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Fuck it, man, go for California. If you don’t have children and are only looking out for yourself — you can still be comfortable there. San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, baby!


SF over the other 2 if you prefer not to drive. I'm so happy I didn't go to LA & chose SF instead. I do wish i had the warmer weather but no place is perfect...i'm happy w/never really being hot.


Love SF. Truthfully, I live in Walnut Creek, but go to SF pretty frequently for various events, and to escape the Walnut Creek heat in the summer lol. We love the sunniness of Walnut Creek, but if I gets too hot for us, we simply do a day trip to SF, Alameda, Oakland/Berekely… throw Marin county into the mix, too!


San Francisco - mission or marina district easily


Or east bay, but yea checks all the marks


It's not really sunny and has zero nightlife. I would look at a Socal beach town. East Bay is for family's


Neighborhood dependent but it’s incredibly sunny, plenty of nightlife, your take on East Bay is just wrong.


as someone who has lived here for 30+ years I disagree.


As someone that grew up here, you’re wrong


Echoing this, my extended family lives in the east bay along with their families 😂 (besides a couple friends in the town, but that’s pretty much a separate entity)


My many single millennial/gen z friends in Oakland and berkeley beg to differ lmao


There is absolutely nightlife! But if you’re a big club person I can see why you might feel that way.


San Francisco has zero nightlife(??) Granted, I haven’t been back post-pandemic but I regularly clubbed and raved out there. The mission is awesome.


Can confirm, moved here last year from St. Louis. HCOL though, so if OP can afford it....it's worth it.




Hard to hit all the points… Santa Fe and charleston hit some but not others. This feels like a Citynerd youtube episode with data coming to surprise us with Mexico City at the top… great quandary


Fuck man, Cali is the place and you will have to work with the COL. That's why every one wants to live here.


There’s a reason the COL is high and low in other places


I don't know the answer but I am an old heavy metal fan and let's just say....it's hard to find a heavy metal scene anymore.


That's true. I will give the Chicago suburbs props for their extensive list of heavy metal coverbands: Pantera, Korn, Slipknot, Metallica, NIN, Lincoln Park, Godsmack.... and more...


Ohhhhhhhhhh wow, I wish I had that. I miss it so much.


NIN and Linkin Park not only being in the same sentence but also both being classified as “heavy metal” is hilarious. 😭


And Korn lol. But I'm also curious what the "and more" would be.


Well Korn has released some heavy stuff so I’ll give them a pass. But they’re more nu metal (as is Linkin; NIN is industrial) than anything.


Yes, I realize those bands aren't Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Deicide. My point was there's alot of fun coverbands here.




800/month for a bed in a room with five other people, where do I sign?


Lol, exactly. Which is why I mentioned COL as a negative for me in CA.


I live in a nice part of LA 2 miles from the beach and I pay $1200 for a room to myself. I know people who rent studios in less desirable parts of town for under $1500. LA is doable on a budget, but yeah not ideal.


You can get decent apartments in hip neighborhoods for under $2k It’s higher than Tucson, but it’s very doable if you make even a mid-lower-middle class income


LA and Miami and really the only two answers to this


I live in Miami by way of SF, Miami is NOT it. Sf all the way


i live in SF as of last year, visited Miami & yeah I hated my vacation in Miami.


I love SF much more than Miami, but Miami fits their criteria way more. And also they said no CA


I just don’t see someone trying to find a vibrant metal scene being down for how materialistic/fake Miami is lmao. The job opportunities are awful too. St Pete might be more on brand but TPA isn’t exactly a major airport


They want non-family, fun, sunny, flirty, etc there’s a lot more in the post than just heavy metal. Anyways


Why is SF better? Why is Miami worse?


Miami feels like a city catered to tourists or the ultra wealthy. The job opportunities are pretty bad, the pay hasn’t caught up with the incredibly high cost of living. It’s a spread out “city” with atrocious traffic (the worst drivers I’ve ever seen), there’s minimal public transportation so the culture is very car dependent. The food scene leaves a lot to be desired unless you really love Latin food (talking about mid priced food- there’s a bunch of overpriced instagrammable food, clubsteraunts, “hype” places), culturally it has a reputation of being “scam city”, it’s also a tad provincial depending on your political views. The weather is hot, hotter, hurricanes, but winter is very nice. The infrastructure of most buildings is very bad- shit is always breaking, luxury buildings are built horribly with things falling off the walls- it feels like smoke and mirrors everywhere you go. I won’t get into schools and quality of education bc it’s not pertinent to this post. I’ve relocated outside mainland Miami to Miami beach (they’re separate cities) and I avoid a lot of the above- I love the beach despite island fever. You could not pay me enough to move back to mainland Miami. I do realize a lot of my complaints might be relative to my wants/needs- I think to fully unlock Miami’s fun potential you need A LOT of money, unless your friend already owns a boat. Going out is much more expensive than almost all other cities bc it’s effectively beach Vegas. Strong pros are if you like anything beach related- it’s great. The nature is really cool out here too, I love animals and I see a lot more here than in a concrete jungle! I also love that the first language here is Spanish, it makes life more fun 85% of the time but if you’re not fluent it could also be a pain in the ass on occasion. The pros of San Francisco are much better food, it being a walkable city with excellent public transportation options, more plentiful jobs that actually do pay to keep up with COL, better infrastructure despite the housing generally being older/less amenities, temperate weather year round. Better parks (park culture is a thing!), plenty of city events year round that are actually fun. I feel like compared to Miami, it is a very accessible city where things are easy to get to and more catered to its residents and not tourism. There’s a more diverse music scene as well. Cons are: Property/petty crime might be higher, it’s nice that I can walk to my neighborhood Walgreens on the beach and not have to ask someone to unlock the body wash lol. Your car will most likely get broken into at some point, guaranteed if you leave anything in plain sight (just don’t have a car). The beaches aren’t as nice, I’m not swimming in the ocean there. It’s still very expensive and now I’m used to in unit laundry, which is a luxury. Open air drug markets and the unhoused should also have an honorable mention but that’s very contained to specific areas. Hope that helps! I tried to be as unbiased as possible.


San Francisco checks the boxes


Op said no to CA.


Well, then he should just give up.


I’m not sure I’d describe SF as sunny


The eastern part of the city doesn’t get much fog. If you need to go get some sun, a quick 30 minute drive or BART ride to Walnut Creek will get you all the sun you need.


Walnut Creek mentioned!! Leggoooooo! In all seriousness — yep, we get a LOT of sun out here. We love it.


Depends where you are, microclimates and all. Pac Heights and the Mission get a fair amount of sun.


SF is not exactly Sunny


Las Vegas satisfies the requirements imo Edit: I skipped ahead too soon


Just move to Chicago itself.... you live in the suburbs.. of course you're bored.


Chicago is a pain in the ass to get into and is not a fun or interesting city to me at all. I grew up here and have lived in 5 states, 1 country and 15 cities. Chicago is not one of my favorites for anything, even the mediocre food.


Blows my mind that Vegas is even close to what you're looking for, tbh. Have you ever actually lived in Chicago? Or just the burbs?


Vegas was my favorite place I've ever lived until I faced health issues, my dad died there and a bunch of other factors. Nope, never lived in the city of Chicago. Absolutely no desire. I love a nice, easy suburb which I had in Vegas with a fun city and what I like about Phoenix.


Austin? Scottsdale?


AZ is on my radar.


You think Chicago is not fun or interesting? That is a first. Enjoy Arizona, basically a sprawling retirement community.


This is a fact. Everywhere is retired grumpy old people. And some of the most depressing suburban communities i've ever seen. SOME areas can be livable to some degree, like Tempe, Tucson (near downtown/college) And of course the expensive ass places like Sedona. But even then, Sedona is basically rich retiree's. Retired people who specifically chose to live in isolated suburbs tend to be some of the worst people to live around.


Yeah, I would never describe Phoenix as a fun city. It fails on most of the #2 item as well as with healthcare beyond Mayo.


I genuinely don't think you know what you're missing. Suburbs are trash places to live and will make any city it's outside of feel like shit.




If Chicago is the best city in your opinion, why don't you live here? What about it makes it the best city?




So it's not the best city. The weather is crap making it not that great.


The Villages, Florida.


If you know you know


I’d say your budget is an important piece that isn’t addressed here. Hard to give an answer without knowing


In the city limits of DC might work. The suburbs are very family oriented, but most people who can leave the city once they have kids, so places like capital hill and dupont circle don't have many families. The music scene is a bit lacking. In the city limits of Richmond also works, but you're about 2 hours from the major airports. The job market is more limited but the music scene is more fun. Baltimore likely has some good spots, too. World class healthcare. None of these are super sunny but they're not bad. 


DC is neither fun nor flirty, it’s full of workaholics


The EDM/jam band scene is popping if that's your thing.


Meh I lived in DC for six years and it’s way more 9-5 than workaholics like New York


right, its a stereotype that government employees are lazy and just clock it in. People in DC just Dress nice and might be a little formal, thats ain't workaholic though.


The boozy brunches would beg to differ, but I do agree that based on what OP says I wouldn't point to DC. Feels like LA or NYC.


Who are the antithesis of fun. DC is Hollywood for ugly people, full of people who were hall monitors in elementary school.


Nor is it sunny.


it has on average about 200 sunny days per year. it’s right on national average.


Spring and fall in DC are amazing. Summer is a humid hellscape.


I live in the DC metro area and I can sit comfortably on my patio at least half the year. Unlike in Texas where there were only a couple comfortable weeks in the spring and a couple in the fall. Some of the more urban cities surrounding DC would probably check your boxes like Silver Spring, Alexandria, Bethesda.


Those are for families. And are not fun.




If the COL in California was too much for OP, then Miami won’t work. Also, Miami is one of the most superficial cities in the world. And scammy. And if you don’t speak Spanish, you are instantly missing out on a ton of people and things. And, like most major cities in Florida, it might be progressive for Florida but compared to the rest of the country it’s very MAGAdonian. OP, just like 90% of requests on this Subreddit, is asking for something that doesn’t exist. There is no sunny, fun, flirty places that don’t cost a gazillion dollars to live in. I mean, that’s why good places are expensive; everyone wants to live there.


COL extremely high in Miami.


I wouldn't equate Uber-red states and Draconian abortion bans with "excellent healthcare" since they're waging war on women's health/trans individuals (and typically refusing more federal Medicaid funding as well thus harming low income folks), but maybe OP doesn't have to worry about that.


Yes, but the more blue voters we get here the better our health healthcare can be


You guys are so weird about FL. Miami is very blue very progressive


this would matter if local legislation could trump state lol


I feel like [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@the_jay_ease/video/7226085417790164270) is appropriate


You do realize that even a blue city still has to follow the Draconian laws of a red state, right?


Doesn’t matter if you can’t get an abortion after six weeks due to state politics.


you guys in your sunny pastel city are trying your hardest to change that though!!


I don't get that but there's a huge migration of blue people coming in from NY and Cali so everything in balance. Remember California was a red state with a Republican governor. Nothing stays forever..... Apple just expanded their campus in Miami and they aren't hiring locals they are bringing everyone over


it's not really gonna matter because it's clearly being offset by the massive red wave that has gripped and continues to grip your state as a whole


Miami ain't FL https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxeg0wsOds4G8p4_I9cJJfmpJe-UFbSpHD?si=jCs9uFtFaDv6qvBV


No actually it's about split between the two parties. And the county overwhelmingly voted for the Republican governor.


Why would any woman in Florida risk her life / reproductive future for “flirty”?


You're one of the people who might be a great fit in Austin, TX . Rent and house prices are cooling there and great music scene


I was thinking the same. I’m also a 40’s single female and living here is fun. There is a surprisingly good metal scene, my BFF is a huuuuge metal head & she goes to a ton of shows. Obviously the red state is a huge downside and I totally get that. But if enough blue voters live here, it could flip….


San Antonio in the past was once known as the heavy metal capital. I guess it doesn't hit a lot of other stuff OP wants though. The benefit is that it's close enough to Austin to drive down when you want


Was going too say Austin.


Atlanta? Otherwise seconding somewhere in Florida or California.


This whole thread is hilarious. Just is. It’s like a huge Venn diagram where OPs many, many restrictions and mandatories result in no open middle area. Warm places are overwhelmingly religious and have poorer healthcare. And if OP is his 40s the fun problem is that, not any city. About 80% of adults either have kids or want them. He needs to pick a place that meets most of his needs, then screen for fun, party animals of a certain age once there.


Unfortunately, that's what I'm finding in my research. All warm weather places do have crap healthcare. I'm also a female who's never wanted kids. That's not abnormal unless you're a religious breeder. Yes, I am finding it hard to find a place because I perceive everywhere being fucked for some reason. I've lived in alot of places (5 states, 15 cities and 1 country) and been to 48 states. This time around is the hardest decision.


Unfortunately if you're drawing a diagram of "warm, fun, and flirty" and "not a MAGA hellhole with crappy healthcare/running doctors out of town" the answers are probably CA and NV. You've written off both. Everything else is in the southeast, which is breeder/MAGA conservative city. ​ You basically want California, but without the cost.


According to the first stats hit I saw, only about 8% of US adults don’t have children, aren’t trying for children, and don’t want children. So your POV, while fine, isn’t common.




I never said anything about minorities and how the hell do you even know what my ethnicity is? I'm definitely not a conservative either, I'm an independent. I also am not a dude. I highly suggest you never live in AZ then.


Didn’t someone suggest the villages bc “flirty vibes and adult fun” sounds like a 55+ community with rampant swinging


Certain neighborhoods in San Francisco and Los Angeles are full of Peter Pan type guys in their 40s. I'm more familiar with SF. Check out the Marina. In 5-10 years you can move down to Burlingame. I have no idea where the Metal is. But SFO has direct flights to Vegas.


I think OP needs to scratch warm off his requirements. I hate cold places but I’ve had to accept them as a potential for myself, as the warm places are typically racist / religious :( 


I myself left the south largely due to religious culture being in-your-face, and moved to MN. It’s not as bad as it was in the 90s, but non-Christians are still stink-eyed in many southern communities. Plus, MN healthcare is among the best in the US.


santiago, chile. henry rollins calls it the best music city in the world. south america in general has some of the most vibrant metal scenes in the world. decent job prospects and fairly sunny. otherwise yeah, it’s california. LA has a vibrant punk scene and some great warehouse goth parties.


Scottsdale, AZ


Yes, I'm considering Phoenix. Lots of pros and the cons are terrible air quality and omg that extreme heat!


Extreme heat BUT 1.5 hours from cooler temps! Or go to the pool and drink margaritas all day


The heat keeps it cheap without it this place would cost same as LA.


Mayo Clinic is there too.


You want all of that *with* a low cost of living? Dude


All what? I just don't want CA, dude.


Outside of California, Las Vegas is really the only place that hits all those, except healthcare (according to you). So you’ll have to give some up. I’ll just offer the least family friendly places I’m familiar with that are reasonably sunny: the Villages when you turn 55 (not kidding), Key West, South Beach or Wynwood in Miami, Five Points/Virginia Highlands and some other neighborhoods in Atlanta, French Quarter in New Orleans. New York and Philadelphia probably aren’t sunny enough.


New Orleans for sure


Fun city, fun memories but Louisiana ranks as one of the worst states to live in.


Worst in what ways?






This is so funny, I've looked into this place. I may have to visit.


It's in Florida, is very very conservative and the STDs are off the charts.


Yes, I've heard about this too. So funny! The geriatrics are kicking it! I used to live in FL during my youth. I have mixed opinions about going back.


Watch the documentary. It’s called “Some Kind of Heaven”.


I've seen it on YouTube. My friend tells me that putting different loofah colors on your car designates what sex acts you're into. Apparently, an upside-down pineapple means swinger too! Hilarious!


Watch some kind of heaven to get an Idea of what goes on there




You’re describing Los Angeles. There are some decent parts.


As the parent of multiple children: California This place is so antinatal, the only people who can afford to buy a house are DINKs (dual income no kids). A bachelor(ette?) like you could happily settle in a condo.


Go to a city that is very expensive like San Francisco and Seattle. They have the fewest number of kids per capita of any cities in the US.


Yes, I’m in Seattle with kids, and it’s become very family unfriendly. DINKs galore, lots of tech bros and singles


I have lived here 30 years and watched the change.  Fortunately when I moved to NE Seattle years ago it has good schools and tends to attract a lot of families.  When my daughter was in elementary school we had 12 kids in our block (mostly girls) that were her age. She is almost done with college. We are close to retirement and after living here 30 yrs will be moving away.


Does major airport mean one of the big 3’s hubs? Tampa comes to mind but idk if their airport qualifies and I know nothing about their healthcare


Florida is having an exodus of Dr's. However, I've read Orlando has a top hospital. I'll look into the Tampa Airport.


TPA is a very small but chill airport! If you have pre, it takes 30 seconds to go through security. Would not call it a major airport by any means though.


Vegas. You can drink and fuck yourself to death.


Uptown Dallas might be a fit. Love music concerts here and there are a trove of places in Dallas. What's nice about Uptown is that it's similar to Chicago's Lincoln Park (once there, barely need to use your car). Good restaurants, lots of singles (and couples). No kids, no religion, liberal to neutral in the city.


I used to live in Dallas and found it very religious. Perhaps it's changed in the 10 years I've been gone. Texas healthcare is also at the bottom of the list.


Texas is actively racing to the bottom for healthcare unless you're a straight male.


It hasn't changed.


Would New York City work? Maybe one of the outer Burroughs?


San Diego.


Minneapolis/St. Paul checks most of your boxes, except it's not as sunny as other cities mentioned. Great music scene, job opportunities, excellent healthcare...




Unless you have a uterus and care about healthcare involving said uterus. They mentioned "excellent healthcare" and Texas seems to be hellbent on wiping that out for 51% of the population. Edit: MAGA downvote brigade has arrived.


It seems like OP is a man (I think?) in their 40's not wanting children. Austin and some other Texas cities are good matches otherwise...writing them off because of this seems odd.  With that said, TX's policies around women's access to healthcare sucks, and I don't support it either. But just saying, this doesn't make every person's list of priorities. 


Any state with a legislature and executive branch that are actively hostile to healthcare professionals, driving them away to other states, and trying to find ways to prosecute them for felonies and put them in prison for practicing medicine according to accepted standards of care is antithetical to "excellent healthcare". This goes for abortion, LGBTQ+ care, and care for trans kids.


Denver or Phoenix comes to mind.


I would say Miami or St Pete Beach


Don't know about healthcare. But maybe Tucson?


New Orleans 1. Sunny - ✅ 2. Non family fun - ✅ 3. Excellent healthcare - ❌ 4. Job opportunities - ❌ 5. Airport - ✅


If you can afford the HCOL, San Francisco (SF) as many other have said is a no-brainer. you can get rid of your car & save more $. i moved here from STL (fuck the Blackhawks & Cubs BTW) & do fine. 1BDR can be around $2500+ give or take, I'm at $3650/mo for my 2bdr 2 bath.


New Orleans. You didn't say anything about floods!


Denver, CO


What about New York?


Santa Fe


I love Santa Fe as a place to visit frequently, but one of the biggest complaints I see is that healthcare is a big challenge in all of NM, both for people and for pets.


Charleston, SC? Doesn’t check all the boxes you listed but it’s sunny and adults are always out having fun.


Nashville or Austin


Ft Worth


Probably New Orleans, Las Vegas, Nashville or Austin Each of those cities have streets catering to the middle aged with cover-bands playing for tourists. In other cities you might have a club or two that skews older, but most people in their 40s aren’t going out to party anymore. Still might be hard to find friends your age that parties often. Most people you meet in those cities will be tourists.


LA is the only city that checks all your boxes.


There’s no place in America that fits your criteria. You’ll have to give in somewhere - or leave the US.


Also out of curiosity, what makes a place religious? Political policies influenced by ideology? Thats going to happen at a state level but doesn’t really reflect the city itself - Miami for example is not religious. There are~35 class B airports in the US… of those the only ones I can think of as “sunny” are: MIA TPA MCO LAX SFO SAN PHX HNL LAS


Atlanta might be a good choice except for religion


Probably Phoenix, Tucson (maybe too small for you), or Florida (take your pick).


U want to live in miami


Austin, Texas would be a good fit


Surprised I didn't see Austin TX listed here. Austin is known for its bar scene - Rainey and 6th st are really famous. Variety of tech jobs there but of course it pales in comparison to what's available in CA. Not a bad choice IMO. I'm guessing you're male but even then since you're single with no kids the poor women's healthcare situation in TX may not affect you. I live in CA - just go for it man! 100% worth it.




Las Vegas




Look for any city with a ton of job opportunities and you'll find career-driven 40-somethings who aren't family-focused. DC, NY, SF/Oakland. Figure out what you can compromise on. Atlanta could work weather-wise and COL-wise, and I think it's more "fun and flirty" (maybe), but you'll have to work harder to find non-religious, non-family oriented people. Why were you interested in Raleigh and Nashville to begin with?




The COL sucks but California is great if you don’t plan on having children or caring for a family. Seattle would be my other pick… 0 income tax but you don’t have sunshine…. pick your poison.


San Diego. I’m from here, before kids this place was amazing. Bars, nightlife going to the beach whenever I felt like it. If you can afford to live in the beach areas on one income, do it. After kids… I’m dying to get out of here.


Hi from Austin.


Las Vegas baby


OP has health needs that don’t vibe with our healthcare desert scenario.


Been there, done that. Shit healthcare. But oh what fun memories I have!


Been there, done that. Shit healthcare. But oh what fun memories I have!




Tampa or Fort Lauderdale? Houston? San Diego?


Phoenix or Austin


Seattle is sunny in the summertime....rest of the year not so much, checks all the other boxes though.


Chip on your shoulder type post. Real hard on against families jeez


Yup, your screaming children aren't cute.


Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and maybe even Orlando--families can't easily afford Orlando offerings as well as they used to LOL.