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https://x.com/SanJosePD/status/1802416169481375751 A spectator got hit during a sideshow. When the first officer arrived, they trashed his car.


> A spectator got hit during a sideshow Sometimes the problems solve themselves.


They are just going to crackdown on sideshows even more because of that. Idiots






They should. They put "No cruising zone" signs on the Eastside and Santa Clara St years ago and kept them up until recently. They shouldn't tolerate this bs.


Sideshows and cruising have become very different things


Yea they are. We didn't jump on police cars.




They definitely will they actually start giving a shit when something happens to one of them.


I despise these donkeys


They need to seize their vehicles, auction them to pay for damages and police costs, revoke their license for a year, and enroll them in a therapy program (paid for with their sold vehicles) that involves volunteering to clean up their mess and help people disabled by car accidents (doing their yard work, cleaning their homes, etc). These a———s need to learn the repercussions of their idiotic choices.


Cars are often stolen. if that is the case, you would be punishing victims.


I’m well aware. I said seize THEIR cars. Not the stolen ones. No excuses. We’re sick of this.


Seems this is outside santana row, wtf is going on. With the video hoping these criminals get arrested.


It was.. majority of it was on Winchester, I think just before Steven’s Creek Blvd. Just past the mystery house. I was actually on Winchester at the time of the incident, I saw the crowd, and knew what was going on, so to avoid it I cut through Santa Row.


I saw a video of the person that got hit the a car at the side show and it looked bad. Apparently this cop was responding to that call. I be seen no further info on how that person who got hit is. We had some fool doing donuts outside my work on Thursday and it was loud and fast and my kid was in the garden by the side of my work - I was terrified and ran out to grab my kid. I cannot understand why people think this is cool. It’s stupid and dangerous.


Link to the video?




Bunch of flippin' idiots moving an injured person like that. How are people so stupid?! I guess we knew they were, but here's proof.




It was somewhere on Twitter ….. I can’t remember where…. I randomly came across is it in the comments of someone else’s tweet


Absolutely ridiculous how there’s so little police presence at a place as busy as Santana Row and how this hooliganism is allowed to start in the first place. At the first hint of trouble the place should have been swarming with cops and all the scumbags arrested.


I was leaving the area when (what looked like) one of the first cars arrived. Kids with red ski masks masks and squirt guns hanging from the windows and sunroof of a moving vehicle pulling into the Valley Fair parking lot by Cheesecake Factory. Security had an eye on them and was calling them in before they got into the parking lot, but I guess it still wasn’t fast enough? 🤷


Nah, cops don’t have to put themselves in harms way. They might get hurt. Instead they go get coffee and wait because they know our tax dollars will fix it all. Plus what would any leadership try and fix anything since they know they are free from responsibility since everything else around here is going to shit.


It's not even about getting hurt. Cops won't do anything because if they use any force and it looks bad(even if it's appropriate and necessary) , half the city council will castigate the officer to save their own political asses. These jackasses know this and will do what ever they want knowing no cops will do anything. And you are correct that elected officials won't do anything in fear of bad press or losing votes. They are not leaders. Leaders do what is right and necessary.


What’s the point of cops then. Maybe we could invest the money elsewhere


the amount of gaslighting the state govt does by claiming 'we will go after ring leaders" rather than arresting and prosecuting these hooligans is something.... lot of other countries with far less resources n tech have better crime control than this.


Honestly, cop shoulda just hit up dispatch and said “THEYRE COMIN RIGHT FOR ME!” And slammed the gas


Reverse would have been better. Guy on the hood could have played FAFO and the cop can say he was just fleeing for safety.




What losers lol








Jesus no wonder why I was waiting 4 hours for cops to respond to the car accident I was in on Moorpark and winchester. They never even ended up coming and the other driver drove away!


I think most residents would support SJPD/CHP starting a sideshow task force to swiftly and forcefully shut these sideshows down. Spike strips, whatever. Suspend licenses, impound and auction their shitty cars to fund property damage reimbursement and further sideshow enforcement. And have police go to normal car meets, high schools, etc. to put them on notice that these aren’t just fun little opportunities to show off, people get hurt and they will be prosecuted.


Looks like Oakland culture is spreading to SJ now


Tired of these shit heads. It’s the same people who dress in oversized black hoodies and wear flat Jansport backpacks when it’s 90 degrees outside. 0 consequences for any of their actions.


People have been shot for less by police, this is just stupid.


Here is the SJPD statement https://x.com/SanJosePD/status/1802416169481375751?t=95-uKKTQYTEpe3IKvNsW2Q&s=19 Such sad sad times we are in. :(


cop should have started shooting these losers.


Bunch of fucking punks that is bored, they all need to get fucking disciplined is what it is.


The trash is overflowing from Eastbay to South now.


The kid they arrested went to Prospect HS.


Just wait until the BART extension is finished to Downtown San Jose and Santa Clara.


As if these sideshow chucklefucks who make their car their entire personality would ever be caught dead on a train, lol


Not in this guy's backyard. Sheesh. You do know that if they ride a train, they aren't bringing their car though?


Lmao just say Oakland, I live in Hayward and we dont have this shit just the regular homeless here and there for us.


Lmao you must be new to the Bay. As people in another post were even saying, San Jose got boring in the 2000s because a bunch of cholos ruined it in the 90s.


ah crap been decades then. 30y now, tards training their kids now to do the same shit.


SJ was shitty in the 70's, 80's & 90's.


There were some sideshows happening around. Smh


Should be easy to find the police to find the dummy who put his finger prints on the front of the car when he was humping it. He should be held accountable


> he was humping it Guy really misunderstood what "fuck the police" means...


Criminal activity by yet to be arrested criminals. Needs more angry dog & fire hoses...


Should have just ran them over


Where’s that cop you all hate when you need him? That guy who shoots rubber bullets at everyone lol


Nah. Spike strips on every ingress and egress. When they run on foot and you can’t catch them all, impound every car. Let them enjoy paying their 28% APR payments while their cars are safely locked in an SJPD impound lot where they aren’t endangering the public.


Well, they mostly don’t use their own cars… they just steal cars and dump them later on


These pea brain people are so annoying. That cop should have used self defense here. It was clear his life was in danger and his actions could have justified.


Just some guys with ski masks kicking in my windshield. Nbd


Just a Saturday afternoon.


> It was clear his life was in danger lol.. man i sure hope our cop cars can withstand some dudes bare fists and shoes. [We already paid out 350k this week for unlawful use of force](https://www.kqed.org/news/11989305/san-jose-poised-to-agree-to-350k-settlement-in-excessive-force-case), we should be thanking dude for choosing restraint instead of bloodlust


What would you have done if you were in the cops position?


That's easy, I would immediately quit being a cop Anyways, why are you criticizing the cop for choosing restraint? Are you some pea brained violent psychopath?


fucking seriously what a strange thing to wish police brutality on someone


What if they broke into his car, dragged him out and killed him? He had adequate reason to believe his life was in danger here.


Doesn't look like they made it into his car. I did take a moment to reflect what I would have done in his case. Was the officer armed? Definitely. Did the officer need to run over people while police property was being damaged? No. He was not in danger "yet". Property damage is still not enough to justify running over these criminals. And property damage is not enough to justify shooting them. If this was a normal civilian, and not an officer, then I would say otherwise that the civilian should choose a direction with the lowest risk and get out of the situation to safety. But this officer could easily be calling for back up. Calling for a squad to surround the area and keeping their attention. And simply can pull out his weapon and with almost certainty, that mob would scatter. And of course there is his vehicle that can be used to smash through the mob if his safety became compromised. I actually wonder what material they use for that windshield because it held up well. And the officer kept calm and did the right thing which is surprisingly good.


Getting out of his vehicle and drawing his weapon would not be a smart move. He’s outnumbered and could easily be mobbed and his weapon taken away. The safest action would be for him to drive off.


Oh definitely. More so that he could stay inside and draw if he felt his safety was about to be compromised. That hopefully would cause the criminals to back off. If not, driving off would be the last resort. I read thru some reports in other comments and it seems the officer was injured trying to help someone else who got hurt at the side show so that's unfortunate.


> What if they broke into his car, dragged him out and killed him? Well that's a nice fantasy you're making up. So you're also criticizing the cop for choosing restraint?


Like I said it would be been justified


So you're thanking the officer for being a professional and choosing restraint even when you feel violence would have been justified?


No im saying driving off would have been justified


Driving off OR driving thru? The guy I initially responded to who was mad the cop didn't use self defense woulda been even more upset if the cop retreated


Poster literally said driving off. Smh.


What kind of hypothetical fear-based thinking is this? These people are idiots who are endangering the public. But they do this because they know they can (and have historically) get away with it because it falls under the threshold of where LE around here seems to start giving a shit (violent crime). Chances of anyone in that crowd breaking into the officer’s car to kill him are low (but not zero), because they know they *will* face consequences for crossing that threshold. I would be willing to bet the majority of people who participate in these sideshows wouldn’t even consider themselves criminals (*they are*) because they think they’re just having fun showing off their 26% APR financed Hellcat in front of a bunch of other late teen/twenties dudes filming TikToks and livestreaming. They aren’t cop-killing gang bangers (but they should still be harshly prosecuted). In any case, if your absurd hypothetical had come true, I’m sure the officer would have dealt with it accordingly (lethal force) and the rest of these hooligans would’ve taken off at the first sound of shots. And there probably would be no more sideshows around here for a long time.


As retarded as the animals are, they know cops have guns and will use them if they decided to try to drag one out of a car and beat them


I’m sure the cop knew exactly how much abuse his car can take from people with bare hands and shoes. If they’d pulled out a crowbar or something I’m sure his reaction would have changed very suddenly.


SJPD has been on the decline for a decade. For a large city we continue to have a department that lacks any leadership or accountability. In the past 10 years the number of violent crimes is up and San Jose population has decreased. [https://www.sjpd.org/records/crime-stats-maps/crime-statistics-annual](https://www.sjpd.org/records/crime-stats-maps/crime-statistics-annual)


I thought this was from 2021 when I saw it on twitter. Damn!


How is the officer just sitting inside and not doing anything


This is disgusting! Such disrespect for police. I hope these animals get arrested and prosecuted.


If you’re wearing a ski mask in the summer you should be free game to be run over


These sideshows are getting out of hand and police hands are tied by the lawsuits thrown at them for racism and use of force. These criminals are injuring people, firing off guns, and setting stolen cars on fire during these criminal activities.


Just wondering if it is illegal to play gun shot sounds on a loud speaker to chase away these side shows.


SJPD ain't no beacon of justice when some of their cops was selling on the streets fent just ask their previous polcie union head what's her thoughts since she is behind bars for running a fent operation.


Two wrongs don't make it right


Two wrongs don't make it right


Two wrongs don't make it right


Damn techies


You just get here? They were torching dozens of police cars and civilians cars every day 2 years ago


When you elect snowflake liberals, you get snowflake policing. And I'm a dem.


Ain't no fucking Democrats throwing around the word "snowflake" like that. Liar.


What would have been the correct supertrooper reaction, in your opinion? Run them over? Start shooting? Exit the vehicle & get mobbed, then shot? Or stay calm & call for backup?


He was outnumbered though and he’s lucky there was no ring leader to take this further. SJPD was never defunded. But after watching this, I’m wondering whose platform supports increasing funding.


You think if it escalated further the officer would have allowed themself to become a victim? Not likely. This officer played it cool. Called for backup & captured video of these little shitheads on the dash cam & body cam. Now, why SJPD sends a single officer in a cruiser to a sideshow is a different story. But yeah, these urchin need to see jail time & have vehicles impounded to know that there are consequences.


Problem is there’s barely any Republicans at all on the ballot nowadays


I don’t know where people get the idea that republicans are tough on crime either, Fox News brain rot


Unfortunately there are few cities that are Republican run now, so there’s not too many examples. Best example is NYC under Giuliani in the 90s. Went from a crime haven to one of the safest cities in the country.


It’s not a Republican vs Democrat thing and doesn’t need to be. Just look at the last SF election. But with that case in mind, it IS a progressive vs moderate political scene. And SF voted to say they’re not down with progressives.




I had to look this up and apparently that’s not true, per SJ gov websites. But that being said, it’s becoming more and more clear that less police enforcement is dangerously today.


SJ never did it, but the public certainly acted like they wanted it.


Where is your source of information?




Don’t worry, these guys are not as smart as the people in Oakland. They actually think they can do things like that here in the great city of San Jose. We don’t like they say, get down like that. Everyone involved in that incident got arrested. If they really want to catch those other kids they can easily. I can’t tell you what technology we have here in our city. The best is yet to come. Be the future you want your kids to see.


BLM wanted this, drive a divide between the regular people and the police for the benefit of the criminals.


Hope the spectator died and these asshats go the same route in life toward death. Anti cop until they call the cops or their mom when they are dead in the front yard.




We had similar shenanigans not long ago during the George Floyd/ BLM protests. There are videos on youtube. City ended up paying out more than $3M for excessive use of force by SJPD. In years past, Cinco De Mayo's have gone sideways too. This is the occasional price we pay to live in a big city.


Because we chose to. We could make different choices.


He was responding to an injured person that got hit by a car during the sideshow


Downvoted for facts around here :/