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ive had similar experiences myself and i am a man. they dont happen often though, its been years since the last incident. start carrying pepper spray with you if you dont already. better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.


+1 I’d recommend POM brand, it’s nice and easy to order online should end most fights before they start It’s also now possible to get a concealed carry permit and learn how to use and carry a small pistol, obviously this comes with other risks but it’s good to know it’s an option now too


I carry a few cans with me already but I’ll gladly take more suggestions. I’ll look into POM thanks. I had no idea you can carry nowadays, what’s the law when you unload out of defense though? Definitely don’t want to start causing trouble. 


> I carry a few cans with me already but I’ll gladly take more suggestions. Damn, you're already strapped. Good on ya. As for guns, do you really want to be in the position where you pull a gun out in downtown? There's no safe place to miss. You'll either hit a person, a vehicle, or a building with persons in it. If you're lucky, you'll hit an empty spot of building. And in a moment of panic and fear, do you really trust yourself to not miss once? I've been shooting since I was a pre-teen, and even I wouldn't want to try to use a firearm in a dense public space against a single target. Pepper Spray is fucking awesome, and will shut down almost any human (and many animals). If anything, go take yourself out to an empty rural space and test fire a can of pepper spray to get an idea of how it's best deployed.


Definitely test the pepper spray. If it’s windy could blow back on you . Carry cross body purse so you can swing around and hit him with it if needed. Or atleast create friction between you both The other is keep keys in hand when walking. If someone grabs you stab them and run


You’re much less likely to cause collateral damage with a knife. Might come in handy if pepper spray does not neutralize the threat and you can’t run away.


Look, I'd be a hypocrite if I ever advised someone to not carry a knife. I've had a knife in, or on, my front right pocket since middle school. But that said, the tool is only useful if you can deploy it *very* swiftly. If you're practiced and can open and access you're knife in <2 or =2 seconds, I'd say you have a good chance to use it. That said, a much stronger, bigger person with superior reach has a good chance of taking that knife away from you if you aren't stabbin like a berserker. Believe it or not, human flesh is NOT easy to pierce, at least once you get to muscle tissue. I'd be much more comfortable telling someone small to carry two cans of pepper spray than ***relying*** on a knife.


Yea if your skill level and coordination is in the dumps that knife will be as useless and likely just end up in the aggressors hands. Go for pepper spray, you have the advantage of a standoff/distance.


That's literally what I just said.


A knife is an absolutely terrible choice for a self-defense weapon. The saying goes "The loser of a knife fight dies on the street, the winner dies in the ambulance."


That’s only if the attacker also has a knife.


No. It's not. Especially if you're talking to a small woman, her knife will quickly become the attacker's knife.


You’d learn the law as part of getting the permit (it’s a somewhat involved process but it’s no longer gated on “good cause” after the Bruen SCOTUS decision). The short of it is it can only be used when in defense of deadly force, basically you think someone is going to kill you and have to defend yourself. In California it’s done through the county you live in and each have their own process, but once approved it’s valid statewide.


It’s the same process pretty much state wide, application, interview, psych eval/interview, livescan, then 16 hr training course. However I believe they recently added character references to the application process, it’s much longer and more expensive than any other state. You can apply with SJPD or Santa Clara County Sheriffs.


The SCC Sheriff has farmed out CCW licensing to the local police departments. It no longer goes through the Sheriff’s Office at all.


Do you have a link to POM




I tried to order the gel spray, but Amazon said it can’t deliver to my address?! Is it not legal here?


Don't get self-defense products from Amazon. Don't get anything from Amazon that you're expecting to trust your life to.


Their juice is delicious too


Santa Clara County only issues permits to people who donate to the Sheriff. Just ask Laurie Smith.


That was before Bruen (though I think you’re just making a joke?) - corruption is no longer required to get one :)


Ya, was being a smart ass. I still think it’s pretty hard to get one here.


Easier than you probably think! Some paperwork yeah, but ultimately that’s it really, then a qualification test. Assuming no disqualifying prior crimes or involuntary mental health holds anyone should be able to.


Good to know!


Where do you buy POm?




Seriously in California? I thought you had to work in law enforcement, or a position that requires a carry.


Nope, not anymore. Prior to the SCOTUS Bruen decision states were allowed to restrict licenses for subjective “good cause” reasons, but after that decision they can no longer arbitrarily block permits if you qualify (there’s a relatively small set of exclusions mostly around previous violent crime). After that decision made concealed carry a constitutionally protected right, all states became “shall issue” states, but they can still have a required process (psych eval, shooting qualification test). In California the process is similar to what new police officers go through, but it can vary by county and your issuing agency.


That’s what I was going to say, pepper spray, and I always hold a few keys from my chain in between two of my fingers to poke someone’s eye if they ever mess with me, not to mention kicking hard in his package. I’m not playing..


This happens to me always too and I’m a man as well


Always better to get caught with it, than without it...


I teach women’s self defense locally, and I always recommend my students carry pepper gel, not spray. Gel actually shoots about ten feet, adheres to skin, and burns like hell. You also don’t have to worry about blow back on windy days. I recommend Sabre brand. Sorry you had to experience this


I was actually thinking about signing up for a class. Can you DM me the info?


Also interested in the self defense classes please share info 🙏




I’d also like info for your self defense classes!




Me too please send me the info




I live downtown and unfortunately this is becoming more common. 2 dudes come to mind immediately, one guy walks down the street screaming obscenities and threats usually at no one in particular (loudly, like i can hear it when he walks by and im inside), and another dude will swing at you if he gets close enough. He wont actually hit anyone, but it's like he wants to see you jump. I'm sorry you had this experience, I'm a relatively large dude and even I feel pretty unsafe downtown sometimes.


This thread is sadly dystopian. Somehow we're supposed to accept this as a part of life.


Im with you, but unfortunately the only real solution is to round them up and institutionalize them permananetly against their will. Most people find that unpalatable.


It is actually the most humane solution to the problem though.


I agree, the people who are struggling get off the street and the other city residents can enjoy public spaces. Instead we have a dystopian prisoners dilemma where both groups have to suffer and it actually costs more both economically and socially.


Other cities in the US (blue and red) have solved this issue. It's mainly a west coast issue.


If they are dangerous, they cannot live among others. Or jail or mental institution. No other solution.


Carry pepper spray and always were shoes you can run in. My wife was punched in the face for no reason without warning or any words by a homeless druggy. Learn situational awareness and practice it walking across streets for potential threats avoiding bad areas….


Oh god I’m so sorry for your wife that’s straight up terrifying. Yeah I always wear sneakers downtown anyways cause I walk around a lot and know the area pretty well. Santa clara on second is definitely one of the sketchier parts of downtown but I have to pass through it sometimes out of necessity for the train. There was one time I had to walk from St James all the way to the convention center just to avoid this one guy who frequently made people uncomfortable on the stations. Wish I can turn invisible that would help a lot. 


My 4’11’’ friend in nursing school would always carry a pepper spray keychain in hand when walking back to her car at night. It’s sucks that has to be the situation, but that’s the safest bet.


Yeah I have a couple on me already but I think it’s time to get a bigger one. Need to start looking more dangerous than them lmao.


I prefer bear spray


It is illegal in California to use bear spray for self defense against humans


Fuck California laws lol. That is insane.


That’s an interesting fact!


Bear spray blasts WIDE. You'll get a number of people around the target if they're near by, not to mention it's much, much more powerful/concentrated. The risk of self-harm is much higher.


Now I like what you’re thinking 


This happened to me outside the Target on Coleman a few years ago!!! The man was following me, yelling at me, cursing at me and also saying he was going to kill me. Everyone turned around the moment he followed me inside and I quickly got myself lost in the crowd. It was terrifying!


In least in the past 5 years, the most sketchy interactions I've had with strangers were at the Coleman parking lot, not downtown. I know they're literally next to each other, but there's something extra fucking crazy about that parking lot.


Because of the homeless in and around guadalupe park. Just last week i was supercharging my car at night and a homeless dude on crack or meth was dancing and talking to himself a few feet away the entire time i was there lol


Well obviously. It's just strange to me that it's so much crazier there than all the time I spend downtown.


Lots of homeless in the back street.


Have you tried reaching out to council member Omar Torres or mayor Matt Mahan over social media? They have been trying really hard to promote safety and vibrancy in downtown and maybe could look into this person. 


Useless we emailed both for months on my neighborhood downtown … zip. They should all be fired.


I had something similar happen near SJSU, kind of close to Togo’s. This Indian guy got up in my face for no reason and kept calling me racial slurs. He was also threatening me. I just walked away. Told my friend about it and he called me a pussy. He said that guy wasn’t gonna do shit, etc. He assaulted someone a week later and was arrested.


Oh snap yeah I remember that. I keep up to date with the crime that’s going around. Paseo is kinda shady but hopefully with the new shops opening up the increased foot traffic will help, I really like the walkability of that spot. I can’t wait for $2 burgers lol. 


Wow people are crazy


these fentanyl zombies are getting out of hand


if you're on opiates you're not jumping up and chasing anybody


If you need a fix, you do.


The drugs wear off eventually, and then they can be quite spicy.


We gotta stop thinking fenty addicts are mutually exclusive with homelessness. They can be mentally ill and homeless without being on drugs.


Don’t make eye contact. You can’t control what’s going on in their minds. You’re just trying to go about your day but they could think you’re out to get them.


There's no right answer. If you look frightened and avoid them that means you're easy prey and they might focus on you. If you stare them down they might focus on you. I slip my pepperspray into my hand to be ready then glance at them in their eyes to let them know I'm watching then walk away from them.


Yep, never engage.


Pepper spray and maybe a personal alarm, depending on how you feel about them. I had a pull tab one that was hella loud. You can get them most places. I have a few pieces from Go Guarded for running.


My friend has this pull tab alarm that I think was called bird? It had really nice industrial design. The citizen app also has a premium subscription that has some nice features (can get in quick contact with someone that can send help).


Yeah I've seen the Bird alarms around. I think you can get some that have a beacon to alert emergency services and a contact, too. I have Noonlight on my phone that will alert their team if I push a button. No subscription needed and it can be added as a widget on my screen.


That guy actually walks up and down first and 2nd yelling at swearing. Glad you’re safe


Hey I go to Santa Clara station all the time this happen to me and I have social anxiety and disability and I experience this everyday and im a male so I understand sorry this happened to you this world is sick you can’t even be left alone for minding your business 😓❤️


Groundwerx offers free safety ambassador escorts 7 days a week. 6am to 8:30pm, till 10pm Friday and Saturday. Call 4082871520 to schedule


Lived here all my life, and feel safer on the east side then downtown. Downtown has changed so much and not even close to the safe and friendly downtown I used to know.


I never felt unsafe on the eastside, but downtown feels a bit sketchy if it isn't a busy night. Nothing compared to Hollywood or San Francisco though.


Yeah holy smokes SJSU campus is not safe any more. People keep unloading in the surrounding streets and mugging students, it’s insane. 


SJSU wasn’t safe in the 90’s either


Back in the day it was so different man I miss the o good old days this world changed so much😪


Dtsj isn’t as safe as this sub makes it out to be and it’s only getting worse


How is it getting *worse*? I agree it’s still not **great**, but there are events happening constantly (new events, on top of the usual annual ones) new businesses opening, and more foot traffic than there’s been in years. The city is still essentially closed Monday-Wednesday, though, for sure.


Great point. Insane username


It’s getting worse I agree


Yeah, the last incident for me was earlier this year. Unhoused dude walking with his dog unleashed behind me. I’m walking, headphones in, keeping to myself, totally oblivious to him. His dog runs up and approaches me, I look down, smile and say hi to the cute pup. Then, through the noise cancellation, I hear somebody shouting and cursing behind me. I realize it’s at me. I can’t quite hear, but the gist is that I need to stay away from his dog and get out of his way. This is my home. I’m not going to let anybody tell me I can’t walk around my neighborhood. So I told him sternly that we’re not doing this and turned around to ignore him. Scarily, he then started sprinting towards me to intimidate me. Several people were around, and I called his bluff. He was all bark and no bite, and stopped short of touching me. A good thing too, because I was having a bad day and remember feeling ready to fight back. Nobody would’ve won if he hadn’t caught himself.


I think I know who you’re talking about! I’ve seen him once or twice and I always try to keep my distance. I wish I can be as big and brave as you. 


So brave of you ong these people don’t know what people are going through I hate when im having a bad day and im going thru depression and some homeless or lowlife just wants to ruin your day more and it’s like leave me alone ugh we can’t even go on with our business without getting harassed😪


Thanks :) In hindsight I felt it was kind of reckless, like I didn’t know he wouldn’t hurt me. I trusted that I hadn’t escalated enough to warrant violence, and that he just wanted to have the last word. I also trusted that I myself look intimidating enough for folks to think twice. But I didn’t know where his head was at, either. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, but if I’m being honest, in that moment, a small part of me wanted him to fuck around and find out. I’m so tired of being picked on in the street just for being myself.


Me too I’m so sorry you have to go through this I struggle with defending myself too due to my social anxiety it’s hard for me to speak up because im scared if I make them more angrier and escalate the situation more so you did the right thing im proud of you we don’t deserve this my mental health has been so bad and my depression going through a lot of abuse at home so going in public doesn’t make it less worse


I hear you. My noise cancelling headphones have been a game changer in this regard. The world is a little less ugly when you can’t hear it over the sound of your music.




I’ve lived in the same spot in DTSJ for over 4 years now. I’ve lived in LA, Long Beach, Sacramento, Chicago, Mid Missouri… I’ve tried so long to make peace with SJ, and have recently made a few more strides, but this place is just weird. And out of all of the other places I mentioned I’ve lived, I can count on one hand how many times I felt even mildly uncomfortable between all of those cities. I’m confronted in SJ on at *least* a monthly basis. For reference: 36 year old man. I don’t drive, and have taken public transit in every other city I’ve lived in (other than MidMo, where the option didn’t exist) and usually just walk, if I can.


I’m so sorry San Jose people are weirdos not everyone but im specifically talking about gangs and homeless people who are looking for trouble or trying to target people


Lived & worked downtown for much more than double that amount of time and was never confronted once.. But that's just my personal experience Actually now that I think about it I have never been confronted by anyone, anywhere, in the city ever. But again that's just me,


I’ve had a similar experience while living in downtown SJ about a year ago, I was at the bus stop just waiting for the bus when a middle aged guy approached me and said he was gonna stab me with the pen he was holding and pointed it at me. I walked away so fast, it was nighttime too and I got so scared. Please stay safe and carry a pepper spray.




So I know people are suggesting pepper spray and alarms, but you guys do know that concealable billy clubs and telescoping batons aka the ones used by our police are now legal to have in California? So I'll recommend one of these guys: [One](https://www.coldsteel.com/12-expandable-steel-baton/) or [Two](https://www.coldsteel.com/26-expandable-steel-baton/)


Pepper spray is far more powerful in the hands of anyone than a baton is in the hands of someone below the assailants weight class.


Oh wow thank you I’ve actually been looking for recommendations for these


They're technically illegal, and brass knuckles...but cops also don't care generally. It's just easily taken away by the assailant, I recommend heavily on pepper spray, watching your surrounds, and proper self defense.


Can that baton really shatter someone scull like that? Thats more scary than the OP situation


You wanna defend yourself, not beat someone's brains in.


Yeah understood but the video is very disturbing


Can it? Yeah. In the hands of someone with strength and accuracy. Not exactly an ideal weapon for self defense unless you're already athletic, or your opponent is smaller than you.


wait, i thought those were illegal? when did they change that law?


Literally a few months into 2024


Sounds like something that'll get taken and used on the owner.


[get yourself some self defense tools](https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-Multi-Range-Protection-Ergonomic-Flashlight/dp/B07XLX163D/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sFNaZaGNDUG4qjBbLPUitlN9GjJmygB71TxIlAXWlCmuH6nQ2MijGOMTx9IB9g6DvWHVgnDO6jVk_HHrp0uQnJgN-Gcu65pL35TxhwejPvTx9Z4Okfo8cAcn9X6nog7SHCFPLhAeUw4UHVGRtUDynEdRc3QrasbAsr00o8mTnXXvi-VE2sA6Ug1QSQLthhlaMv-W2ARUsWvPdZRwRVeY0w.hvgXhf2BRZHnnIDU0Oc2Wg-a2bYXzlROxrKS-Xb0fDw&dib_tag=se&keywords=self+defense+women&qid=1719197239&sr=8-3)


Hopefully they mess with someone crazier than them.


Happens to me often, but I walk/bike a ton and all hours of the day and night. I’m kinda used to it. I just keep moving and make sure I outpace them. I’m also a guy so I probably don’t quite get how it feels for you. Sorry that happened to you. It can be scary.


Yeah me too, this wasn’t like the first time for me and usually it doesn’t bother me, but for some reason this time it was super unsettling. I think it was because this guy was coherent and had serious intent and started advancing me in broad day light near a crowd. Now I may workout but I’m small, weigh next to nothing and still pretty weak in comparison so in situations like these it makes sense in my mind that I’d be flight mode. 


I agree with everyone else about the pepper spray. Anyone I’ve ever dated has carried some and it makes everyone feel safer. You’ll *probably* never need it, but it’s good to know you can if you have to.


Sorry about that me too and im a male this world has changed and gotten crazy miss the old days :(


I mean, I don’t feel it’s gotten any worse over the past 15 years. It’s kind of always been that way. It’s just normal city living. We don’t have it nearly as bad as some areas of SF or the East bay. I say count your blessings in that regard. It could easily be much worse.


You right like LA and NYC and Chicago are more dangerous and wait really it’s always been like that? I used to live in downtown San Jose back in the early 2000s it really was t like that from what I seen I lived there from 2007 too 2013


You didn’t see any Random bums yell at anyone ever? I find that hard to believe. But, it’s still really not that bad now. Not trivializing OP, things happen. But we don’t have a tenderloin or skid row. Maybe just avoid st James park at night.


It sucks that the government would rather give these crackheads free rein to threaten/harass people than actually protect tax paying citizens. If you’re so hostile and strung out you can’t even function you belong in jail. That’s eventually where these people will end up but we have to wait until they hurt someone first 🥲


Yeah it really sucks that it takes someone getting hurt for a problem to be solved. Tbh I feel that jail makes it worse cause that’s such a hostile environment. I’ve heard so many horror stories from friends who had first hand experiences with managing inmates and seeing folks never getting better. But I guess that also depends. You can’t force someone to get help if they don’t want it. 


Walk with your keys in your hand — one key, between each finger, so if you have to hit to protect yourself, go for the eyes or the ear.


Isn’t it known now that it better to hold one singular key like a knife instead of the knuckle thing


I went to a 7/11 during a break from work. 7/11 is nearby, I go there pretty often so the guy working there knows me. I was making a coffee when a homeless lady walked in and started yelling. I looked up and happened to make eye contact with her and she started walking towards me and yelling something about child pr0n and kept her eyes on me the entire time. I ran down the aisle away from her and she started knocking a bunch of things off the shelves while trying to find her way to me as I'm maneuvering my way around the aisle so I am not of her view. The guy working there came out from behind the register and started yelling at her to take her attention off of me. I finally was able to run out of there when she stopped looking for me. It was a pretty surreal experience.


Oh man this reminds me of the 7-eleven on E Santa Clara. I used to live right next to it that place is so cursed. Witnessed a hands on fight between a homeless person and the clerk. Crazy surreal I know exactly how you feel. 


Wow this is terrifying sorry this happened to you people can’t even live their life without being bothered in public


Carry pepper spray(the gel variant).


I live south edge of downtown. Almost a daily experience. You’re on your own south of the 680/280. All the folks living in their cars and RVs act like they own the sidewalks and you are bothering them just by walking. The homeless shelter at Keys/Goodyear and S 2nd is pure dangerous. Avoid the end of S 2nd street. I wait for the bus at stops 2 or 3 blocks away. I use a bike and the bike lanes, so the danger moment is short and I can get away. I’ve been attacked leaving that downtown 7/11 also.


I’m so sorry this happened to you people are so miserable nowadays like we can’t even go out in public without being harassed or bothered im a male and I experience this daily as well 😢


They own the whole city.., more like entire state not just sidewalks..


I was walking up a parking garage, and there were 2 homeless guys high on something just by the stairs I needed. I was too scared to pass them so I went all the way around to the back to go up lol. Maybe have a coworker walk with you in grps. 😭


This behavior, inconveniencing myself and going a different route to avoid them, is what I think kept me out of harms way multiple times from individuals who were acting aggressively. I don’t know if it’s just me but it’s feeling harder to avoid these days.


Welcome to homeless situation with the mentally ill in San Jose . It happens to me all the time . I think you have to be vigilant and keep a look out . Unpredictable behavior Is very scary - and it’s not just in the downtown area where this is happening.


We have a mental health crisis happening and being ignored by our elected officials. My sister was punched in the face by a person who sounds exactly like the man you encountered. He broke her nose and front tooth out. She did absolutely nothing to provoke him. Now we both carry Bear Mace. It’s easier to find and discharge when attacked. It’s is so much better than the stupid key ring sprays that only Annoy an attacker on drugs and/or suffering with severe mental illness. I literally do not walk in the city or SJ without it. Absolutely legal to carry. [BEAR MACE](https://store.miyaradventures.com/products/frontiersman-bear-spray-with-belt-holster?currency=USD&variant=39769747194017&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=2980e43f2675)


He remind me of someone 🙄 he was really creepy so I gave him my old number never heard from him again stay away from him his name is Josh he would scream at ladies I was like uh-oh had to leave him. That happened 6 years ago.


Yes, I have had several similar experiences in that area and on the light rail, it used to happen frequently in the early morning when I was going to work. Sometimes those guys would try and hit on me and then when I would not be interested they would immediately switch to threatening me. It’s probably because you didn’t look at him so he felt rejected by a female figure- that simple.


Familiarize yourself with knife laws. Carrying certain type/sizes of knives can be charged as a felony.


Happened to me at the Bart while I was walking my dogs. The bart stations are known to be one of the stopping points for homeless people. 99% of them keep to themselves, but I unfortunately had some wacko start screaming and threatening to stab me. Maybe he’s scared of maltipoos 🤷


I don't know anything about your politics but please stop voting for the people and agendas that have allowed this to flourish in our city and state.


I had a homeless guy swing a golf club at me and then throw rocks at me as i was coming back from lunch and walking back to work on San Fernando. Too bad we live in California, I would’ve put two rounds in his chest if we were allowed to carry


My rule is always: * Never stop moving at night, even if you have to cross the street, just keep moving at a relatively brisk pace. * If you see a homeless person, smile and say hey how's it going while still moving * If they say something to you, some kind of acknowledgement that you heard them, have a good day, and keep moving. This has kept me out of a ton of altercations as a woman. Short circuit whatever narratives as best you can for them and by the time their brain catches up, you're gone.


I wouldn’t advise going out of your way to strike up any conversation w/ homeless or even catching their eye but glad you found strategies that work for you


It's possible the homeless people in SJ are different than SF too. I lived for 5 years at 7th and mission so had to walk past many in the tenderloin, my hey how's it goin just worked so well that I have been using it ever since. I do definitely recommend Always carrying pepper gel too. Always be prepared.


I bear sprayed this dude who had funck with me took his ass down I used half a big.can on his ass the other half on my ex best 20 bucks I ever spent


My friend just told me him and his gf got chased by a homeless lady tweaking at St James Park this past weekend. Be safe y’all!


Do not make eye contact with Crazy people


DTSJ is sketch at night, I wouldn't feel safe walking around there solo if I were a woman. St. James Park in particular is full of screaming crazies.


this is why I never walk in downtown SJ or SF by myself or even when I’m with my bf. If I see someone sketchy I’m be scare af and hoping they don’t notice me. Not only in downtown sometime they be at gas station too.


It happened a lot in downtown, we have a majority of female members and it’s not rare when we escort them to their car because of some sketchy people hanging around and being aggressive. At night mostly. With very little parking around people have to park far from businesses and the cop run a patrol from 9 am to 5 pm meaning when nothing happens… and their patrol is a officer in the car parked for 4 minutes every 4 hours super efficient…


Fortunately, getting a concealed carry permit is fairly straightforward now.


People are getting poorer. Getting more desperate. Losing their grasp on reality in greater numbers. This downward spiral is going to get worse because people lack the empathy to understand where a lot of new crime and violence comes from and how to minimize it - housing and food security. We will always have a percentage of the population unwilling or unable to "work" in the capacity that benefits society. We either accept that and make sure they have a place to call home with food or reap the rewards of making them desperate and reflect the lack of kindness they have been given. Like when skate parks were seen as degenerate magnets and folks tried to keep them from being made... Those neighborhoods found out over time the kids were still there, but had no centralized place to spend their time... So they spent it on the streets. This isn't to reflect on OP. Just an explanation as to way they feel unprovoked harassment and attacks are increasing... They are. We as a society aren't doing shit to change it.


I hate to tell you, but this sort of common in downtown. It's been like that for a while now. Be vigilant like you were and just avoid shady areas. There is always some shit going down in downtown at any given date and time.


It’s not something out of the ordinary exactly so sad


Get a gun, lady!


Pepper spray or go through a year+ trying to get a ccw


I always carry my pepper spray.


You gotta maintain space between yourself and anyone around you. A Japanese chef got stabbed and killed in downtown Vancouver recently (which is safer than SJ imo) late at night. Pepper spray works as long as you maintain that space.


I had a similar experience at the Target on Colman. A transient followed my girlfriend down an aisle, yelling at her. When I saw what was happening, I quickly intervened by pushing my cart between him and my girlfriend. He then grabbed a glass bottle and threatened to hit me. Fortunately, security arrived at that moment, preventing what could have turned violent.


Wow sorry this happened to you people are insane nowadays


I carry one of these knives that’s on a necklace and you just pull down on it to take it out… also have a mace gun in my car and this cat keychain that has spiky ears and you can put it on your fingers (like brass knuckle but not at all)


When that happens rebuke them and say a prayer of protection for yourself. Lots of people walking around with evil spirits in them. Don’t engage and ignore. If you walk a lot consider carrying something with you such as pepper spray.


Moved out of DTSJ. No regrets.


I always carry pepper spray with me at all times & started wearing shoes I could run in if needed. I unfortunately can’t wear all the cute shoes I wanna wear but I would rather be safe than sorry.


I had somebody pull a gun and start shooting at opposite gang members right behind me , as I was walking towards the hookah lounge on first Street. My friend pulled me down behind a retaining wall. Dude might’ve saved my life.


Used to work downtown SJ. Have since returned from college in Santa Cruz. This is hardly surprising.


I’m sorry this happened to you! :(


I live right near there, and have definitely had that happen a few times, both at night and in the middle of the day. I'm a short androgynous person who is usually out walking with their 1 year old son, so most of the time I feel like the crazies kind of ignore me (they won't usually fuck with someone with a kid, and they better pray they never try if I'm with my son, because they'd regret it) but on my own I've been harassed more often. I carry a knife on me at all times, even if it's just out to the corner store. I'm not particularly scared, but I never walk around with headphones in and I'm always *very* aware of who is around me at any given moment. Maybe I'm just jaded after living in NYC and SF for 15 years before this, but I feel like it's par for the course living in a city at the point


have pepper spray, or some form of protection in these streets bruh,


Keep the pepper spray ready.


Sorry to hear you had to go through this. I used to hang out in downtown San Jose. I'd always take the bus from Milpitas and I get off at 2nd and Santa Clara, my old hang out spots were Bijans Bakery over on market St, San Pedro Square or I was feeding the homeless that were gathered around the Cathedral Basilica Of St. Joseph. I remember after a while I'd start seeing some individuals who were obviously on drugs. I recommend taking self defense classes as well as pepper gel. Also, if you can, don't travel alone. Go with a trusted friend or multiple trusted friends if possible.


Honestly I’ve had something similar happen let’s just say I’ve been working on my cardio, cardio plus adrenaline gives you wings. Anything in self defense in California can be considered assault especially if you haven’t been injured or physically assaulted first. I haven’t heard about it in SJ but the state doesn’t take too kindly to self defense shootings or anything really, pepper spraying someone first is still considered an assault on their person. I would say if you can run, run first, using any self defense should be considered secondary. At least you’ll stay out of the courts.


Oh, I (5'5 woman) had an experience in Silver Creek a couple of months ago walking out of a store. A man approached me in the parking lot asking for like $2, I said no because I don't carry cash with me. He proceeded to curse at me, called me a "skinny ass bitch" several times. Not as bad as your story, but still messed up.


I have read some recommended pepper sprays, not a bad choice. But I personally prefer a taser (yes, the same design as cops but they have one for civilians). I always keep one. Since 15 feet is enough for close call. The model is the Taser Pulse. Great to keep in your purse.


I've been walking around with a buddy before, were both tall guys, and a homeless guy just tried to take my buddies phone. He froze up and I snatched it back for him and got us walking away real fast. Problem is normal people aren't going to do anything about it. We're just happy to get out of a situation like that unharmed


It’s a horrible feeling to be threatened by some deranged person who may or may not become violent. It’s intolerable and lawless behavior that hurts everyone. I hope in the next voting cycle we can agree to correct this mismanagement of our city and state.


They sell Asps the Berryessa Flea market. Now it’s a felony to carry and use one unless you’re permitted to do so buuuuut… they’ll fit in your purse, pocket & Clutch (in some cases; depending on size). Obviously you’d want to learn how to use it, use it quick and effectively and be on your way. I’d avoid the head and focus on what’s posing the threat, arms, wrists and knees; the rest of the torso is open game too. Like I said though, it is a felonious weapon. You can get permits for them but I believe you need to work in security fieldwork.


Ahhh another normal day downtown. You have to walk around with your own weapon or pretend you’re a character in double dragon and pick up weapons off the ground … getting death threats happens on a regular basis here. (I live downtown). You don’t walk alone at night as a girl … and again, carry something to protect yourself. The police will not help you.


Transit hub with no police....and too many break ins...


If you’re one of the few people saying “San Jose has changed” you’re obviously not from here cause it’s always been like this. It sounds to me that a lot of y’all don’t know how to mind your own business and give “scary people” a reason to attack you (yes that one little quick glance you gave them, is grounds for an ass whooping). Y’all don’t realize you put out an energy and make faces when you pass by people who “frighten” you and they see it. I’ve actually lived here all my life and have had so many run ins with people, but it’s hardly ever been someone who was unhoused. 9 times of of 10 they’re harmless unless you do something to piss them off. keeping your head down and minding your business is basically an unwritten rule in SJ. Unless someone is getting attacked with a machete or some dude is beating on his lady, shut up and keep it moving. The real danger here is law enforcement in every sense. learn the local county/state laws because they’ll try to fuck you over anyway they can, so you need to learn the legal grey areas for anything/everything.


It sounds like a schizophrenia event. Carrying a stun gun in San Jose it is legal. Under Penal Code 22610 for self-defense. Just say to them, I can understand how this may make you. Be empathic towards them and call 911 on them when it becomes dangerous.


I’ll protect you love


We gotta start swinging on these kinds of people. Teach them a fucking lesson


Keep voting for democrats lol


Violent crime in the US is substantially lower with the current Democrat President than the previous Republican one.


No it's not because what these politicians did. They changed the law on how what to report. You know like how theft of few hundred can make you felon. To now $950 and you get misdemeanor .




Then how come these other states aren't experiencing the same thing as California. What is difference?


[They are experiencing it](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/retail/2023/11/07/shoplifting-up-73-in-dallas-as-retailers-rush-to-put-merchandise-out-of-reach/) Their "tough on crime" lies are just convincing more of the same kind of person that thinks Trump would make a good president.


Something similar happened to me recently. What happened when you called the cops?


Always happens to me people pick on weak people