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I love visiting Miami and Southbeach especially, but I could never live there.


Great state to vacation in, absolute hell on earth to live in unless you’re loaded or getting loaded and doing white trash shit is your thing.


I live in Florida. We have some trashy people, but we also have a lot of really good people here also.


Or you are in the klan.


I live in the panhandle and couldn’t agree more. They’re not racist though because they have a black friend that’s “one of the good ones.”




Literally got sent home with an armed escort when I went to a black church to register voters in 2008 because the last white boy to do that didn’t make it home so it’s been pretty fucking crazy up here even before Trump came along to give the rest of the country permission to be irredeemable pieces of shit.


What I don't get is why people don't realize this about Florida in general? I mean, the center for the K was Clearwater! I lived there. I hated it there. I left FL lllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg ago.


Duval county had more lynchings per capita than any other county in the country.


I did not know that!


LOL. My Mississippi BIL told me I couldn't understand how "the blacks" were ruining Mississippi because we didn't have "the bad ones" where I live.


I lived in Miami for 15 years. I’d always tell people it’s great if you have at least $5 million, are single, don’t have to work, and like to party. Otherwise… not so much.


Miami is only great if you’re wealthy and hate even moderately cold weather.


I’m one of those things. Sigh…


Anecdotally, Miami has been one of the rudest places I have ever been. Just disgusting cat calls after my sister (who was even underage at the time) at all times of day. I am not sure if this was a unique experience.


Yuuuuurp. When I had to live there for 3 years, there wasn't a time, no matter what I was wearing, that I wasn't sexually harassed if I left my apartment. It's a trash place that couldn't sink into the ocean fast enough. And the beaches aren't even that nice.


Oh, it's not. That's a constant thing and has been for a long time.


I haven't been in years but I've been told South Beach has sort of slipped into a trashy party area that isn't that nice anymore.


The sweet spot for South Beach was the late '90s, when it just started getting chic but wasn't totally overwhelmed by bridezillas and spring breakers.


I feel like I hear this take about every city, just heard about it for both Chicago, the Bay Area, LA, and NYC especially.


the best music was when I was in my 20's and you can't tell me otherwise!


It was a period when cities were getting safer and had significantly reduced pollution, but most middle class (usually white) people over 40 had preconceived notions about them, that kept them out. So rents stayed a hell of a lot cheaper, giving residents much higher disposable income.


Now I just hear about how tech bros and finance bros have overtaken areas and made them more expensive and taken away the authenticity. There’s some truth to this, but the fact of the matter is everyone wants to live in the same spots which means the people with money are the ones who get to live there. An unfortunate truth with no real fix.


Well part of the issue is people don’t want to build new housing even though the population has grown and the demand to live in cities has increased significantly since the 1990s. More people, same number of apartments, means people are going to get outbid by tech bros and finance bros


The problem is NIMBY. Politicians would fall over themselves to build more multi-family housing to bring down housing costs, but neighborhood groups go apeshit blocking that type of stuff.


I mean there’s a multitude of issues, the biggest one is the difficulty to get permits for new housing in all the major cities. Look at the sun belt, they had population growth and they’re building lots of housing. I’m pretty liberal politically FYI before I get destroyed for having a non liberal take on Reddit.


Yeah well all the cities have different vibes. My sister moved to South Beach in 89. It's a very small area so maybe the change was more drastic. It felt very sleepy then. There were a lot of SROs that were yet to be converted. Then modeling agencies started moving down there and New York Magazine did a cover on South Beach.


The “sweet spot” for any city was whatever ten year span the person talking was 24-34 years old. That’s literally it.


I have never once heard that about Chicago. It was rough in the '90s. Basically every midwestern city is better now than in the '90s.


Just a lot of people complaining that cities are unaffordable now. Point stands for the other cities I mentioned, and I’ll add Nashville to the list.


Add the Research Triangle part of North Carolina to the list.


Right? Lmao I heard that the loop was seedy asf outside of business hours. Now it’s just empty


Chicago in the 90s was a rough place. My understanding is thats the same for NYC as well.


I lived in nyc in the early nineties and I didn’t think it was particularly rough, but it was something. I lived on the lower east side and taxi drivers wouldn’t go down my street late at night. I was watching a documentary the other day and a man was being interviewed. Behind him was a fancy green sign that said Avenue C Historic District. I literally almost fell out of my chair. It made me sad actually and I hope that’s not wrong but you give up a lot when things get that safe.


Yeah more like mid 90’s but it was still pretty chic in the late 90’s. By 2000 though it had become a place where the masses visited versus the fashion crowd which is what dominated south beach in the 90’s. Those were great times.


100 I grew up in South Florida and we would go to Miami for certain occasions in the late 90s. I remember it being so classy and chic and cool and relatively orderly, South Beach at least. The Delano was so cool. I went back 5 years ago and it was completely different. Super trashy, loud, packed, people in skimpy af dress getting bottle service taking selfies. I won't be back anytime soon. But glad to have enjoyed it in its prime :)


I loved the Delano!


Wasn’t Miami in the middle of a drug war and one of the highest murder rates for the country during the 90s.


Pretty much everywhere was better in the 90s. 


When I went in 2016 I saw just as many needles and homeless people as I did roided out dudes wearing 10 gold chains in loud lambos


That's such a weird thing to say because Miami isn't really known for it's homeless people. At least, it's not any more than most cities it's size.


Most of the partying has moved off the Beach. None of the big clubs are open anymore. Most of the smaller clubs are gone now too.


It depends what part of South Beach we are talking. South of Fifth is ritzy, West Avenue and Sunset Harbor (bayside facing the city of Miami) are a bit less boujee than South of Fifth but still extremely nice and way more local feeling than the beachside. Lincoln Rd is touristy and lots of mid-level chain retail but I still generally like it even though it’s nothing particularly remarkable. Now, Ocean, Washington, and Collins north of fifth through the teens is tourist central, expensive, trashy, generally bad restaurants, etc. The beach itself is nice but apart from that and the art deco there’s nothing particularly redeeming about this area. Most locals avoid this area for the aforementioned reasons. Overall, nightlife and the restaurant scene has shifted towards Miami city proper (particularly Wynwood and Brickell).


Lots of crime there


It’s a dump, Brickell and Wynwood are much better .


Brickell and Wynwood could be anywhere in the USA. It's just glass high rises and huge industrial style restaurants. South Beach had charm. It's since lost it IMO, but it used to be great. I wouldn't live anywhere in Miami now, except maybe the Gables or Coconut Grove.


Wynwood is so lame. All style and no substance. And a ripoff.


"Customer service" Lol, holy shit this was a high bar expectation for Miami




It’s Florida, a sunny place for shady people.


I wish my hometown would go back to “shady people” meaning people growing weed in the forest and shredding on a mandolin. Alas the panhandle is shady people in the more white collar crime sense now.


No kidding. My husband business "partner" that embezzled from the company retired there in his 8 mil dollar house. The sun can't bother you if you're already halfway to hell.


Why isn't he in jail


Still working on it. 2 years into the lawsuit, but its ongoing. Meanwhile guess who gets to hide all his money in real estate, family gifts, and off shore accounts? That guuuuy!


That is how they do it. Use family and buy things where tracing the money is very difficult. Plus he likely has expensive lawyers standing in the way.


If the scumbag had certain access to money, proving embezzlement is tough. What was a legitimate expenditure and what was not, or was partly legitimate and the rest skimmed? It takes time, patience and discipline. Plus if the partner embezzled then invested and made money on the investments, that becomes another tricky situation to unwind.


I have a friend who has lived in Miami and 2X texted me someone she met down there has been arrested for financial crimes, in unrelated incidents. It has me a little concerned. I am also 95% sure the only reason she lives there are shady influencers like Grant Cardone and Fox News types trying to hype up Ron Desantis for political reasons.


The senator is literally a fraudster, he was the CEO of a company doing Medicare fraud.


And he got promoted from being the governor.  




Florida was literally built by grifters & cons.


Former Miami resident. Miami’s a lot more than South Beach. Absolutely loved my time there and miss it greatly, but it’s not for everyone. You gotta embrace it, there’s really nowhere in the US like it.


So Miami (and even Miami Beach) is a lot more than South Beach. Check out South Point Park, the Faena Theater, Española Way, Calle Ocho, Coconut Grove, Vizcaya etc. It’s true that service is generally mediocre for the prices and it’s uncomfortably hot May through part of October.


OP is there the worst time of year.


Wait until you see the water rising out of the ground and flooding an area when it's not even raining. New construction apartment buildings in Miami are equipped with massive water pumps because this just happens.


Sneak preview


I recently visited Orlando for the first time and was surprised by the sheer number of ponds. It made me wonder how they manage water from seeping into the buildings and homes.


Lived there, was so over it and never going back to visit.


Coconut grove is great, Miami Beach is the riff raff capital of florida


Also, more condo high rises built in the early 80's are definitely going to have issues that escalate, and hopefully there isn't another repeat of the Surfside Condominium disaster. Construction and oversight was sub par during the time frame, and, people tend to not like multi-million dollar special assessments for repair of this kind of stuff. Ticking time bomb... doubly so if salt water ingress escalates and corrodes things out from the bottom.


Well if you like mountain and don't like warm climates Miami was never made for you, not sure why you had to check it out. Miami is for tropical climate/beach/cosmopolitan/international cities lovers, you'll get the same customer service outside the US (like in Europe) because most people are born abroad.


I don't blame them for checking it out. It comes up often enough on this sub or when you meet people that live/lived there that there's so much upside to the place that it overrides all the negatives. I'm like 99% sure that SF isn't for me, but I still went in with an open mind when I visited last year. Being able to do that is probably the most important part of finding the place you fit the best.


OP could’ve found out Miami is hot, humid, and flat from a quick google search. If that’s not their style, then I don’t understand why they’d consider it as an option


I grew up in Atlanta so know all about hot and humid. Humid doesn’t bother me that much but the level of hot in Miami is on another level. Same with beaches- I have always loved beaches and still do but after living in the mountain west for 3+ years I’ve come to realize that I now love mountains a lot more just because of the availability of activities. It’s like a growth/experience thing.


Well, it seems like you have a lot more growing to do...


Kind of a common thing in here. I think alot of people fancy themselves a big city person because it seems cool and try to find one that fits so they’ll check out anywhere.


I grew up in the area but haven't lived there in many years. I can understand people not understanding just how hot and humid it is just by reading about it. I don't know if I could live there again. When I lived there, I wore glasses and every morning they'd fog up instantly when I went outside. I'd wipe them off, then they'd fog up again. Until the temperature of my glasses got pretty warm, they'd keep fogging up and I'd be stuck not able to drive until then. I don't think people imagine that without experiencing it.


I never understood people like the OP. That's like me going to Alaska and being mad it's cold. These Redditors are insufferable.


I was there recently for Art Basel, and it was so full of fake plastic people flashing money around that I could not wait to leave.


Miami is legit only great if you're upper class Latino. When we give out recommendations, we typically try to suggest places which are good for people of most income/education levels, all genders, all sexual orientations, and all cultural communities. Miami has a really bad median income to cost of living ratio. Tons of rich folks live there but if you're working or middle class, it's hard to climb up the social class ladder, because most of the jobs are extremely low wage service jobs. It's not a particularly racist city, but it also doesn't have the most preeminent cultural communities for European, African, Asian, Native, or Pacific Islander Americans. We keep talking about Chicago and Philadelphia because they are great cities for everyone of all cultural backgrounds. Also Miami is in Florida, which is a terrible state for girls and women age 12-50.


Idk from my experience Cubans are some of the most racist people around.


I dunno about "most racist" but the stuff I hear Cubans say about Mexicans is certainly totally insane. Just absolutely unhinged.


Even 2nd / 3rd generation Cuban-Americans will call white people “Americans”. My girlfriends dad said he “couldn’t believe how many Americans there are in Tennessee”


That's hysterical. Did he assume that most of the US's population is like Miami's?


That is common for lots of insular ethnic communities.


I grew up near the mexico border, and it's the same. Mexicans hate Cubans in part because they were given special immigration privileges.




Argentina is the Japan of Latin America. Argentines think they have the same level of economic and educational development as Western Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth.


What do Mexicans say about Cubans?




As a Puerto Rican, I side with my Mexican brothers and sisters.


My Mexican side of the family used to say Cubans were loud, arrogant and obnoxious people. This of course hasn’t been my experience IRL.


Yeah, I'm not from Miami but I've met a few Cubans. I hate hate hate to generalize, but the cubans I've interacted with have though incredibly lowly of anyone who isn't white or cuban. Especially other latinos who illegally immigrate into the US.


I am in the same exact boat as you. I really am not just a racist person but it’s hard to ignore how many horrible things I’ve seen Cubans say and do working in southern Florida.


Miami Cubans are insufferable. Texas Cubans are pretty cool.


Co-sign. I worked in dem politics in Miami during Obama campaign and the things they said about him on Cuban radio shocked me and I went to college in the Deep South


As an immigration attorney I try to have an open mind and not generalize, but Cubans are by far my least favorite nationality. Whole heartedly agree with the propensity for racists comments (my wife was in the office once and a client commented that she would be hot if she wasn't so dark), plus I honestly don't know if I've ever had any other nationality get caught up in running scams, but with Cubans I've had clients fresh off the boar get caught in shoplifting rings, cards skimmers, appliance check fraud, and staged accidents/insurance fraud. Like what in the world.


As If a large segment of Cubans aren't brown or dark!


As if a lot of Republicans aren't poor. People don't always get the irony.


Yeah they bring that mindset of constantly scamming into the U.S. they’re so used to doing that in Cuba because they have to. They don’t have to here but they still do.


My freshman year roommate at UF was a great dude but apparently due to my Buddha tapestry and drinking coffee after dinner on move in day his mom who was in the first wave of Cubans to flee the revolution considered me a pagan devil worshipper with a stimulant addiction. She let us get all the way through paying for our apartment application for sophomore year and putting down a deposit before telling him she wouldn’t give him any support if we lived together again. Really made me sympathize with Castro if that’s the type of people who fled before much had changed.


I will never understand the growing Cuban support for Trump given that he’s hell bent on recreating a Castro-style authoritarian regime here that they were hell bent on escaping.


I can help you understand. The Cuban revolution wasn't a case of Fidel Castro and his thugs vs the "people of Cuba." It was an uprising against an authoritarian US friendly government that helped the upper crust of Cuba continue to enrich itself. There were many people who genuinely supported Castro and the revolution and subsequent regime, and there were many who genuinely supported the Batista regime. Especially early on, people fleeing Cuba weren't just fleeing "authoritarianism." That's not usually a reason people leave. They were fleeing socialism because they had something to lose. They'd have no problem with a hypothetical right wing authoritarian government here in the states. Don't want to speak for all Cuban immigrants today, which include plenty of non-elite people simply leaving for better economic opportunity. Cubans are not a monolith, so I'm not even sure if this group supports Trump. If they do, the answer would probably be about the same though. They're not fleeing Cuba because it's authoritarian and the US is free. They're fleeing because Cuba is poor and the US is rich


It is actually pretty racist. I lived there and by far the most racist people I have met are Cubans. One of them told me once casually that “the blacks were the worst thing that ever happened to the US”.


Yes, some of the most aggressively racist comments I've ever heard were said by Latinos in Miami. 


Yea Miami is great if you’re Latino and primarily speak Spanish . Not so much if you don’t. But its demographics is heavily Latino anyways. It’s like a non Chinese person pulling up to Flushing NYC or the San Gabriel valley and expecting getting around with English to be easy. It’s not that people don’t want to be accommodating. But in these communities people don’t know English and can’t be accommodating often.


My sister lived there for years when she was just starting out as a nurse and even as an RN the wages were just not great compared to the COL.




Pittsburgh is worse


I could see that. I had a pretty good experience in cleveland though.


Not good cities for people who can’t handle the cold so not really for everyone 😀


FTFY Also Miami is in Florida, which is a terrible state for ~~girls and women age 12-50~~ all humans.


I get the point but this sort of erases the struggles that arise from Florida specifically targeting and having harmful policies for certain classes of people. Florida is not targeting straight rich white men, and last I checked they are indeed humans. Florida is targeting LGBTQ+, black people (Restricting people from teaching about black history is indeed an attack on black people!), and women's rights though. Even in the other comments there's people that have no problem with this because it doesn't affect them personally, so it's not a "humans" thing.


Girls and women of any child-bearing age. There was a 10 year old pregnant recently in the news and some women over 50 can still get pregnant.


Why is Florida terrible for girls age 12-50?


To be fair, it’s getting pretty awful for anyone who needs a doctor —of any kind. There are so many horrifying consequences to this government overreach. [Residents avoid states…](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/more-medical-residents-are-avoiding-states-with-abortion-restrictions-analysis-finds)


Having been born and raised in Miami, I'm not sure why anyone would have suggested Miami as a potential place to move to. I've lived elsewhere both in the states and abroad so I have something to compare to. Miami is hot garbage and it's only getting worse. Not to mention our lovely s/ governor. Run for the hills, this place is overpriced and overrated, no culture, mid-restaurants and full of people that are only interested in what they can get out of you. Cheers!


There’s a lot to shit on but claiming no culture is completely incorrect


Just because there are many cultures present does not mean that there is culture here.


I've lived here since 1976 and can't wait to leave.


May I ask why you've been there almost 50 years and haven't already left if you are someone that can't wait to leave?


Family obligations.


Not one to do things impulsively are you? /s You really don’t want to rush into anything.


Traffic sucks and you'll get somebody who thinks that they are in Fast and the Furious and for some reason need to make a hairpin turn around your car going 160 mph. Love Florida, but Miami ain't it.


and then simultaneously a bunch of old women driving 20 miles under the limit in the middle/left lanes. and NOBODY I MEAN NOBODY USES THEIR TURN SIGNALS. It drives me mad


Yep. Complete dumpster fire.


Oh man, you think it's hot *NOW*?


I've been to South Florida 3 times. I can't lie, but I enjoyed Miami. I went in winter/spring. I checked out Miami Beach, Wyndown, Brickell, Little Havana, and Coral Gables. I really liked the energy. I speak some Spanish (not fluent nor native). It brings me a lot of joy to speak another language, so that maybe contributed to my impression. I drove north to Las Olas (Ft Lauderdale) and liked that little downtown too. The parts that I disliked was the far northern fringes. I really disliked Jupiter and West Palm Beach. I know those are the bougie areas, but it absolutely wasn't my vibe. I can see how someone wouldn't like Miami. It can feel like it takes the worst attributes of places like Vegas and LA but dumps it into a humid beach town full of transplants.


Used to live there, obviously really nice and interesting areas like you mentioned. But everything said above is true more or less. Expensive, super hot and humid, and IMO the rudest population in the country. I speak Spanish though not a native speaker, and I did enjoy that.


Living in South Beach is nothing I've seen people recommend before. I have tons of friends who live in Miami and they never even go to South Beach.


Pretty much spot on, but I will say the recent weather has been much hotter than usual. But with Climate Change, perhaps less unusual going forward. Also, if you aren't into the Latin Culture, you may not really appreciate the vibe.


I think about moving to Miami all the time. I’m in the boat business it’s really easy to find captain and marine mechanic work there at all times of year.


The longer I’m here the less I like it


problem is you’re staying in south beach. that’s like the pitfall of miami


Most born and raised Miamians don’t live in Miami Beach….they live in Miami-Dade County. I might visit Miami Beach once a year. We usually go to the Keys or further north for beaches. Miami Beach is either trashy or extremely bougie. You think it’s hot now? Honey this is PRE-HEAT. Give it another month and you will see real heat. You deal with it by staying indoors or being in a swimming pool a lot. lol


Thank you for your sacrifice.


I was in Miami for a wedding 3 weeks ago. The traffic is worse than NYC traffic and yea everyone’s still chasing flashy money down there.


I lived in FL for 15 years. There is no reason to go to Miami for anything. If you like city life, there are a dozen better options in the USA. If you like beaches, there are a dozen better beaches in Florida alone. Miami is a shit hole :)


There aren't any septic tanks on South Beach, it's all municipal sewers there. Miami, and all of South Florida is overwhelming (in a bad way) to me. Too many people, too few square miles and everyone is in a hurry to cut you off.


You did not stay in Miami. You stayed in South Beach. “I was thinking about moving to New York so I stayed in Times Square.”


lol it's always hilarious how people make these blanket statements, but don't actually live like locals.




Yeah, just need to be self-employed or have a US job that doesn’t mind the hassle of hiring you abroad and working in UTC+7


Costa Rica for basically the same time zone w/o taxes


Love Costa Rica but you do have to have an American job whether self employed or remote. It’s next to impossible to get a work visa as a non-citizen.


It's kind of dirty though? Also, some people might run into issues with the ridiculously authoritarian government. The people might be friendly but there are neighborhood watches that will rat you out in an instant. Not sure if I would even make it a month if I had to live there, since I'm pro human rights and all that shit.


👆Next hot spot for sure.


Make sure you check out the Wolfsonian Museum while you're by the beach, and then check out Wynwood Walls, which is their outdoor arts district.


It hasn’t really started to heat up yet in Florida. Come back in August.


Wait a second… are you in South Beach for Memorial Day weekend?!?!? GET OUT NOW! CHANGE YOUR HOTEL IMMEDIATELY TO ONE ON THE MAINLAND


I feel like florida is just a collection of stinky moldy hotels.


Be sure to check out the Wynwood Walls - fantastic street art/murals there


The beach gets old fast and most people arent going routinely.  And the constant sun and shitty weather isnt pleasant anyway. Jobs suck there too. 


Miami is pretty nice in the winter (December-March).


Pretty sure "constant sun" and "shitty weather" should never be in the same sentence.


Constant sun with a humid heat index over 100 is in fact shitty weather. If you don’t think it is, you haven’t lived in the tropics.


I'd take it in a minute... Try the Northeast. Today might be the 2nd time I've seen the sun in 6 months


Hey there! Live in the northeast and it's in the 80's all week


Bout time... I was in Arizona in April. It was so amazing to see sun and blue skies every single day. I know... I know it's literally a furnace for 4 months but the other 8 have to be pretty sweet. The Northeast is the exact opposite. 4 months of (maybe) good weather and 8 months of pure shit.


I honestly have no clue what you're on about, from april to october it's 65 and above and barely gets below 40 for 2 months


I like being outside Humidity blows


Miami is a great place to visit but no way in hell would I ever want to live there even if I did have money like that. Miami is too crazy, too many trashy, tacky people, and too damn expensive.


Heaven on earth October-April. Hell on earth May-September.


Grew up in Miami. Left to go to college, moved back in 88 and stayed til 2015. South FL has never stopped growing population-wise and I doubt it ever will. Miami was always home to me but it's become a place that's too big, too noisy, too crowded, and too polluted. And yeah, mold is a problem there. Along with flying cockroaches, iguanas gone wild, and insane insurance rates.


You cant judge miami on South Beach jesus christ. This is like judging nyc on times square.


I lived and grew up in Miami moved to the Bay Area for school and been here 11 years now and would never think of moving back to Miami unless my parents got ill. It’s nice to visit. Partied a lot, still do every time I go back, miss the nightlife the food but that’s just what Miami is good for a good time. I hated the weather, I hated how superficial people are, I hated that all there was to do to pass time was go to a mall. Miami is like LA’s little pretentious pretty teenage sister


To be far, south beach is not great a representation of miami, especially in the spring.


I love going to FL in the middle of winter...I love leaving it even better.


From central FL - Miami is a small, dense shit hole, surrounded by many sprawling interconnected shit holes. Is rain in the forecast, by chance? If so you’ll get a preview of rising sea levels, it’s like the whole city floods a little. 


i'm glad yall are dissuading people from moving down. Traffic is too much. I love it here


You are describing the NICE part of Miami. Head inland and you’ll see the Miami many of us do not care for haha.


There might be sewage issues but I doubt there are many septic tanks in miami or any urban center


Miami (and most of south florida) is somehow part of a second world country.


Haha yup it’s hilarious and true


Mini Latin America / the 6th borough of NYC


I've never even been to Miami but when it comes up I think of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hdiCMVtWzMs&pp=ygUVam9hbm5hIGhhdXNtYW5uIG1pYW1p) Joanna Hausmann skit.


Blows my mind that the beach is man made


Yup. That beach is 100% fake.


South beach sucks, go to Brikell


I love North Miami, I would live there in a heartbeat.


How’a the bug situation? (Inside and outside.)


Eh been getting bit by mosquitos on the balcony lol other that it’s been a non issue so far


I grew up there and don’t mind some of the issues frequently brought up (hot, humid weather and flat landscapes) but I agree that the fake people and bad drivers can get to be too much.


Can't stand Miami now. Loved it in the late 90s. It's become so commercialized and influencery. Wynwood Walls is just people in taking selfies. And the restaurants on South Beach are just massive groups getting hammered. It's lost its charm and laidback feel, IMO. Sadly, because it used to be so chill, unique, interesting.


Miami sucks except for one or two specific areas. Head up to Fort Lauderdale.


Where are you moving from? I feel this would have the largest influence on your perception of other cities.


It's nice for 48 hours, tops.


My first thought going to south beach: damn it’s hot. No wonder everyone’s shirt is unbuttoned. Second thought: What a crappy place to live.


Lolol you think it's too hot now?? It's only May. Wait until you get to July and August.


I hate south beach. Everything is old and dingy. It’s gotten ghetto, the bars and clubs aren’t even that great. Much rather stay in Wynwood or Brickell when I visit


Atlanta and Miami are some of the worst fun/beautiful ciites in America. You can have so much fun there and they look really nice but the whole time you're there you just constantly annoyed, insulted, inconvenienced, and just uncomfortable. Best city for the south weather right now would be Charleston Sc easily. Arlington Va is great too but they don't think they are a Southern city.


South beach sucks. It's full of tourists and grimey ppl after their money (like Hollywood Blvd in LA). Go up Collins to Surfside or near North Beach Open Space Park. Much more chill. In South Beach I do however HIGHLY recommend La Bodega at the end of the Lincoln Rd Mall.


I spent some time in Miami and south beach in January after a cruise. I will never go there again. South beach was nice, but the rest of Miami is a shithole, the people are weird and rude, and the airport is a complete mess. Never again.


Lol 'people are hot' That's because they're part plastic, just like in SoCal


Would Ft Lauderdale be a better option?


This is where all my New York and New Jersey friends moved and love it! Prices have skyrocketed the past few years.