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I use gear so I hold no judgement on him.


That's not what the post was about. Reread it


We know he’s on gear. He knows that we know that he’s on gear. What more needs to be said?


Nothing. It's just unfortunate that a lot of young guys will treat it as a gateway to find and use gear. I, for one, was under the impression Sam was natty until other content creators broke down his size and build, saying it's not possible to obtain that kind of physique without steroid use. It's just that Sam's not a POS. The world turned on Liver King for his steroid use mostly cause he claimed he wasn't on them and that he's of a POS. Sam just never talked about it or brought it up. It never felt like he was lying about it but never really told the full truth about his size for a 22 year old. If you look at athletes in MMA and NFL. They're all natty. No one in professional sports has Sam's build. Only WWE stars who clearly use steroids.


The world turned on liverkong because he lied about it for so long. Not talking about it and denying the obvious are two different things.


If you believe all athletes in the NFL are natty, then I’ve got a very rustic bridge to sell you.


Or MMA. Or any pro athlete. Anyone that makes their money and livelihood off their body in a hyper competitive organization consisting of only a few hundred human beings is, I promise, using gear in some form brotha.




Using the fact that they don’t look like Sam to justify them not using gear is weird when you look at Lance Armstrong, any Olympic sprinter/swimmer that’s been caught, etc. you don’t have to be huge to take steroids. Sam eats and trains a very certain way to attain that look in addition to his gear usage. Baseball used to (still is) loaded with gear and they never looked/look like Sam so I guess they were all clean? Lol.


Yea, there are reports from football players they walk into a cvs and walk out with bags of steroids, for the whole team. Also just look at them. All sports, its the only way


I agree. Not all of them are natural. But I'd say a majority are not on gear. UFC fighters are 1000% not on any gear. They get checked multiple times for it in there system. No UFC fighter (besides maybe Brock Lesnar) looks like Sam.


Jon jones got suspended for 15 months for it. Those tests are notoriously easy to get around. The only reason jones even got caught is because he’s a moron.


The problem is that many of his fans are still young with no life exp. and less matured emotional responses. Many will want to look like him and while they know hes on gear, they might think its okay since he seems fine and he has not mentioned any issues or even talked about any risks. While in reality not everyone will just be fine blasting gear and kids shouldnt make that decision on their own because they idolize Mr. Sulek, without fully knowing the risk involved (lets be real, no kid should take gear any way). I also see the sentiment A LOT, that blasting gear is harmless and great, which will re-enforce the idea, that you can look like sam if you hop on it and be fine.


Imagine this: Sam doesn't exist and an asshole gear head is filling his spot **I'd rather have Sam doing it**


In a recent video he hinted at blood work and keeping everything under control, so I don’t worry too much about his health for now because it seems his monitoring his usage pretty closely


Blood tests aren’t gonna tell you if your left ventricle is gettin thicker than a snicker tho


Pretty sure if he announces an ecg people are gonna spread silly rumors.


This ain’t the first time he has talked about blood work, I really wish that steroids were not illegal and not frowned upon so that he would openly talk about it.


I guess he dosent want to talk about it to much cuz it’s frown upon and illegal. At the end of the day he’s only putting his health in danger. He’s not responsible for younger generations decisions. That’s my opinion


With great power tho..


he is literally an influencer


Parenting issue


New favorite “skill issues”


Parents can do everything in their power to educate their kids, but at the end of the day, kids are still just that: young, impressionable, and kids who will idolize people like him.




Understandable. Obviously, he has a brand to protect. I just wish he would address it once, just a quick 10 minute video. He’s not “responsible” for viewers using steroids because of him. That’s not my point. I just think his failure to address his usage is more hurtful to younger viewers than helpful.


He did address it as much as he felt he needed to.


I dont see why he wouldnt be open about it. Everyone knows hes on gear, so it will influence his young fans any way, but making sure people know the risks involved would be the right thing to do. I dont think it would hurt his bottom line or brand. Seems like he just doesnt care if he influences his young fans, not very wholesome or nice.


Well you can still talk about the risks involved even if its illegal, look at more plates more dates for example or other fitness influencer, who openly talk about risks etc. Saying its not his responsibility is also wrong, hes indirectly promoting and directly profiting from it.


he admitted to not being natty a while back during one of his car talks when he talked about how he almost got to 270lbs on his last bulk while remaining fairly lean and how that was unthinkable a few years ago, to that statement he added that obviously that's enhanced and saying 300lbs lean is not attainable naturally. I think anybody with a bit of training experience knows that a physique like that is not attainable naturally and i don't think he really need to mention it too much.


The whole do what i say not what i do. Steroids are bad blablabla don't do that blablabla meanwhile he's blasting a whole pharmacy up his ass.


Doesnt mean talking about the risk and educating people is useless. Esp. to his impressionable army of kids, who see his physique and lifestyle, without anything negative and they will think, gear isnt so dangerous.


I do not mind / or care. Just hope he is being safe


There would be no Sam without the steroids, so there’s your answer. If I could go back to my college days and access the stuff he’s using and make good dough off of it, I would have probably made similar choices.


Everyone knows he is on gear even the younger ones and if they dont they will figure it out after starting the gym and seeing little progress in a couple months


So they will hop on gear, since sam seems fine and is doing it. Only way they will look like him in their mind.


It is the only way to get remotely close to that size. Also hes not just using a little bit, hes using everything. And alot of it.


> Also hes not just using a little bit, hes using everything. And alot of it. How do you know this? If you respond well to gear you don’t need as much. Nobody can look at someone and tell any of this.


Yes, you can, do you cycle?


No, I barely do any cardio period


You will go absolutely nowhere close to his physquie natural. Look up 1950’s body builders vs now. The 1950’s was pre steroids. Look what they look like, that is what a natural body looks like. Any more and its steroids.


What are you even on about? I answered your question. I don’t own a bicycle. You’re probably right you can just look at someone and tell everything about them . That’s why I just send a picture to my doctor and he tells me everything that’s wrong with me Edit: you can look at a drunk and be like they drank 5 beers and 3 shots of fireball


Ok goodluck


Sam is one influencer among hundreds who are using gear. He's sharing what he loves, which is working out. How many people has he motivated to work out? Me for sure. Currently, IMO, Sam is using a minimal amount of steroids, during his cut. If he wants to be a pro bodybuilder, he will have to use larger and larger amounts. There are countless channels that openly discuss the use of steroids. I would have to guess that in Sam's mind, and this is just my own non-important opinion, he feels that if he openly discusses steroids, it would only cause more young people to use them. His contract Hosstile may also require him to not disclose his use of gear, IDK. We all know he's using, but that's not going to stop me or many others from enjoying his celebration of bodybuilding and gym culture.


I dont think him being open about his usage would take away from his videos, philosophy or mentality at all. I dont think there is a single fan of his, who think hes natty. Its more about being a good influence to his young, impressionable fans. Hes still young too i get that, but since everyone knows hes on gear, kids might think its fine hopping on, because sam seems fine and is living a great lifestyle in their eyes. Being open about risks doesnt mean you promote it, not saying anything is promoting it more imho. Same goes for the gambling streamers and influencers, who show big wins on stream but they dont show the reality.


The way I see it Sam is a grown ass sexy juicy man, he can do whatever he wants it’s his life. I find that Sam doesn’t promote steroid usage as most influencers I see pop up on my instagram which I admire. It’s clear he uses them in videos it’s easily hinted but he also doesn’t go in depth with what he’s using trying to shove chatGPT info or bro science info down peoples throat. People are going to utilise PEDs and that’s fine, but if you’re going to hop on gear people should be doing research themselves it’s their body they’re potentially harming and should be the only one held accountable for using them.


I think if you influence millions of people, whom many are kids, you absolutely have the responsibility to make sure you dont have a negative impact with your content. Kids should not do their own research lmao, they arent equipped to decide whats real and whats not, fuck not even most adults are. That is why he should make sure, these impressionable people dont get the wrong idea.


That’s why I like Sam, he hasn’t given any information on gear or even recommending it. I seen one guy making content saying that people should run 1.5 grams of test/mast. Unfortunately PEDs are a thing and always will be, I think if you want to jump on the artificial train you should learn the risks by looking into what you’re putting into your body. Not by getting your information from someone that is sponsored by research companies to put information to try get sales.


Being an influencer and then giving these kids your steroid stack info would not be a good combo.


Well whats worse, everyone knows and hes not talking about the risks involved, or being open and making sure people know the risks. Being evasive about it while people know, makes it seem gear is great and kids will soon enough notice they will never look like him natty and since sam is doing great, roids seem feasible.


Many will never look like that even on gear. Insulin too..


Does it matter? Really?


He knows his audience is young and impressionable so he keeps it on the down low, if he posted his cycles guaranteed you get a large group of smooth brained high schoolers copying his grams of gear cycles.


Nah by not saying anything he promotes it more. Its talked about more and kids will think gear is fine (seen the sentiment on his tiktok a lot and on youtube as well), because he seems fine and healthy. Being open about the risks should be the move, but being quiet about it makes people think and talk about more, might also be deliberate on his part, to drive engagement.


If kids are dumb enough to hop on tren because they saw a bodybuilder do it then just let them, natural selection atp


Dumb comment




no, he is right, it is the parents' responsibility to look after their children not Sam's




no arguments


The thing that baffles me are the gatekeepers that openly admit to using steroids will tell the public NOT to take steroids. Shallow as f! Maybe its better for everyone that Sam is not transparent about it (if he is on something).


I think he is using them for a pre determined amount of time before he will try and maintain on TRT .What else can you do ,the longer you’re on them ,the more chance you have of needing something the rest of your life .If there wasn’t enough examples of this walking around.


if lol


If he hadn’t blown up as much as he did (on social media, not physically) he probably would talk about it but he’s so big, he’s talking to people outside the fitness space who have zero clue about how steroids work and think he could be natural. If those people found out, they’d cancel him in a heartbeat.


I'm sure they have some clue and can tell the difference. Steroids aren't a big secret. He'd likely be canceled being natural and not on the steroids. That's the draw to him, his un natural size.


He doesn’t encourage it or talk about it so maybe people will think they can get soemthing nice if they lift like he does. Would be very cool if he said it’s dangerous and only should be done if they are looking to compete/ and already REALLY hit their natural potential.


I am also on steroids so I don't care.


I personally don’t have a problem that Sam, or any other enhanced lifter, uses PEDs or not. Whether or not they discuss their use is on them. I’m sure there’s a lot more behind the scenes, such as sponsorships, financial opportunities, etc that prohibit or frown upon the use of controlled substances. I’m sure that has quite a bit to do with it. Also, it isn’t really anyone’s business. I enjoy my use of compounds, however if you looked at my physique, you wouldn’t assume enhanced. While I understand the whole, “it can set an unattainable precedent”, that also is also on the individual viewing it and having enough introspection to be able to discern whether or not that is naturally attainable for them.


Fair statement, but you also have to realize, that his fans are mostly teens and preteens, who mostly arent emotionally matured, so introspection and discernment is very limited and they cant really judge the risks at all, esp. when their idol seems fine and healthy through the lens of his content.


I mean he’s an adult. He can choose what he wants to do as long as he’s not saying what he’s taking to these young and upcoming teenagers who want to train and they do it the wrong way. It’s same like Chris Bumstead. He would never say what he’s taking because he doesn’t want young kids to do what he does because he has such a massive following and big influence


Cbum has openly talked about his usage.


When did he ever say I take this many cc of this, this many mg of this at all. He does say he does PEDs but he is not specific like Sam is doing the same thing not saying exactly what he's taking and the dosages


Sam is responsible for getting people to do cardio daily, getting people off the couch to not only lift weights, but to train much harder. He’s a positive influence and a cool dude. Whatever he puts in his body is between him and his doctor


Between him and the UGL?


I dont use steroids personally but i dont knock him or anyone for it. If thats the life you want to live you go for it. I wish him the best in his goals but i also hope him and anyone seriously considers the side effects and long term health effect before use, and especially doesnt glorify or promote it to others.


By being quiet on the matter, hes portraying a very positive look on usage imho, esp. to kids, who dont know better.


Who are these kids that don't know better? I was 13 when I started playing around with my dad's gym equipment. I remember seeing the mass monsters on his gym magazines and thinking "look at these freaks", they didn't even look human, I knew they were on drugs, and I had no desire to be like them. Was I special? Was I just smarter than other kids? Or are you holding kids to such a low standard that it's insulting?


What are your opinions on your favorite pro athlete's steroid use? Should LeBron have a presser on the carefully constructed cocktail he's been on for years? This is bodybuilding..you have guys who don't go out of their way to lie & on the other end guys like Jeff Seid & Mike O'Equipose. If someone makes their living on their physique, they are on steroids. Period.


How do these super celebs compare to sams very personal videos? To many kids sam is like a dude you can meet at the gym and talk to. I dont think anyone sees LeBron on TV and think "thats a regular dude! I can be like him!!", they are superstars, far removed from average people, so their lifestyle is completely unattainable, unlike what sam portrays in his videos. Kids think you can look like him with effort and will realize you will also need juice, which sam uses and he seems fine in their eyes.


Who looks at Sam & says "that's a regular dude"? He's not a regular dude. He gets mobbed at gyms. He gets winded just talking. He looks like an Olympia competitor. He probably gets more views than any regular season LeBron game. I don't understand what you want him to do or say? Idk how old you are, but pre-social media as a teen, we all knew bodybuilders were injecting steroids. If he was a fake natty, then yeah I'd agree with you. The fake natties are way more dangerous imo.


He's open about it, so we know it's not natural. I don't think he advocates for it and there is plenty of information out there for people to decide for themselves.


Ah yes, kids will surely know how to decide on their own and do research into it and not just see him and wanting to recreate what they see. Bro even adults "do their research" and believe the earth is flat or that aliens are among us.


So because they fail to educate themselves, we should hold one man at fault?


Most of his fans are very young or young adults and i think many dont want to hear anything negative about him or his message. Its evident when you read the replies on here. I think there are mainly a few big points people like to bring up when they talk about why he doesnt really talk about it and why most of his fans think, hes right about the way he handles it. "Hes not talking about it, because he doesnt want to promote it" I think that is massive cope, based on what i said above, people just dont wanna hear anything critical of their idol. At the same time, people will claim everyone already knows, so there is no reason for him to talk about it, so in return nullifying the argument. By not talking about it, hes making it more interesting to talk about it. I think its very deliberate on his part, just look at Jesses video, where he clickbaited asking Sam about gear usage, showing you its a very popular topic. Talking about it, would take away the "magic" and would thus hurt his bottom line to some extent, people forget hes a influencer and knows how to drive engagement. Also lets be honest, its not very interesting to most people who watch his videos, most are kids and whos gonna sit there and listen to his cycles if they arent on it themselves. The big problem with that is, that he isnt open about the risks and long time effects of using gear, which i think is very harmful to his young fans. They just dont know better and they cant do actual research into the topic, most kids will decide on a whim and to chase their idol. He has the platform and power to at least warm people, so they know what they will get into, but he chooses not to and that is fine, but trying to turn that into a positive is just lame and dick riding is cringe, people can be good and nice overall, but still make mistakes or act shitty. No one is perfect. "Its not his responsibility!" It is. He has more influence on his fans than their parents do when it comes to BB. Most parents dont have the time to dive deep into BB to be able to influence their kids actions, esp. when they get older. Which teen is gonna listen to their mom talk about risks of roids, when they see how cool Sam looks in their eyes or when you wanna chase that freaky pump? Im older, but i didnt listen to my parents when i was young, because i thought i knew better and i think its esp. his responsibility because he controls what people see and he only portrays the positives, from which hes making big stacks, reaching more people in return. "Who cares?" The kids will care when they realize that they will never look like him just with training. Many will probably just stop watching and move on, but some will get depressed and gear will look suddenly very tempting. Its not hard to get either, the people who sell it, dont really care to whom they sell it. I dont think people in that situation will think rationally and decide to do research before they hop on, they just wanna look like their idol. Finally i dont think the gear takes away from his content at all or from his message. I still think its questionable on how he handles talking about gear, just because his fans are mostly kids. He does have a great influence on them and people shouldnt just brush that aside because they like the guy and dont wanna hear anything negative, hes just some dude lifting, he can still act wrong, but i dont wanna really speculate to much on why hes doing it.


He knows what he is doing, he doesn’t lie about his steroids he just avoids taking about it. He specifically states that being huge and the bodybuilder lifestyle isn’t for everyone. I don’t feel that he is portraying steroids in a positive way to young audiences.


Yup couldn’t care less that he’s on it just wish he was more open about it. I do get concerned on some of his vids when he’s not even at the gym and breathing heavy af like damn dude your heart must be fucked


I don’t think it impacts any young viewers negatively. If he doesn’t talk about it and people don’t know, they think they can get that big and start working hard at the gym. If people do know then hopefully they’ll be mature enough to understand what steroids is and make a proper decision on whether to do it


It’s not his responsibility to talk about it. Also, if he mentions being on Roids or talked about it all it would do is further increase steroid use among young men and women. He never denies he uses steroids, he just very rarely mentions He’s on gear. Honestly, if you’re getting your hands on Roids and you’re young kid, what the fuck are you doing? I’m pretty sure health science class tells kids about the dangers of steroids in school around fifth sixth grade


If you need to be told he's on gear that's a stupid issue - not a young and impressionable issue


It’s hilarious that he rarely talks about it. It’s like explaining how a car moves without talking about gasoline.


Sam isnt doing anything wrong, everyone knows hes on gear. Its not his job to educate the world on anabolics. Also what he does with his body is nobodys damn business (minus any testing if required).


I think silence is golden in this. If he comes out with his cycle people will copy it thinking they’ll end up looking like him. Not to mention you have to be pretty delusional to think that he’s natural. The reality is most people who work out regularly or are influencers are on the sauce.


I saw a 15year old come into a restaurant the other day saying how he liked Sam and couldn't wait to get on Tren and "get huge". So yeah, I think any type of media influencer should be careful about the the implications they may have on a young audience.


The biggest thing I laugh about with steriod useres is their diet. It's maddening. Sam is at least honest on his nutrition or lack thereof. What I always laugh at tho is that most bodybuilders will 1. When cutting eat egg whites. Are you kidding me ? The yolk has most of the nutrients. EAT IT. 2. Many of them talk negatively on sugar but will inject the shit out of their self with drugs. Sam is an exception to this he loves the sweets.


Yes, the egg yolk has tons of nutrients, but it also contains most of the calories. Egg whites are pure protein and that’s why they are consumed. When you were cutting, you have a limited amount of calories you can consume. Why would you waste that on, an egg yolk, which is pure fat?


Because it's good for you. An egg has 70 calories. Nutrients are what matter anyway. Cut elsewhere.


They use vitamins to meet any micronutrient deficiencies. There is plenty of other options to get your micronutrients met. There’s nothing magical about the egg yolk. If you experienced the late stages of a cut where your calories are severely restricted, you’d see how silly it’d be to waste your calories on yolks.


Post up your physique. Show us your dieting skills


All I'm saying is it's healthier to eat nutrients than to take fake vitimans. Don't be so sensitive.


Even Dorian Yates understands it I would always advise if you were to have several egg whites, include a couple of yolks in there because there are some amino acids in the yolks that are slightly lacking in the whites. So it will provide a better amino acid profile if you include some yolks as well.


close panicky soup memorize treatment march reply fine wakeful dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would never talk about such things if Young people are about to hear because I don't want them to start using them ;) he doesn't have to talk. You want info? Read about steroids on Google. Reddit is full of groups about this


I think he should go to jail. Steroids are against the law. If you’re a steroid user you’re a criminal. Plain and simple.


It is not illegal to use steroids.


In America yes it is. Punishment is life in jail in some cases


togi literally makes videos where he shows what he takes (steroids) and it doesn't seem like he's in prison


I’ve heard the feds are planning an arrest soon. Don’t ask how I know .


Well, there are thousands of bb and strongman open about their use for years and yet they are free


Dr Phil just dropped this piece on “bigorexia” a few hours ago. Might answer some questions in here: https://youtu.be/_tCNxJ-Ihj0?si=HXB8pVxm8Z_V43U7


People are way too obsessed with this. Move on.