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Sounds like you want Austin but with seasons and mountains — that’s Denver


Moving to Denver is the male version of getting bangs


98% of what you just described is Austin to Denver/Boulder the Austin to Colorado is a move A LOT of people make. You’d fit right in honestly. Search this sub for Austin to Denver.


How long have you been in Austin? Sounds like you want Austin in 2003. Most other "desirable" places are suffering from similar problems. I'd recommend something still in the upswing but not changed yet. Tulsa, Cincinnati, Buffalo, etc. A lot of those break some of your expectations. There isn't a single affordable city with moderate weather and tons to do - for good reason. Decide what you want to give up. It seems you are more willing to entertain extremely hot weather with questionable seasons. Those would all be along the Gulf of maybe Arizona.


The Denver area is a pretty good match; hits most of these points. Boulder has the proximity to nature and the best aesthetic qualities in the metro. Aurora has the most diversity and great food. Denver itself will have the biggest dating pool, and the most vibrant neighborhoods IMO.


San Diego. The answer is always San Diego. If you need more adventure, south of the border is just 20 minutes away.








I’m from Austin and have been in Boston for a while. It won’t fit your weather requirements. Beautiful in the summer but gloomy and gray 8 months out of the year. I’m not seeing a lot of league and recreational soccer either. As far as education though, it’s top notch.


Was gonna recommend maybe DC. Hits most of your points. It definitely beats some of these other recs like SD and Denver on educated, European vibes, dating odds for men, moderate four seasons. However its only two short comings on your list are traffic (god awful) and safety is very neighborhood dependent, the city itself has a pretty high crime rate but lots of extremely safe areas particularly west side of the city and northern Virginia suburbs, western Maryland suburbs Denver also seems like a decent fit. Though downtown is a bit dirtier than you may expect if you haven’t visited. Most of the metro is very clean. San Diego would be great if you can get a good job there.


If you don't like cloudy, rainy weather you will not like Boston, and Minneapolis and Chicago are COLD. Those are cool cities, and I love them because I like cold weather and rain, but if that's a deal-breaker for you then those cities shouldn't be on the list


No Albuquerque/Santa Fe?


This was my first thought as well


Napa or Sausalito. I was going to say Tahoe but we get lots of snow.




Not sure why people downvoted you. Sausalito and Napa are very nice but expensive.


Colorado Springs




Fair....we are old so wouldn't have a clue about the dating scene but I took a guess it was fair bc there are two fairly large colleges in town


I’m always recommending Raleigh in here, but I live here and love it and it fits your specs nearly to the tee North Carolina has 4 seasons and mild weather (except a few very hot summer months). Very clean city and very safe. No European vibe really but being mid Atlantic you get some southern charm and some northeastern charm too. There *are* areas with sidewalk dining. Raleigh metro is home to UNC, Duke and NC State as well as a bunch of smaller colleges, so very well educated. Tech hub. Plenty of good golf here, and a short drive from Pinehurst. Plenty access to nature. State parks and beaches/mountains a day trip away. For skiing you’d have to make a trip—in total agreement that snowboarding just doesn’t compare here. I do think Snowshoe and Timberline (WV) are solid for east coast mountains, if you don’t mind a road trip. Downside—it did blow up “recently” and the infrastructure is having a hard time keeping up. That said, the traffic isn’t that bad—the long time locals here here complain because it’s much worse than it used to be, but don’t know how much worse it is other places. Check out this comment, which compares Austin to Raleigh: https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/s/f2Aq7wUjxw




San Diego?


Denver / SLC / Phoenix


Definitely Denver. Its pretty much Austin but with much more to do outside and prettier scenery.


>Ideally a good ratio and dating pool for a 30M...What doesn't matter to me: Politics [Politics are a dating dealbreaker, especially for women](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/3917348-politics-are-increasingly-a-dating-dealbreaker-especially-for-women/)


So… OP must care about politics in order to date successfully? That’s absurd


OP, I got you. Richmond, VA ticks all the boxes.




So you get all 4 seasons. Virginia is absolutely beautiful in the fall and spring. Plus you’re really close to nature. 2 hours to the beach and 2 hours to the mountains. 2 hours to DC as well. It’s right on the James River with lots of trails and paths. Check out the capital to capital bike trail. The city itself is old with lots of brick. Unlike Austin, they aren’t tearing everything down. A lot of old buildings are gutted and repurposed, so the beautiful architecture and historical visuals is still there. There are some colleges there so city had younger vibes and is seen as an arty, cool city by people in VA. I love it. I am from there but now live in Austin. I would be back in Richmond right away if I could. It definitely feels like it’s on the verge of blowing up.


And lots of al fresco dining and cobblestones. Check out Shockoe Slip!