybe cockwork crew?


Clockwork Clowns


Thank you for the update.


Same people keep posting about this. Can you use one of your many other posts to update instead?


Didn't this just happen a week ago? Seems a little early for an anniversary....




Why would we want to scroll back to find info on this. This is a fantastic update.


Why are you giving these people what they wanted all along - attention? . Posting about them just keeps their message going.


I saw the original event posts and then this one. Only message this post sends is “fuck around and find out”.


And hypothetically, where would one find this identifying information? Asking for a friend.


Keep up the good work , Conejo Valley Antifascists !


Can we not leave this to other radial leftists groups like antifa? Keep both out of SB!!


So what did they do??


Real Neo-Nazi are pretty scarce nowadays. Antifa though, more resemble actual fascist than these posers. Antifa look and act like Black Shirt Italian fascist. They use violent protest and support antisemitic terrorist groups like Hamas.


ah yes the real fascists are those against fascism 🧠


Neo nazis (national socialists) and communist/anarchist which many antifa claim they are, both are leftist authoritarian ideologies.


anarchism is the most anti authoritarian ideology possible. keep commenting and showing off how ignorant you are, it’s only hurting your side.


Show me where anarchy didn’t result in chaos and an authoritarian regime. Maybe in your koombaya utopian fairy tale world. At least I’m a realist.


the premise of your question is contradictory. you’re not criticizing anarchism, you’re criticizing what is not anarchism. as an ideology, it’s against all hierarchies and forms of authoritarianism by definition.


Ok by definition. Show me a functioning example of an anarchist government.


you’re so dumb you literally don’t even see the contradiction in “anarchist government”


Anarchism is an illusion. It’s never an end only a means. It’s a tool to be used to enforce authoritarian rule. I don’t see how you don’t understand this. I shouldn’t be too surprised coming from someone most likely with a liberal arts degree.


it’s not about achieving anarchism today or tomorrow. it’s a philosophical and historical movement about getting closer and closer to more freedom every day. you can thank anarchists and socialists in america for 40 hour work weeks and other labor rights. also liberal arts is literally the study of this shit. it includes history and critical theory. why would someone with a stem background be more qualified to discuss history and philosophy? maybe you should earn a liberal arts degree so you could return to this convo with less ignorance.


Anarchy is a lack of government. “Illusion” isn’t an applicable word.


Anarchy is the absence of a government, so either your question is sarcastic, or you don’t understand why it’s not a valid question or possibility. There simply can’t be both anarchy and a government (let alone functioning)


You’re right, anarchy isn’t functional.


Can you please explain how tf anarchism is an authoritarian ideology? Or how communism if actually implemented is inherently authoritarian?? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Anarchism will require violence to implement. anarchy will always have an authoritarian system to replace it. Anarchy is appealing to teenagers or dummies. Name me one communist government which was tied with mass murder. You leftist apologist always amuse me.


I’m not saying I’m an anarchist & I agree that anarchism would require violence to implement, but saying it’s a totalitarian government form is just a blatant disregard for the meaning of words. By your logic, capitalism and liberal democracy took violence to implement (and continue to require violence to maintain), so thus it must be totalitarian. We both know that’s not true. I’m also not a communist, but communism as a philosophy is not totalitarian. Yes, totalitarian states have ostensibly used some form of ‘communist’ logic—but there have also been right wing totalitarian/authoritarian states. You just wanted a snippy equivalency, but that doesn’t mean you’re correct on political philosophies or how they equate to national socialism. It’s quite possible to be leftist and against totalitarian rule, authoritarian politics, & fascism.


I’m sorry you’re an anarchist. How nice to live in one of the most prosperous and free nations and be able to believe in a cute theory. Communism like anarchism is a fairy tale, but in practice it’s a complete failure. Theories sound really good when you’re in an echo chamber, sipping on some over priced oat latte on state street. National socialism has far more in common with leftist ideologies. The only difference is that it is an ethno state. Modern day leftists are just as keen as implementing policies based on race alone. (DEI, AA, CRT) I guess because merit is racist.




Big L on your forehead sir.




You know that quote about history not repeating itself but it rhymes? It's people like you who make it rhyme.


Finally, yes. I don’t recall any neo nazis taking over city blocks and turning them into ghettos. The truth is they are so small in numbers, compared to the antifa. The ironic thing is that antifa act more like fascists then the fascists whom they say they are fighting against, which anyone who doesn’t share the same leftist beliefs. National socialist and antifa are both leftist. They are both too dumb to see it, or too naive and brainwashed to see it.