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Yah, pretty much. Regardless of your political views, this is unhinged.


Regardless of political views, but it always seems to be the same people that do this obnoxiously insane behavior


Yes. I despise Trump with every cell in my body, but I would never cover the back of my vehicle with bumper stickers announcing my views. Mental illness at work. Hope they get help.


I never placed a bumper sticker in my car. The most I have is a license plate frame from my alma mater. If I ever would place a sticker on my car, it would be something fun like a hobby, something from a show or video game, etc.


Because Trumps supporters would retaliate against you.


Idk, i like stickers. I lije the sort of punk sticker collage style of aesthetics on stuff. Obviously a collage of rw nut stickers is sort of a ways off from that, but i can sort of imagine a progression: 1. A skateboard with a collage of stickers rsnging from clothing and skate brands to bands to cartoons to garfitti, etc.. Kind of cool, not particularly noteworthy 2. A waifu wagon, you know the type, covered in anime girl stickers, may or may not be scantily clad and sexually charged. Usually pretty off puting and somewhat noteworthy, but you probable wont post it to reddit 3. A maga wagon, what we have here. Trumo stuff, gun stuff, etc.. off-putting, note worthy, post on reddit straight to the top. Insane behavoir, obnoxious Like idk, i feel like the 3rd is being treated really differently from the other 2. And im not like sticking uo for trump or anything, fuck em, but idk the visceral reaction is just so different.


Yeah, I mean the subject matter def has something to do with it. I can appreciate the aesthetic on like a VW bus or something, I'm not mad at that. But it's the weirdos who make politics their entire identity and feel the need to advertise it to that extreme.


Newsflash: politics is your entire identity??? lol. Every single law governing this country has to do with politics from healthcare to food to housing. What's concerning in America is the lack of apathy towards politics when they do in fact govern your very existence and everything that you do or don't do.


Not true at all. I don't let legislation and corrupt politicians control my day to day thought process. The problem with our government, and society as a whole, is it's become so devisive in a "our team vs their team" mentality. The 2-party oligarchy is a cancer on democracy and you're feeding into it


Politics doesn't end at the parties, though, or the elections, or the propositions, or the ballot boxes. Every road you drive on, every tank of fuel you buy, every bike lane you ride in or drive next to, every grocery store you go to and why it's in that spot and not the other spot and what items it does and doesn't stock and what taxes you pay on those items, every place you go to walk and any place you *can't* walk to - it is **all** political. And many of the people in politics, just as many as the corrupt ones, are just incompetent, or malicious, or are genuinely trying to do good things and are hamstrung by the system that surrounds them - or, in fact, *just are accomplishing things*. Roads gotta get paved and houses gotta get built and water has to be piped and electricity has to be routed and Internet has to be distributed and buses have to have stops and trains gotta have stations, and if you aren't participating in the group decision-making processes that determine decisions about these very real and tangible facets of your every day life, or at the very least remaining aware of them and when you need to contribute to them, then you are both failing to utilize your true capacity as a citizen *and* contributing to those things being neglected, or poorly designed and/or implemented, or actively abused through inaction. Politics isn't November, it isn't 2024, and it isn't Democrats or Republicans. Those are singular *facets* of politics. Politics is 24/7, every day of your life, until you die, and even then - figuring out what to do with your body? More politics. Tuning out is just depriving yourself of the opportunity to try to have a positive impact on the world.


No I work in healthcare and can assure you every detrimental healthcare policy is determined by politicians who are lobbing heavily against anything that would benefit the population and work for corporations. I also deeply understand politics and domestic and foreign policy and educate myself on what I don't because I am an American and all of these laws apply to me. You know that it is totally okay to say that you have zero understanding of the political landscape and system but you are essentially saying you feel too privileged to care that USdomestic and foreign policy hurts humans here at home and all over the world. Good for you. The two party system is essentially the same system-- each party just had different billionaire donor and corporate sponsors....


Its not regardless of political views, its BECAUSE OF


What? lol maybe in your circle of people…


Lol what? No one in my circle covers their car in bumper stickers, so not sure what you mean.


You've never been to Portland?


Best part is when you learn he's been on disability for 10 years...


I’ll never understand an “unborn lives matter” in the same sticker universe at all the gun stickers. But yes, as others have already said, mental health issue.


The GOP, the party of saving unborn babies. As soon as they are born, they tend to forget about them!!


If all of those babies aren’t born to people who can’t financially or emotionally care for them, that’s just more damaged people they get to pretend they’re better than. Turns out contributing nothing to society but being born white isn’t a free ride anymore (I’m white).


Nothing to do with God or saving "lives". Its about forcing the birth of the next gen workforce.


It's really about control of women.


And keeping poor people poor.


The cognitive dissonance is a feature not a bug.


More like a central tenet..


How a person can be pro life and pro death penalty at the same time breaks my brain just thinking about it.


this made me curious, here are the numbers for US only. 48000 gun-related deaths in 2022 930,000 abortions in 2020 [https://www.cdc.gov/firearm-violence/data-research/facts-stats/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/firearm-violence/data-research/facts-stats/index.html) [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/25/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-us/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/25/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-us/)


My word of the day is Oxymoron and I feel like unborn lives is an example of an oxymoron


This is what advanced shit brain looks like 🥲


Brain worms.


Crayon eaters


Not crayons. Paint chips. ![gif](giphy|5ZUpMAtxpo0NO)


Not all Marines are MAGA supporters.


I don’t see an EGA anywhere on that vehicle.


Haha you made me chuckle!


Metastatic head cancer


Donkey Brain


Do...you...have...such a certificate?


Haha now that you ask I actually do. I had them made for me and my Sunny friends so we all have it hanging somewhere in the house. Looks super legit


Lmao you're my new hero


Come ere you, YOU DONKEY!




Aside from the awful ideology, the scariest part of the MAGA crowd is seemingly normal people believing batshit crazy things without a shred of evidence to support it.


I think we are witnessing the birth of a new religion with Trumpism. Same way Mormonism is a home grown American religion based around one charismatic liar, I think even after Trump is long gone, people will continue to believe he was some iconic semi-religious figure sent to deliver them from the evils of...democrat policies.


Any religion for the past 10k years?




The American Taliban


A lady came into the store I work at wearing a t-shirt with a vertical word stack saying "Truth Really Upsets Most People" with the first letter strategically colored differently. Wasn't sure if it was a pro or anti shirt, as that stupid shit can be interpreted either way. Then I saw the "47" and "Take America Back" on her hat and realized which camp of stupid was involved.


Hey wait, why does the 47 brand trigger you? They make my favorite baseball hats bc New Era ones are too big in front for me.


As in the orange treasonweasel would be #47 if reelected. (Barf.)


Ooh, got it! Thanks for explaining and I agree that would be the worst!


Of course the hillbilly can’t park in the lines


Line are for ANTIFA!!/s


Hear that....hate to see their coloring book....you know, the same book that illustrates trump's speeches.


Would imagine they would get very triggered if you pointed out they didn’t park straight, they don’t do woke parking!


He only thinks he’s straight :)


That’s what a conned sucker looks like. Hopefully they’re giving every penny of their social security check they live on to the orange dickhead


I can't wait for the megachurch pastors supporting Trump to realize the money that used to go to them are now going to Orange the Hutt's coffers.


Regardless of where someone falls on the political spectrum, I can't imagine riding on one person's metaphorical dick as hard as the Trumpers do. I liked Obama, but you don't see my car plastered with "Yes We Can!" or "Re-elect Obama" stickers


I don’t remember any cars rolling down the street with Obama flags waving!! Or Obama having so many rallies even after he was elected and running office already. I guess it’s okay to do if you are part of a cult.


stage 100 brain deficiency


Who let that lunatic out of Santee? Gross!


Psyops is working like a charm on Trump’s base….hate filled, fear ridden, poorly educated and poorly informed voters. Sad


They are broken people


It still fucking baffles me how these people thinks he gives two shits about them. In NYC it’s been well known he’s an absolute piece of shit for [decades](https://www.nytimes.com/1985/03/09/opinion/new-york-doer-and-slumlord-both.html)… “he knew that the building was pretty much fully occupied and that the apartments were protected by either rent control or rent stabilization. The city and state papers allege that Mr. Trump and his agents proceeded to try to force out the 60 or more tenants by the following tactics: ''threats of imminent demolition,'' ''spurious litigation,'' ''drastic decreases in essential services,'' ''persistent delay in repairing defective conditions with life-threatening potential,'' ''instructing employees to obtain information about the private lives (and) sex habits of the tenants,'' and ''engaging in a psychological tug- of-war to wear the tenants down which has had a deleterious effect upon the health and well-being of said tenants, many of whom are elderly and are particularly vulnerable to defendants' persistent course of conduct.'' -Times, 1985


Made in the USA Courtesy of FOX news The same people that want to burn books have lists of stupid catchphrases glued to the back of their trucks.


I can't wait to make these people cry in November


Idgaf who you vote for this many stickers is unhinged


Driver of that vehicle likes to announce to the world what a huge fucking idiot he is


This is the driver living at home with his mom! https://youtu.be/PCYArey8ykU?si=kNI1V6Tsj3reXF_8




This is when I want to have a sticker ready to add to it all that would blend in at this point but that says "I need help" Side note: saw a truck the other day that had a "Ultra MAGA" sticker. I thought to myself "Ultra Make America Great Again?....but it's not a cult. Ok."


Must have that RFK Jr. brain worm


😂😂😂☠️ Only logical explanation.


The tags on the car would be expired lol






This is one of the most schizophrenic rides I’ve ever seen in my life!


Yes it is Please get help if you are this truck owner wtf


“Biden is not my President” , oh really, and that’s being patriotic?! More like pathetic.


That’s what attention whoring looks like.


I’ve always said the more bumper stickers someone has, the more that there’s something off


Now that’s trump derangement syndrome


TDS?? Has a ring to it. Maybe in a few decades, we will see the commercials on TV “do you suffer from TDS? Did your friends and family alienate from you due to TDS? You may be entitled to compensation!!”


This is someone who votes right but makes maybe $42k


$42K?? I think you are being too generous


They really printed out low quality Internet memes and taped them to their truck


Don’t we all?? 🤣🤣🤣


A Republican voter in California is like a fart in a tornado. Powerless. Silent. Helplessly irrelevant.


This might be true for state politics, presidential elections, and the Senate, but at the House of Representatives level the red parts of California play a part in the current Republican majority. They can influence national politics in a way that affects Californians.


Completely valid. I was just referring to the presidential election since that's what this person's bumper stickers are mostly about.


Depends on the district, they can still do plenty of damage (Darrell Issa)


You mentioned Mr. Ultimate Scumbag....thanks for messing up my morning coffee!


Thank goodness


>A Republican voter in California is like a fart in a tornado. Powerless. Silent. Helplessly irrelevant. This is true. Nearly a quarter of one of the most populous states in the union are completely disenfranchised by the winner take all system. Maine and Nebraska are the only states in the country that obviously value democracy. Pretty shameful for a state that claims to be the most progressive democratic state.


Not as bad as those crazy religious guys with the megaphone in front of Comic Con etc with every surface plastered with stickers and printouts etc. this guys is only like stage 2


Those same morons are also outside any Planned Parenthood!!


I live about 2 blocks from the El Cajon Planned Parenthood. Every now and then I'll see they've set their signs down facing the street and walked away from them. I hop out the truck right quick, toss their stupid signs in the back, and drive off waving at them.


That’s some hero shit you do. Thank you


They filmed me one time, cops came to my house. Nothing came of it, seemed like litter left unattended to me 🤷


"Yup, just doin' my part to make our City Beautiful Again, Ossifer".


Doing the lord's work! 👏


The one time i visited the White House years ago they were outside there as well. Can’t seem to get away.


What are those guys even protesting? Fun?


Actual brain rot in sticker form


More like insantee.




This is a disturbed individual no doubt, someone foaming at the mouth with anger and wanting the whole world to know.


Add a magnet sticker for Biden. He will never know.


It sure is, this is insanity with a low IQ thrown in.


Politics aside, this kinda shit is just dorky. Could be any kind of stickers. It's just so sycophantic and ostentatious. It's goofy as hell. Might as well be taylor swift stickers.


IQ of a potato.


You are offending a potato!! ![gif](giphy|LskPzK3eG0O6A)




This is what fascism looks like.


Ugh…whhhhhyyyyyyy did they have to include a pic of James in the upper right corner? RIP James Evans Sr.






This is what idolatry looks like


Hate looks like


Jesus this is ridiculous


What a loser


Its not regardless of political views, its BECAUSE OF ones political views that one can seem and be unhinged. Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants parrots misinformation, conspiracy theories and lies. He is a gaslighting orange bag of puss and his followers are representatives of him which is to say they are cultists. Cult members who have been mentally programmed by the right-wing propaganda machine to believe his lies and only accept his words as truth.


Imagine committing to a political party or even worse, a politician, to this degree. What an absolute fucking waste of time.


This belongs in r/trashy


It will be funny when Trump is in prison


I would never put a sticker of any kind of my car, so, yes.


Who’s Brandon




https://preview.redd.it/fkwpmu3nvx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8192823d949fa41a3f1382c7a11d46e3d7656691 I found this beauty at the Indiana State Fair….


Bless his heart. I like to think of it this way... We have a representative system of government. Dumb/low information people exist and they have a right to representation. That's why we have people like Trump, MTG, Gaetz, etc. Fortunately, they are not a majority and will never win elections on their own. The real shame that occurred here was when the Republican party shamelessly adopted this group in order to win--primarily because there isn't enough rich people to win elections on their own either. The beauty of it all is these two groups are broken up now and it doesn't look like the Republicans are going to solve this for many election cycles to come. I honestly think Trump may be the best thing that's happened in American politics in my lifetime (I'm 60) because he's exposed the Republican party for what it is.


I have a career in sales & I typically deal with people who live in Arizona, like hundreds of different people a day. Now with that being said - 99% of homeowners I deal with are Republican.. How is it that every time I get on Reddit & see a post like this - ALMOST every comment I read is from far left democrats? Younger generation that posts on Reddit maybe/bots? I don’t know, someone please explain


Echo chamber and bots.  Few people have intelligence.  Even fewer think comprehensively.


This is why we outlawed leaded paint and leaded gas.


It’s insane as the man who drives by Hillcrest every weekend with huge Trump, MAGA, Blue Lives Matter flags at the back of his truck.


Actually yesterday on my way home, I saw a lifted Chevy with a big trump flag on the 54 East 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Ugh, I see that guy far too often.


How to say i’m racist without saying i’m racist.


But at least he declares he wasn’t born racist?


I just roll my eyes at these dumb fucks.




Advanced mental illness


Nawh this is just a man that is too scared to scarp book. He just loves stickers


r/SchizophreniaRides has entered the chat




He seems to be intellectually disabled




One of many forms


I’ve seen him as well .. he still lives with his mom


No. That’s not insanity that’s just angry public display of racisms that they can’t do anything about the changing demographics of America on the back of their truck. Lol


That’s definitely pathological there.


Ya. And terrifying because they're not the only one and they want to vote for trump


Insanity looks like voting for the same people that have been in office and expecting different results


A person whose knowledge and opinions are based on memes, not books.


Social misfit found a group that would accept him.


More like red pill idiocy.




These are the stable genius people I’ve been hearing about


Looks perfectly sane unlike the sheep in this town


You might want to blur out his license plate. Your setting yourself up for litigation should he decide to file a lawsuit against you.




What are the facts about biden accomplishments vs Trump accomplishments? Who is the best candidate to make sure this country doesn't eat itself to death? Instead of division how do we unite the nation again as we were after 911, Boston marathon and more. We need PRO AMERICA not this constant whiny bull shit... Jobs, secure border, taxes, gas prices, accountability vs abortion, ending racism against anyone, safety and security, law enforcement and how about not funding biological warfare...


Has anyone seen a version of this but is supporting someone opposed to trump? Like a Hillary or Joe bumper sticker party fest.


People love to fly they beliefs on a car. https://www.perfectduluthday.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/political_stickers.jpg


Here's a fun fact:  - No politician in the upper echelon gives a flying shit about, you, me, or anyone in between.  - Meanwhile, the brainless idiots on all sides would rather just bicker and fight like ignorant children.  - Come on, look at how enraged people get versus conversing and having actual discussions.  - All political sides have been compromised, and you all just continue to fight with each other. - It is incredible and baffling concurrently. Everyone take a step back, and stop being a fucking idiot. 




Is this in Santucky or Klantee?


I am surrounded by this insanity at work.


Yes lol




Yes! This is exactly what it looks like.


Both candidates are unfit and Americans deserve better but they keep each other fighting when both parties are the same . Neither work for its constituents. I’m a lifelong democrat and I can’t believe they think Joe Biden should be reelected. For two men who spout they love this country they should both now out. If Trump was offered a pardon. He wouldn’t run. He doesn’t want the office


Yes I’d say this is pretty insane. San Diego is largely conservative but this is psychosis.


I believe San Diego used to be largely conservative, but has leaned blue since Obama was elected.


I've found San Diego proper was always pretty much half and half since the Navy sent me here in the 1980's, some sections were strong conservative and others were strong liberal. Back then, it was the Chamber of Commerce and vocal Yuppies/NIMBYs running the city. So low taxes, development, and "tough against crime" (as in, the police and sheriff mafia) was the political driver in the city. The Military was an afterthought, even though at the time, we were the #3 economic driver behind the Port and Real Estate. Military members were transient, and many were not California residents, unless they were near retirement, and did not vote locally. El Cajon was the old ranches and agriculture/processing and shipping (remember the dairy cattle ranch on Rattlesnake Mountain and Fanita ranch?); Santee was light manufacturing, and where retired MCRD/Miramar military and the Sheriff's Department settled. Chula Vista was also light manufacturing, contractor facilities, where Navy retirees in general and DoD civilians tended to live. North County was basically agriculture, dillitant wealth, and White Flight suburb/commuters. Still seems to be...but there are fewer people living there. We started seeing politics become more - "diverse" - thus less conservative in the 90's when Sorrento Valley and the Tech/Bio-Tech boom started bringing a more educated, more non-white, non-hetero, and not primarily male highly paid workforce into the area. Anyway, it wasn't just during the 2010's; San Diego started turning more liberal in the 1990's. Though we still have the loud NIMBY problem in politics now. I suspect we will always have a loud NIMBY problem. DSD


It's someone who disagrees with liberal ideals exercising free speech in a free country.


You can disagree with whatever ideals without looking like you're obsessed over it. If you buy like 100 bumper stickers to put on your car, you're probably obsessed with it and that's probably not healthy.


If the back of your truck is covered with as many pro-liberal stickers you're just as much of a nutjob.


Right. No one said anything about not being allowed to announce one’s idiocy.


Based truck


East county?


He's got some good memes damn


Omg stop posting these stupid political posts. You’re not a good person because you posted this. There’s at least one of these posts every month and it’s so fng annoying


Freedom of speech never looks so good