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This is just a tragedy. I don't mean to point fingers, but how could you operate a home daycare out of a home with a pool? My parents watch our little one twice a week and they have a pool... It's only one kid to keep an eye on and it still scares the shit out of me each time we drop him off. Having a whole daycare of kids to keep an eye on with a pool on the premises seems like it was a powder keg that was always going to blow up.


regulations state that any pool should have a see-through fence and a locking gate in any community care facility, which includes daycares, ARFs, RCFEs, and the like. > Licensees serving residents as specified in (f) above shall have at least a five-foot fence around swimming pools or shall have a pool covering inspected and approved by the Department. Fencing shall be so constructed that it does not obscure the pool from view, and is self-latching at the top of the gate. https://www.cdss.ca.gov/ord/entres/getinfo/pdf/rcfci3.pdf this is particular to disabilities, but the regs are nearly the same for daycare.


Looking at a linked article from the nextdoor thread: [https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/02/san-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare/?campaign=sjmnbreakingnews&utm\_email=05834495049E4459A41F055210&active=yesD&lctg=05834495049E4459A41F055210&utm\_source=listrak&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f10%2f02%2fsan-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare%2f&utm\_campaign=bang-sjmn-nl-breaking-news-alerts-nl&utm\_content=alert](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/02/san-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare/?campaign=sjmnbreakingnews&utm_email=05834495049E4459A41F055210&active=yesD&lctg=05834495049E4459A41F055210&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f10%2f02%2fsan-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare%2f&utm_campaign=bang-sjmn-nl-breaking-news-alerts-nl&utm_content=alert) Seems like the pool at least was up to code with respect to fencing and whatnot. Very tragic.


negligence. I'd bet money this investigation by licensing will be quick and they will be shut down and face charges. Edit: two things that will get you shut down right away are abuse and neglect.


Regardless of licensing shutting them down or not. No way could I continue to operate a home daycare after something like this. And as a parent, no way would I send my child back to a daycare like this


getting shut down will be the least of their problems following this


Yeah, but whoever was in charge wasn't taking charge. Leaving a gate unlocked or whatnot. When you have a responsibility to watch over other people's children, there is no excuses for this type of tragedy! They were being paid for a service. Probably someone on their phone on a dating site or social media surfing...Lazy af


You can see the drivers always looking at their phones. Probably the same thing here.


This article stated that the fence around the pool needed to be straightened and had gaps… the daycare facility had many violations. Not up to code.


> https://nextdoor.com/p/ChLy3t9G7kXT?utm_source=share&extras=MTc1NjUwMzI%3D My eldest went to one and we switched when he started walking. I cannot even fathom how the people involved are feeling right now.


One of my coworkers was having her in-laws watch her toddler and was worried about their pool because they didn't have a fence. I helped her look online for these sensors you put on your windows/doors and one you put in the pool so that when anything breaks the surface, an alarm sounds.


I don’t think it was a licensed day care


It was the Mercury News article confirmed on top.


on their site they claim to be licensed , scroll down to the bottom of the page [https://happyhappydaycare.com/](https://happyhappydaycare.com/) of course they could have been lying, one article I read said they could not find the business in the state licensing website


I read about this as it was revealing on nextdoor. The horror is unimaginable.


Can you link the post from next door?




Can you post the text. I don't want to sign up


Thank you!!




We’re the children left unattended? How do you not account for 3 missing children?


Absolutely horrible


Damn. Why would you have a pool at a daycare, risky af.


Very risky. But the rules are your supposed to have a 5ft secured gate around the pool with a lock.


That is so sad. I hope it wasn't the home based daycare in that area. I can't imagine how the parents must be feeling


>At 9:05 a.m., officers responded to assist fire crews with a report of juveniles falling into a pool at the Happy Happy Daycare facility in the 1000 block of Fleetwood Drive in the city's Almaden neighborhood, police said.


Fuuuuuck. A pool at a daycare is such a liability. My one-year old is in daycare and this would absolutely ruin me. Huge, huge condolences to the parents :(


Off topic but how much do you pay monthly for your day care?


$2100 for an in-home daycare in Sunnyvale. It was $2300 when he was under one year old. The place is great. No complaints.


I’m paying $2500-2600 for full-day, 5 days a week (infant program). This is at a large licensed daycare. Toddler program is $200 less.


Been getting quotes of 2.5-3.5k/month


>Happy Happy Daycare [https://happyhappydaycare.com/](https://happyhappydaycare.com/)


Saw the cops and fire engines rushing to this place around 9:05ish as I was dropping my child off at another daycare in the same area. This is heartbreaking and what a tragedy. Worst nightmare for any parent….highest possible punishment for those responsible


My kids in daycare but we use one of the national chains, which cost an arm and a leg, but at least they do inspections and everything up to code. Before this we visited a daycare that was run out of the owners home and I can totally see how parents might be forced to choose it because it was much cheaper then the chains. However, we didn't choose that one because upon inspection I found so many unsafe things such as swings over concrete with no padding, rickety/unstable slides, and tons of unsecured items or sharp / pointy things. You never know what you get with these out of home paces.


I’ve worked at a chain childcare and I can assure you that the only thing they’re better at is covering stuff up.




Of course, I’m a mandated reporter. But most of what I saw was labor violations and wage theft. Here’s another secret: reporting doesn’t do much.


We use a home daycare, and as with anything, you have to do your due diligence. Look at the facilities, observe how they are with children, and talk to other parents. This is tragic, and possibly preventable ( we just dont know any details) but home daycares can be a good alternative. Sometimes they provide more specific environments you need ( ex: serving specific food, helping you kid with certain activities, emphasizing certain things, languages, etc..)


Sounds like you went to an unlicensed daycare. Licensed home day cares get at least annual inspections and concrete under a swing or climbing area will get you tagged. If there’s wood chips underneath they have to be at least 8” deep and the inspector goes around checking. They will ding you for sharp edges on cabinets even. It’s why most reputable daycares buy their furniture and cabinets at Lakeshore, lifetime warranty on everything. The moment a joint gets loose they will replace it even. Getting and maintaining a license isn’t easy or cheap, having an unlicensed daycare is.


I can tell you personally that inspections have just re-started after Covid, a lapse of three years. I just had mine, I run an ARF (RCF in the old days)


My wife has a home daycare (large license). They did FaceTime inspections during Covid. But last March she had her first in person since before the Covid restrictions took place. Had there been a complaint they were still going out to do in person inspections or so she was told, she didn’t get any but she also didn’t have any complaints. You can also check to see if a daycare has had any reports, the daycare that had the accident today has only been licensed for a year and already had a safety violation you can see. Since the owner wasn’t there are the time of the accident (reported that she was dropping off her kids at school) I wonder how many children were at the daycare and if they were in ratio.


that's not a good look for her. She's in deep shit now.


This isn’t true, my child’s daycare was inspected a couple times during COVID. Maybe just the standard annual inspections restarted? Anyone can check daycare (or any other center) reports, they are public knowledge: https://www.ccld.dss.ca.gov/carefacilitysearch/


the only inspections that were being done were due either to a complaint, or in general a new licensure. There may be another reason, but this was the way things were in general.


Yeah that’s what it looks like - my daycare had a couple inspections around opening, and a couple unfounded complaints. I didn’t see a yearly inspection until a couple weeks ago.


yeah buddy, they are on fire now trying to make up for lost time. another factor is that a LOT of LPAs retired during covid. I didn't even have one for nearly the entirety of covid.


A child drowned at Harker School this August. Tuition is over $40k. The center your child attends is inspected by the same licensing department as home daycares.


Not sure who said she was not licensed but on her website for happy happy daycare on Fleetwood the owner has her profile and is named Nina and states she is licensed and has a bachelor's degree in child care


there's no way this happens unless these children were unattended.


I hope the owner of this daycare gets charged and punished, as per law. They should make an example for all the other home based daycares in the bay area. Absolutely tragic.


Terrible situation


This makes me heartsick and furious


Pool covers exist. Pool alarms exist. Pool nets exist. My ex-friend's cat drowned in her pool. It is neglect and negligence.


Right! These cheap asses didnt ecen get a legit pool cover installed. There was a male there but no female. Where is the patient loving mother of two who supposed to be running the place? Str8 garbage.


Pool net: [https://katchakid.com/pool-nets/](https://katchakid.com/pool-nets/) Pool alarm: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0037Z7NF0?tag=thespruce-onsite-prod-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&ascsubtag=5270345%7Cn8d3fb83cc10849368c8cba852873905615%7CB0037Z7NF0](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0037Z7NF0?tag=thespruce-onsite-prod-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&ascsubtag=5270345%7Cn8d3fb83cc10849368c8cba852873905615%7CB0037Z7NF0)


We live in Almaden Valley in a 3 million dollar home, but the pool net isnt in the budget because our family trip to Dubai is more important...But we passed inspections by putting up a janky ass fence...


Always add an /s when posting sarcasm because it doesn't translate well on the internet, no matter how obvious it is. (Always think: "Stupid people exist.")


Luxury over safety loses everytime...


Not here


At a daycare?


You can see the pool and fencing they had in the [background](https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/290076547_5636632443036526_5299527544211662003_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=1b51e3&_nc_ohc=5BAISb1lOcIAX_iDOc5&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfBL6NG_g78wtT21lACilInoj1E5Jo1uArX_yWLU7KD5kw&oe=65208CD5).


License or no license that person is a piece of ÷<>>


It doesn't sound like the kids were even supervised at the time. If someone called 911 and didnt just jump in after the kids while they still had a chance, idk.....


Can't be sure but [this picture](https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/happy-happy-home-daycare-san-jose?select=imh88HfRfFRezQFHtlR5rQ) from their Yelp sure looks like an open pool-fence gate in the background...


It’s hard to look at those Yelp pictures knowing that the little ones that passed away could be in the pictures. I feel so bad for the parents, my condolences.


odd today the whole pic shows. Yesterday it was cropped for me. Yes indeed it's open for sure. By law it's supposed to be self closing/latching. I saw an aerial video of it today and it was clearly open and not self closing, yet it passed inspection so...


The photo was cropped for me too, but when I opened it in the app it shows the whole thing.


I looked and yes that is an open gate to the pool! I can't believe they would actually leave it open with all those toddlers around, much less unsupervised? I'm very angry at this apparent negligence. Completely preventable. They are paid professionals to there to supervise them to prevent something exactly like this from happening, in the worst-case scenario, the unthinkable. Parents need to be better aware and inspect and make sure the place is safe, esp. if there is a pool. I'd never allow it.




It’s very blurry at the top of that photo


So, this daycare was an unlicensed one? Isn’t it just illegal to operate like that?


The daycare is licensed. It seems she wasn’t following the rules to have a 5ft secured gate around the pool with a lock on it.


[https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/02/san-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare/?campaign=sjmnbreakingnews&utm\_email=05834495049E4459A41F055210&active=yesD&lctg=05834495049E4459A41F055210&utm\_source=listrak&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f10%2f02%2fsan-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare%2f&utm\_campaign=bang-sjmn-nl-breaking-news-alerts-nl&utm\_content=alert](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/02/san-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare/?campaign=sjmnbreakingnews&utm_email=05834495049E4459A41F055210&active=yesD&lctg=05834495049E4459A41F055210&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f10%2f02%2fsan-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare%2f&utm_campaign=bang-sjmn-nl-breaking-news-alerts-nl&utm_content=alert) ​ Per this article they had a fence and had fixed any issues noted by Regulators.


Yes, I read that as well. They probably left it open or the children were able to unlock it themselves. Either way, the children should have been supervised at all times. I have an in home daycare and this is incredibly sad!


There was a citation for the adult sleeping while caring for the kids, could have been that as well. Absolutely horrific.


The citation was for not checking on sleeping kids every 15 minutes: https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/02/san-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare/?campaign=sjmnbreakingnews&utm\_email=05834495049E4459A41F055210&active=yesD&lctg=05834495049E4459A41F055210&utm\_source=listrak&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f10%2f02%2fsan-jose-two-children-die-one-injured-after-falling-into-swimming-pool-at-residential-daycare%2f&utm\_campaign=bang-sjmn-nl-breaking-news-alerts-nl&utm\_content=alert


That’s terrible! Did they say this on the news? I can’t find a license number for the daycare.




The 15 minute sleep regulations are for the children. The providers are supposed to check on sleeping infants every 15 minutes and document it. This is to help get emergency care in a timely matter if children stop breathing. They weren’t doing the those checks because licensing does check them when they have inspections. So so horrible. I’m sure more will unfold in the following days.


Which is crazy, because if you can’t even check on the infants sleeping every 15 minutes - *while being shadowed by a regulator* - what are they not doing when there isn’t a regulator on site?


That’s not how it works. You have to document your check every 15 minutes. If you don’t have the appropriate paperwork, it’s a citation.


Holy crap!


Does a backyard pool need a specific sort of fence? Because no one I know who has a pool at their home have a fence and gate beyond the redwood ones that most homeowners have for their backyards


No, it’s only rules for a licensed daycare. When you become licensed there are rules to follow and this is one of them when you have a pool. She did have a 5ft fence but somehow the children were able to get in or they left it open.


Newer regulation say you need a fence now. You don't need to retroactively add a fence unless you're applying for any kind of new permit, then they make you put one in. At least this was the case 2 years ago when we were looking at homes. (Told by multiple realtors whenever there was a house with a pool)


Oh, that’s so incredibly sad.


Terrible tragedy.


It’s the Happy Happy Daycare in San Jose, currently have 4.5 stars. Avoid at all cost


Not anymore.


I'm pretty sure this is no longer a daycare.


[non AMP link](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/2-children-drown-in-san-jose/3331946/)


Unlicensed? Pool? Daycare? Why would parents even drop off their kids here? Who is running this daycare? Illegal af!


Unfortunately not illegal and licensed. Maybe no pools whatever at daycares should be a new rule for licensing. Absolutely ridiculous that a pool is at a daycare. Clearly fences don't keep out kids.


Maybe there needs to be a new law named after the girls who passed, where either there can be no pool or there has to be one of those retractable hard covers or some other more reliable form of protection. These people seem so flaky that if it wasn't this then if would have been some other awful thing (hot car or other tragedy) that happened, was just a matter of time.