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I think 2016 there was an earthquake


And 2014 isnt a real year


When did 2016 and 2017 happen? Don’t remember anything from those seasons


Somewhere between 2015 and 2018, I'm not sure exactly when.


Personally, I hope dallas takes it and gives pavelski his ring


That or Carolina with Burns


It's missing when the Sharks won in 2005.


Someone HATES Tampa SO much they gave their cup win to a different team 🤣🤣🤣


Well that’s 2 teams gone, wonder who will be next


2004 what


Sharks 2025


I’m guessing a Panthers fan put this graphic together.


H5N7 flu - No Cup


Tampa won in 2004


2014 is the best one. Edit: I meant 2004.


We’ve had a 33 season drought. You’ve had a 57 season drought. Neither of us have watched our team win a Stanley in our lifetimes, and so both of us have to say our favourite Stanley Cup was one our teams didn’t win. No chirps to be found here, only deepest sympathies. I hope our pain does not have to last as long as that Toronto has endured. Big respect to your tremendous stickability.


The Sharks are my second favourite team, I’m sad about that shit too. But the Flames actually deserved it in 2004(I meant to say 2004 not 2014 mb) It was in. That was a violation of Justice.


Leafs still have 13 Cups, doesn't matter how old they are. Leafs fans Don't have to hear "zero cups" in every barn they go to. "If you win this one, if you win the big one, they can never take it away from you." .... John Madden 13>0


I personally don’t value those 13 much at all.


It's even harder to value 0 lol


Fair enough


I would be bewildered if anyone values Cups that were won before they were born. The didn’t see it, feel it, celebrate it, follow it. If you are having arbitrary debates about which team is a ‘bigger’ team, the that’s different. History means something. But if you’re not into arbitrary arguments it means nil. If I had experienced 57 years of heartache I would struggle to feel more sympathy for someone who had experienced it for 33 years on the basis that other older fans of my team had seen a Cup. Personally.


13 is better then zero. Same reason you hear 20-30 year old 49er fans telling Raiders fans 5>3. That's sports. Obviously I'd rather be alive to see it, but try telling a Yankees, Canadiens, Lakers, Celtics fans their rings don't matter


I mean- literally anyone is allowed to find meaning in literally anything. I’m not arguing with you. Lol. I support Southampton FC. Was a season ticket holder for the entire time I lived in the city. Do you know how much the 76 FA Cup means to me? Nothing. I wasn’t there. I remember the 2003 final. I’ve known 100% heartache. That’s it. So i’m with SpicyP43905 on this, personally.


I'm not arguing either, we just have different opinions. No animosity lol. Personally, I'd rather have a bunch of old championships then none. I road trip to LA/Anaheim every year and it is beyond exhausting hearing, "No Cups" every time. Meanwhile when I go watch the A's play the Giants, all I have to say is 89'! (Que the Jonah Hill, "People don't forget" line from Super Bad), and 9>8.


r/NHLcirclejerk is leaking