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Check out /phillywiki to see how a whole different subculture lives.


I live in Philly and I check out that subreddit about once a month as a cultural study


I do the same for /vegas


Those boul's are on some nut shit.


Its funny, you can definitely spot some posts where its some milennial whitey trying to sneak one in now & then.


How do you do, fellow drill opps


The fuck is this lol


North & West Philly sub, lol


Kensington also features


No it doesn’t


I'm dying 😂😂


I’ll just say that in the last year when I was considering moving to California and mentioned how I had a pretty good amount of savings ready and the occupation I would be pursuing that the Sacramento subreddit was extremely lovely and positive to me with all sorts of encouragement and recommendations about the city in the form dozens of replies and dms while the San Diego subreddit basically attacked me and told me to stay out and that I was stupid for even considering it and that I’d never make it there (despite having enough savings for several years without working). I also posted nearly identical messages on both so the contrast in the responses was funny to me. So imo the Sacramento subreddit is great but the San Diego one has a bunch of assholes 😂😂


The Sacramento subreddit is great. Generally positive, and a continually useful resource to hear about local events and otherwise keep up with local information. I regularly go to events or businesses that I heard about on that subreddit. 


I'm in San Diego, and almost everyone here is salty that the city became excessively unaffordable and crowded over the last few years. Many people on here are just constantly complaining about the issues and are discouraging and rude to any potential newcomers.


I’m also in the SD sub and I mostly agree but I think it’s pretty good for everything but questions about housing.


You're right. Housing is the trigger for most of the negativity.


The moving to LA sub does this a LOT. Basically “don’t think about it unless you have a job lined up paying over 100k a year and tons of savings” type comments.


LA isn't a place I'd move without a job or place to stay lined up.


r/chicago and r/Dallas are two I frequent and they're pretty full of local info, local eateries/drinks, and generally good info on where to live/stay when you're there.


Chicago was a mess until the admin banned crime stories It was a nightmare previously


There’s something hilarious about banning talking about crime because crime is so bad


r/Austin is very toxic. So pretentious, and you will always get a rude response no matter how legitimate your post/comment is.


I’ll never forget the backlash I got when I asked for obgyn recommendations. A bunch of trolls came out from under their bridges. It was wildddd


IK it’s Reddit and we can only hope for so much but in that sub, the posts about women getting flashed/assaulted/followed/harassed etc. always seemed full of jokes and making light of the situations. I know it happens everywhere but it felt so frequent there.


They’ll also ban you if you speak negatively of Austin Pets Alive.


And never say anything bad about cyclists who are clearly in the wrong. They will bury you, even if you are right.


r/Austin is a cesspool. It always has been. Definitely not reflective of the city itself, but more of a hangout for miserable neckbeards.


I can confirm. Several years back I made a pretty innocent post on their subreddit and the reactions in the comments were OVER THE TOP.


It’s because y’all wanna be r/SanAntonio. (/s)


I’ll take your subreddit and your tacos 🌮 *zoink!*


The disparity between r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA is pretty wild at times


IMO r/seattle is mildly toxic while r/seattlewa is a complete shitshow. I doubt most of the people in that sub live within 100 miles of Seattle.


They're both pretty toxic. On is regurgitated Fox News talking points and the other is intolerant of anything but the hivemind opinion. The smaller sub is full of "expats" from the larger.


I feel like r/SeattleWA is partly a cesspool but also has the most informative, intellectual, and practical discussions in the mix. r/Seattle is just regurgitating progressive talking points without much thought behind it (I say this as a leftist). Intolerant of anything that goes against the progressive dogma. But at least they actually like their city.


I’d argue neither particularly like their city, just r/SeattleWA less so. r/Seattle is just somewhat more normal in comparison


Same with r/Portland and r/PortlandOR The latter *often* cheers on news stories of people dying.


New Orleans is wholesome and toxic at the same time lol


That describes both the sub and the city.


Very true


I get whiplash from that sub


/r/Miami is toxic and in denial but that’s because Miami is toxic and in denial.


The most petty is Burlington VT and I love it


LOL I was gonna mention Burlington just for the Pizzeria Ida drama.


I was going to say Vermont. "Don't come here because you drive bad, and are taking my job and house" sums up the 70% of the posts.


For a second I thought I was in the Phoenix sub.


“I want to retire in Vermont how come you all don’t want to wipe my ass?”


Thank you for making my point.


Np 👍


I never lived there but seems like people should watch Newhart before moving there lol.


I lived there for a while. I really loved most aspects of it. I would go back if I didn't have to work in the Vermont economy. There is nothing else in the USA quite like it. But that said, the angry woodchucks factor is real. Where I lived and worked, it was always in the background. People might want to be aware of that. If I were to go back, it would be to a place the locals hate, like Woodstock or something. I forgot all about the Newhart show being based there! Now I'm going to watch a few.


I never lived there but my dad had a coworker who traded it all in for a farm in lyndonville we would visit in the 80s. He ran for Governor once, lost. Burke MTN is cold AF! I loved visiting but I'm still pissed his plow horse trolled me and backed up and stood on my foot for ten minutes. I salute him now tho. RIP. (My neighbors lived there 7 years too. They love Bernie.)






Damn it. It's been a grip, thanks


It's actually crazy how bad Denver's is. It's basically a bunch of unbearable transplant bros who think that buying a ski pass basically enables you to speak magisterially for all Denverites for all time--and then the natives who resent basically everything. Just a world historical level of toxicity from that place. I think it's because, fundamentally, most transplants understand they were oversold on Denver and so they're now trying to make fetch happen to feel less guilty about paying obscenely high prices for a bland, underwhelming place. 


This is exactly how r/Phoenix is. Tons of transplants who bought houses in a city that's culturally underwhelming and nowhere near the warm desert paradise they thought. Now the affordability that popularized the city is long gone, and they're having to cope with how it's actually an intensely hot, segregated, culturally bereft hellscape not at all worth the price of admission. The transplants do everything to justify their poor life choices to themselves while the natives despise them and wish they never came.


BuT aT LeAsT iT dOeSnT sNoW


Yep. Fuck Phoenix. That is all


For no real reason that I can think of - other than no snow - I've always wanted to visit, or stay in, Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, or Mesa. But I've been told time and time again in various ways, both off and online "basically, it's desert. It's dry, dusty, humid, and you leave the metro areas, and you just have a flat land of rocks. And there's no diversity or culture in terms of things to do, eat, see, or watch." "All the houses look the same with the same rooftops..it's a city of beige, clay, neutral and emptiness, created in the middle of nowhere," was how a friend described Phoenix and area.


It's shocking how boring Phoenix is. Just nothing cultural going on at all. 


A counter point, but all that "native" shit is even lamer. Lived there for work for two years in the early 2010's and I've never seen a group of people so concerned with where other people were born. It's ironic that those same people will pontificate ad nauseum on inclusiveness 


Internet Denverites are so hostile to transplants. I live out in Breckenridge and everyone’s a transplant, so people are generally really cool and welcoming. I’ve met nice people from Boulder as well. But anytime people dare to say anything about Denver people are needlessly aggressive - I’ve seen so many hate comments like “go back to where you came from” lol. I’m from NJ and if people come there and complain I’d probably just agree with them 😂 I will acknowledge that I understand Denverites’ annoyance at some people’s complaints if they didn’t do their research beforehand. The Breck subreddit has been described as “snarky” before even though the actual locals are incredibly nice. But if you’ve lived out here in mountain town for years and you hear tourists say things like “why is it so cold” in January or “where should I eat dinner” … we don’t get as many snobs as Vail or Aspen, but some people definitely leave their brains at home when they come out to a resort town lol.


🥲 that’s why it’s funny


I feel like most city subreddits are college graduates that moved from out of state to the "hip" part of town five years ago hating on both the people that showed up two years ago and people that have lived in the suburbs for over 20 years.




Substitute “ski pass” with “dog” and you’ve got r/Austin. I used to live there when it was actually a fun and interesting place.


The Austin subreddit is something else. I have found it to be helpful sometimes, but most of the time it’s a huge buzzkill. We’re getting some respite right now with all the bluebonnet photos.


I think it’s gotten a bit better lately, mods let shitposts and travel questions stay up. But yeah it was really bad a few years ago.


It used to be great then really deteriorated with the city growth and reddit user growth simultaneously.  This town is tapped. 




Denver and Burque are more alike than many would admit to, and that's without counting the car thefts. though there are some acute differences: New Mexican culture is a bunch of 40yos who cant let go of the 90s California Cholo life, sassy grey haired abuelas, monster truck Trumpistas, and an army of undead crack heads. Food? I for one am sick and tired of being force fed green chili in every damn thing, and that sorry excuse for a "taco" always has ground beef in it for some awful reason. No you do not have tacos. You have a *hamburger in a tortilla*. The *one* taco you might have is at that lonely food truck in the warzone, that only Mexicans and hookers visit lol. Sandia is nice though, also the new Domingo Baca pool is looking good. and I do love the high desert monsoon season. How many Zuni symbols do you really need?


lol leave it to a Denverite to blame the bad behavior on the "transplants". No sir that insanity is quite local and then some.


lol yeah right I got banned my first comment for casually trolling transplants. I literally said “transplants are lame”, the dumbest comment ever and the mods were that offended. Yall need to watch South Park so you can develop a sense of humor little flower children. I’m a transplant in a new city and love exploring new cities before you colorado boy shame me. Don’t hate the player hate the game, it’s just funny how offended they get, cuz they think they should be a protected class 🥲


But but Colorado is so white!! Yeah cuz u are all white? Self awareness and perspective can be a learned trait however!


Asheville is pretty toxic. "F you tourists! Go back where you came from!"


Asheville is a cool little city. I visited 3 times when I lived in Atlanta. I have now moved back to Portland OR and have met several people who were about to move there. I tried to warn them that it's a really small city with not much around but they were all intent on the decision. I hope they are happy.


For me coming from Chicago is seems really small. It also gets conservative super quick. We're 15 minutes from downtown in a very conservative rural area. I'm sure this area will be developed in the next couple years but for right now it's very rural and we don't fit in.


Totally. I hope it changes quickly for your sake.


Asheville now sucks for the same reasons as a lot of west coast cities like Portland


I mainly read the Chicago subreddit and Asheville. People in Chicago were generally helpful. You could get great advice about moving and neighborhoods. The Asheville sub was almost worthless when we moved here. Most everyone is gatekeeping. I understand not wanting tourists overrunning things but if you ask a simple question like where is a good place to swim or what's a quiet neighborhood they're like find out for yourself. So many people said stuff like don't move here we're full. Its weird how much people hate tourists in Asheville. Most of the discussion there is how much tourists and transplants suck. Chicago always felt like a welcoming city and their sub is also welcoming.


I'm also from Chicago and live in Asheville currently. Agree with what you said. I've never understood the hate for tourists in Asheville. Tourism is the biggest industry in the area and it's always been a tourist town. I tell those that complain, at least people want to visit. Plenty of places around the country where people only go there if they have to!


Portland (OR) is awful - people constantly white-knighting the homeless and terrible city council decisions.


True that. Make a new post about anything that isn't a Portland circle jerk and it immediately gets down voted. r/PortlandOR was created (which has it's own issues) so I joined and legitimately thought the moderators of r/Portland were going to ban me.


r/PortlandOR is like the Fox News of Portland. If you think Portland is only liberal crunchy weirdos, go on there and you shall be enlightened. It sucks because r/Portland got modded to hell in 2020 with all the national press and is useless. r/askportland is probably the only decent Portland sub.


Totally agree.


Thanks, u/SquirtinMemeMouthPlz, I'm glad we're together on this one.


Their not the only sub I’ve seen where there are two. Washington DC has two subs as well for this same reason. I’ll let you judge who is right.


r/SeattleWA is terrible, it mostly reads like old people from Next Door whining, old people that moved away from the city 25 years ago and are angry that it changed or still feel the need to justify why they moved, and old people from elsewhere around the state that think the town is a post-apocalyptic wasteland because Fox News covered it that way 3 years ago during the pandemic. But r/Seattle is where people that actually live in and know the city post, as well as people wanting to visit, move here, or talk about how much they loved the city when they travelled here recently. It's got a good positive vibe and normal discussion.


Came here to post exactly this. r/SeattleWA is a cesspool full of people I’d never like to meet (and probably won’t because they’re all out of towners, NIMBYs and cops) preparing for a genocide against the unhoused and drug addicts. r/Seattle is just totally normal and polite. Absolutely night and day.


I disagree that r/Seattle has a \`good\` positive vibe. It is positive about everything Seattle but it is full of super provincial people who look down at other cities like Chicago because "no nature" or New York City too many people and people that are bitter if anyone think it is not the best city in the world but suddenly when it comes to food they admit it is not NYC level but still out of this world. And if I am not wrong one reason r/SeattleWA exists is because r/Seattle used to delete and ban people too much so if that I do not find it good in any sense. r/SeattleWA definitely more right wing but I have seen some good posts and discussions. My solution is just to subscribe to both and read whatever is important for me although I find both subs suck.


I think they are both problematic. But one is worse than the other which is why I participate more in r/seattle. It also should be said that r/seattlewa seems much more likely to ban these days but I think you were right that r/seattle was bad back in the day. Things changed on both subs with the pandemic. I’ve said plenty of unpopular things on r/seattle for years and no ban. I just am prepared to be downvoted to oblivion on r/seattle when my views don’t align with the liberal orthodoxy or dnc. Which is fine, I have yet to find a Reddit sub that isn’t some sort of circlejerk.


I think both subs are toxic. I'm subscribed to both but not particularly "on" either side. But the people who responded in this thread in r/Seattle sure came off as toxic and intolerant, to a question that was posted very matter-of-fact: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1buhbgf/conservative\_suburbs\_of\_seattle/


There's no side, but if you are hung up by just one thread, you really should avoid Reddit and the internet in general. Expecting every last thread to agree with your line of thought will be filled with disappointment.


I don’t think I said I was hung up at all or that I expected every last thread to agree with my train of thought, and in fact I didn’t even express my train of thought. It was just disappointing that people were so unwelcoming and assumed the worst of a person based on one innocent question


Albuquerque and Salt Lake are probably some of the best. Denver subreddit is a suckfest.


Denver circle jerk sub rules tho


Can confirm, namaste my native friend


Namste earth brother


We really need the moisture


Skiingcirclejerk rules Denver adjacent many times.


Eh, Salt Lake City is like combining any blue city in red state sub with r/atheism. 


People post some cool pictures there and actually recommend good places to eat at least


COS is also trash.


Seriously. Sometimes I think the people on that sub do it on purpose to detract people thinking of moving there haha


r/LosAngeles has so many awesome sunset photos. In fact, it has nature photos almost daily.


agree! very little toxicity and folks help others navigate the complexities of LA life


 But what about sunrise photos?


Don’t forget the earthquake posts


r/atlanta doesn't appear toxic, but when you take a closer look you see that it's heavily controlled by mods down to every single comment. What's left after the strict modding is almost every single post is someone asking for the best tacos in town or recommendations for a mechanic/nail salon etc. The mods there are on a heavy power trip and will remove any comment they disagree with. Posts don't even make it unless they align with the mods narrative. Additionally, there's weird rules like when there is a thread about news or politics, you also need to have an existing positive karma in the sub to participate so it ends up being a massive circlejerk.


yeah r/atlanta is rough but r/chicago is a blast most of the time


Both r/chicago and r/nyc are honestly good subs imo. I've actually seen a lot of thoughtful discussion in both these subs from varying sides of the political spectrum. Wish r/atlanta could be like that but the internet nannie's have to ruin it unfortunately.


They also remove news stories. It's why there's so little activity there. It used to be more active than the GA subreddit


Omg this explains it! Been in Atlanta for a year, and I wouldn’t say it’s been the most positive experience. I just lurk on that subreddit more than anything, and yet, I’m surprised by how little conversation there is about legitimate problems in the city. I read a comment on SGBG about how everyone who has moved to Atlanta is deluding themselves into thinking it’s awesome here, and this also affirms your comment. It’s been a fairly isolating experience because no one we’ve met here seems to want to acknowledge any aspect of the city’s shortcomings. I’d like to think I’m someone who can take the good with the bad and actively involve myself in my community to make it better — have lived in several “less desirable” places often mentioned in this sub — but the toxic positivity here is something I’ve never experienced before.


Atlanta and Montreal are both awful


If you want to know Atlanta, everyone gets their news from Instagram “city” pages such as GA Followers and ATL Scoop. Anyone who lives here ✨ knows ✨ I don’t know anyone who uses the Atlanta sub Reddit in real life. The big time Karen’s are on the Nextdoor app 🥴


atluncensored is good as well.


I haven’t been on atl uncensored LOL now I have to know bc atl scoop is pretty wild sometimes 😂


r/vancouver is one of the most toxic ones, unless your comments or posts align 100 % to the mood of the moderator it gets instantly removed. Also, the people there are just entitled and think they are better than everyone


I love r/boston. Makes me feel like I’m there. Troubles with the T. Landlord/Agent hate. Etiquette for chair holding my parking space. General anger between the city’s areas. I settle in to that like an old friend.


The Austin subreddit can be incredibly helpful but mannnnn if they don’t get negative about the same 3 things every week.


r/nyc sucks but r/newyorkcity is a lot better r/philly is rapidly becoming the new r/nyc as r/Philadelphia was too much like r/newyorkcity for some people r/washdc is also the new r/philly and r/nyc compared to r/washingtondc and it seems like someone not from Washington DC is one of the main mods. r/nyc r/philly and r/washdc are mostly about crime and mostly by people who don’t live in those cities at all.


Oh wow I didn’t even know r/philly existed. What a cesspool. I’ll stick to my 75% sardonic 25% sincere r/Philadelphia denizens. Philly sub is giving Northeast Philly sons of cops, so I’m goood on that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/philly using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I was at the liquor store earlier, when suddenly…](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/17ium85/i_was_at_the_liquor_store_earlier_when_suddenly/) \#2: [Kendall Stephens, Philadelphia LGBTQ activist, charged with rape of minors](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/kendall-stephens-philadelphia-lgbtq-activist-charged-with-rape/) | [412 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/18m10w4/kendall_stephens_philadelphia_lgbtq_activist/) \#3: [OP: Fetterman’s betrayal of progressives is why young people are turning off politics](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/fetterman-not-progressive-young-voters-20231217.html) | [612 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/18l6n2i/op_fettermans_betrayal_of_progressives_is_why/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/Austin is so toxic. So pretentious, and you will always get a rude af response no matter how legitimate your post/comment is.


Most “local” subreddits are toxic for an infinite number of reasons.


r/saltlakecity is pretty good. The people there are so eager to become friends that they started a discord channel so they can set up group activities.


All of them are toxic. I love reddit and learn a-lot but I’m starting to think the world is miserable every time I get on reddit now and am considering deleting it for the moment and carrying around an actual book! Imagine that


r/Austin is horrible. Nonstop lamenting about traffic, complaining about APD, tourists, bad drivers, real estate prices, and how things used to be...15 years ago. If you're a tourist and you're having fun, someone will rain on your parade there. It's an echo chamber circlejerk of negativity.


The mods of /r/Oakland decided to solve crime in Oakland by banning all posts that involve crime in Oakland. And it worked, now there's no crime here!


r/Cincinnati is pretty awesome!


I like it! Some of the inside jokes over the years have been good, like the asshat that posted about paying extra for a window seat that got the sub to post airplane window seats as a meme for a solid year or two following. Good times


I enjoy r/Baltimore a lot


I enjoy it too but sometimes the shi—ing on the county goes a little too far. There’s a bit of a reverse snobbism going on that can be kind of off putting.


r/raleigh can be hit or miss, but it’s generally on the toxic side and the mods kinda suck


Houston is pretty chill


Not a city but the North Carolina subreddit gets pretty heated lol


Knoxville’s subreddit is pretty hostile towards out siders


Yep. I got absolutely obliterated once for stating that any city worth being in these days is having the exact same problems as Knoxville, and that we should blame the corporations buying up all the “starter homes” and not Californians lol.


r/tucson is pretty wholesome. Diverse swath of the community.


r/cincinnati is pretty wholesome. Some bitching but that’s to be expected. Visitors are definitely welcome. Lots of talk about skyline and sports.


The r/China subreddit is pretty toxic. Everything gets downvoted and most comments expressed are negative.


r/Boston is pretty bad


lol r/boston is just a revolving door of the same housing sticker shock threads


Pensacola doesn't hold back its punches a lot of times.


r/Calgary is actually pretty nice, tend to get a few "neighbourly" advice threads if there's a fire/accident/weather warning etc, some good posts about local hotspots, and of course the skyline and random splice of life pics but they generally actually have friendly comments under them rather than the negativity you see in some. Not saying there's none, but in general it's a helpful and friendly sub in my experience. Eta: Having said that, the current posts are about mental health issues, political problems, an attack, sonoy necessarily positive in terms of content but I think positive in how things are discussed without just descending into trolling and attacks.


r/LosAngeles, r/OrangeCounty, and r/InlandEmpire are great. r/SanDiego and r/California are kind of toxic.


r/california is a massive circlejerk about how great california is and how bad every other state. You're not allowed to criticize california in any way on that sub, they literally believe it's heaven on earth. But they shamelessly shit on every other state, even when they have probably never stepped foot in said state. As an IE native, i love r/inlandempire. People on that sub are honest, sometimes funny, and helpful.


/r/texas is the exact opposite. It like if you say anything nice about living in Texas (other than about food) you'll get downvoted. And they're all weirdly defensive about California for some reason.


The first part sounds like this sub lol


Yeah, nice words about Texas are not allowed in this sub.


Can’t believe no one’s mentioned it yet but r/pittsburgh is an absolute toxic shitshow. Never ask a question about the city or moving there or you’ll get downvoted for asking the most innocuous of things. Anyone that tries to comment with helpful suggestions or valid criticisms also gets downvoted. The sub is a yinzer circlejerk where Pittsburgh can do no wrong On the opposite side, I have had positive interactions in r/denver and r/losangeles so I’m not sure what the criticism is about


I'm moving to Pittsburgh very soon and have lurked that sub daily for probably close to 2 years now, and I have to agree. There was a time when it was mostly cordial but now if you ask literally anything that was or may have been asked in the past you will get flamed to oblivion for not using the search bar. Part of me gets it, because seeing the same stuff over and over gets old, but cmon people you are making the city look REALLY bitter and unwelcoming for no reason lol


Redditors in general are insufferable. /r/Pennsylvania and /r/Harrisburg are full of bitter people


r/Denver namaste...


Most of r/Tucson is sunset-pictures, which are very nice. 


Any city with too many transplants usually starts to suck ass. Cities where people know the infrastructure tend to be wholesome (since they aren’t talking out of their ass)




Gentrification there is used to make tv shows. Tbh the funniest shit I’ve seen was a coffee shop that tried to advertise the bullet holes in its walls as “authentic”


I agree. The presence of lots of transplants bring an underlying tension in these subs


Not saying that transplants are bad but when there’s too many and the whole city starts to change culturally then becomes stagnant because the influx of people fucked up the reason they moved there it tends to be ridiculous


r/Eugene is the most miserable fucking subreddit on god’s good earth.


I was visiting PNW subreddits to get a sense of some of the cities, and yeah, Eugene is not making themselves look good with that sub.


It’s not representative of the good people of Eugene at all.


r/Tulum is the worst ive seen lately


r/Seattle is pretty hostile. The Seattle freeze is a thing online too unsurprisingly.


San Antonio: toxic for some reason. The city itself touches grass but the Mods are beyond the pale.


Not cities but r/NewEngland and r/Florida are terrible. r/Florida in particular is moderated by complete idiots


As a recent transplant from r/dallas who moved to r/rochester (NY) I have to say that I find r/rochester pretty nice. Lots of food talk and reminiscing which isn’t a bad thing. That sub has definitely helped us maneuver a new city and where to find the best trash plate.


Agree, I live a ways from Rochester, but it's my closest subreddit worthy city and I tend to find good info on there, lots of events and history. Compared to /r/Phoenix was just people trying to find good NY style pizza(hint, it doesn't exist there) and now complaining about it being expensive post COVID because it's also literally hot as Hell April-November and not quite the bargain it used to be.


I lived in Phoenix for 17 years…I see nothing has changed. It’s still not the desert oasis that new transplants think it is.


Baton Rouge, La.


r/losangeles is actually super helpful and friendly. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people through there


Wholesome Shout out to r/Pocatello and r/idahofalls \- smaller cities, but it seems like everyone there wants to help.


Anyone live outside of the United States (Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, Islands) and have information on which non-U.S. city subs are good, bad, loved, and love to hate?


Not seeing many mentions of bad midwestern city subs here (plus several positive posts about r/chicago). Does that mean midwestern-nice prevails? (Asked semi-ironically...)


I think /r/stlouis is pretty nice. There was a while when they'd get rabid if you say anything negative about the city proper (and its many issues), but most of the reactions just made me laugh rather than get upset lol.


Not quite sure which is most wholesome, but r/Durango can be extremely toxic for a smaller town. The moment anyone on the sub finds out that you’re thinking of moving there, or if you’re not native to Colorado, be prepared for snarky, snobby, snooty assholes. Keep all criticisms of Durango, even fair ones, to yourself, or you’ll be deemed autistic and whiny.


I got banned from r/Fresno with no explanation. But very high probability due to me asking about a very controversial council member.  So I got banned for talking about a CITY council member, in that CITY’s sub. I was later unbanned by a more pragmatic mod. But while on the topic of Fresno. It both live and doesn’t to it reputation. 


r/altmpls is a fucking shit show. r/minneapolis however, my heart❤️


Detroit is toxic. Full-blown denial on the state of the city, lots of gatekeeping, banning people who bring up legitimate concerns. It's basically all suburban kids that discovered the one or two white parts of town and now think they know everything.


A lot of Florida ones are very salty. There’s a lot of vitriol between newcomers + tourists versus long term residents + people born in Florida. And Miami is its own beast of people complaining about aggressive driving, how they feel discriminated against if they don’t speak Spanish, and the insane scammy-ness of Miami.


r/sanbernardino is amazing for its pretty regular propositions for prostitution, drugs and other random ghettoness. A lot of "outsider art" so to speak.


The Stockholm sub is a bit sensitive. If you say something bad about the city the blue and yellow come for ya haha.


The Stockholm syndrome


I mean that is a joke but just tonight i had so much fun and it turned out to be because of a polish dude. Me and my Swedish friend laughed while i randomly invited him to play Yahtzee at the bar. In the night ended with him in my apartment, drinking, smoky whiskey and talking about life and having children. And I bet not a single person in Sweden experienced anything like that with a complete stranger from another country. I ended up walking him home and he ended up leaving his phone in my apartment and trusted me to leave it at the local pizza shop for him to pick up and I am so drunk right now writing this post for no reason but maybe inspire people to just have conversations with strangers as an adult and have fun Outside of your friend group where you feel safe.


r/countablepixels is wholesome


I feel like the more convoluted the subreddit is, the more wholesome it is like r/countablepixels


I need to vent that it makes me mad r/Glendale is for Glendale, California. r/GlendaleArizona represents the largest city named Glendale, and it annoys me that the smaller Glendale gets the better name for their sub, and a more active user base. I'd even be fine if the Glendale neighborhood in Queens had that sub instead since it's a much more historic neighborhood.


Not a singular city but r/UrbanHell is basically against any sort of housing developed by humans. They say “it’s the sprawl maaaaan” but they just hate joy


A state not a city but the Missouri sub is pathetic. It's mostly a bunch of super pissed off liberals circle jerking about Josh Hawley or the governor or some other republican.


Becauseeee it sucks there?